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How much do you hate Jar Jar Binks?

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I've put together a short video, using footage from Forces of Corruption and a few shots from Jedi Academy to show what happens when Emperor Palpatine decides to put and end to the Gungan menace and more specifically: Jar Jar Binks.


The video (The Death of Jar Jar) has been accepted into the 2007 Star Wars Fan Movie Challenge, the annual fanfilm contest by Atomfilms and Lucasfilms.


To have a look, click here . If you feel my video deserves a win, please show your support by voting for it on that page. I appreciate it, thankyou.


For the full list on entries, click here .

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not bad, although im curious as to why you would bother commiting and losing stormtroopers etc when the planet is only going to be destroyed anyway?

Still, good luck; I agree with your sentiments re Binks. Surely they could have come up with a better form of comic relief.

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