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New "Sith armor" mod

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here is the Link! please download and constructively criticize! XD ( as what you say will help me to make better mods.)

Sith armor add-on



after several years of work i have finaly created THIS! XD well actually more like "several minutes"

but i think you will enjoy this. (as this is my first fully released mod, please don't be TOO hard on me.)


it allows for the finding of a revamped sith armor, somewhere on Korriban.


in the next version i hopw to have some new skins, more options, added to this mod.


i'll post a screenie here, as well as the download link.











LINK: UPDATE! i have requsted a spot on lucas files, however it may take a while. . .

sorry, all the other sites will not allow me to put it up. . .?

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I was wondering if I could get the old sith armor back. This will work though, Just out of curiousity, can this be bought at the Taris Emporium, and have the same effect on people as the original outfit did??? What stats does it add? ;/


The "Sith" effect it had on people in Taris will not work in the other planets. Mostly because your not meant to have the sith armor by then and the developers decided not to code it.


If you want the armor so badly just add it in the save game editor. It is not that hard and only takes 3 seconds to find and add

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