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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Since everyone else seems to be jumping onto the Gripe train...


Had to put in an extra hour of work today. Spent 6 hours straight (sans breaks) in the freezer picking an order for annatto seeds that was going to the dump. Normally i spend a day moving about 100-120 pallets out of or into racking. Today I moved over 200.


Its hot out, im tired, A/C is on, goodnight

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OK... far be it for me to break the chain. :dozey:


Felt like crap all day. Fun. In fact: worse than crap...


Didn't get any sleep at all last night. My troublesome head-cold took a turn for the South about 10 pm last night, and became the intestinal-flu of your worst nightmares... with all that implies... and more.


Had to work all day, with a raw throat, stuffy head, and, um... trouble sitting. Starving all day... but afraid to eat.




Made it through... somehow... but not happily.


More of the same tomorrow... though I think I get to sleep in slightly later. Hopefully it will be enough.


Highlight of the night:


One of the jailbait high-school age lead vocalists tonight came up on stage in an almost completely transparent top. She was wearing a bra on underneath... but that was equally transparent.


I have to wonder if it was strictly on purpose, or did she really not notice? And if her folks were in the audience... and exactly how they feel about a creepy old perv like me leering at their underage daughter prancing around on stage in what amounts to her nighties?



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today was interesting. i didn't step foot out of my apartment, didn't even put my socks on. relaxed all day. :) watched angels in the outfield on disney channel (made me feel freakn old....) then I played jedi academy split-screen with my landlord's son, was actually pretty fun, but i still have to say that Jedi Knight 1 is the best. lol


oh last night I learned that Dark Jedi Jerec is a Miraluka......look it up on wookiepedia!


ok im out......gotta work tomorrow...freakn 12-9....then i am off on wednesday....

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oh last night I learned that Dark Jedi Jerec is a Miraluka......look it up on wookiepedia!


And it just shows how easliy video games contradict. Miraluka were exterminated during the time of the Great sith war 4000 BBY during the time of Exur Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma.




ANd Cracken...


WHen I had to close then open a fast food place, yet I was still making the same $$ as everyone else. I quit shortly after that and never worked fast food again

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I guess that settles it... I'll probably end up there myself before too long.


As for pics... I'm creepy, but I'm still a free man (at the moment.) Something I probably couldn't say if I were running around with a camera taking shots of these sorts of things when then happen...

I'd have to see if the video dept. shot any usable footage... but I really don't believe it's worth my job to even ask. ;)

That would be an interesting conversation, wouldn't it?


I did notice that on the IMAG (live video projection of the concert) last night most of the shots of this particular performer were from the neckline up anyway... so I really don't think I'm the only one who noticed.


My voice is up about an octave from where it was yesterday. It must mean I'm getting better.


Someone told me yesterday that my Boston accent comes out far more pronounced when I'm sick like that.


Swell. :rolleyes:


One more reason to avoid getting ill.

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I'd have to see if the video dept. shot any usable footage... but I really don't believe it's worth my job to even ask. ;)

That would be an interesting conversation, wouldn't it?

"Hey, uh, yeah... So, do you have any video of last night's show? I've got this friend on the internet who wants..."

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I've already sent up enough warning flags in the last page or 2 of this thread to make me a 'person of interest' among every law-enforcement agency this country has to offer without crossing that line completely, thanks...



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What... you think we don't have secret jails, private CIA jets, and "rendition" up there too?


Heh heh heh... OK, OK... you just keep on thinkin' that...




Besides... you don't want to give us too much incentive for us to move in and enact "regime change"... so we can finally annex your entire property, just like God has always intended.

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