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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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At least it's better than MySpace, ed. :p I'll look you up when I get home.


In other news, I just spent a week and a half going to work at 8AM and coming back by 11AM. Thanks to a technical SNAFU, all my systems access was deleted, so I've been unable to do jack. Fortunately, my boss is all kinds of awesome, so she said I would not be penalized for not working, since it's not my fault. Go go getting paid for 40h when I really only worked about 10h this week. \o/

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Cool. I haven't done much with it yet, so there isn't a lot to look at, at the moment.


I'll spend some more time with it over the weekend.


There needs to be a Lucasforums Network affiliation on it, methinks... ;)


I'm not totally sure how you go about finding people yet. So far I just imported my email address book. That covers me as far as close friends, family, and co-workers.

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Both can be used to diagnose kidney stones..


Diagnosis is usually made on the basis of the location and severity of the pain, which is typically colic in nature (comes and goes in spasmodic waves). Radiological imaging is used to confirm the diagnosis and a number of other tests can be undertaken to help establish both the possible cause and consequences of the stone. Ultrasound imaging is also useful as it will give details about the presence of hydronephrosis (swelling of the kidney - suggesting the stone is blocking the outflow of urine). It can also be used to show the kidneys during pregnancy when standard x-rays are discouraged. About 10% of stones do not have enough calcium to be seen on standard x-rays (radiolucent stones) and may show up on ultrasound although they typically are seen on CT scans.


However, I think we should wait until we're sure it's not some kind of alien ant eating through Nitro's exhausted body. :p

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Whatever it is,.. with Nitro, I think we can be pretty sure it's not the years, it's the mileage. :p


Another short, fairly relaxed day at work. Another extended lunch with co-workers.


Kewl. Almost makes up for the crappy commutes I had going both ways (Sox double-header, don'tchaknow...)


Came home early. Got 2 1/2 hours of walking in. Yay. Finally... Lack of physical activity was starting to grate on the nerves.


Most of the shows I normally watch on Fridays are not on tonight (PBS fund-raising begging session...) so I guess I'll play with Facebook for a while to see what it has to offer a shmoe like me.


Plans for weekend: More supply pickup (all the stuff I postponed during the Tax-Free madness of last weekend.)


More exercise.


Finish washing and folding laundry I started last weekend.


Maybe (if any time left over after that...): another movie. (I keep telling myself that I really should try to get out of the house more on my days off. It's not much... but it's a start...)

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Give in to the Dark Side, Cracken... it is your destiny!


So far: There are a lot of things I like about it more than Myspace. Seems a lot more private. I've found that tracking people down can be a bit tricky, though.


Yet another way to waste insane amounts of time online. Just what I needed. :rolleyes:



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It is all that,.. and more.


But: So what?


It's not like any of this nonsense we do on the web actually means anything.


After all: It's all just stuff to keep us occupied while we are sitting around, waiting for death.

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Well... you make it sound less than fun,.. but try to have some kind of a good time out of it anyway. (Although you probably won't actually see this until you get back, and then it will be too late to try and steer the outcome of the trip.)


Took a nap after my last post. Just woke up. Didn't think I'd be down for almost 4 hours... but there ya go. I guess that explains why I felt so tired.


Spent the morning puttering around the place. Didn't get a huge amount done... but at least I felt like I was being productive at the time.


Went out for a walk in the afternoon and managed to get in over 4 hours. At least 12 miles... maybe even more. Gotta see if I can do that again tomorrow. My feet aren't in too bad shape... although it was so windy out there today I did get more than a little sand-blasted for my efforts.


Huh. I just typed out this entire post without a single spelling error so far. That has to be a new record for me... Better hit "Post" before I blow it!



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so i stayed up past midnight playing some q1tf prozac.

it's interesting when i fired up gamespy for the firstime in years that they still have a sh*t ton of quakeworld servers up, especally ones that have been up since '99 or '00.

no one hardly plays anymore, cus you got all those servers and only a few got people playing during the day


this server i play is somewhat dead in the morning, but late at night you can still get like nearly 20 people playing, an almost full server XD

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Hee hee hee...


How'd you find me? AIM name?


Well, let's see if you can figure out which of my other Facebook friends are also XWA related.


Nitro should be easy.

Niner and Zarg might be a bit more of a challenge.


Then we'll see if Nute accepts my request... ;)

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Yeah... I used those same quotes somewhere on my Myspace as well.


I love the fact that most of the people I deal with will simply have NO idea where I came up with it, or what the hell it is all about! That makes me happy in ways words cannot describe.


And the quote from Niner I have to use, because it so succinctly and accurately sums up my worldview. :D

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so yeah. if anyone got the hint of my past post. today is my 22nd bday.


i went out to a pizza place,ate some pizza and had a couple.

then saw superbad. truely McLovin makes the movie. XD

then i went to a bar and drink some more :D


now make a thread for me in aresen god damnit. :p

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No! NEVER!!!


You will sit here and take your Happy Birthday wishes like a man, damn you!


Better yet: Take it like an XWAer MAN!!!

We'll have none of this "Aresen" bull**** around here!









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ironically every year i mention that my birthday occurs. and this was for the past few years now.

still dont get the thread :p

*pounds fist on table*

dang it!

I declare now! shall it be thow wish of which one celebrates one's anniversary of one's birth! A thread ****ers!

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happy belated B-day


I went and saw Stardust today, mainly because I wanted enjoy seeing my girlfriend Claire Danes in a movie have her talking to me about how much she loved me and not some foolish shopboy named tristen.


Otherwise it was a great movie. Septimus (Mark Strong), Lamia (Michelle Pfeiffer), and Captain Shakespeare (Robert De Niro) looked like they really enjoyed their roles. Would be a great date movie if I had a date since it has Action for the guys, a love story for the girls, and humor for both.


Did I mention how much I am in love with Claire Danes? and that she is in love with me?

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