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[Journal] Diary of an Exile

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Day 1 - Peragus?


I think its called Peragus, some sort of mining colony. Woke up in the medical bay. Well on the medical bay floor that is.


After the usual plundering of the nearby containers and a riffle through the computer logs I met an old woman in the morgue. She was playing dead and seemed to know I was or had been a Jedi. The question is, how did I know that?


Day 2 - Peragus - memory starting to come back


I can't seem to remember much before waking up here, although there is something fuzzy about a T3 unit and a smuggling vessel. I think I was on a ship called the Harbinger but not sure why. I do remember that I was travelling the outer rim for some time.


Woke up with nothing but my underwear and can't find anything else suitable although this did not seem to upset the guy I found in the Administration holding sell. Goes by the name Atton Rand. Though he may have been there for some time so I'm sure anything or anyone as scantily clad as me would do.


I seem to have missed a lot of what happened after Malachor V...but I don't want to think about that now


Day 3 - Mining Tunnels are fun


Not really. Although I do seem to have a propensity for blowing up droids. I do quite enjoy it. Made it through but was unable to shut the droids down, not to worry though me and my Vibroblade soon made short work of them.


The weird thing is I can hear Kreia in my head. And some of my force powers seem to be coming back.


Its strange but I actually feel re-assured that Atton is up there looking out for me. I'm not sure I should trust him, he was in a holding cell after all...but then I've been a few of those myself.


Day 4 - Droids really are annoying


Met an HK unit who claims that I am its master and that it was looking after me on the Harbringer. Protocol droids are usually pretty smarmy and condescending but there is something down right creepy about this one. Perhaps it was the delight it seemed to take in replaying me the dying words (in chilling accuracy) of the Maintenance Supervisor. I think I would rather have a pack of Gamorreans watching out for me then this thing.


Not to mention it didn't warn me about the uber huge droids waiting by the air-lock, nor was it particularly helpful with get the voiceprint access code so I could get outside the station. I appealed to its vanity however and it was more than obliging.


I don't think I've seen the last of that bucket of bolts yet.

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Argh! You took my idea, lol. I was thinking about doing a Journal type of Fic after finishing the one im doing now, ahh well. I guess i could still do it, but meh.


Great job, by the way, i like your style of writing and accuracy to what i would think the Exile would be writing down in that little book of his/her's. And the line about Kreia knowing that you were a Jedi once before, should it have been "The question is, how did she know that?" and not the sentence which you've got there now?


Other than that nothing much i can spot.

Once again, great work, keep it up and i'm eagerly awaiting the next set of entries :D

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Day 5 - Why do Jedi's always take the risks?


I've been asking myself this a lot lately. I'm not even a Jedi anymore but it’s as if I feel compelled to do whatever is necessary to save everyone else.


I managed to get away with not rushing head long into danger for the past 10 years, well at least not nearly as much danger as I used to. Yet one old woman with some half baked ideas about the force and here I am dressed in obligatory space-suit dodging flames spewing forth from the fuel vents on the outside of Peragus on my way to rescue what might be left of the miners.


Waved to Atton from outside the windows, gave him a little fright as I hadn't told him I was out here. He tries to hide his true emotions, but I think he was genuinely concerned for me.


A ship docked with the facility. I think it’s the Harbinger, if so it has seen better days. There is something very eerie and unnerving about it. I don't get any real "sense" from it, as if "the lights are on but nobody is home". It sent a shiver down my spine actually. If we can get inside maybe I can piece together what happened to me.


Day 6 - 4am and all's well.


Yeah but not really. More rampant, killer droids waiting to be sliced in half by yours truly. Not that it isn't fun and all but it really is starting to get a bit tiresome, especially the fire suppression units. This Jedi does not do cold!


See already I'm referring to my self as "Jedi". I don't have a lightsaber and I've been stripped of all my force powers and senses. However, Kreia was right they are starting to slowly return somehow. Maybe it’s her, maybe it’s me...maybe...no it couldn't be Atton.


I do sense something in him I can't quite explain though. It’s not entirely unpleasant. Maybe just a bit odd.


Did I mention all the miners are dead? Looks like I was right about the HK unit, he set off some poison gas in the ventilation. I can see we're going to have to "have words".


Day 7 - I love the smell of charred ion in the morning


Took that Droid out no problem. I think it wanted to take me to something called the Exchange; apparently they are hunting Jedi and believe me to be the last one. All well and good but I didn't have time to stand around and chat so I blew it to bits and got on with the job at hand.


Atton, Kreia and I boarded the Harbinger and as I suspected it was deserted. That is save for the cloaked Sith assassins hiding around every corner. You have to admire their persistence.


Found my old quarters and my stuff, well my armband anyway...still no sign of my real clothes, these miners digs are really beginning to itch! I also discovered that I was "allowed" to board the ship by someone called Admiral Onasi; apparently the Exchange is not the only group who has designs on me.


All those years in the outer rim and I never realised I was so popular.


Day 8 - Its big, it’s bad and it’s very, very dead.


A Sith called Sion was on board. Like Kreia he had been playing dead and then he and his little cloaked minions killed everyone. Lovely. He and Kreia went at it but Atton and I could not get involved, because she slammed the door in our faces.


Found the fuel supply line but as I entered I felt a searing pain rip through my hand. I think I passed out for a minute because when I came to Atton was cradling me in his arms. It was a little awkward, but I think I liked it. That can't be good.


Found T3 and loads of other droids but the cute little bugger saved the day and got us into the hangar where the Ebon Hawk was docked. Lucky for us there were loads more Sith waiting as we took off. I never used to like blaster cannons but in a room full of fuel canisters they bring a whole new dimension to the word "fun".


Kreia made it back as well, although she wasn't very forth coming about Sion or herself she did shed some light on the past and force sensitivity. Although, we've got some weird bond now where I actually felt it when he cut off her hand. Oh Joy, as if my life wasn't full enough I've got to worry about her dying and taking me with her every five minutes. I hope there is no more Sion in her future, but something tells me I'm going to get to know him very well whether I like it or not.


Day 9 - Did I say Exploding Fuel was fun?


I left out the bit where the Harbinger chased us and we tried to avoid its fire in the astroid field, yeah that was a brilliant plan. The whole thing went up like a mini supernova. I think I've actually got a sun burn!


I was painfully reminded of my lightsaber by Atton. I know he didn't mean it. He was just curious about it, but I suddenly felt all the pain I had been avoiding come rushing to the surface. Now that Kreia has awoken the force in me again its coming back to me ten fold. I'm not sure I am ready to deal with it but I guess I have no real choice.


I woke up in the cockpit, as we entered within range of Citadel station, and found my hand clutched as if it were holding a lightsaber and I couldn't seem to open it for what seemed ages but it may have only been seconds. Atton was looking at me out of the corner of his eye but pretended he hadn't noticed.


Good news! When we got to Telos we we're arrested and then some impersonator thug tried to kill us. Atton really goaded him, I'm not sure if it was just male bravado or if he was really trying to protect me, but he kicked that guys ascii into the next millennium.


The head TSF officer, Grenn, wasn't too happy but at least we got a comfy room instead of a holding sell. Now if the bloody comms would stop going off every five seconds maybe I could actually sleep before I have to play hero err heroine again.

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I think there were two :) I left two letters in the last paragraph.


This is the problem when you are you're own editor, if you read your stuff too much its easy to let small things slip.


There will be some Pazaak in the next bit, can't avoid it! :)


Although there is certainly not enough Pazaak on Citadel for my liking, the money kind that is.

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