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least fave quests/sidequests for K1 & K2


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Would've been a waste of time and effort to make a scene of the Hawk blowing up. Any character with an Intelligence score above 1 would've surrendered when their ship was rendered immobile and had guns powerful enough to blast apart ships over ten times its size pointed at it.


And surrendering yourself to a just as certain extremely painful and prolonged death would be a better option, you think? :)


Choices with consequences makes the game feel less linear and like you're being lead along a safe path where you can't possibly do anything that ends your mission in failure, or even makes it more difficult to salvage, aside from being killed in battle. Not all actions should lead to the same place, even if some may be considered pointless. At least you give the player the choice, rather than forcing them in a certain direction.


The KOTOR games feel a bit like in interactive movie in that regard; very few choices you make have any real effect on the outcome of the game.

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I'm not thrilled with the dueling circle. I'll do it for the XP and credits, but it's kinda dull in most other ways.


Unlike most, I did like the Outcast quest, as it gave me a little hope post-Taris. They were so far underground they may have had a chance.




Calder's murder. I wanted to tell Bolook he was being clueless.




Dealing with Czerka to get your licence. Ugh.

The idiot Gammoreans. *headdesk*




Only thing annoying me here was a big lack of warp to ship options.




I have mods to cover the undersea walk and the firaxa, so they don't bug me as much.




While some of the Sith kids were Darwin candidates, there wasn't much about the planet I didn't like.


Ebon Hawk


I made a mod to take away the gizka quest. It's annoying to poison them and also annoying to be up to your neck in the buggers before dumping them off on Manaan.


The Sasha quest is pretty annoying, but at least it's short.



As for K2? Well, most of the damn sidequests didn't even WORK!

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Only thing annoying me here was a big lack of warp to ship options.


True, that was where D333s warpband came in handy. But not being able to change your party around in certain areas was equally annoying. It's a game afterall, not reality.

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I personally liked all of Taris (including the Sewers, etc...). The thing I hated the most about K1 was Manaan in general. It was way too big considering that there is almost nothing to do in most areas, and then those trials, which always ended in me being banned from the planet.

Also, I always disliked how all the Sith were that obviously evil (on Korriban). Even though they are Sith, I kind of expected them to be more or less normal.


And I don't know about TSL. There was just too much cut content, which often left a feeling of incompleteness, so I will just wait until TSLRP is out before I make up my mind about that. - Actually, there isn't much anybody could do to make Peragus any less boring so I guess thats it for me.

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Also, I always disliked how all the Sith were that obviously evil (on Korriban). Even though they are Sith, I kind of expected them to be more or less normal.


While a bit over the top, they were more sympathetic, and cut a better deal than Jedi George ever gives. More explanation as to how the Sith work and why in 30 minutes of KOTOR-Korriban than six freaking movies.

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Also, I always disliked how all the Sith were that obviously evil (on Korriban). Even though they are Sith, I kind of expected them to be more or less normal.


I actually think that the older members of the Sith on Korriban (Uthar, for instance) actually made a decent case for the Sith cause, in a social-Darwinistic sorta way. The youth, on the other hand, were all more or less brats. I like the KotOR sith more than the movie-Sith just because they're less... evil, I guess. I mean, Revan had a cause- the weaknesses of the Republic were revealed to him in the Mandalorian Wars, and he sought to rectify them by creating a strong government so as to protect the Republic from the True Sith. Palpy, on the other hand, just wanted to take over everything...


Anyways, back on topic.


My least favorite K1 quest is the Taris sewers... and my least favorite from TSL was Korriban. It just seemed half-done.

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I mean, Revan had a cause- the weaknesses of the Republic were revealed to him in the Mandalorian Wars, and he sought to rectify them by creating a strong government so as to protect the Republic from the True Sith. Palpy, on the other hand, just wanted to take over everything...

Not entirely true. I don't want to start a debate about it here, but in the LotF, it was revealed that Palpy had a foreshadowing of the Yuuzhan Vong and wanted to prepare the galaxy for that. [/offtopic]

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And surrendering yourself to a just as certain extremely painful and prolonged death would be a better option, you think? :)


Not when one of your companions has a chance of rescuing you. Death is uncertain upon surrendering and plotting an escape, but quite certain when Sith fire several capital-class turbolasers at your tractor-beamed ship. I'd consider the option where death is uncertain the better one, myself. :p


Not all actions should lead to the same place, even if some may be considered pointless. At least you give the player the choice, rather than forcing them in a certain direction.


Intelligent choice is one thing, suicidal and brain-dead choice another. If you include the option for the player to tell the Sith "Come and get me!" you might as well include the option for them to stick their lightsabers in their heads. Both are equally likely for a person to do, and give the player equally more choice in how the game progresses.


I'm all for the player having more of a hand in how the story progresses than deciding whether the ending should be good or evil, but if it's incredibly unrealistic and ends the game then and there while adding next to no replay value I really don't see the point in including it.

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Not when one of your companions has a chance of rescuing you. Death is uncertain upon surrendering and plotting an escape, but quite certain when Sith fire several capital-class turbolasers at your tractor-beamed ship. I'd consider the option where death is uncertain the better one, myself. :p


Still it would be an enormous risk to take. You gamble your life that important high profile prisoners will be kept incarcerated under abysmal security arrangements. In this case the gamble turned out to be correct, but it still would seem like an extremely slim hope if you expected AdmSaulKarath to know what he was doing. :)


(How about posting at least two Dark Jedi as guards in the room where Bastila and Revan are kept imprisoned until Malak arrives? And other guards stationed throughout the area near alarm buttons that cause a lockdown of the prison block if pressed and alert the garrison that there is trouble going on? Wouldn't be an awful drain of resources to ensure that two people Lord Malak wants his hands on are staying where they are. It's not like Ms. Battle Meditation and the former DLotS aren't important enough to devote resources to guard.)


I'm all for the player having more of a hand in how the story progresses than deciding whether the ending should be good or evil, but if it's incredibly unrealistic and ends the game then and there while adding next to no replay value I really don't see the point in including it.


Freedom of choice, and making the player actually consider what dialog option they pick, since it might have consequences aside from ultimately meaningless Inf/LS/DS shifts?


As it is now you have perhaps 4 response options when it's time for your character to speak their mind, of which 3 leads to the exact same response from the NPCs and the fourth has perhaps one extra dialog line associated with it and then goes back the the same NPC response as the other 3.


With the way of thinking you advocate you could just have the player in permanent god mode since dying in combat is stupid and doesn't progress the story. :p


Playing KOTOR is a bit like sitting on a train. You can see a lot of interesting scenery move by outside the window as you progress on your journey from your point of departure to your destination. It tells a good story, but it tells a story you can do little to affect the direction and outcome of. A story where the player is shielded from making mistakes it would take some effort to recover from.

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Thing is - Carth, Bastila, and Revan were the only ones they thought were of any consequence. Karath would know his ex-lieutenant all too well. The Sith have high-level APBs on Bastila. And <Fullname> is known to a handful as Revan, but by the time Leviathan hits, <Fullname> has established herself/himself as a pain in the Sith's choobies on several planets.


The others they may not have much intelligence about, or they had their own way of avoiding the high-end cell block. (From what I've seen digging through game files, the Leviathan quest was supposed to be even tougher.)


Juhani - Used Force Camoflauge (and probably a smuggling compartment, too) to hide herself, so no one saw her aboard.


Jolee - No one recognized the guy as a Jedi, they thought he was a harmless old man. When he whipped out the whammy on the guards, they were blindsided.


Mission - They would have shot her, but Karath wanted her interrogated, so they just shove the kid in a cell. Mission had two stereotypes that worked to her advantage. One is that she's a teenager. The other is the stereotype that the only thing a good-looking Twi'lek female can do is dance and brothel work. They didn't expect their young Twi'lek to actually have a brain under those lekku.


Canderous - They thought he was dead. Lots of burns and no detectable lifesigns. (He probably came dangerously close to actually meeting his Gods with this stunt)


The Droids - They're droids. HK's been mistaken for a typical protocol droid before, and T3 could be dismissed as a typical astromech. mind-wipe 'em and they'd be useful.


Zaalbar - OK, they actually had enough sense to be worried about the Wookiee.

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You know, could the third option be FLYING AWAY from the tractor beam?


Why not? You fly away, you play a mini-game, you do so, you get to the fourth planet succesfully, and then you fly over to the Star Forge, and find out you are really Revan on the Star Forge bridge, with all the backstabbing mayhem and such. Hey, I could even see a path where the Sith (led by Saul and Malak) just land and tear the Fourth Planet apart just like they tore up Taris just to grab you, while keeping the planet at a blockade so that you cannot espace with your Ebon Hawk. It would be an "alternative" path to progress the story, still lead to the same conclusion, but it makes your choices seem meaingful.

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You know, could the third option be FLYING AWAY from the tractor beam?


Do you remember how much the Falcon shook when they were getting sucked into the Death Star in A New Hope? It would have pulled the ship apart if Han had fought it much longer. Same thing would have happened to the Hawk if Carth hadn't shut the engines down.

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  1. I hated talking to the little girl on the Hawk. Such a waste of time. I wish that, if playing as dark side, you could just shoot her out an airlock. "musho shaka paka my @$$!!!"
  2. I actually hated retreiving Mr. Shan's holocron from the Krayt Dragon cave, but that was only because you couldn't use it for anything. Holocrons actually have a use in Star Wars, and this thing was just another lame item to clog up my inventory.
  3. Getting the Sith holocron from that one Sith academy student (can't remember her name) on Korriban. My reason is the same as #2. It's an ancient Sith holocron for cripe sakes. If a person wanted to play the dark side campaign they should be able to juice up their dark side powers or something.
  4. Any quests that have to deal with the swoop racing. In my opinion the swoop racing is a complete waste of time. Sure it's fast moving action and whatever (YAWN). However there are so many other Star Wars games where race-type scenes are much better done. There's SOTE (for N64 & PC) where you are chasing down the swoop gang, Jedi Academy has where your racing away from a swoop gang, Episode 1 Racer has really good pod racing, Star Wars Lego with the pod racing. Heck, I'd even dare to say that Star Wars Super Bombad racing is more entertaining than the KOTOR swoop races. The KOTOR racing is nothing more than Pole Position or Rad Racer with better graphics and no turns. The only thing good to come out of the KOTOR racing is that you get crazy mad bank amount of money from it.
  5. Having to save the red Rakatan from the blue Rakatan base. I wish I could say "Come on you freaking red Rakatan idiots. I'm trying to stop an evil power from taking over the galaxy. Lower the force field to the temple and gross side eyes will never have to see me agian."


However I would have to say my favorite side quests are the ones when I can hear Canderous making wise crack statements. Man that guy cracks me up.

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Still it would be an enormous risk to take. {snip}


How high the risk is is irrelevant. Not surrendering means unavoidably certain death while plotting an escape has some chance of succeeding, however small. A 1% chance of success at something is preferable to a 0% chance, measly as it may be. When one option promises certain death it really doesn't matter whether the other one has a 3%, 5%, or 10% chance of you coming out alive, because it's better than having no chance at all.


(How about posting at least two Dark Jedi as guards in the room where Bastila and Revan are kept imprisoned until Malak arrives? {snip}.


Apparently they were busy standing around doing absolutely nothing on the Leviathan's bridge. :p


Freedom of choice, and making the player actually consider what dialog option they pick, since it might have consequences aside from ultimately meaningless Inf/LS/DS shifts? With the way of thinking you advocate you could just have the player in permanent god mode since dying in combat is stupid and doesn't progress the story. :p


Haha. :D


Death in combat obviously doesn't progress the story, but it's much more realistic than refusing to surrender to a capital ship filled with Sith. IMO including the option to stand and fight wouldn't make the player consider what they said at all - it's extremely obvious what the outcome would be, and no PC with half a brain would pick it. Dying (or lack thereof) requires some strategy on the part of the player.


Consequences I'm all for. Including the possibility for the player/party members to die in the interrogation that follows their surrender, or having some sort of consequence for choosing to tell Saul what he wanted to know I would've liked. Or having party members stay permanently dead when they're down to 0 HP. Those things would require some thought/strategy, but shouting "Screw you!" to Saul's ship would not. It takes no thought or strategy at all to realize saying that is bad idea, compared to carefully picking your words with him during the interrogation or deciding how best to fight his bodyguards when getting killed (rather than knocked out) is a possibility/

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  • 3 weeks later...

Damn, where do I begin?


K1: I hated the Dantooine planet because my game would freeze every 5-10 seconds. Strange it only happened there.


K2:I despised Telos because the whole damn thing is pointless. I mean, the ebon hawk was in a secure TSF hangar and it was stolen without a trace and some dude managed to find it by using a computer on a landing pad. :rolleyes:

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