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Malachor V lives!

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All your canon lovers, loving the LSF Exile, freak out at this discovery!


It turns out that Star Wars: Rebellion, the first Star Wars stratergy game where you play as the Republic or the Empire (before EoW), there is a planet called Malachor, and it is totally inhabitable. People live on a planet that is supposed to be destroyed in canon! :)


Some ways to deal with this:

1) Star Wars: Rebellion was made way, WAY before K2 was made, so, it's just non-canon. Malachor V is retconly destroyed. Nobody is supposed to live on a ruined planet. (likely)

2) Star Wasr: Rebellion is canon, the Exile did fall to the DS. people remain on the world, descendants of the Dark Jedi that The Exile trained. Traya Academcy still remains and is used today. (unlikely)

3) You see, Malachor V got destroyed, and turned into 5 seperate rocks. People can live on those 5 seperate rocks, no? But can the rocks' gravity gain atomsphere? And it begs the question of why people want to live on 5 destroyed rocks!

4) This is an oppurnity to rewrite history, fellows! What if the Exile did fall to the DS? We can easily make a mod in which we add in 'bio cards' that talk about the Exile''s rule over Malachor V and he becoming a Sith Lord, as well as recruitable characters on Malachor V that has descended from the Sith Order of Exile. The events in the KOTOR series can help both sides find allies to help battle the enemy. (I can only dream, but it sounds pretty neat. Only if Star Wars: Rebellion is freeware, *sigh*)


I'm leaning towards #4, if Star Wars: Rebellion is free, but betting that that won't happen, it looks to be either #1 or #3. So a question: What idea do you prefer?

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5: The planet in Rebellion is in the Malachor system but not Malachor V, since it's destroyed. Or it could have become Malachor V on the basis that the old Malachor V no longer exists and so Malachor VI has become Malachor V.

I'll agree with that. I mean, Malachor I, II, III, and IV have to exist right? It would most likely be excused as a different planet in the Malachor system.

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I think EnIgmA_XX and Darth SINner are probably closer to the truth. Malachor isn't Malachor V. Malachor could be the system name, and the Malachor from TSL is just the fifth planet in the system. Or, it could be similar to Yavin IV in that it's a moon of a gas giant called Malachor. In this case, it would be Malachor's fifth moon.

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5: The planet in Rebellion is in the Malachor system but not Malachor V, since it's destroyed. Or it could have become Malachor V on the basis that the old Malachor V no longer exists and so Malachor VI has become Malachor V.


Well Malachor is probably not the same planet as Malachor V, maybe a different planet in the same system. It is not uncoimmon cor multiple planets to be habitable in the galaxy far far away.


Isn't Malachor different from Malachor V? I remember that Yavin was a gas giant, and Yavin IV was a moon orbiting it, so maybe Malachor V was a moon orbiting Malachor?


You are talking about the Forest Moon of Endor, where Ewoks Extincts?(you know the joke on Rebels causing Ewok Extinction)

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You are talking about the Forest Moon of Endor, where Ewoks Extincts?(you know the joke on Rebels causing Ewok Extinction)


No, it's not Endor. Yavin IV is the rebel base in Star Wars A New Hope. Yavin IV was a moon of Yavin, a large gas giant (this was said very briefly during the movie), and when the death star was getting in range to destroy Yavin IV, they has to make an orbit around Yavin first.

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Yes I know what Yavin IV is, and its unfortunate that you don't get to land on the moon in kotor, only a space station.


I say Endor cause its quite obvious that the "Endor" we talk about is in fact a forest moon of a Gas Giant, much like Yavin IV. And I think there is a nive view on screen where you see the forest moon around the gas giant.

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The "moon theory" does sound quite likely. Planets in Star Wars (unlike Star Trek) seems to each have unique names (Earth) instead of being named after the local star with an ordering number added (Sol III). Moons in Star Wars seem to be named after the planet they orbit and have a number added (even though there are exceptions like Dxun).


Taris, Dantooine, Manaan, Tatooine, Kashyyk, Korriban, Onderon, Malachor V, Yavin IV... Malachor and Yavin do stand out in the list of planets you visit in KotOR since they are the only one with a number in their name. Yavin IV is a moon, and thus Malachor V is probably a moon or the planet Malachor as well. :)

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5: The planet in Rebellion is in the Malachor system but not Malachor V, since it's destroyed. Or it could have become Malachor V on the basis that the old Malachor V no longer exists and so Malachor VI has become Malachor V.


Reminds me of "Space Seed - Wraith of Khan"


Seti Alpha V

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The "moon theory" does sound quite likely. Planets in Star Wars (unlike Star Trek) seems to each have unique names (Earth) instead of being named after the local star with an ordering number added (Sol III). Moons in Star Wars seem to be named after the planet they orbit and have a number added (even though there are exceptions like Dxun).


Taris, Dantooine, Manaan, Tatooine, Kashyyk, Korriban, Onderon, Malachor V, Yavin IV... Malachor and Yavin do stand out in the list of planets you visit in KotOR since they are the only one with a number in their name. Yavin IV is a moon, and thus Malachor V is probably a moon or the planet Malachor as well. :)


Well, The Dxun case is easy to understand though.

1) Onderon is a Habitable planet with an population, unlike many of the other listed planets. For other examples the main planet is not habitable.


2) Sometimes the planet would be named by its populus, though this is not the case of Dxun.


3) Dxun Moon is named so cause Onderon is such an old civilization amongst the republic, so the old name of the local is kept.


4) Dxun Moon is special in that it so close to the planet that sometimes it is possable to travel from one to another thru atmospheric flight, so knowledge of the moon is studied more carefully even during ancient times, so on and so forth.

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