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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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I just bought flowers online (had to be delivered to Florida and I figured it would be easier and about the same as just calling a florist down there) and man there's a racket. $40 for the flowers and then $29 in "service fee." ****, if I had bought the other flowers I had my eye on, the service fee would have been as much as the flowers.

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*shrug* what can i say, i needed a vehicle to travel to work to get paid!



pessimistic side:

i'll be getting alot in my next paycheck, and then my truck will break down and i'll have to start all over again. that's just how it is. and better paying job? not in the area i live. right now i'm making more than i ever made before, they just recently gave me full-time (40 hours a week).


optimistic side:

I'll be getting payed decent amount in next check, i'll be able to pay all my bills on time and quickly save up cash for a more reliable vehicle.




vehicles are and have always been: the main cause of my financial problems, that and my need to eat whether that be "wasting gas" (10 miles roundtrip) and coming home to make something and take care/feed sister's cats, or going out to wendy's for chili. (I refuse to pack lunch and eat at work cause i hate being stuck in that building the WHOLE day)


Also another thing that tends to burn holes in my pocket is those 15 minute breaks and i get thirsty, well the water is city water, and unfortunately i get stupid and spend $2 on energy drinks (trying to cut down by getting V8 cans which are about 60 cents and way more healthy) Other than eating on my 15 minute break, there is nothing else to do other than sitting in the boring break room or walking around the store....


I guess I could always defend my energy drink-buying habit by saying 'hey it ain't cigarettes'


@k: yes i did that, it worked and i was able to do just about whatever the hell i wanted until my ****ing ******* of a car broke down!!!! now that i've got my parents about paid off for my truck, i'll only have 3 big bills to worry about: Rent, Insurance, and Cable! and of course, weekly gas for my truck.


With the money I'm making now, i can pay for all of that in ONE paycheck, and i get payed twice a month. This next time, i'll make sure to possibly open a savings account specifically for a emergency like needing truck repairs, or buying another vehicle (i want a 8 cyl van...that would be so cool!)


As far as getting another job......I don't think i ever will, unless it's military related, because I really like and enjoy where I'm at and what I'm doing right now (even if it is at walmart).


/ramble lol had a long day at work.....

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I guess i am fortunate that I never have had to make any sort of car payments.


My dad was a good mechanic and often we would buy clunkers that he would fix up. Most I had to worry about was breaking down and then having to fix the car. It taught me to take really good car of my cars.


I was blessed to have some friends at church give me their 96 Buick regal for free. I have had to put some work into it (re-wiring of the turn signal, fix a bad seal) and right now the rear shocks and fuel pump need replacing. It is much better to pay $400 dollars on repairs then having to pay monthly payments. on a lease.

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It is much better to pay $400 dollars on repairs then having to pay monthly payments. on a lease.


yep that's why i just bought a vehicle i saw in a parking lot. i'd almost rather trust someone that is selling their own used vehicle than someone who will do anything to sell a car that wasn't really theirs.


@ed: I got nothing accomplished at work tonight. I had to work with someone i was planning on training how to properly close down the lab (she transferred from another walmart, and was familiar with the NEWER film machines....), but the damn camp kids (i dont know if any of u has heard of poconos mountains but there's alot of freakn camps around here and walmart is like the mall after 7pm as the buses stop and drop all these foreign kids off) were on the picture maker and were on it til like freakn 5 of 9.....i was so mad and people returning and exchanging cameras so i would have to run up front all the damn time to deal with that. and this lady does not know how to multitask and doesn't seem AT ALL INTERESTED IN LEARNING THE MACHINES..........grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111 ok got that out....once the jedi threat has been neutralized...we...shall...have...peace.........

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Same. I have to pay a 30/mo cable bill, a 15/mo warcraft fee, 80/week to my dad for a car payment and insurance, and every month 352 in rent. then electric, which whatever it may be.


factor in my credit card......


it's like 500-700 dollars in bills alone. I eat free food at work, or i cook at home, I barely go out, because it's very very expensive for me to do so. I thankfully live 10 minnutes from work, so i don't pay alot of money on gas. Getting a bottle of jack daniels is alot to me.


i pull about 1 grand in a month, and usually the left over is ate up by random things that go wrong in life. but i make it.


just very carefully. ;)

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Trust me, that never really changes... as your salary goes up, so also do ALL your expenses.


I have almost no discretionary budget to speak of... despite the fact that I am currently bringing in more than I ever have in my entire life. (Which explains why I am typing this to you on a now-more-than-seven-year-old-PC.)


A mortgage, car expenses, and all the resultant bills that go with both will somehow manage to grow to match whatever you are bringing in.


I'm at the moment in negotiations about getting my house sided. It's a good offer, and I'd be a fool to not go for it this year,.. but to do so will almost destroy my savings,.. and any hope of getting that new super-PC I had planned on building.


I'll either have to go with a lesser computer, or skip the whole thing until next year when I can get my savings back up.


Unless I take out a loan... and saddle myself with yet another recurring debt every month.



When I lived in an apartment I never seemed to have to make these kinds of choices.



I'm not really sure I like this "being a responsible adult" crap.

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ed, why not purchase the parts one at a time? just a thought.


xbox live had to be refunded...checked mail, there was an overdraft...i flew to the bank and got it waived after i explained the xbox live situation (i used a 2 month trial and thought i used it closer to may 30th...they overdrew me on the 24th...i gotta go get that online banking set up....they said i can do it on the computer myself, but i must have lost the password! so i got my money situation taken care of for now. that overdraft fee made me mad though when i opened up the mailbox. I got my stupid per capita tax fee taken care of and my insurance taken care of as well! I only owe 1 more payment on insurance then i get 3 months off from paying it!!!! I did some quick grocery shopping at walmart after i went to the bank, just finished up lunch.....i do not feel like working 1-10.....o well i'm off tomorrow!!

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Yeah... but the problem with that I see is that if the state-of-the-art technology changes drastically in the elapsed time between buying the first parts and the last, I could get stuck having to re-buy some of the first things again. I also don't want to get stuck with incompatible parts just because I waited too long to take them out of the box to be able to return them if they aren't right.


Plus: I want to assemble it all at once and get it up and running ASAP.


After going over finances, it looks like I'll actually be putting off the siding until late fall/ early spring now anyway... so I might actually be OK with both, if I plan it all out correctly and watch my pennies...

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Yay! An entire day utterly squandered!


I feel a little guilty about that... but only a little. :)


The weather outside was hot and humid enough to make any extended outdoor exercise pretty much out of the question for me.


So I stayed in, caught up with some folks by e-mail whom I have been neglecting lately communication-wise; did a whole buncha guitar practicing (my finger calluses are singing,..); took a fairly long nap in the afternoon; and watched TV (the usual policy-geek weekly wrap-up stuff on PBS Friday nights...)


That's really about it.


Probably should have done more... but considering that last weekend I put in well over 30 hours in 3 days, on top of a full, regular week's work (and then almost immediately BACK into another full week of work...) I'm refuse to feel too bad about not pushing myself today to rack up a huge list of impressive accomplishments.


There's always tomorrow and Sunday to do that ****, anyway... well,.. as long as the phone doesn't ring with some crisis at work I need to rush in for, that is.


I'm not entirely convinced THAT isn't going to happen... The details on the MASSIVE amount of events happening this weekend were all last-possible-second, and incomplete and sketchy at best...


I have half a mind to power down all my phones this weekend to make sure that call doesn't come,.. and even shut off the cable modem, too... but I won't. It wouldn't really be my co-worker's fault that the people in charge of this particular program suck so very, very much at organization... I can't punish them for that.


But I WON'T be at all happy about it if it happens, either.

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You both suck, when compared to the utter glory that is edlib!

Yeah... you read what I said...





Another (mostly) wasted day.


Did succeed in getting some chores done around the house this morning.

Was about to go out and get a walk in the afternoon,.. just when the thunderstorms rolled in.

So I gave up that plan,.. and took another nap. :rolleyes:


Well... at least I won't be able to report back to work Monday and say that I didn't get any relaxation in...


Watched "Flags Of Our Fathers" when I got up. Good stuff.


Need to get off my ass and get outside tomorrow, though.

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Anybody else around? Am I the only one keeping this going at this point?


Oh well... best to just get on with it then:






Well, if you sum up the last 2 days... today was like that. A big "ditto!'... only less interesting.


I actually got out for a bit, but so oppressive and sticky out, it didn't last long.

Came home, and did a few more chores and such... but mostly blew off anything the slightest bit productive.


A 3 day weekend with almost absolutely nothing to show for it.




When I'm on my deathbed, these are truly the moments I'm going to regret the most.




Might have to force myself to get out of the house next weekend... see a movie (Bourne!!! or maybe Simpsons...) or something.

This has to change...

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You have stock in this movie, or something?!??




Well... I only have Sunday off next weekend. I doubt I'm gonna have time to see them all. Or any...


I said months ago that Bourne Ultimatum was about the only movie I had any real interest in seeing at theaters this summer, and I'm sticking to that.


Chances are, (knowing me,..) that's not even going to happen.


Well... I do have to take a couple of days off during the week (Wed./ Thurs.)... but that's because my mom is having eye surgery, and is going to need a chauffeur/ butler/ maid for those couple of days. Maybe I'll go see something then.


I doubt I'll be able to find anyone interested in going with on a weeknight, though... but maybe I'll ask around.


Still... Bourne doesn't come out until Friday, though. :(

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The movie Sunrise is finally playing in my area... hope to see Sunrise tonight or tomorrow night (love saying that)


Probably going to end up seeing transformers on the small screen.


I never got into the Bourne series. The idea of a brainwashed super assassin never appealed to me, especially when there is no moral soul searching. A great example of this type of Genre is the Manga "Crying freeman" and the Bourne series could have learned a lot from it. it is "look I just killed 4 men who stormed this 10x10 room with guns using nothing but my hands, I am so badass" Instead of "OMG i just killed 4 men who stormed this 10x10 room with guns using nothing but my hands, what kind of MONSTER AM I?!?!"

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I disagree about the lack of soul searching on the part of Jason Bourne... in the 2nd movie he travels all the way to Moscow, and practically gets himself killed in the process, to confront the daughter of a couple he assassinated as his very first mission.


Most of the people he kills he is forced to. And all of them are trained killers just like him.


But they are super-fast paced action thrillers... a lot of time staring deep into Jason Bourne's soul would amount to completely dead-time on screen.


I think this 3rd film, where he remembers everything, will more than make up for any lack of that anyway.


Also: The books were much better in that respect... although they are so radically different as to make comparison nearly impossible.


But hey!.. there are some of the most spectacular fight and action chase sequences ever filmed in these movies, too. It is entirely possible for me to enjoy them at that level without worrying too deeply about anything else.


I can always re-watch my DVDs of the Godfather series or "Munich" if I want to see a drama about the deep moral conflicts of killers played out on screen...

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Matt Damon has become probably my favorite actor of this generation.


I pretty much like him in anything... but he IS Jason Bourne/ David Webb for me now... I can't imagine anybody else playing that role anymore.

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I'll see it at some point. But you know the guy they talk about: "If you only see ONE movie this year..."?

Well,.. that's me. I'm that guy.


Woke up to huge thunderstorm this morning. Ran around making sure everything with an embedded microchip was unplugged. Then had to put the trash out in a torrential downpour. That was fun.


Relaxed day at work. For a change. That was nice.


Got home, ate, watched a couple of episodes of South Park. That was funny.


A full day...

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Maybe your missing my point. Jason bourne seems to only have 2 emotions from what I have seen. Anger and Stoic. I find it really hard to empathize with his character and I have never liked a movie based solely on action scenes that are sped up to super human speeds. If I cannot follow the action, it isn't an action scene.


I have fought, judged, and watched some high caliber sparring matches in martial arts. I know what is possible. cinematic fighting has its place, when it is looked on as a form of dance or art "Hero" and "Crouching tiger" are good examples of how Cinimatics should be used. Realistic fighting requires more action/reaction and it is obvious when things are sped up to make it look more powerful... people fall at certain rates, step certain ways, it is obvious when you know to look for it

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