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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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*gasp* you dare blasphemy against the one and only Megatron? How DARE YOU! :D

Sorry... I am just on the far side of a little too old for the whole Transformers thing. I think I was just starting junior-high when they originally came out.


Looking back: I was probably spending all my time and money on my BMX bike, AD&D books, Colecovision games, Black Sabbath cassettes, and high-top Converse sneakers at that point.


The Transformer craze just sailed on by past me. I don't think I ever watched any of the cartoons.


I do remember the ads, though. Hard to forget those...

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And who doesn't like giant robots kicking the crap out of other giant robots. Find me ONE PERSON who wouldn't honestly like to see that. :D

Didn't say I'd never see it... just that I don't deem it "Theater-Trip" worthy. DVD is probably soon enough for me.


Of course, Ocean's 13 also wasn't "Theater-Trip" worthy IMHO... but I saw that anyway... so there's always a possibility.


Granted, in that case someone else was paying for the ticket. That does make a big difference.

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Hmmm... I'll take that into consideration.


Still, it takes a lot to get me into a movie house these days. I worked at a theater all the way through high school. Even just the smell of popcorn is enough to make me break out in a cold sweat... if not a full case of the hives.


Plus... I really don't see paying that much to sit in an uncomfortable seat for 2 or so hours with a bunch of inconsiderate strangers.


If I wait a few months, I can go into Wal*Mart, pay about the same money as a couple of tickets, and can lay on my couch watching the same film, with no gabby bozos getting up to go to the bathroom or the concession stand every 5 minutes.


And if somebody does have to go to the toilet or take a cell phone call... there's this "pause" button that comes in real damn handy!



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LOl, true that Ed.


I thought it was good PROBABLY I went in with fairly low expectations. I figured Bay destroyed my childhood and wreaked everything I hold dear about Prime and Megatron.


Not only did he, in a wierd way, improve what I remember as a kid, the humor and stuff in it is realy geared for us big kids that grew up. Some of those jokes are NOT for kids.

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Looks like we have XWA's answer to Siskel & Ebert here... ;)



Yesterday morning was kind of bleak... so I managed to get most of my laundry done then.


Weather turned nicer in the afternoon, so I managed to get out for a walk, and get a few other things done in the evening.


Thunderstorms were predicted for last night (although I don't think they ever materialized here,) so computer was off and unplugged when I got home.

Instead: caught up on some Mythbusters shows I TIVO'ed a while back, but never got a chance to watch.


Read quite a bit before falling asleep.


Today I have to finish the laundry, get a headlight for my car, and a haircut. A couple of things I need at the wholesale-club store... but I don't know if I'll get that far today.


My mom is having an eye exam this afternoon, and she's afraid they're going to dilate her eyes and she won't be able to drive, so I'm going to drive her.


Work again tomorrow... and Sunday.


Random Thought:


I need this. NOW!!!!



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And yet they are the kind of jokes only kids would laugh at.



how old are you again?




and ed, I used to feel the same way about MOST movies, but now that my local theater has better seats AND HD projectors, even my HD TV doesnt look as good as they do!

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how old are you again?




Bumblebee playing Marvin Gaye isn't no something only kids would laugh at.


But everyone else has seen the same kind of joke a thousand times before. That along with the peeing and masturbation jokes adds up to a serious lack of amusment for people over 12. The only decent humor came from Shia LaBeouf and John Turturro.

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I must acquire this "TIVO" device you speak of...

It's not really a true "TIVO". It's the DVR that comes in my cable box.


Still... does the job.


and ed, I used to feel the same way about MOST movies, but now that my local theater has better seats AND HD projectors, even my HD TV doesnt look as good as they do!

There's one theater I go to that has all those things... but it's not really local. Closer to where Wildstar lives. In Randolph. About a 20 minute to half-hour drive.

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Now I really have to see this movie to understand what everybody is talking about... :dozey:


Finished laundry in morning.


Got haircut in late morning.


Drove mom to appointment in early afternoon.


Took nap when I got home from that in mid-afternoon.


Took walk in evening.


Watched TV the rest of the night.



My life just keeps getting more and more exciting with each and every passing day. :rolleyes:

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hey at least you're getting exercise


I woke up, made some french toast-which I'm getting much better at making! then i played a bit of SWG and surfing the swg forums.....then went for my 6 mile bike ride, did some wake up pt and stretches, went to work 1-10pm...came home joined in on the guild event, ended up in kashyyyk at the ryatt trail with a few of my guild. was fun.


now i gotta go to bed and get ready to work 1-10 and then 8-5 on sunday. guess i'm paying for those 3 days off in a row....

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hey at least you're getting exercise

Yeah,.. it's something.


But it feels to me sometimes that there's this whole "life" thing (that other people seem to be able to have) that is somehow just passing me by.


And I've found that I've gotten to the point where I just really don't know what to do about it anymore, either...


Perhaps I need to just stop thinking about it and accept my fate for what it is.



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I'm not sure if anyone would define any part of Iraq a 'safe-zone' right now... but here's hoping he has the most boring and uneventful trip ever, and makes it back quickly and completely unscathed by the experience.

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Except for maybe the Himalayas.


There's been travel advisories to Nepal for as long as I can remember, Bhutan has generic "rebels" problems, and Tibet is a civil war waiting to happen again.


Oh and there's that whole Hindu Kush arm of the Himalayas wherein Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, and Iran have adventures of various kinds.

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