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Question (Re: The Force Unleashed)


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After/before the the force unleashed game comes out, are we going to add a forum for the game? I personaly think we should...



Mod note: Moved thread from SWK Feedback to LF Feedback since it's more of a question concerning LucasForums as a whole than one for the Starwarsknights section. ~M

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I was wondering this too. I personally think Force Unleashed will only be on the Forums if it is popular with many Forumites here and the Mods feel that they should create a Forum there, then yes. If not no.


If they do make a Force Unleashed Forum, they will need new Moderators, some people responsible enough to keep their eye on the Forum. Someone like me.


I'm kidding, it is up to the Mods, but I asked this question in the Force Unleashed Thread in Ahto and basically answered what I have already answered.

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If they do make a Force Unleashed Forum, they will need new Moderators, some people responsible enough to keep their eye on the Forum. Someone like me.


Keep your eye on the rules forum and you'll see a part that says "Do not hound current moderators or administrators asking to become a moderator." :p


There'll probably be one. The game looks pretty popular, and LF always gets an influx of new members whenever a particularly flashy one comes out. The Force Unleashed threads in the off-topic forums probably won't be able to acommodate them all.

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