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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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You don't see us spelling it "Filadelfia" do you?

Well, I do now... and I think I like it. :)


A pretty nothing day. Aunt came over and picked up all remaining cat-related paraphernalia, as well as a few other things.


Went out to brunch with aunt and mom. Afterwards, went to hardware store to pick up a few items.


Fully intended to go for a walk, but just as I was staring to get ready, massive thunderstorm cell moved in. Stayed a while. Destroyed the afternoon. Never got out.


Spent the remainder of the afternoon reading, noodling on guitar (unplugged, of course...) and doodling of scraps of paper... since practically everything of mine even the slightest bit entertaining that requires being hooked to the electrical grid in order to function (specifically TV and computers...) was spending the day taking a nap.


Ah well... Tomorrow is another day...




I overheard my #1 favorite misinterpreted pop lyric of all time while in the restaurant today:


"You fill out my census...

Like a knight in the forest."

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work was alright yesterday....i'm still sick with a sore throat/cold. forgot to pick up milk so i'm starving....my mom decided to come over this morning at like super ****ing early and blow the ****ing horn on the car pissed me off really bad, i was trying to ****ing sleep....so ruined that. now i'll probably have a headache the whole ****ing day. i work 12:15-9:15.....it's only 9am...dammit.


edit: i feel better...after realizing that i have tuesday and wednesday off. :D going to go fishing!


i'm on SWG addiction again. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahoo!

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Well, I managed to get a couple of miles walk in this morning before the rain kicked in again.


Perfect timing, too: I had just completed one full circuit of the beach and was just reaching my car when I felt the first couple of drops. I probably could have done more... and if it clears up this afternoon at all, I just might.


But for now I need to shower and run some more errands. I having think lunch out is also in order.


Then I need to get down the basement and do some work cleaning up there. Oh, goody. :rolleyes:

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In about 2 weeks I have a company coming to put in a drain system and sump pump in the cellar, to help with the persistent water seepage problem I've been having over the last couple of years. They are going to run the drain along 2 of the outside walls.


Along those walls right now are a pair of workbenches/ shelving units, a spare refrigerator, the water/ dryer, utility sink, and in the other room, on the other side of the wall: a built in bar. All of these have to be moved/ removed in order for them to do any of the work.


Right now the workbenches are stacked above and below with tons of crap. The fridge has a bunch of stuff that will need to be cleared out, around the sink area is a bunch of cleaning supplies, and around the bar has also become an auxiliary storage area.


I made a start today... but it really wasn't much. Got too overwhelmed too quickly, and I gave up. My mistake was looking at everything and trying to actually figure out if it was still useful or not, and whether it was worth keeping.


As the deadline approaches those niceties will no doubt fall by the wayside, and it will all just get swept into the bag... and replaced if someday I find I really did need it.


The rain did subside this evening for me to get back out and get another hour and a half of walking in, however. Makes for about 3 hours of exercise I manged to get in today.


With the remnants of T.S. Barry coming up the coast early in the week, and long work hours for me at the end of the week, that could very well be the last real physical activity I get until late next weekend.




I was going along so well there too. It only takes a couple of days before I get out of the habit again, and go back to my vegetative, slothful ways... Hopefully my resolve this time is truly stronger than in eons past. I also hope my foot calluses don't soften up and flake off in the interim. I'm just managing to walk without any new blistering. I REALLY don't want to have to go through all that all over again.

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I just got my 14k!!!!!!!!!!! *looks at time* omg.....i am an addict to 3 things.....myspace, lucasforums, and star wars galaxies.


not a bad day today, my truck died in the parking lot...had to buy a new battery for it. (not the r.c. truck, you *******s :p ) anyways that will make me late with my cable bill....glad i didn't mail it out.....


who invented biweekly pay???????????????????????????????????????????


oh and another happy thought.....walmart crap dress code is going to be enforced on june 18th.....navy blue shirt, brown/tan pants. o well. i think i can buy another 5 pairs of brown pants and another 5 blue shirts. somewhere over the rainbow perhaps.



i still got a cold. going to go into medicine cabinet and get out that penicillin that i have left over from my tooth. that will kill infection right? well it better. nevertheless, penicillin is still the most common cause of severe allergic drug reactions.


at least im not taking it in the ass.


ok i got 2 of the pills in me now. they expire on thursday, so i should be ok.

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at least im not taking it in the ass.

No!!!... I. Must. Fight. Temptation. To say. Something. Like:


"You're right... being a man who takes it orally is so much better."




That was rough... but I'm glad I resisted!




Uhm... Hey, wait...




(14-thousand posts later, and you would have thought he just might have learned a thing or 2 about avoiding these softball setups to get burned... :dozey: )




Congrats on the post count o' doom! :)


Who is #1 on that front these days, anyway? Still Pinky?


(EDIT: Nope,... just looked it up: Kurgan with a small lead, with Reddy as #2 close behind. Both in the 17,000+ area. YIKES!!! And here I was thinking that I spend too much time online...)


And on a collective note: I just noticed we have kicked the ass of the One Year Thread Redux thread! Way to go boys!

That's no excuse to start slacking now, however! Keep the posting madness going!!!

Rah rah rah!!!



Hee hee hee... We'll break the servers yet!

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no r15 it wasnt penicillin


and you shouldnt have any left over, you are supposed to take the whole dose! its people like you that are helping create these superbacteria!


and getting a shot of some antibiotic in my right buttcheek was nothing compared to getting a prostate exam, just wait till you are 50 and they do it to ya every year, and then feel sorry for me b/c they started me at 25 :(

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Yesterday: Work was pretty dull. Weather sucked outside.


Got home, ate, fell right to sleep. Did not pass "Go." Did not collect 100 dollars...


Woke up around 11:30. I was a up a couple of hours... but never even turned on PC.



I HAVE to finish the cleaning out of the cellar. I have some beefy guys I work with coming over to give me a hand moving that stuff around and/or out later in the week. So it has to get done tonight.


Yippee. :dozey:




Another one of those great lyrical images that always seem to put a smile on my face...


"Fat bottomed girls,

You make the rockin' world go round!"


Rock on, Freddie! Wherever you are...

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i'm still sick!!!! dammit. throat is all scratchy. no medicine left that won't put me to sleep. -_- waiting for the galaxies servers to come back online....it's probably going to take a while. :( no work today or tomorrow. looks like a nice day out today, in the 60s and partly cloudy....hm.

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Zargy: why start so damned early?


Today: uneventful. Borning, did alot of nothing.



My dad is prostate ancer survivor, they found his early on his FIRST checkup at age 50.


It has a very high genetic link Prostate Cancer does, so they start checking family members early, especially those that have pelvic pain and feel they have to pee too often.


They thought I had a urinary tract infection and gave me meds, didnt work, now stronger meds, and then they checked my prostate.


seems on june 20th they may be putting a camera in me to take a look at around, and I'm very afraid this camera won't be going in anally, but alas up the urethra :scare5:


not gunna lie, I've lost a bit of sleep over this one, can't beleive they are making me wait 3 weeks for the appt too :( (it was made last week)

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Another one of those great lyrical images that always seem to put a smile on my face...


"Fat bottomed girls,

You make the rockin' world go round!"


Rock on, Freddie! Wherever you are...


I always find it strange that Brian May wrote that song. It seems so unlike him, lyrically, though the music is vintage Brian...


So...edlib. A few questions, if you don't mind. I want to get a little more serious about home recording. As we discussed previously, my Sound Blaster Audigy is just not cutting it. The latency is killing me. You suggested something by M-Audio might be a good alternative. I was looking at the FireWire 1814 and the FireWire 410. Do you have any experience with these?


Secondly...speakers for mixes. My mixes are total crap, and my horrible speakers surely are not helping. I have a nice pair of Sony headphones that are supposed to be decent for mixing, but my understanding is that you always want to mix with a good pair of speakers, not headphones. Any suggestions for a good pair of speakers for this?


Lastly, what bit depth and sample rate should I be recording at? Just pick the highest? Or are the very highest sample rates ridiculous and not actually any better?

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my one friend had his checked a few months ago, and he's only...20. he hated it.



ha, my twin called me to ask how it was as hes worried they are going to do it to him now.


It did NOT hurt.


It was however EXTREMELY UNCOMFORTABLE. the initial in was bad, then it felt semi nothing like, until he PUSHED on my prostate, and that was really uncomfortable and me feel like I had to go the bathroom urgently. It was supposedly bad for me because my prostate was enlarged and thus more sensitive.


and you feel pretty damn dirty afterwords.






Hey Keyan, if you replace the audigy I might be interested in it. I need to swap up sound cards before I upgrade to vista!

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Hey Keyan, if you replace the audigy I might be interested in it. I need to swap up sound cards before I upgrade to vista!


I'm still going to use it for gaming. Actually, I might buy a laptop to do my recording, since it would be easier to have something portable, and laptops are generally quieter.

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