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[Fic] Logs of a Commando

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My first fic... Not too brilliant... Say what you have to say




Log Entry 1: This is the first log of hopefully many, I, commando unit Ephilion 397, have just been transferred to the first battle of the Clone Wars. My brothers, 56, 86 and 32 were with me, we are part of the Commandos, special trained units made for special missions.


Yesterday we were on our first mission on Geonosis, it was hard but it felt good to be able to kill those disgusting beasts at last. Our mission was to help the Jedi in rescuing Queen Admidala, Jedi Master Obi-wan Kenobi and his apprentice, Anakin Skywalker. The Republic is well on its way if we keep this up. The Confederacy will pay for ever defying us, although we won the battle I feel we’ll have destroy a lot more droids before this is over. 32, or better Thirst was injured on the leg but nothing serious compared to what happened to the injurer… We work well as a team; as long as we have that we are unstoppable.

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Log Entry 2: Managed to survive, not easy though. We were taken to Mygeeto, to help the Forces there and penetrate the power generator, Thorn (56) is currently on med-bay, he got ht pretty badly but will recover, as for the rest of us, were shaken but alright. Near the power generator something went wrong and the bridge just blew up when we were crossing it, Thorn was blown to the power generator side but the other clone troopers that were with us (about 140) just blew up. We had a head start and didn’t receive any damage. It was horrible, limbs everywhere and then from the other side came super battle droids to “clean us up”. They started shooting, it was complete hell. Blaster fire everywhere survivors from the blast getting shot in the head, we only had time to hide inside the structure dragging Thorn body with us. Thirst got some fireworks started with grenades and while Thinker retrieved the core. Luckily for us Jedi reinforcements arrived and got us out.


And still, this war is far from over… I’m starting to have some doubts… What did that bleeding core have to be worth 140 lives? We just got the news: Thorn will survive, one less thing of my head.

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Log Entry 3: The chancellor was kidnapped and we were forced to intervene in both the ground and space battle. Hell, this was even worse that Mygeeto but we were lucky and got out in one piece. The battle down in the planet was against us, droids everywhere, and our clone brothers dying before us. We were to hold a line in the Jedi Temple, and managed to with the Jedis help, but still it wasn’t easy, the droids kept coming and coming till they realised it wasn’t working. They called for backup and next things we knew we had waves of droidekas and tanks falling on us. Even the Jedi weren’t able to stop them. After a few hours we were retreating into the temple and droid were coming, but Thirst had been active when he saw they were calling for backup. He planted bombs in the pillars and in the entry. When the droids rushed in… boom. It was a pleasant sight, droid part raining. Hehe… our fun didn’t last as we were called a sector of the city. But unfortunately that sector was actually just small streets in the planets surface, we were constantly pushed back my they’re defences but we used the terrain against them. We went through the ground and blasted them right in the middle. The sector was controlled.


Still we weren’t given any time to relax. A transport Came and took us to the space battle; we were given special armour and lined up for a boarding party. That’s where it got tricky… The turrets spotted us as we left the hangars and started shooting us down. Hadn’t it been for the Jedi Master with us we would be dead. He did something and the turrets either blew up or stopped working. The hangar was quickly controlled and we started pushing our way into the bridge. But they had the upper hand and pushed us back to the hangar. Fortunately, Thinker had a marvellous idea… we used they’re own bombers against them and blew up the corridors leading to the hangar getting rid of half of the droids, the rest was quickly cleaned up. The droid commanders on the bridge set the ship to collide with ours. It was a race against time to get to the bridge and stop it the ship. The Master with us died, I saw him get stabbed myself. I kept his lightsaber to remember that he lost his life saving mine… we were getting to the bridge when 4 magna guards appeared and he started fighting them, they were too many and one of them finally slashed him in the back and he fell, they were heading towards us deflecting the blaster fire from our rifles. But the Jedi got up and destroyed them with the Force, though one of them survived and tried to stab me he put himself in collision course with the droids blade as he ignited his lightsaber in the droid’s face, burning his circuits but getting eventually stabbed by his weapon. From there we got to the bridge and diverted its course and got out.


We are currently returning to the ship, I’m starting to have my doubts if this war is actually worth it…

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Log Entry 4: This time I'm making my log before the operation, Order 66 was given, we are to infiltrate the Jedi Temple and slay everyone Masters, Knights, Apprentices... Everyone... The war was won two days ago on Utapau. I forgot that the Jedi saved me before, it doesn't matter... I just follow orders. And those orders tell me to kill all Jedi. Why not? Those scum bags wanted the clone army erased before the war. I don't have a choice

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Log Entry 5: They’re dead; I killed them without regret… So did my companions… So did the others. 5 Masters 3 Knights and 13 apprentices… Those were all the Jedi I killed.


We entered the temple and caught them by surprise, killing everyone not in a clone uniform, we captured the hall and the library and from there we spread out, they didn’t stand a chance, but then came the Jedi to help the guards, and they started pushing us back to the balconies. We weren’t about to let them win and fought back. They’re numbers were twiddling while we still had many soldiers left. Eventually we killed them all and nothing but the guards were left. We rushed forward into the quarters and the rest of the Palace. Big mistake, out of nowhere Knights and Padawans appeared slaughtering our brothers with they’re lightsabers. They killed 32, 86 and 56. I’m the only one left. I thought we were doomed but Darth Vader appeared and helped us out killing many of the Jedi. We entered the quarters where the Apprentices were hiding, I specially entered one alone, the apprentices were scared, and they weren’t older than 10 years. I couldn’t kill them. But then I remembered my dead companions, killed by they’re kind. Next thing I knew one of them had fallen with a burning hole in his head and my blaster rifle had smoke coming out. I shot all the others the same way…


The Temple is cleared, I heard that everywhere around the galaxy other Jedis were killed.


There is peace at last… My job is over.

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Log Entry 6: Almost 20 years have passed since the last log entry, for almost 20 years peace lasted. A new war broke out, a Civil War. It started within the Emperor’s toy, the Death Star. A few prisoners managed to escape, and take the plans of the Death Star with them, I wasn’t there, but I should have been… After all that time of doing absolutely nothing, I needed to do something, that rebellion wasn’t actually a random group; it had already started in the shadows right after Order 66 was completed. Their deploying troops, luckily I’ll get picked.

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Log Entry 7: I was picked to take out a Rebel leader in Naboo, it’s the Queen itself. As the forces of the 501st attacked the city and made a hell of noise. I was assigned to go in quietly and enter the palace and assassinate her. What I didn’t predict was that she made a run for it and left the palace escorted by her Jedi guardian… there were still a few left. Out of panic for what Lord Vader would do if I failed, I exited the palace into the battle, took a sniper from a dead stormtrooper body and shot her right in her head. There was a reason I was called Vader’s Finger amongst the troops. But a small thing went wrong, as I was turning around I didn’t notice that the Jedi guardians had spotted me and out of revenge wanted to kill me. I drew the lightsaber I had picked up from the master a long time ago and was able to kill one, he was surprised I had one and wasn’t able to stop his attack and rushed straight into the lightsaber. The others were killed by our toops before they could do anything else.


This was too easy.

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Log Entry 8: After my success in Naboo, I was assigned to help out Lord Vader himself in a mission on Tatooine. I didn’t understand though, what Vader wanted with that boy and his family, still once again I did what I was told and killed them, making it seem like it was a Tusken raid. I do what I'm told and thats how it works. Lord Vader seemed to grow weary of this Rebellion. That small mission amounted to my carrier and I was promoted, I was now Vader’s official Finger.

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Log Entry 9: Lord Vader himself, ordered me to do this one. I was sent to Kamino, where the cloners had formed started to form an army to fight the Empire. They never succeeded. I was to help a bounty hunter named Boba Fett in destroying the facility from the inside but recover a few things along the way. It seemed to be going well, at least until we got to the entry of the facility. Those damn cloners were well armed and as soon as the door opened the auto turret defences tried to shoot us dead. We destroyed them and moved inside to find a few Kaminoans protected by our corrupted brothers. They weren’t a match for our strength, it was too easy. We killed the Kaminoans and started wrecking the place; I picked up a few DNA samples before throwing a grenade inside the machine and blowing the facility up. We both exited the facility in one piece, Boba left but I still wasn’t out of trouble, I had to traverse the battleground and reach the gunship to return the samples. I started running in a frenzy across the platforms shooting anyone who stood in my path. I wished 32, 56 and 86 were alive… They could have helped me. Still, I did my job and got to the gunship returned the samples and left. Only then I noticed I had been shot in the arm. Got out of med-bay a few moments ago.

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Log Entry 10: Haven’t been able to make a log in awhile, as far as I recall. The Death Star got blown up; don’t know how it was possible. It was considered indestructible.


Hell, all I know is that I was called to Yavin 4, filled with anger and thoughts of revenge for all our brothers that were killed by those damned rebels. I was taken planet side along with a legion of storm troopers to confirm they’re presence. We established an outpost in the Massassi Temple without much trouble, but then it turned into hell; Rebels appeared out of nowhere and gave one hell of a fight. We were trapped inside the Temple and couldn’t get out. We held on our own for hours till we were able to flee the Temple punching through the Rebels, many of us died getting to our ships and many were killed by the planetary defences. We headed to the Death star seeking refuge. Next thing I know I see it blow up in front of me, I was shocked, how did they manage to do that?


We eventually got picked up by the survivors.

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Log Entry 11: Ugh…This is the last log entry I’ll ever be making. I was… I was sent to Endor to protect the new Death Star power generator or something like it. We got rammed that’s what happened. The Empire is lost, I am not sad though, I just did what I was told as I always did. No questions. I’m currently inside the structure we had to protect; I will carry out Lord Vader’s will… Ah heck, now, at the time I finally die with 2 blaster shots in the legs and 1 in the torso, I can finally start asking questions.


What if the Jedi were the ones that were right? What if those peasants on Tatooine were innocent? What if the Rebels were fighting for a just cause?


All these years I’ve followed orders without thinking of the consequences. If I had the chance to do it all again I would have said no. The Emperor was wrong, but I enforced his will.


All the innocents… Aaaahh I can see the light… I will die with honour, I will redeem myself. Goodbye… *blaster shot*

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Jedi Fedru turned off the log and walked out the reconstructed Jedi Temple's library, thinking. He couldn't blame the clones for they're treason... They were but soldiers, bound to follow orders... They weren't created to have they're own will.


They just did what they had to do...


Though in the end they realise it was wrong, it is too late.

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This is an interesting concept, and I like the idea of looking at all the SW events from a grunt's point of view. I had some trouble following it because of the punctuation--you need more commas and periods in the appropriate places.

Interesting idea for the clone at the end of his life to think about why he was doing something.

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