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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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haha, my tag is haunter_ap


not renewing live till I get halo 3 though





so my garage burnt down last night, my newest bike is a total loss, as is a minibike and MINT honda c70 moped I was restoring for my boss, and my best friends racecar.


I'm out about 3 grand, my buddy is out probably twice that :(


I'll try and get pics up later

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my buddy has comp that should sorta cover his car, minorly, as it was built to go road racing, so its value in parts greatly exceeds the book value he will get from the ins company.


I had liability on the bike I lost, and no renters insurance yet on the garage, I had made some calls, but wasnt keeping much there till last week...when I brought a lot of stuff over, d'oh


I'll dig for my hand tools and stuff and keep em, maybe if they break later and dont look too awful craftsman will still honor the warrenty

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interview and bank should not be in the same sentence when spoken by a disciple of lord megatron. (i wish you luck, my good friend)


went out bowling w/my work homies tonight, had 3 coke and rum drinks and got a buzz on the 3rd, funniest feeling ever. too bad i had to drive a few hours later, my sister decided to bail out going at the last minute.....that......well i guess she has a life and it doesn't involve me in it or something, whatever. I tried to get a life, failed so i just try not to care anymore.


got work 1-10 tomorrow...........censor censor censorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!1111111111111

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I tried to get a life, failed so i just try not to care anymore.

That "life" thing can be elusive prey, indeed.


Ahh... feeling quite depressed today for some reason.


I'm chalking it up to the last week of: too much work, little sleep, bad eating, no exercise, no time for any social human contact of the non-virtual variety,.. and being faced now with the prospect of 4 months of a soul-crushing 'more-of-the-same.'


That... and my leg is hurting pretty bad today for some reason. Don't know what I did...


There are a couple of other factors in there as well... but we won't be talking about those right now.


Thinking of backing up all critical data and replacing my hard drive and reinstalling everything. It's way past overdue for that. It will give me something to do. The weather outside is supposed to be either brutally hot, or rainy all weekend.


Plus: I'm not putting too many nighttime hours this week. That will give me the chance to rebuild my working environment over the course of the week.


Need to make sure at least one of my spare PCs is up and running first, though... just in case everything goes to Hell in the process.


It might mean I'm gonna be mostly offline for a couple of days... but honestly, that's probably a good thing for me to do.



Well... didn't get to any of that.


Boring day. Hotter than Hell... but far more humid.


The sole thing I got accomplished today was getting 5 years of identity theft-worthy documents up to the bank, where they had a giant industrial shredder truck there for any members to use today.


Cool. Took about 20 seconds to shred the 6 bags of stuff that would have taken me all day.


Did a little shopping on the way home.


Pretty much, other than that, it's been a lot of sitting in one place about 2 feet from the AC unit, trying not to move too much.


A lot of AIM chatting. Probably more in one day than I have since I have had the program.


Since I've been on Facebook my buddy list has grown exponentially. Went from about 10 names to over 50 in no time. Wild.


My eyes hurt though... gonna sign off soon and go read a book... or look at something that isn't actually glowing.


My wrists are kind of achy too...


Better not log in tomorrow...

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to further distance myself from reality, i bought Oblivion before returning home from work tonight. The combat is pretty nice! upon escaping from prison i wanted to see how far up the mountain i could go, got pretty far, killed a few wolves...then decided to hit the main mission, went to the nearest town, got on a horse....a wolf started to chase me, then a guy started shooting at the horse, an imperial guard killed the guy who attacked the horse, i jumped off horse to kill the wolf who was still attacking, go to get back on the horse, and the guy rushes over and is like 'OMG MAN YOU JUST STOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' so i had to go to jail. :(

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Did some stuff. Didn't die. Continued to live another 24 hours. Haven't yet decided if this is really such a good thing... :dozey:


Specifics: Nothing that would make interesting reading. (Although that's never stopped me before.)


Thunderstorm woke me up at about 4 am, and never got back to sleep (after actually getting to bed at 12:30 or so.) That tends to put a bit of a haze over things.


Highlight of the day was getting out for some exercise while it was cool and not too sunny. A couple of hours worth. Maybe a bit more than 10 miles covered. Feet are a mess this morning, though...


Rest of it is simply not worth mentioning. Not without causing me to spiral even further into depression, anyway. :indif:

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um,... Craftsman tools are gaurenteed for life.



yeah, but usually form general wear and tear, not fires or ya know, dropping them out of airplanes





doing some reading online, it seems my chances are about 50/50, as some will and some won't honor fire damage, and some will, if you bring in a fire report and proof that you dont have homeowners insurance.


so I'll cleam em up and take em in I guess

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Ah... we are back, then, are we?


Yesterday: Work. Not too exciting. Good Italian lunch.

Came home. Worked on rebuilding spare PC. Took a broken DVD-ROM drive completely apart. That was fun. And interesting. Seeing the parts spread completely over the extent of my coffee table was a kick. Should have got a picture.

Got it back together. Still doesn't work.


Today: Work. Re-EQed and leveled the sound system again. Fixed a few things we may have gone overboard on last time. Sounds totally different now. Not sure I like it better. I'll have to get used to it.

Nice that it's all digital. Can just recall the old settings if I want.


Gonna go tackle those spare PCs again now. Want to make sure I have some way of e-mail and net access if I totally botch something when I start taking apart this one.

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I'm still alive or something. I got talked into running the first quarter of the Baltimore marathon in October - a relay thing with some guys from work. It's going to suck. I run about that far every day, so the distance won't be a problem, but I always run inside on a treadmill, with TV and air conditioning. This will be outside. Outside for God's sake. I think dragons live outside, so I'm fairly concerned, here.

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I'm still alive or something. I got talked into running the first quarter of the Baltimore marathon in October - a relay thing with some guys from work. It's going to suck. I run about that far every day, so the distance won't be a problem, but I always run inside on a treadmill, with TV and air conditioning. This will be outside. Outside for God's sake. I think dragons live outside, so I'm fairly concerned, here.



Dragon's don't live in the US, just the Europeon Continent, and Asia.


But watch out for all the day walking werewolves :vsd:

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...and mountain lions. ;)


today kinda sucked. we supposed to throw on my winter dress uniform and pretty much not have much to do but get ready for not working.

but I was put on watch this morning, even if it's not on my duty.

then after that I ate, THEN got into my unifrom, got yelled at for stupid sh*t on my part, mainnly cus i was watching some Capt. Genyu saga when i shoulda been fixing my sh*t.

then i had some in house stuff that I HAD to do. which kept me for a while.


So after I was able to go I went to the legal office, cus i really really really really need a will drawn and a power of attorney for when i go on deployment soon, and found out that they closed about an hour before, which was early. I dont have time to make an apointment, frankly I had found out where the friggen place is...

I'm busy tomorrow and wont stop in when they can take "walk in's", hopefully I can get it done on fri afternoon when they open at 12 noon.

I just now recently stopped doing stuff that pertained to working *grr* and now i can relax, even though i got a few hours before i can go to bed ~_~

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Work was a snoozer today. A couple of informal meetings about crew-training approaches for the all day session this weekend... and that's really about it.


Walked over to Best Buy to help my boss make up his mind on a new computer for his son.


Another overly extended lunch.


Some more CD rips.


A gelato run...


Yeah... a textbook model of productivity. :dozey:


Walked to Park St. from work. Not much,.. but something.

Nice day for babe watching, anyway...


Still working on 2nd computer. Rebuilding software environment, even as I type.


Watched Mythbusters, weird music videos (current fave: Goldfrapp's "Twist." Look it up...) and concert footage from an early '80's Genesis concert (very nice Vari-Lite work... considering they were brand new on that tour!)


Getting dinner now. Check on how the other comp is coming along... then some reading, and spot of guitar noodling, then bed, most likely.

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