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Star Wars: The Sith Resurrection Part III: Last Stand of the Republic


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You coming back to the temple? Alkéa asked. If Komad was going to speak to the Council, she wanted to be there. She had an idea that maybe this was what a 'friend' had tried to tell her when she first came to Dagobah. Absorbed in her thoughts, she didn't hear Reyvan trying to get her attention.

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Of course. They will want to know what transpired here. But for now, I have to check over some things here to determine how the Assassin got here undetected. Komad sent back. "Ok, find anything here?" He then asked on of the people investigating the crime scene. "Yeah, check this out." The officer replied, pointing out the usage records on an access hatch to the ventilation shaft. "That's shortly after Hethra contacted me." Komad replied. "Since we know the Assassin used the vent's to reach the Chief of State's office, that would mean he had the communication system at the Jedi Temple tapped." Komad commented. "We have to order radio silence at the Temple for the time being."

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That morning, in the council chambers...

"It seems that the Assassin was there shortly before I received the message from Hethra, so we believe that the communication systems here have been tapped. I recommend radio silence until we can find the source." Komad recommend to the Jedi Council. "Very well. Please continue." Hethra replied. "After he killed the Chief of State, I attempted to subdue him, and bring him in for questioning, but he committed suicide by thrusting upon by lightsaber, and Force Pushing himself out the window." Komad finished his report. "I believe it would be best if we found out who sent the Assassin."

"I agree, but there are more pressing matters at hand. We must move quickly if the Republic is to survive. I am leading a contingent of troops to take Mortis' flagship, so we can put an end to Project Abaddon, once and for all." Hethra stated.

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"Maybe there is one who might be able to. He hasn't been here on Coruscant these last few months but he knows thing," Alkéa interjected softly. She knew her brother didn't like Tyrannus but that wasn't even his name which she discovered when he came to Dagobah and sought her out. "He would know how to find out. His people are know for just disappearing."


"Who?" asked Greea.


"One of the Jedi who comes from as far as the Unknown Regions."

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"Thank you, Alkéa. Since you seem to know him, I'm sending you to find him, and bring him in for questioning. But, I still expect you to carry this out objectively and decisively." Hethra responded. "Do not allow your feelings towards this man, whoever he is, to cloud your judgement."

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"I have no personal feelings for him Hethera," Alkea stated boldy. "He is one who prefers to do what he wishes but loosely follows the tenets of the Jedi Order. I don't need to search him out. He is coming here."


Tyrannus was tired but it was worth leaving the slime of the swamps. He knew that Coruscant was the best place to go since that was where the Force nudged him to. He also knew that she would be there. At least she would be able to understand him better than her overbearing brother. He dozed off while the ship finished making the trip to Coruscant.

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"Very well. Confront him with a squad of Republic Guardsmen, and if he is the one who sent the assassin, do whatever is necessary to bring him to justice." Hethra responded. Remember, you were my apprentice before you were his.He said directly to Alkéa through the Force.

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Alkea waited until all the masters but Hethera had left before coming up to him. Being respectful she continued the conversation, "Innocence or guilt, he is still one of us. Besides if he did send the assassin, it was more likely that it was to leave a message, not kill her."

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(When did die exactly? It might help. Until you say otherwise, I'll just assume that she lived at the right time for Hethra to have known her)

"There are some things I won't tolerate, not even from you. Don't bring her into this." Hethra reacted, for Alkéa had unwittingly opened up an old wound.

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((She died right around the time of A New Hope. She is an Avalonian princess, a Jedi))


"Bring who into what Hethera? The princess I speak of was none other than Master Starlighter. Who are you speaking of?" Alkéa replied. It was unlike her to retort back at her old master but she was confused when he said she.

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(Ok. I'll fix it by having Hethra think Alkéa meant someone else)

"I'm sorry. I thought you meant someone else. You wouldn't know who I thought you meant. She died three years before you were born. Starlighter, on the other, died decades before I was born." Hethra managed to calm himself.

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"I know she did and that she had a son. His people say he's the son of two Jedi. Whatever that means. You know how Avalonians are," Alkéa replied. Her voice softened when Hethera calmed down. She disliked making him angry but there were times when you can't be choosy about your allies. She added softly, "Perhaps you may tell me sometime of her. It may help with the confusion swirling around now."

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"It may be literal Master Hethra but knowing Avalonians, they could probably be referring to his characteristics like he has his mother's powers but has the fortitude of a great warrior they know. One of those things," Alkéa explained more for her benefit. She waited until Hethra said that he would tell her and she replied, "I should like to hear about her. Perhaps it may help." A remark that could have meant anything.

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"Very well. Her name was Almalexia, and she too was an Avalonian princess. She and I were very much in love, but during the Great Droid War, we discovered that she was providing the enemy with information which allowed HK-47 to attack Coruscant a year later, and kidnap Vice Chair Kaité Naberrie. I went after her myself, and I chased her to Sullust, where I tried to reason with her to return to Republic space, but I was forced to kill her. Since then I have never grown attached to anyone else in such a way." Hethra told her. "We're really not that different, are we?"

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"Maybe," Alkea replied thoughtfully. She wasn't willing to share that she had feelings again, this time for a certain Jedi. She added, "Master Starlighter was the true princess in that her parents were considered royalty. Was Almalexia a daughter of one of the lesser governors?"


((What I mean by this is that the Lord Governor of Avalon is the governor of the planetary system. He/she has the authority to call all troops together into a single army. ))

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