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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Woke up a little past 10:30am, went over to parents' to pick up my laundry, then just sat around and played GRAW 2 most of the day, then went over to my parents' and went w/them to go look at a piece of property they are wondering about buying. From there I went to walmart to get some milk and soda, came back and got on GRAW 2 on xbox live, then my sister ordered some food, so went to go pick it up, got back and played more GRAW 2. Now I'm a bit sad because I have to go back to work tomorrow...12-9, working with people i don't care to work with. (basically because they involuntarily find a way to get in my way, it just bugs the hell out of me)

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Saw the first video from Serj Tankian's (System of a Down) solo album... Good song, interesting video.


He's apparently done a video for every track on the album, each from a different director, and gave them carte blanche to do whatever they wanted.


Article and "Empty Walls" video here: http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=80629

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That crap'll kill ya!


Why not become a Breatharian instead? Never have to eat again! Live on only oxygen and sunlight!

In other words: A houseplant. :dozey:

A few weeks of that and you'll be planted in as much dirt as one, anyway.


Work was slow and relaxing again. I'm very worried. It's quiet. Too quiet.

Something truly horrible is going to happen soon. Workwise. It can't be this relaxed. Wrong, I tells ya! WRONG!



Early morning tomorrow to get up and train us up a crew. Yee-ha!


Try this on for size:

Rounding up 45 college-aged musicians at 9 in the morning to tell them things they should already know, and already think they do...


Just who the **** came up with this truly brilliant master plan?!?? :rolleyes:


The phrase "herding cats" springs to mind as never more disturbingly accurate...

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Had to go buy a damn disk repair kit cause my copy of Oblivion somehow got a scratch on it.....worth the $20 i paid for the kit since it worked....


Watched Resident Evil 2: Apocalypse, I thought ti was far better than the first one, now i can't wait for RE: Extinction.

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Training went OK.


Long day. I'm simply not used to doing that much talking.

That was easily like a year-and-a-half's worth of verbal communication out of me in 7 1/2 hours.


I do believe I have earned nap time...


Random Thought:


New favorite word: Celebretard - Famous idiot.

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felt like dying at work today....felt so depressed for no reason, it's just freaking slow...that and had alot of RL crap on my mind.


got home at around 9:30, played oblivion til 1:30am.


Probably gonna play more tomorrow, or get on GRAW 2 ranked....though i'm somewhat disappointed with the ranked games, as all people do on it is team game, i join one and happen to suck cause i'm just starting out and don't know the maps, and the ****ing host kicks me. -_- i'd rather play w/my friends anyway but come on, some people take stuff too seriously.

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Well, I don't see myself as a teacher, technically. (BTW:That's also what my mother thought, too.)


Despite the fact that these are college students, these are employees we are training, not our students. They aren't getting graded by us; they are getting paid.


Different set of expectations.


If they mess up, they don't get a bad grade... they get reprimanded and/or fired.

When you are a teacher, you need to make sure the student truly understands the material through testing. There's some responsibility on you.


As an employer, all I need to do is make sure the information has been presented. Understanding, absorbing, and practicing it is completely their responsibility.


Well... That's how I see it anyway...




What I did with my day off...


The morning was spent gutting the toilet. Not what I intended to do today... but for the last couple of weeks it has been taking longer and longer to stop flushing.

Today when I got up, it barely flushed at all, and was taking almost 20 minutes to refill.


So I drained the tank, shut off the water, and took all the parts out and took a look at them.


Spent a while in experimentation, but I eventually got everything back in, and flushing like new. I almost went out and got a full replacement part kit... but I've already done that once, not that long ago... with a little bit of tweaking I managed to adjust everything into working order.


I also took the opportunity to really plunge the drain, just to make sure there were no clogs slowing things down as well.


Took a walk after that. (Well... after a shower, too...) Don't know how far I got... but I was out almost 4 hours. I'd guess at least 12 miles. Perhaps more...

Got a stunning collection of blisters on my toes again... but I ignored them when I was out and just kept pushing it, since this may be the last gasp for me for a while. And certainly it could very well be the last gasp of summer and the nice weather.


Made some baked stuffed shells for dinner. Yummy.


Took a nap... which I just woke up from. Missed the Simpsons. D'Oh!


Gonna go check on the downstairs PC now... which I left disk-checking and defragmenting before I slept.




I have, for some unknown reason, become obsessed with the Genesis song: "Home By The Sea." I can't hear it enough these days...


Probably because my co-workers were talking about all the ghosts we are supposed to have in the theater at work the other day... Although, in my more than 15 years in that building (and now more than 37 years on the planet,..) I still have YET to see or hear anything that leads me to suspect the supernatural in any way, shape, or form...



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interesting time saturday...


Celebrated my mom's birthday, we went out with my dad to eat at our favorite restaurant ( http://www.bellebleu.net ) bought a bottle of wine for my mom.


On the ride back we were about 2 miles from my parents home and went up a hill... car died. Since my dad doesn't normally drive my moms car he didn't think to check the fuel. Since my parents are over 60 I said I would quick go home and get the gas can and my car. I had trouble convincing my dad but after I set a fairly brisk pace he decided it would be better to wait with mom.


After about 15 minutes the contents of my stomach started sloshing around, and i had to slow down and relieve the pressure in a most vulger fashion ;) 5 minutes more and I was at their home and couldn't find the gas can. But i figured I should at least pick them up so they wouldn't have to wait in the car anymore. on the way pack after picking them up my fuel light comes on... no worries i can go about 20 miles


Since I have been having trouble with the fuel pump in my car I let it idle while we searched for the gas can. Finally found it with about a gallon left and MY car quits.. out of fuel? no... fuel pump.


SO while my dad tired to figure out if he could get one of the other cars at their house working, I banged on my gas tank with a tire iron, said a prayer, and my car restarted.


drove back to thier car, he filled up his tank and I followed him to the gas station and we filled our cars up.

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now that is one adventure. :) I hope i don't have one of those adventures any time soon....i need to get my car looked at next week or i could just say hell w/it and wait til the check comes in that doesn't have me owing any bills at all....just get all repairs done in one stop. think we're looking at brakes and fuel line or fuel pump. doubtful that it's transmission. wonder what the bill will look like.

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brake jobs are sooooooooooo easy dude, a 30 buck book will tell you all you need to know, you could get a hanes manual and some tools and save some $$$



so tired. got a hell of a head cold that has me exhausted after 3 straight nights of 9 hours of sleep

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yeah my one friend said he would install the brake lines for me, i just need to buy them, now how do i go about buying them?


went to po box today, and my doe tag came, as i'm getting in my truck, i got told by a penndot worker that he 'has a bone to pick with me' after he asked if the truck was mine....

i don't know why. well i have an idea, but still, you don't just go up to someone and say that. i was like 'ok.' got in my truck and left. maybe it's cause i pulled out of traffic cause i didn't want to wait another 20 minutes for the crossing guard to wake up.

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Another brain-burstingly exciting day at work!!!




Puttered... until I just couldn't putter no more. I am just all puttered out. My putter has lost it's putt. Sans putt. Bereft of putt...


Lunch at the Middle Eastern Cafe. A falafel and humus sandwich. Mmmm... tasty.

A bit gassy, though. Yeh... you needed to know that. :rolleyes:


Walked from work to Downtown Crossing... despite feet screaming with blisterage. No pain, no gain... right? (Although, in this particular case, I am trying to lose...)


Gonna go tackle the D.S. computer again. It's coming along pretty well. Still needs a little tweaking. Should be ready to transfer my entire iTunes folder over to it by the end of the week.

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