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Captain on comm:Sir theres a huge droid army here l think they may of been sent by this Kithorian Alliance because they orded a large amount of droids wat do we do.


Moff Imperial:Tell Darth Aap that darth vader would like to speek with him as for you prepare for a fight get the men ready for the fight of there lives.


Captain:yes sir!


Moff Imperial:l hope we survive this new war.

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Darth Aap:wat did you want with me Darth Vader


Darth Vader:I want you to speek to the emporour he wants you


Darth Aap:ok


Darth Sideous:Hello Darth Aap l have an asighment for you


Darth Aap:yes wat is it


Darth Sideous:its a task that takes great skill wich you have its to have a padwan learner this is Darth Reaven l was able to revive him from the sith wars but l accidently wyped his memory and wanted you to make come back,train him well so he can be as good as you and me some day the same gos for darth vader ive heard about the droids so that would be a great place to start so go train


Darth Aap:yes my master

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*As the droid army marches throughought Coruscant, destroying buildings, killing any enemy that gets in it's way, and following their objectives, Okoe Kithoran takes his cloaked fleet to Coruscant to kill the emperor and end this Empire while the Imperials are distracted with the droid army consisting of 20,000 battle droids, 15,000 destroyer droids, 17,500 Suber battle droids, and 10,000 Magna Gaurds, Okoe Kithoran perceives this plan to be undefeatable unless something very unexpected happens.*

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*Okoe Kithoran and his apprentice fight their way through countless Elite stormtroopers and royal guards to Emperor palpatine's throne room*


(I think it's time you get to know what Okoe Kithoran is like, he is a Zabrak who used to serve in the Clone Wars as a jedi that won countless victories until the force told him to go to the Unknown Regions, there he made discoveries of new planets and species, found new ship designs, weapons, and technology until he heard of the newly formed Empire, then he gathered his fleet consisting of ships, weapons, and technology from the Unknown Regions and set out to find the Emperor. Now back to story)


*Okoe* It is time to die, emperor, though it is against the Jedi way to kill an unarmed prisoner you are much too dangerous to be kept alive. *Darth Sidious* Kithoran, where were you hiding out like the pathetic weakling you are all these years? *Okoe Kithoran* All you need to know is is that you're about to die. *Okoe Kithoran drew his green double-bladed lightsaber while his apprentice drew his single-bladed blue lightsaber and attacked Darth Sidious and the battle began....*

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Formal Imperial Officer:Did they go for the bait


At-St commander:yes sir Okoe kithorian has not know that the empouror hes fighting is sympily a droid soon the droid will overload and let out a very poisinus gas that will kill him for sure and hes padwan


Formal Imperial Officer:good prepare to make sure hes dead


At-St commander:yes sir

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Now this is were l come in lm a very formal moff named Moff Karn the best imperial that ever lived l personally accompany the empouror and l control the whole imperial navy l control the eclipse and the destroyer(A super Star Destroyer like the excecutor)

l am very good at everything and lm force sensetive.The empire will never lose now.

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Moff Karn:weres those rebels l want ot find those rebels


Imperial:sir l think that the rebels are hiding at the hypori system


Moff Karn:well ofcourse set course for Hypori we are going to get rid of these rebels for once and for all.


Imperial:we are entering the system..... sir there not rebels but the new faction the droids


Moff Karn:l remember him Okoe Kithorian hes the x-jedi that escaped our attack when we attacked the jedi temple he shall pay


Imperial:now wat


Moff Karn:destroy them all and blow up this planet


Imperial:yes sir just wait until we get in target...........were ready to fire


Moff Karn:Fire!!!


Imperial:yes sir *pulls the switch* *the usal noise of the death star when fires* *BOOM!*


Moff Karn:Well done


Imperial:thank you sir

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Darth Aap and his new apprentice Darth Revan went to Korriban to look for clues that could lead to Revan's past. After searching some toombs they found a cave .


Darth Aap: There is a high concentration of the Force in here


Darth Revan: I feel it too


Darth Aap: Let us go in


And so they went in. After walking through quiet a long tunnle they arrived at the Toomb of Exar Kun, One of the most powerfull sith ever lived.


Darth Aap: From here you must go alone my apprentice. Let the force guide you. If you succeed the tests that await you, you will regain your knowlege of the force. I will wait at the ship and meditate on what is happening back at Coruscant.


Darth Revan: Yes master


Darth Aap: Oh wait don't forget this *throws lightsaber*


Dartj Revan: Thanks

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Darth Aap: Revan, How are you doing


Revan: How..


Darth Aap: I can communicate with you through the force. But I have to leave you for a moment. I have to visit another planet and then i'll be back. Is that a problem?


Revan: But what if i'm done and you are still away


Darth Aap: You won't


Revan: Ok master.


Darth Aap took his personal Sith Infiltrator and went off. He left the ISD and his troops in orbit of Korriban. If the rebels, the consortium, or the Kithoran's find out Revan is here and growing strong again, I want him defended.

Now lets go to Kamino. We are gonna need more men if we are going to war with 3 Factions at the same time.


*Message to the Empire*

This is Darth Aap.

Darth Revan is doing well. If he keeps up like this, he will find his memory back through the dark side of the force. As you know Korriban holds many dark secrets.

I'm also arranging more men for both me, and the empire.


PS: Please let me know how the situation is back on Coruscant

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Rebel Alliance Trooper:Darth Aap you are to late for coruscant when the droids were done there wasnt very many so we got rid of them so to bad


*The empire got into message*Stormtrooper:Wat we going strait back to coruscant now and take it back off your hands since its only you guys there.


Rebel Alliance Trooper:Why you will.....*Empire cuts out the message*


Emporour:Darth Aap how is your aprentice doing we did not get the message before that you sent to coruscant we no longer controls the place

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Darth Aap to Emperor: Darth Revan is doing well. Perhaps a bit too well. If we keep on going like this we are taking a bit of a risk. If he goes on like this he might find his memory back. Knowing that he was THE dark lord before his memory went black, he might want to reclaim that title and kill us both if he can.

On the other hand. If this wont happen we have one hell of a strong ally. The other factions will be chanceless against him.

What should I do, It's your call.


PS: I'm ordering more soldiers from Kamino to aid us in battle

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Empouror: Well done Darth Aap its true of wat you say l have already covered that he is attached to a weak sechsimic charge if he doesnt abey he dets it but it wont kill him but it would be quite painful he will learn that he has a master and he has no army so to have army he will have to do wat we tell him to do.Next thing how is the progress at kamino wait l'll go there personally l dont want anyone to come with us thats right your coming too get ready we lieave soon

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*Okoe Kithoran and his apprentice kill the Emperor and find out he is not the original Emperor, he was a special prototype droid with fake skin, voice and everything else necessary including being infused with the dark side of the force.* *Okoe* blasted, we have to find the-*there was an incoming message coming from Hypori, there was the Geonosian leader on screen, behind him floating in space was the Death Star* *geonosian leader speaking in native tongue* The Imperials have discovered our locatio-*BOOOM*


*Okoe Kithoran* recall the droid army, commander and let us head for the base, if they try to track us or get the coordinates of our hyperspace route it will show up as 0000, 0000, come my apprentice! *then Okoe and his apprentice fight their way back to their fleet while the droids also fight there way back, when they got their as soon as they left atmosphere, they hyperspaced out of t he system...*


*Kithoran Alliance Officer* Sir, Revan has escaped in a shuttle! *Okoe Kithoran* Things are getting out of hand, I wonder if the galaxy can stand an entire galaxy's worth of weapons and technology....

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*Okoe Kithoran told his commander in the Unknown regions to hyperspace the Kithoran Alliance fleet as close to the base as possible, the fleet was so large that it took up eight planet's worth of space, so the commander hyperspaced the fleet in every planet's system that was closest to The Kithoran Alliance base, destroying any Imperial, pirate, or Rebel forces that were there in a matter of seconds. All an Imperial moff that was in one of the systems which part of the Kithoran Alliance fleet hyperspaced in could report to Coruscant was "We are under attack by unknown ship-" before his ship blew up.*

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Darth Aap arrived at kamino and was waiting for the emperor.


Soldier through intercom: SIR! DARTH REVAN GOT HIS MEMORY BACK, STOLE A SHIP, AND FLED!!!!!!!!!!


Darth Aap: AH F*CK!!!


Soldier: We have 23 casualties.


Darth Aap: Ok guy's, get your asses over here!!

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Empouror: I am not pleased with your peformance of keeping reaven but no matter he took a homing beacon with him that will lead him to the main position of were he is so heres the tracker dont forget about the scesmic charger understand


Darth Aap: Understood

Emporour: Good



Imperial transmission: The storm troopers has gone rebel against us the decided we were so bosy so a mob of them started attacking imperial officers we need specialist help wait... oh no more storm troopers die *alot of blaster shots* ahhh.....


Stormtrooper: This transmission is out


Emporour: Darth Aap before you search for reaven go to the main imperial outposts and investigate this l always feared of this day


Darth Aap: Yes Master

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*Six Imperail Star Destroyers MK I hyperspaced to Naboo (one of the planets the Kithoran Alliance fleet occupied) only to find not just an unknown ship, but a system's worth of unknown ships, as soon as they hyperspaced in they were already under attack from all sides by hundreds of ships from the Unknown Regions, by concentrating all of the Star Destroyer's fire on one frigate, they managed to destroy it before the fleet obliterated them.*


*Okoe Kithoran then ordered his fleet to hyperspace to the next set of planets, destroying any Imperial and pirate resistence in the way. They then had sixteen planets under control with only one capital ship loss, one frigate, and two corvette losses.*

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Imperial: Sir theres an enemy fleet trying to find a place for them to stay they identified as a canderous 5-68 fighter other ships are unkown we found this in an hypori space station that was built there we will continue our search for more containers that have there ship plans in it


Moff Karn: We shall build these weapons for the empire and we will be able to find weaknesses in the enemy ships


Imperial: We have found a weakness in the fighter on the side they have a very exsplosive fuel that boosts its engines and weapons if you shoot at least once derectly at it, it will heat up and explode


Moff Karn: Excelence job imperial you have gone up a stage in your training same with everyone who helped out now they will be sitting dust


Imperial: Wait theres another plan coming in its called the.... um... Sith infiltrator? how did they get one of those


Moff Karn: I dont know but we shall use them and l already know there weakness you shoot were they come out then its easier to kill them because it disables the shields strait away


Imperial: Apparantly we found a whole lot of these tubes now they were all in the sheild generator bay heres another one the agressor hey the consortiumn use this weapon and.... *he continued talking about there ships and there weaknesses*


Moff Karn: WELL DONE IMPERIAL GENERAL! l am well pleased with your peformance you are now an formal imperial officer same with those people that found all of the tubes


Formal Imperial Officer: My thank you


Moff Karn: Now fire at these weaknesses *Moff Karn sent the weaknesses and the looks of the ships to all of the ships in the fleet*

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Darth Aap tries to activate the tracker.


Darth Aap: Can't find homing beacon?! Cheap piece of Bantha Crap. Ah well I'll use the force to guide me to him.


Without Darth Aap knowing it, the stolen ship from his fleet lands on Kamino. Darth Revan is trying to get himself an army so he can take over the Galaxy again like he did 4000 years ago. Darth Aap didnt sence him because he thought it was the emperor.


Darth Aap: I can't sence him anywere. And searching the entire galaxy is impossible in just 1 lifetime. I'll have to figure something out fast.

Wait a minute. Before he can rule the galaxy again, he might want to recapture the Starforge, as he probaly thinks it still exists. I will gather my fleet and wait for him at Rattattak.




In fact one of you doesnt know, a 1000 years before the movies, Revan and Malak wanted to conquer the galaxy. To achieve this they had to find the Starforge (a space station very strong in the dark side of the force). This station served as a factory that could get an entire fleet running in very little time. They went to the planets: Kashyyyk, Tatooine, Korriban, and Manaan to find parts of a Starmap that would lead them to it. Eventually they found it in orbit of the planet called Rattattak.

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Imperial: Darth Aap you may not of noticed but you going out of bounds to the planet rattattak this eligal please turn around otherwise give authorized permission


Darth Aap: The Empouror gave me permission


Imperial: You may go through be aware of the last lirking droid animated fighters there extremly powerful


Darth Aap: Will do


*Darth Aap went in to the astroid field full of broken bits of the left over ships and he found millions of fighters but they were all deactivated so he found the star forge they was really well damage but apparently not destroyed its only lost its main control place, so he knew it was safe to go in so ofcourse Darth Aap went in. He found were they made there ships and they were still being constructed and he noticed how fast they were constructing they were going something like at that speed you could travel to 3 planets in 1sec so he tried to take control but a peice from a very large republic ship was smashed in to the controls so he had problems trying to do it so he used the force and made it go off the controls so he took control of the station an noticed that the deactivated droids in space were actully maned by sith troopers so he wondered who the imperials must of been versing when they attacked the droids who was controlling them so he tried to find the people there but apparently he found out that there was droids controlling the ship because they were actully a astromech droid so they were controled by droids*


Darth Aap: Amazing

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This RP was suggested to me and I thought I would put up a character.


"Jedi should not feel anger. Or hatred. Or love."

"I'm not a Jedi, so you can think of me as an angry hating loving Naboo soldier, oh that doesn't sound right."

Aayla Secura and Alixe Medcraft discussing Jedi sementics.




Name: Alixe Medcraft

Age: 52, born 50 BBY

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Planet: Deralia

Job: Republic soldier

Affiliation: Republic

Appearance: Dark skin, green eyes, bald. Alixe wears the uniform of the Rebel Alliance but can be found kicking around in whatever clothes she can find, especially on Hoth where she hates the cold.

Gear: Imperial anti tank rifle: Twenty years ago Alixe was a sniper in the Clone Wars and with this monster of a rifle she is able to shred both stormtroopers and their armor from great distances.

Stealth Field Generator: The technology had been around for thousands of years yet had been sparingly used. Alixe sees great benefit in moving around the battlefield unseen, but because the rifle has perhaps the loudest retort of any weapon the Rebels use as soon as she fires off a shot any type of stealth is deemed useless.

Bio: Alixe was originally a soldier for the Trade Federation and was part of the incursion on Naboo. When the planet was invaded however Alixe defected and swore alligience to Queen Amidala, proving herself by fighting against the droid army. After the liberation of Naboo Alixe continued to serve as a soldier until an attempt was made on Padme's life, who was now a senator for Naboo. Because of her loyalty Alixe was sent at once to Coroscant where she was given orders to work with the Jedi to provide security, as well as a runner, Jedi Knight Aayla Secura. Together they watched over Padme when she was at the senate, swept her lakeside retreat in case of another attempt on her life and ensure her passage to Tattoine was a safe one.


"Clones? This cagey commando cannot be conned by complicated convoluted charades cooked up by a connieving cynical old coot."

Alixe passes summery judgement on Palpatine.


When the Clone Wars took place Alixe was largely left out of the picture, watching from the sidelines until she began hearing about the Jedi massecre. She quickly found out that Palpatine had issued the order to have them wiped out and sought to hunt down every Clone Trooper she could, determined to cut off his forces as best she could. But she knew that with the Empire now in control she was fighting a losing battle, and when she failed to protect Naboo, on top of everything else that had occured, she turned to spice as a means of easing the pain. But there were still people who needed her help, and as one of the few remnents of the Old Republic Alixe was sought out to protect those who were involved in the senate, and because she was known by those involved when the rebel alliance was formed the offer was extended to her to join.


The thickly accented soldier had changed a lot since her early days on Naboo. War had scarred her badly, from losing those she cared about to a lack of faith in government and politics based on the rise of the Emperor, and this had left her with a slightly smarmy attitude and a particular disdain for who she fights against, any compassion she once had now gone. Alixe adheres to a complicated moral code, believing that there is no line that cannot be crossed if it meant she had a chance to take out the Emperor, that intimidation, threats and scarring people into submission really is the best way to stop those who sought to harm others. While the importance of teamwork is something Alixe cannot stress enough she prefers to work alone, thinking that no one else has to pay the price if something goes wrong.

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Great we got another person doctor Aap is a person called Darth Aap and Impelite is a person named Okoe Kithorian that has the fiction faction thats called the kithorian alliance and lm just the empire ok you can choose a faction to be on or you can just be a person

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**OOC: Groovy, I'll have Alixe play with the Rebels if that's okay.**


She still had hair back then, when they first came to offer her a job. Alixe Medcraft, a veteran of war, was now little more than a retired soldier who looked after those in the senate. But there was scarce little to look after anymore, it was the way of the Empire or you were tortured and killed, far as Alixe could see.

"Look over there," she said, leading the Rebels who came to find her outside. "That used to be where the queen of Naboo resided. Now it's where Palpatine has made his home."

"He's in there now?" one of them asked.

"Every time I'm here I hope to catch a glimpse of Sidious. That's what the Jedi called him. Just long enough to take a shot at him. Never do."

"You hate the Emperor then?" Alixe gave a look to the second Rebel puke that indicated that went without saying.

"Okay, you've seen enough. Now I take it you're not just here because you want to hear about the Clone Wars." Alixe walked back inside before she could be seen, before any Imperials would have the chance to recognise the people with her.

"You know we're planning to strike back against the empire. We've been seeking out those who had been loyal to the Old Republic."

"You've been seeking the dead then?"

"There are those who are still loyal to the Republic, who would restore balence to the galaxy if they could." The patience these two Rebel solicitors struck a chord with Alixe.

"I'm not a political animal. All I know is fighting for the government I believe in." Her fingers drummed against the wall as she thought.

"That's why we're here."

"I figured that." Alixe cross her arms and stared straight at the pair of Rebels, who held their ground. They had grit, she saw. "So don't bore me with your boilerplate speeches, all I want to hear is you want Palpatine dead." The direction the conversation was going was uncomfortable, but the Rebels tried not to show it.

"We wouldn't put it as bluntly as that." Alixe glanced outside, thinking about listening devices the Imperials might use, before nodding in agreement.

"That'd be along the lines of your ultimate aim." She allowed herself to relax and sat herself opposite the Rebels. "I'm not the only one you've spoken to about this of course. You'd have sought help from others, those with less than reputable backgrounds. Smugglers, pirates, how'd you get them to agree?" From her tone it was a rethorical question.

"Are you saying you want money?"

"This is quite a dangerous proposition." Alixe leaned forward, seeing what their reaction would be. "How much you think you should pay?" They were obviously expecting this.

"We're not well off for funds, but we can offer you restitution of five thousand credits for your service until the end of the war."

"War huh?" Alixe leaned back. "There's something I'm good at." She shook her head. "Can't do it." Before the Rebels could reply she continued her dismissal. Not for that price, it's too high. Call it twenty five hundred." The Rebels readily agreed to the sum. Then Alixe excused herself for a moment, digging through her belongings for something she had during the Clone Wars. "This is a stealth field generator," she explained when she found it, holding it up. "I hear the Imperials have anti tank rifles. You want me to steal one, you give me two fifty credits."

"We have rifles..."

"Not like these. They can punch holes through AT-PTs, those armored troops transports." The change in attitude, from dark and brooding to charitable and eager to get to work, took the Rebels by surprise.

"Why are you doing this?" Alixe thought the answer was obvious.

"Revenge, as much as the Jedi would be against that. The Empire's made a mess up of the galaxy and I know I'm not the only one suffering for it. Besides, I'm loyal to the rightful ruler of Naboo."

"Rightful ruler?"

"Leia Organa." A smile crossed her face at the thought. "She has no love for the Empire."




That was ten years ago, Alixe thought. Looking at her reflection in the shuttle's window it seemed like a lifetime, not surprising as the galaxy had changed virtually overnight when the Empire took over. She had aged badly, her hair going grey before she made the decision to shave it off and her face was starting to show wrinkles, and that was no surprise either.

"You had to kill Rebels in order to maintain your cover?" she asked disbelievingly, not for the first time either. "Good thing I'm so against the idea otherwise I'd be seeking to avenge their deaths." The shuttle pilot was up to the challenge.

"You want to make an issue about it, gladly."

"I do, but not with you. That's just twisted." Alixe slammed a fist against the metal bulkhead. "Damn it, I know why it's nessecary but that's just evil." She saw the surface of Kamino and headed into the back.

"What're you doing?" she was asked. Alixe was distracted as she changed, waiting until she was in the Rebel uniform she was provided before replying.

"Lock and loading." She saw the shuttle pilot's head tilt up.

"Isn't that against the regs?"

"You read'em?" Alixe reached for her rifle and the ammunition, which she began to hand load.

"Only for what can be used against the Rebels or Empire. You'll need to fast rope onto the planet's surface quickly before I dust off, we cannot be seen here."

"As far as anyone knows we're just air dropping supplies." There was a crate that she placed the rifle in before activating the stealth field generator, rendering herself invisable. The shuttle's doors opened up and Alixe kicked out the rope before pushing the crate to the ground below. "Have fun Strange," she called out as she slid down the rope, letting go when she was several feet from the ground and landing by the crate. She scanned the landscape for any sign of Imperials, thinking this was where Kai Ai Mundi was killed. Alixe wondered if maybe his lightsaber was still here, but somehow she doubted it.

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