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[Fic] Point Blank


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Okay, I really bored, so I gonna start a Fic here. Do not expected it to be updated TOO often. I’ve decided It’s gonna be about a Rebel Infiltrater special op in the Galactic Civil War, and it will start based on Majin Revan’s maps. Those maps always come to mind when I think about Star Wars. So, enough already. Here Goes.


Point Blank


There was a wookie running down the hall in the wookie quarters. No big surprise there. The wookie was 7-8 feet, had a belt which contained a couple of small arms and various devices, and also a bit of leg and shoulder plating made of light material. His name, in that human language, was best translated as Moyfyht. It was a small, stealthy name, not drawing attention but still with the strength to rip off arms. He was proud of it. Moyfyht knocked on one of the doors, which had a Rebel Alliance symbol painted on it, and under that, there as engraved Frrupti, son of Tarfur. He was a little vain. Finally, Frrupt opened the door. “Ah, all trussed up for battle, I see?” Frrupti growled. “Yes. Have you got any spare ammo for me?” Moyfyht replied. “No. I just have two canisters , plus a half empty pack I found under my cot.” “So much for support tactics. Come on, let’s go.” They started walking together towards the transport hangers. “Well, this is it. We finally get to see if this idealistic little Alliance can stand up to the Empire in a direct battle.” “I’m optimistic. They certainly chose the wrong place, anyhow. We have the advantage here, plus the help of the Geinosians. And we’re fighting for the right causes. We’re fighting so the galaxy can live in peace.” “You can be Mon Mothma. Me, I’m fighting so Wookiees can live in peace. That’s about it.” “Well, as long as we get to fight together. They won’t beat us two.” They loaded up onto the walker’s flat top with the other soldiers. The alarm started sounding, making sure everyone was in battle stations. A Rebel “officer” who was trying to look like he was official and military turned on a hologram map for all to see. “The Imperial forces have landed a Venator cruiser here, south by west, and established a forwars command center here, on the south side of the ridge, against the cliffs. Our munitions center will be ambushed form the air and from the mountain, once the stormtroopers get over it, so our job is to capture the hills halfway down the ridge as fast as we can and drive them southwest, where they'll be trapped. Um.” The officer stood there, unsure how to end his speech. “What we really need is a catch phrase.” One man suggested. “They have ‘for the empire’.” “Good idea. How about ‘For Freedom. For the Alliance!’” The crew rallied the cry. “How about ‘For Wookies, for Kashyyyk!’” Moyfyht suggested, but noone understood him. Darned language barrier. Frrupti tightened the grip on his gun. “I’ve always wanted to kill an Imperial.” He howled. “Me too.” Moyfyht said. “Although I never thought I’d have all this fancy equipment. I’m glad I still have my Ryyk blade. By the way, what lingo are we using?” “Er, Shyriiwook, although I caught you using a sentence or two of Thykarann.” “Hey look!” Someone in the crew shouted. You could see a few dots in the distance. Moyfyht took out his electroboniculars. Those dots were Imperial transports, flanked by Tie Fighters. Here they came.


How many Soldiers will Moyfyht and Frrupti kill? What will be their favorite way to do it? Is the author a little too obsesses with ROTE? If you ever find out, It will be in the next installment of:



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Hi Relenzo. Nice start on the story.


A couple things--don't use a small font--it makes it too hard to read. Also, to allow the eye to scan through your fic more easily, every time you have a change in speakers, hit enter a couple times to double space and give person a new line. See the formatting in JediMaster12's, stingerhs, or my fics to see how it's done--it really helps readability. Check out the stickies and the Resource Centre, too, and if you have any questions, feel free to PM me or one of the other mods.

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Chapter two is here. And so is the action.


Point Blank

Chapter 1:

The Battle of Geonosis


Moyfyht watched the aircraft fly over the ridge. He didn’t like it at all. What was to stop them from bombing their transports… like that?


A transport near to them exploded, some of the sparks even showering over the soldiers in his walker. Frrupti gulped. “We’re in trouble. Don’t we have any fighters?” “We do,” the rebel officer replied, “but we haven’t had time to start them up yet! We’ll have to hold our own until they can combat the Empire by air, but there’s no way we can go on the offensive until then!”


Moyfyht saw it first. The bomber dived down real close and got a perfect shot. Luckily it only dropped one proton bomb. Moyfyht, and anyone else with any sense, dived over the rail to escape the explosion, even though they were roughly 10 feet above ground. The force of the combustion knocked him to the ground. When he got up, he couldn’t see any of the others. But he could see what was left of the walker, the Geonosians and Rebels, and the Imperial soldiers- and the battle that had suddenly begun.


For a second Moyfyht completely panicked. Then he remembered his training. He hid behind the vehicle and pressed a button on his belt. It glowed blue, and his cloak activated. A sheen passed over his body. However, Moyfyht could still se himself, although his feet were very fuzzy and hard to see. Was that because he was invisible? He couldn’t remember what he had been told about it. He took a deep breath and stalked off. Either way, he had been told not to get to close to the enemy, or they would hear him, or bump into him, or he could get caught in crossfire, and there was another one, too. So he stayed away from the thick section of the battle a climbed a hill that had a small passage carved underneath by water.


He heard a soldier coming up the hill. Moyfyht hid in the passage. He drew his Ryyk blade, his heart beating faster. Just a little closer, he thought. Then, he leaped out, spotted the Imperial, and downed him with a single perfectly executed Throym cross-stroke. Throym was a Ryyk technique, probably the most widely used. It really didn’t have any blocks, although a couple of dodges. It was based on your opponent never getting a chance to strike back.


But his ears detected commotion going on further down the hill. He walked over to the edge. A Geonosian with a beam weapon was flying around, knocking over that soldiers companions and kicking up a lot of dust. When the Geonosian was finished, it saw the corpse lying on top. It’s eyes lingered over where Moyfyht was, and then it glided up the hill, and bumped into him. “You are invisible!” it buzzed. Moyfyht could understand him, well, assuming it was a him. When the Rebels were instigating the Geonosian revolt, he had been given a crash course in the language. Well, guess that was good news. His cloak did work. He turned it off so the Geonosian could see him.


“You are one of the Rebels?” The bug asked. Moyfyht nodded.

“This is our greatest battle! Every aristocrat fights today! Though that doesn’t mean the drones are spared…” It made a whirr that Moyfyht thought might be a Geonosian chuckle. “See you on the battlefront!” It clicked and flew off.


A bomb exploded a few yards off, driving Moyfyht’s eyes to the battle. There was more Imperial armor than Rebel armor around. It wasn’t exactly looking pretty. It was like looking over an incredible mind evaporator movie. But this, of course, was what they were portraying.


He decided to try out his new weaponry. He unhooked his E - 5s long distance rifle. One of the most lethal blaster guns in the galaxy. He brought the scope level to his eye and found a storm trooper, than pulled back the catch to charge it.


It started firing. What the-? Oops. This thing wasn’t like a bow caster. And it appeared he’d pulled too hard and broken it. He still had his high-power pistol. He drew it and advanced down the hill. He waited until he could see the red in their eyes… well, no, you couldn’t see their eyes. He just fired. Bang! Bang! Down one stormtrooper. He like this!


Let’s see. He had been told to push them southwest when they got our aircraft. He looked up. Good ‘ol X-wings. Well, hat criteria was fulfilled. He looked over to the mountain, on the other side of which was their munitions store. It was storming with white soldiers like an anthill. But he didn’t see his side exactly advancing. But he would advance, on his own. He had an opening.

He could do it.

That’s why he was a SpecForce Infiltrator.


He reactivated his cloak and set through the battle. Occasionally he had to crawl to make sure he wouldn’t get hit. But when he crawled around the last spire, he could see the Forward Command Center. The soldiers were standing by it arguing for now. He snuck onto it. What did he do now? Wait, they were coming back. He hid under the control desk.

“Okay, to sector 718 and 684. Move!” An Imperial Commando said. The others moved out. What could Moyfyht do? They would certainly spot through his cloak, as they were so close. He still had his holoshroud. But he should do something before he left, now that he was here. He unhooked his HMD from his belt and stuck it to the side. It started flashing. Guess that meant it was hot. He turned on his holoshroud. Hey! He was storm trooper! Cool! He gulped and came out from under the table.

“Hey! What were you doing under there!”

“I, I was repairing it. Got a problem with that?” Wow, his voice sounded weird

“You don’t look like an engineer.”

“-They were out of engineer uniforms. I have- special training.” He started walking away.

“Hey, remember what they told us about those rebels?” Moyfyht started running.

“Get him!” The commando shouted.

Moyfyht pressed the remote button to blow his charge.


He turned around. Everyone on the command center was dead, and there was significant damage to the controls. Moyfyht stared at the remote in his hand.


Then he shrugged and went back, hacking away even more to make sure the thing was destroyed. The Imperial troops down the middle of the ridge were acting very confused, without coordination, having lost their orders. Then they started retreating. The battle was won.


Moyfyht was carried back into base on the Rebels shoulders, cheering and whooping. “Moyfyht!” Someone shouted… in Wookie language!

“Frrupti!” Moyfyht jumped down and gave his buddy a hug. “Where were you the whole time!”

“Supporting, what else! I don’t like to toot my own horn, but-”

“Yes you do.”

“But without me, they might have broken through!”

The Rebel officer of Moyfyhts brigade walked up and tried to shake his hand. “Good job. What did you think of your first major battle?”

“I like all the tech, but there’s so much going on. And it seems like it doesn’t matter how good you are, anyone could be blown away just like that. Kinda scary.”

“That’s called the bantha fodder effect. Assuming you survive it, you’ll get used to it.”


Everyone was smiles and slaps on the back. It was perfect. And then that (Wookie expletive) alarm sounded again and ruined everything. “What is it now?!”


Why is the (wookie expletive) alarm off again? Where will they go? What will Moyfyht do now that he's used his HMD? If you ever find out, it'll be in the next episode of:

Point Blank


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Next chapter. Any comments? Any at all?

Point Blank

Chapter 2:



Everyone was running to the dropships. The officer was listening to something on his com.

“Bad news,” he said over the noise, “the empire just brought in another ship. They’re gonna bomb the whole area.”

“What!” Moyfyht roared, “We just fought brilliantly, and it’s all for nothing?”

“We were sure they wouldn’t do that, as they have so much industry here, but no go! At least the Empire took a lot of damage from this little episode. Now come on, we got to get out of here. Dropship #5A, stat!”

Moyfyht, accompanied by Frrupti, ran to the dropship. “You know, I never knew why they added the letter, we don’t have very many dropships, there’s nothing past A.” Moyfyht remarked.

“Shut up.” Frrupti snapped, hurt.


The fighter pilots were having a heck of a time getting to all their ships and ready on such short notice. They were causing most of the racket out there. Moyfyht watched one try to repair his fuel valves before taking off. He wouldn’t even have time to put the frame back on.


“Answer me honestly,” Moyfyht asked his officer, “are we going to get out of here?”

“It all depends on how long the Geonosians can stall the Imperial fleet, really.”


The dropship’s engines started up. “I love flying.” Moyfyht said. Then the dropship took off, blasting through the planetary atmasphere. Moyfyht was holding onto the porthole frame for dear life. This is not exactly like my cataraman! Once they passed the atmosphere, Moyfyht gained the bravery to open his eyes. There were a few Tartan cruisers bearing down on the dropships. The fighters, though, were doing a positively valiant job of holding them off. With coordination, they downed ship after ship. But the Imperials had coordination too. Soon there were almost no fighters left, and the fist Cruiser turned its guns on a dropship. Their dropship. Debri flew everywhere, and inside the ship red lights came on. And then the offending Tartan was wiped away by a huge volley from nowhere. There was a Mon Calamari behind them! Thank the gods for backup, or they would all be dead. Although it would have been nice if they had come around erlier. Eventually there were no nearby Imperial craft, and the fighters zipped into the hangers of the Mon Calamari. The warp sequence was calculated, and just like that, Geonosis was gone.


“So, where are we going now?” Frrupti asked, polishing his bowcaster.

“Well, we can’t go back.” The officer said. “Most of the Rebelling Geonosians, and many of their homes, are all destroyed.

“So where are we going to go?” Moyfyht was getting impatient.

The officer shookd his head. “That’s a job for the Rebel leaders, not me.”

A day later, the news was out. The convoy was going to converge with other floating Rebel forces to liberate a base on Dantooine. It wasn’t until a couple hours later that Moyfyht got the bad news. He was going to the surface first to convince the natives to let them have a base, and to support them against the empire.


The 5A officer gave him his briefing. “You will hop a transport to the equatorial continent here,” he said as he pointed to a map. “The population is mostly human farmers. There are a lot of farming taxes and concessions. So convincing them to go against the empire will not be terribly hard. But you won’t be alone. We’re pairing you up with a special op soldier, Ateefor, which we have loaned to us for now.” Ateefor was a lanky, pale human with a camo suit that was too big for him, and a small rocket launcher.

“This is all I get? No squad, no diplomats?” Moyfyht wrrooed sadly.

Ateefor nodded and walked away, coming back with a glass of water, which he gave to Moyfyht.

“Umm, he’s still working on his Shriiwook.” The officer said.

“Sorry,” Ateefor smiled sheepishly.

Moyfyht sat back. “One Wookiee Special Force and one ghost of a human Special Op who can barely understand each other trying to convince a planet of farmers to let them house soldier there?”

“It’ll be interesting.” Ateefor shrugged.


The battered, stolen LA-AT stopped a few feet above ground, and hovered there. The door opened, and Moyfyht and Ateefor hopped out.


It was raining on Dantooine at the moment. A light, England-ish rain was falling from a darkened sky, but there was no lightning or wind. A puffy bird was resting in the branches of a thick tree. They caught a glimpse of some kind of wild dog seeking a shelter from the rain. The field they had landed in was full of tall grass, beating Moyfyht’s height by a few inches, but nearly twice as tall as Ateefor. “I wonder what this is they’re growing here?” Ateefor speculated.

“It’s Koriashi, for soup and fuel.” A rusty voice said behind them. They spun around and saw a farmer, with one eye that was slightly twitchy, and checkered trousers. He might have seemed almost friendly, too, if he hadn’t been pointing a Trandoshan energy slug launcher at Moyfyht. Moyfht and Ateefor could have gotten the drop on him, seeing as they were two people, and superiorly armed. But it probably wouldn’t help their already near impossible task of convincing these farmers to rebel. “I think he‘s shaking.” Mofyht said to Ateefor.

“He said, ‘don‘t hurt us.’ Ateefor said.

No, that‘s what you say, Moyfyht thought.


“Who are ya’s?” The farmer demanded. “And who’s ya working for? Nevermind. Could I hold you’s up inside? I’m getting wet and muddy out here.”


“Wet and muddy,” Ateefor muttered to himself as they walked away. “I know wet and muddy. I’ll wager he doesn’t know the first thing about wet and muddy."


Which is more powerful: The empire or the rebellion? Which is more powerful: The empire or the people? Which is more powerful: The Empire or Google? If you ever find out, it'll be in the next episode of:

Point Blank


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Point Blank:

Chapter 3:

Instigating Rebellion

Moyfyht and Ateefor were inside a grain storage house, along with the crazy farmer.

“Alright, I want some answers.” The farmer said. “Who are ya’s, where are you from, and who are ya’ working for?”


“We’re Rebel soldiers,” Ateefor said, “I’m Ateefor and he’s Moyfyht, and we don’t want to be found by the empire right now.” Ateefor said. Well, it was true. “Honestly, we aren’t here to cause any trouble for you!” The farmer put down his gun. “Well, I suppose I can believe you there. And I guess old Jack and his hunting gun ain’t nothing against you two anyhow. But I’m sure there’s better ways to hide from stormtroopers, less ya’s really in dire straits, cause they’re about to come around to pick up their grain consciption today, if they aren’t delayed. Oh, anyhow, come on, let’s go have dinner, I’m not gonna keep ya here.” But Jack had a thought as he took the two to his house. “I can feed you,” He told Ateefor, “But I don’t think I can feed you.” he said, looking at Moyfyht.

“I don’t think you could, old man, seeing what I eat and how much of it I eat.” Moyfyht roared, of course Jack couldn’t understand him. But Jack took them to his house, and gave Ateefor something to eat. “So the Imperial, how often to they come to pick up their grain?”

“Every harvest. With that and the taxes, it’s half our harvest profit, not to mention the occasional conscription they have because they feel like it.”

“That’s terrible! How can you live with it?”


“It’s not like I like the Empire, I hate it, but ya’ learn to live with it. What’s an old man like me to do?”

Ateefor jumped up, his finger in the air. “Everything! We can help! I mean, the Alliance can help…”

Wow. Ateefor had quite the diplomat inside him. Maybe command had had some idea what they were doing.

Moyfyht turned to look outside. It was still rainging lightly, but the road (from the looks, the only one withing a mile of this place, and that was for grain barges) was starting to get slick and run over with mud. A little farther back down it, some people were trying to manuever some vehicle down it. Moyfyht took out his electro binoculars and zoomed in. Those were stormtroopers, and they were manuevering grain barges down it. Jack had said they were picking up commission today.

“Yep, that’s them. In this weather, it’ll probably be another good half hour before they make it down here. That road’s not very good, and it’s been raining for a while.”

“My trigger finger is itching.” Moyfyht said.

Jack chuckled. “Well, you’ll have to refrain from blasting them.”

Moyfyht turned. “You can understand Shryiiwook?”

“Yep. Wookiee traders used to come around here all the time. Most of us learned to understand it, at least to a good degree.”


Ateefor joined them on the porch, and Jack and him continued their conversation. “So you’re saying that you rebellion is better than the Empire. So you guys at least partially have morals, but I’m not convinved.” Jack said.

“No! Much better. Look, if this planet was under rebellion sanction, we wouldn’t be taking all these taxes or commissions. Well, maybe a very small comission once a year, or in times of emergency, but everything else is your choice.

“And I bet they told you what to grow, too.”

Jack humphed. “You bet. This stuff is a job for the bigger farms up north. I’m a skilled farmer.”

“Yeah. In the Alliance, what if, say, a farmer wanted to grow flowers? Would the empire let you do that?”

Jack froze. Was he alright? But then Moyfyht realized Ateefor had struck a chord.

“Flowers,” Jack repeated in a shaky voice. “Two generations ago, that valley over to the south was overrun with daffodils and zentens. My father showed me a picture once. It’s been a lifelong dream o’ mine to grow flowers there again.” He raised his eyes. “Look, I’ll have to check this out with ma’ neighbors, and the farmers guild, but maybe we can do something for you.” “Hey, civilians aren’t allowd to carry weapons!” The voice of a stormtrooper said. They spun around. Moyfyht slugged the closest one in the head, then shot one with his pistol. Ateefor launched a rocket to dispatch the last one.

The grain barge ground to a halt with no one to man it.

“Well, we’re at war now.” Jack commented dryly.


Moyfyht and Ateefor were waiting in an isolated section of Jack’s land, about a day later, along with two other SpecForce Rebels who had flown down while he was at the farmers guild council. “What do you think he’ll say?” Moyfyht asked Ateefor.

“I don’t know.” Ateefor replied. Then again, that could mean anything. Ateefor didn’t fully understand him. “I mean, I’m not fully aquainted with agriculture here. But, I think the Empire would want to do that, and what the soil’s good at growing doesn’t line up with what the farmer’s are good at growing.” Ah, there it was.


Then they spotted Jack’s beat up Pukcip Drof hovering down the dirt road. Jack got out, covered in dust from the long ride. “Hey, there’s more of ya.”

“Yes, we’re going to be able to get men down quickly soon.”

“Well, anyway, they said you could have an old piece o’ land, a ways west. Don’t do anything that’s too suspicious for now, a’right?”

Moyfyht nodded. “Can you take us to it?” Ateefor asked.

“How about tomorrow?”

“K. We’ll probably have our first convoy down by then.”


The next day, about three rebel vehicles, plus Jack’s “truck“- that was what he called it- were headed along the a grassy ridge over to the land the rebels have been given. Ateefor was in front, asking Jack about his truck. Mofyht was sitting in back, having nightmare’s about the battle of Geonosis.

Then the convoy rolled to a stop. What was happening? Moyfyht got up and looked around.

A Victory cruiser was filling up the sky to the south. In flew in, and started the landing sequence at what looked to be about 20 miles away. Moyfyht nearly fainted. Jack swore slowly, eyes wide. Ateefor narrowed his eyes and polished his rocket launcher.


Will the Rebels resist the Iron Fist of the Empire? Will we have better titles soon? Will the universe blow up and make everyone die? If you ever find out, it will be in the next episode of:

Point Blank:


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Consider this stalling, I'm still working out... stuff, still.

Point Blank:

Chapter 4:

The Battle of Dantooine


Everything was a mess. The Rebels were landing and getting lost, scattering everywhere. They should have first landed someone who could organize all these troops. But eventually, they managed to all go in the right direction. They were past the ridge. You could now see them advancing with troops and a couple AT-TE’s. Moyfyht didn’t know the Empire still made those. His officer gave them a briefing.

“Vader himself is personally accompanying the Imperial forces.” The officer said grimly. “Somebody must have tipped them off about our Rebellion. But we’re doing this right this time. We have a strong fleet in space, and we’ve already jammed all Imperial communications on the planet. We can do this. We better, anyway. Just watch out for the imperial AT-TE’s. They’re faster, and can engage at closer range.”

Great. Vader. This was going to be a piece of cake. Moyfyht took a deep breath and struck out to meet the Imperials. The forces converged in the middle of the field. None of the infantry could see, so everyone was just spraying their rounds everywhere in what they hoped was the right general direction. Moyfyht decided to stay out of it. He cloaked and went around , on the Rock paths. But then, that was where the AT-TE’s were. He’d have to aviod them. Don’t be such, a coward, Moyfyht, you have to choose somewhere, he told himself. He climbed a hill, used his binoculars, and figured out where the armor was going. Okay, okay, he needed a plan. Hey, he could go get that tiny airfeild over there! He could get to that, and it would mean a few fighters the enemy wouldn’t have, as well as a good structure to hold out in.

“Impressive.” said a dark hollow voice behind him. A voice that instantly struck fear from the top of his neck all the way down his back, and made him sweat. He turned around. Vader, the Darth Vader, stood there behind him, light saber drawn. A cloak couldn’t fool a dark jedi. Moyfyht could feel Vader reaching out to him with the Dark Side, to kill him with a single thought…

Moyfyht backed up, frantically trying to escape. But then a missle spammer down near the bottom of the hill locked onto Vader, taking his attention, if not his effort. Moyfyht ran away as fast as he could, with no thought for stealth or destination.

He ran past a treeline where no one was likely to see him. But on the other side was something very interesting.

It was an old building. It was fairly big, and it must be centuries old. It’s design didn’t speak Datnooine or Empire. And it radiated- well, a good feeling, practically tangible. This would make a great base for the Rebels!

Time to go back, or the Rebels wouldn’t be alive to use it. He checked the path to the airfeild. Well, um, he could say that, if anyone could do it, he could. Time to go.

Now, was he far enough in enemy turf to use the Holoshroud? Then again, they’d probably spot him in a second for going backwards. He cloaked and crawled.

The trick was sneaking by that one AT-TE there. With all the accompanying troops, he’d probably be detected be detected if he didn’t go into the grass-the road wasn’t that wide- but the odds of him not being uncloaked by the storm of fire in the grass were at least a hundred to one.

So Moyfyht waited, while the AT-TE advanced, and so did all the mudfeet around it. When they were near the back, he put his HMD on the vehicle’s foot, ran backwards, hit the floor, and activated it. Half the mudfoot’s were killed, and those that weren’t rushed to the left, where he’d placed the device. Moyfyht snuck by successfully. Clones were idiots. Predictable idiots.

He got all the way to the airfeild without any trouble. But now that he was here, how did he expect to capture it? He should of thought of that erlier. The place was swarming with pilots and engineers. One man couldn’t capture this place. Sooo, Moyfyht perched himself on a hill and sniped everyone that got near a ship, five at a time, moving every so often. This meant killing most of the people in there. Heck, maybe by the end he would be able to capture it.

Moyfyht fell over. But it wasn’t his fault. Some Rebel idiot had thought it would be fun if he detonated both remaining AT-TE’s at once. I mean, kudos to him for doing that, but did it have to be at the exact same time? Now, he was on his back, and all the fleeing engineers were running over him. It hurt! He got up and threw one down the hill, hitting five more, to cool down a little.


When Moyfyht got up, the battle was over. Dantooine base acquired. To his surprise.


Will the Base on Dantooine be successful? Will Vader come back to kick Moyfyht’s butt? Will the story acquire a plot? If you ever find the answers to these questions, it will be in the next episode of:

Point Blank:


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Hola, friend. Nice chapter, and some people don't like spoilers, so please use spoiler tags for the questions, like:



Will the Base on Dantooine be successful? Will Vader come back to kick Moyfyht’s butt? Will the story acquire a plot? If you ever find the answers to these questions, it will be in the next episode of:

Point Blank:




Also, keep in mind put Paragraph breaks in each paragraph, zoom in font sizes, like Jae said, some of them don't have keen eyes. But this size of font is fine with me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm getting to the chase soon here. I'll be finishing this thing anytime now.


Point Blank:

Chapter 5:

Exile of Idiots


Five months later…

The Jedi temple was now a sprawling starship base. Moyfyht had been sitting on his butt, happy as you please, watching the Rebellions devices grow, since the battle of Dantooine. But apparently his superiors were getting organized enough to see that he got a job every once in a while.


“What is it the, officer?”

“Moyfeet, we’re sending you back to Geonosis.”

“Why in the galaxy would I want to go to Geonosis?!”

“Because we’re telling you to. We still owe the Geonosians one for saving our hides there, and there’s a huge new Imperial foundry there.”

“Lemme guess. I’m supposed to go in there, without any support, and magically blow it up.”

“Of course not! We wouldn’t expect you to do that. Ateefor’s volunteered to go along!”

“Oh my… Yes, and while you’re at it, a nice, friendly, straight-jacket might volunteer too.”

“Don’t be so negative.”

“If I’m negative, it’s because I’ve spent too much of my life hanging around with you creeps.”


So they went down, in the shuttle, to Geonosis, right to where the coordinates of the foundry were. He and, unfortunately, Ateefor, got out in the middle of what you might mildly call a sandstorm. I didn’t know Geonosis had sandstorms, Moyfyht thought as he hit the ground. Oddly, it suddenly stopped. He and Ateefor were allowed to get up and study their surroundings. Or, they would if they had and surroundings. There was almost nothing, but a flat, level plane of rock.

“So…” Moyfyht said, “Wasn’t there supposed to be something out here?”

“I know,” Ateefor said, “that sandstorm just wasn’t natural. But why try to kill it? C’mon, let’s go back.”


The transport shut it’s doors and rose up into the air. “No, come back!” Ateefore shouted. Moyfyht tried to jump for it, but missed. They were left alone, with no way back. This was why Moyfyht wasn’t a die-hard Rebel. Their hearts were in the right place, but they weren’t the smartest of the bunch.


Ateefor flops down on the sand. “They’re gonna come get us, right?”

“Well, they’re probably waiting to hear we’re successful first.”

“Aha! Yes. The radio!” Ateefore took it out of his pocket. It got blown away. “No! Don’t you leave too!” He chased around the empty plain until it got smashed into a rock.


Ateefor went and sat down next to Moyfyht. “We are gonna die.”


Well, maybe there was some hope that after a week or so, someone in command would reason out that they were stranded, and rescue them. Of course, they would have to be still alive for that to happen. They didn’t have any food , and it didn’t look like there was anything even remotely edible within a hundred miles.


“Let’s try to think of how it could be worse!” Ateefor suggested.


More silence.

“We could be under attack.” Moyfyht offered.

“No, I don’t have any ice cream.” Ateefor sighed.


Suddenly a sonic blast flew by them. The air waved and rang. Moyfyht and Ateefor spun around to hostilely confront a rock. “Where are they?” Ateefor said. Their weapons were out, but they could see no one.

“My guess would be on the other side of the rock.” Moyfyht replied. He marched backwards, away from the rock, and hit the deck. Then he saw the flash of green heads and wings. Geonosians. Bugs.


After Moyfyht got the first one, they started swarming out from the rock crazily.

Moyfyht said, “It is decidedly…”

“worse.” Ateefor finished, waving his rocket launcher back and forth to find a target.


Moyfyht decided he was much fonder of the Rebelling kind of Geonosians. It was like going through Wooshryroo twice, fighting them. And they just, kept, coming!


“It’s a trap!” Ateefor stated. “We have to get out of here, or we’re going to be table scraps!”

“Well, you’re the one who lost our communications!”


Luckily, the swarm didn’t last forever. So they were soon back where they had started, lying on their backs in the middle of nowhere.


“I am going to die here.” Moyfyht said. “I am going to rot away and never come back to Kashyyyk. I am miserable.”


Which started Ateefor on a ten-minute dialouge. Moyfyht couldn’t even begin to imagine what kind of translation error would have to occur for that.

“I was born on (some nonsense word) in (some nonsense word) and I was going to work as a (some nonsense word) all my life when this (some nonsense word) convoy came by. And the stories they told about the (some nonsense word) of (some nonsense word)! I decided right then I was joining the Rebellion, but I didn’t expect to be a SpecOps in the (some nonsense word)! Then…”

And so on.


Just as Moyfyht was saying his final prayers when he heard a whir. A dropship was coming down! It landed, the door opened, and out stepped a stormtooper.

“Is THIS the best strike force the rebellion can send for a huge foundry?” The storm trooper said inridiculously.


“It’s the best we can send for springing lame traps.” Ateefor answered.

“What? You found out?”

“Guess you’ll never know.” Ateefor said. Moyfyht roared and mauled the stormtrooper, who fell down and banged his head on the lights. It was a moment to be remembered. The first, and maybe last, time Moyfyht and Ateefor could work together so well.

“When… if, we get back,” Moyfyht fumed, “I’m having a serious talk with command.”

“Whatever you say,” Ateefor replied, and raised up the transport, Moyfyht hanging onto the side.


Will Moyfyht get back to the rebellion? If he does, will he be in one piece? If he does, will many others remain in one piece? If you ever find out, you’ll find it in the next episode of…

Point Blank:


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  • 1 month later...

Holy cow, it's on the second page! Sorry, I forgot about this thing for a while. I hope to make up for it.


Point Blank:

Chapter 6:

The Universal Pastime


five years later…

The location: Naboo.

The time: About seven.

The goal: Blow up Imperial stuff.

The side goal 1: Collaborate with the gungans.

The side goal 2: Protect the convoy.

Moyfyht was running alongside a super battle droid. He had heard about these things being used in the old Clone Wars. Now he was using them to fight the empire. Interesting.

But from the sandy hill, soldiers came running. The battle droid was really taking them out, until a grenade got thrown at. It couldn’t get out of the way fast enough.

Luckily, Frrupti was by his side. They were defending the MTT while everybody else got to go to the battle. Very unfair. Or so Moyfyht had though until these guys showed up. Apparently there was another way around.

“WTIKPPA?” Frrupti asked.

“I don’t think we have any other choice!” Moyfyht yelled.

He passed a glowing blue disc to Frrupti. They both suddenly disappeared. The Stormtroopers were confused for a second, then shrugged and started firing at the convoy vehicle. Suddenly, fire a hundred miles a minute came from all sides. Nobody knew where to shoot, what to do. Which wasn’t a problem, because there quickly weren’t any storm troopers left.

Moyfyht un-disappeared, and brought back Frrupti too, who was trying to sneak up on him. “Darn,” said Frrupti. “Couldn’t you have waited a little longer to make me visible again?”

“Nope,” said Moyfyht, “Come on. We have work to do.”

“Yeah, but it’s pretty much just staying here and-”

“Oh, let the droids do that. Turn ‘em all on.”

“ALL on?”

“Is there an echo in here. Yes! All on… on… on…”

“Okay.” Frrupti turned the droids on. The marched towards the Imperials and blasted left and right.

“C’mon,” Moyfyht shouted, “let’s get out of here!” He turned invisible and left Frrupti, marching through the woods. Eventually he came to a point between two hills where there were a LOT of storm troopers. Moytfyht chuckled an evil chuckle and raised his E-5s. He swept it back and forth, killing like twenty men in a single minute. “I think that’s the last of them!” he yelled. A Gungan came out. “Yup. Yousa did it. Weesa Free again!” The gungan said.


“Okay,” Moyfyht said, “So what do I do now!” he was sitting across from his officer.

“You have to return to Kashyyyk!”

“What!” Moyfyht was surprised.

“Yes! It’s being attacked. I don’t even know any more than that! They just told me to send you! Something about something big, so just… gogogo! Bye!” He pushed Moyfyht into a tree. But what happened next was complicated, and ended up with Moyfyht in a shuttle on its way to Kashyyyk. Here is how best to explain it. Moyfyht’s big arm span was the reason he was knocked out, and the tree was a hologram. He knocked the supposed branch, which, whatever it was, hit him on the head. When he awoke a few seconds later, the door was still open, so he yelled at his officer and got hit by a real branch. And that was how his trip started.


At least he was going home. That was good. But it was under attack by bad guys! He had to hurry. He tried to push the front of the cabin so maybe it would go faster, but that didn’t work. So he just waited until he reached his planet.


When he was almost there, the ship dropped. Moyfyht saw it was trying to avoid detection by… holy cow! It was a giant space station, traveling near to Kahsyyyk. It was like, like, a star of death, or a death star! No, on second thought, it was more like a Great Killing Ball. This must be what was about to attack Kashyyyk. “Sir, we are going to land on the station.” the pilot said. Moyfyht was a little too stunned for words. The crept in close, and landed through it somehow. Moyfyht didn’t know, he had his eyes closed the whole time.

Inside, he could hear what was almost a heartbeat of the Great Killing Ball. Ba-koom, Ba-koom, ba-koom… but I digress. He didn’t want to be here! He wanted out.

No. He got control of himself. He had to stop this thing.


He got out of his little shuttle craft and peeked around. He was in the middle of a small little room that didn’t seem very anything. He started moving through the station. But, after a few hours of that, he was exhausted. He need a map.


He eventually trailed some stormtoopers to a control room. The storm troopers couldn’t open the door, but once they left Moyfyht just forced it open. Inside were two shiny droids. “Chewie? Is that you?” The one that looked like a protocol droid said. Moyfyht couldn’t deal with this right now. He picked them up and shoved them into a closet. “Ahh! You’re all madmen!” The golden one was shouting. Moyfyht then looked at the map on the screen thing. It seemed there were tractor beams at several points on the station. Moyfyht didn’t know what a tractor beam was. But, it sounded to him like some kind of generator. He decided that was where he would go.


He made it there without incident. He was in a hallway outside the area. But there were two storm troopers guarding it. Two, he could probably take. He was going to rush them when he tripped. “Hey, what was that?” One of the storm troopers said.


Will Moyfyht be found out? Will the Death Star Destroy Kashyyyk? Hey, how do you know? If you ever find… um, anyway, just tune in next time for

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Good work until now man. I'd just suggest proof-reading it before posting, I spotted the occasional mistake here and there.

Also, there isn't really any need to add font tags, you know. The other writers just leave it as it is, but thats up to you.

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