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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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last I had heard in March ATI drivers were barely good enough to get you INTO vista and nvidias worked fine.........


but since I dont have those issues I havent been reading too much about them


Last I heard, ATI drivers were doing just dandy and Nvidia's wouldn't even work...or something to that effect. Since I don't have those issues I haven't been reading too much about them.


Edit: http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&articleId=9011498


R15: For $250 you could probably get an X1950, honestly they were kinda cheap on Best Buy's site. Though you may need a new PSU.


Cracken: They still make AGP cards? You still have an AGP slot?

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Another slow one. Got a few things accomplished though. Got the external effects rack wired up, for one thing.

Last slow day for at least a week, however... Nothing slow about work next week. Gonna suck.


Got home in a rain storm, so I never got out to walk last night. Bummer. Sat down and watched Fri. PBS shows. Didn't do anything else constructive either... like get laundry started. Ehh... crap.


Noodled on guitar while shows were on. I feel like I'm finally getting back into some semblance of shape in that way too. Disgusting how out-of-practice I am under normal conditions.

Now I just have to learn some songs again.


After the shows were over I kept practicing since it felt so good. Never turned the computer on at all. I really should try to do that more often... I spend to much of my life staring into this box...


Went to bed at a reasonable hour, and managed to catch up on some decent sleep,.. finally. I guess I needed it.




One thing that did strike me last night, under a somewhat bizarre set of circumstances: The chord changes to the verse of Rush's "Spirit Of Radio" are really similar to the chords to Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'"

Funny, that. Not an exact match... but I was playing the Rush one while the other was playing on TV, and I was surprised how well they lined up. Tempo and everything.


So now I know 2 songs for the price of one. :D


The guitar parts in the Rush song are decidedly more complicated though...




Oh yeah... more Fado music at work tonight. :confused:

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Cracken: They still make AGP cards? You still have an AGP slot?


Yes, they still make AGP cards. It's a very small niche market at this point, seeing how everyone has gone to PCI-E on the dual core processor motherboards. I don't have one of the dual core processors, due to money, so i have to make due with a single core P4 2.8 GHZ processor.


My current system specs are now....


CompUSA 450W power supply

Asus P4P800E Mobo

Intel P4 2.8 GHZ Processor

1GB RAM (It's some kinda of dual channel, i forgot which)

ATI x1950GT AGP 8x graphics card

A Very Large Hard Drive



I'm in Jersy now, on my laptop at my fouse. Driving around riends house. Driving around Philadalphia sucked ass.

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I'm in Jersy now, on my laptop at my fouse. Driving around riends house.





The air in N.J. gumming up the keyboard? Or blocking the wireless transmissions? Or perhaps is it eating into the language centers of your brain?


Just curious...



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moved my car to the end of the road...i want $500 o.b.o. needs transmission work, drivers side needs ball bearing, and it needs new front tires.


216,000 miles on it...has brand new catalytic converter, and the muffler and struts are less than a year old

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Yes, they still make AGP cards. It's a very small niche market at this point, seeing how everyone has gone to PCI-E on the dual core processor motherboards. I don't have one of the dual core processors, due to money, so i have to make due with a single core P4 2.8 GHZ processor.


My current system specs are now....


CompUSA 450W power supply

Asus P4P800E Mobo

Intel P4 2.8 GHZ Processor

1GB RAM (It's some kinda of dual channel, i forgot which)

ATI x1950GT AGP 8x graphics card

A Very Large Hard Drive



I'm in Jersy now, on my laptop at my fouse. Driving around riends house. Driving around Philadalphia sucked ass.


Dual Cores aren't that expensive, at least not the AMDs, and especially not all that expensive for someone who can shell out for an X1950. My not on the low end of the X2 series CPU, the 5000+, is selling for $160 on Newegg.

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Show is going on now. Easy, easy day. Whew.


Engineer knows the board really well. Always nice. Makes my day simple.


Such a gorgeous day outside... positively killed me to be working in a darkened, enclosed space, breathing recirculated air all day.

Oh well... I won't complain when the paycheck rolls around. I have a lot of bills to pay off now. Get my savings back up, too...


Hopefully tomorrow will be equally as nice as today. I'll blow off much of my laundry and other un-fun indoor chores if it comes to it.

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This morning: A couple of loads of wash. Stuff I desperately needed.


This afternoon: 10-mile walk. Didn't burn, or even blister too bad. Nice. Wished I could have done even more, but it was getting dark, and I was getting tired and hungry.


Tomorrow: Back to the grind. Easy one for me tomorrow night, though: Taiko drumming group. No mics. Sweet. Should actually be interesting too...

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I went through my room and my basement yesterday and threw away tons of old junk. Got rid of lots of old computer parts that I had been saving for who knows what reason. Got a little more to do tonight, though.


We just go through life accumulating so much junk. And I try to fight it. I try to own only what I absolutely need (except for music gear, of which there can never be enough :cool: ). But people give you little gifts and you buy worthless mementos on vacations and it just starts to add up after a while. And so every once in a while you need to take a step back and ask yourself - do I really need this cheap toy steel drum I got in Barbados?


Anyway, I'm still deciding what to do about a new computer. I think I'd really like this thing to run Pro Tools well, so that's what I'm working on. I'm thinking of sending that M-Audio Firewire 1814 back and just going with the regular Pro Tools LE 003. The mic preamps are supposed to be better, and there's more I/O. So I'm still thinking about that.

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Dual Cores aren't that expensive, at least not the AMDs, and especially not all that expensive for someone who can shell out for an X1950. My not on the low end of the X2 series CPU, the 5000+, is selling for $160 on Newegg.



There is no point to buy AMD at this point, the Core 2's are SO MUCH BETTER that even with the price drops, the Core 2's out perform comprable AMD's, atleast according to all the reviews I read this weekend while shopping.



R15: under 250 buck PCI-E?





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We just go through life accumulating so much junk. And I try to fight it. I try to own only what I absolutely need (except for music gear, of which there can never be enough :cool: ). But people give you little gifts and you buy worthless mementos on vacations and it just starts to add up after a while.

I hear that. I should do the same thing sometime very soon...


Clutter: It's the story of my life.


Its a tendency I try to fight, too. I always fail.


Unloading piles of worthless junk is always the one saving grace when it comes time to move.

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man...i wanna get one...but i think i need a better power supply...gonna open the case on thursday and check it. if i could be able to run SWG in full detail with full shadows on...damn that would rock!!!!


was up til 3 am this morning playing SWG, was just chilling with a bunch of my guild friends in a cantina in our city. good stuff! and i look at http://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com/players/content.vm?id=66938&resource=features

story teller mode!!!! im so gonna add this into my next guild event....sounds so cool1!!

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There is no point to buy AMD at this point, the Core 2's are SO MUCH BETTER that even with the price drops, the Core 2's out perform comprable AMD's, atleast according to all the reviews I read this weekend while shopping.



R15: under 250 buck PCI-E?






Better = Expensive and unnecessary. My CPU is more than capable of handling the load I give it, so why would I need a multi-core 4Ghz?

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there are numerous articles that the bottlneck on the current high end cards is the CPU


so that means that if say, I go core 2 duo and you dont


and then we both get 8800 GTX's later, mine is way faster because my CPU has tons more grunt and you are stuck with a slower upgrade to a antiquated AM2 while I can go core 2 quad or core 2 extreme


I checked and its 80 bucks for the mobo/copu combo over a amd, thats way worse, the comprable AMD isnt much cheaper AT ALL, 30 bucks is nothing when it means you get 20% jump in performance!



ed and keyan:


I posted 4 computers for sale yeterday in my local Cl and about another machines worth of parts, that would still leave me with my current high end rig thats a piddly turion64 with 1gb of ram and a x1600 pro, and a 1.8ghz pentium 4 with a gig of ram thats at my brothers but mine......


think I keep alot of worthless crap?

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Well... for a couple of tracks at a time almost any current computer should be fine. Probably up to 12 to 24 tracks.


I'm really talking about 24 to 48 or 64 track recordings here... with massive amounts of edits and multiple plugins on every track.

Haha, yeah, I totally forgot you're the absolute pro! ^^


Okay they do not mix more than 24 tracks, but they make money with it, more than I do, too. :)

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Yeah... 24 track is absolutely minimal these days. 48 is about standard. More than that is a big session... but hardly unheard of.


Most of the students walking around here are required to own MacBooks and Pro-Tools. I've heard of people using more than 24 tracks just to get the drum kit on tape... nothing else.

They're the ones who bitch about the laptops being under-powered for mixdown most of the time.


Of course, they are generally editing each and every track, each and every bar... and using every plugin they have an authorization key for, at the same time.


That's pretty extreme.

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Updated the myspace, new colour scheme and with pics of the new desk of awesome.


Rant time:


Why do people ask me for help when they insult my nationality? EG: "The crimes commited against the Koreans and the Chinese by the Japanese from '29 to '45 are justifiable."


WRONG, those acts are not justifiable. Never, never in a billion years will anyone say what they did to my people was ok! No matter how much they apologize, no matter how much in reparations they paid (And they got off SCOTT FREE, the Japanese did) will ever excuse that.


And never mind the long long LONG standing ancient feud between China, Japan and Korea. I mean, we've been goin' at eachother for CENTURIES.


Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. Those who deny the past are doomed to let it happen again. That thought sickens me, people like that sicken me.


So you say that to me, knowing my pride in my people, then ask me for help? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!? you expect me to help you? I don't think so, you'd have to do something MAJOR MAJOR good to get me to think more of you than dirt.


*sigh* Humans confuse me.

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Hmmm... I'd have to say I agree with that.


Fairly simple, easy day at work. Painless. Actually kinda boring. That was a surprise.


Early morning call tomorrow, though. Back up by 5. Whoopee. Hope I can sleep tonight. My room is kind of warm... but I am pretty wiped out. Keep the fans going all night though, just to be safe.

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Most of the students walking around here are required to own MacBooks and Pro-Tools. I've heard of people using more than 24 tracks just to get the drum kit on tape... nothing else.
24 Tracks at the same time? For a drum kit? What the. 8 tracks is more than sufficient for a decent drum kit. Regardless if electro, hip hop, or even drum'n'bass.


Of course, they are generally editing each and every track, each and every bar... and using every plugin they have an authorization key for, at the same time.


That's pretty extreme.

That's actually pretty lame and its only result can be trance techno which should be un-invented. =)
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That's not the scariest story I've ever heard out of the Pro-Tools era, either... there was one engineer I heard from who told me that the producer couldn't decide what mic sounded best on the vocalist, so they tracked with all of them, and he would decide which one to choose at mixdown. Every microphone in the cabinet... put out in front of her, each bussed to a separate track. So every take and punch-in and overdub chewed up some insane amount of tracks (like 20...)


Yeah... I don't know what to tell you. There's a lot of kids these days who grew up in the digital world only who simply don't know how to commit to a sound...


I wish I could send them all away with a 4-track cassette recorder and a couple of beat up 58's and see what they can tell me afterwards. Even an 8, 16, or 24 track reel-to-reel forced you to make hard choices and commit to a final sound sometime.


Now with terabytes of storage and unlimited virtual tracks and non-destructive edits and automatable and re-callable plug-in settings nobody ever really needs to say: "OK. That's good enough. Print it, and let's move on..."


I know I can record an entire drumkit on one track. Not that I would want to if I had options... but I know from hard experience that it can be done. AND still sound good!

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24 tracks for drums? Pro Tools LE only lets you record 18 mono tracks at once... And the more I read about it, the more I'm unsure I want to commit myself to that. I have tried it and it is cool, but I don't know that it is really all that superior to Cubase. Especially on the PC, which has all kinds of compatibility problems with Pro Tools. So I think I'll keep my Firewire 1814, play with Cubase, play with the Pro Tools demo, and then decide. If I like Pro Tools more, I'll get Pro Tools M-Powered.


Anyway, cleaned more out of my basement last night, but still couldn't finish, so I'll have to finish it up tonight. At least, I better, because tomorrow is garbage day, and I want to be free of all this junk...

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