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Romantic with handmaiden?

Darth Badguy

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Well, I played the game LS and DS (both male Exiels), and although I always manage to train all my non-droid/wookie party members as a Jedi, I only seem to be able to get some sort of romantic relation with Visas, and that always happens, no matter how many influence I have over her, when I go to Telos to save the planet from mr. Clownface...


I heard it should be possible to have a romantic relationship with Handmaiden, but how?

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Well thing is, it doesnt really show that they have a romantic scenes, though personally I never had one with Visas I plan on it on my next playthrough, I think you in order to do is have max influnce with her and then training her to become a Jedi, afterall she did say that actions speak louder than words so might have know very imtimately through the training sessions you had with her (what? fighting naked not enough?!) after you train to become a Jedi and she goes to fight Atris, she makes comments on she says if she Loves him or something like that.


As far as I know they dont really show much romance between the two but its cool to me, cuz you notice it, also after you defeated/killed Atris you can ask Brianna if she know any romantic poems of the Echani, which might be evidence of it.

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I heard it should be possible to have a romantic relationship with Handmaiden, but how?


I don't think you can. The fundamental problem would be that the Handmaiden's personality is about as romantic as a block of ice. Not much room for any romance there. :)


The only thing even remotely resembling a romance in TSL I have seen seems to be the strange kind of relationship you can develop with Visas.

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Isn't the "I'm no longer an Handmaiden. My name is Brianna, and I will serve you forever!" sort of semi-romantic? Because it seems that the closest you can get?


That more struck me as her finally disconnecting herself from her old master (Atris) and swearing loyalty and allegiance to a new master (the Exile). I didn't see anything that made me think "ah, romance!" when I saw that scene. :)

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Exile has more of a relationship with Visas (after Kreia takes off for Telos) where the two of you "look upon each other". I've played the game through many times and I've never gotten Handmaiden to be anything other than a loyal padawan fighing by my side, even after she reveals her name. I don't think she was meant to be anything other than that. Hey, maybe you'll get more action in Kotor III (laugh)

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Well, those noise they make in the cargo room, I think its just nor sparring...


But to be fair though, Brianna may be good in the sac(and sparring) But she is pretty empty relatively, and lacks depth.


For things like Visas you know how she thinks, how she feels, how she sees the world (eyeless and otherwise)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Cut content I guess, as many of other things that were cut from the final release.


Pouiy was referring to this quote. The poem isn't cut content, you can easily access it by playing the game twice or editing some files to make the game think you played through it twice. You also get a quote of love from HK.

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Pouiy was referring to this quote. The poem isn't cut content, you can easily access it by playing the game twice or editing some files to make the game think you played through it twice. You also get a quote of love from HK.



Must have missed it then, as I've played the game >2 times and never came across the echani poem or angel lines. I have, however, gotten the HK line several times.

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Angel lines only exist if you play as FEMALE. You get that when you first meet Atton-in-a-bottle.


Echani Poem exist only if you play as MALE obviously.


Bastila line is available from the start, but only exist if you set Revan to MALE, not sure if you need him to be DSM/LSM though.

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Does that mean the game has to somehow register as being completed twice as a female, w/o cheating, in order to get that line (ie warping to the end to avoid several hours of gameplay)? Also, where exactly does this poem line come into play?

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Does that mean the game has to somehow register as being completed twice as a female, w/o cheating, in order to get that line (ie warping to the end to avoid several hours of gameplay)? Also, where exactly does this poem line come into play?


You can make a change to your .ini file in the SWKOTOR2 folder.... change games completed to 3 (I think that's the name of the entry... don't have either game on this PC to check). The game is checking for you to have completed the game as both male and female 1 time each, LS/DS.... four total plays. That equals the value of 3 in the ini.


You can also change your CurrentSithLord in the ini... try number 4 ;)

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It's a weird romance, there's a scene where she asks if you loved Atris, not that it has any actual sway on the Handmaiden if you say " I totally loved her" or "she's a freakin' ice cube man!".


According to the TSL Restoration Project, there's some cut content that shows Brianna as a jealous *beep* and challenges Visas to a duel for your love, there's a similar scene between Atton and Disciple(Mikail) that was cut I think.


But in general the romance in TSL needed some major work, of course, you gotta do SOMETHING while in hyperspace.

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It always seemed lame to me that there would be dialogue options which always ended in failure, no matter what your level of persuasion. Whether it was trying to open Mira up a little more or getting a Hutt to raise the % of compensation (the dueling ring for instance), it seems like those lines should never have really been an option since they were basically dead ends. As for the whole issue of romances, eh.. it never made any real difference to me. It expands the storyline a bit, but I wouldn't miss 'em if they weren't there.

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It always seemed lame to me that there would be dialogue options which always ended in failure, no matter what your level of persuasion. Whether it was trying to open Mira up a little more or getting a Hutt to raise the % of compensation (the dueling ring for instance), it seems like those lines should never have really been an option since they were basically dead ends. As for the whole issue of romances, eh.. it never made any real difference to me. It expands the storyline a bit, but I wouldn't miss 'em if they weren't there.



I dunno, I think it accurately reflects real life, which is essentially what an RPG is copying in a fantasy/sci-fi setting. And you gotta say JUST the right thing to get what you want. Though I think similar to Oblivion if you say "man you've got a nice rack mira" she'll eventually start hating you, instead of just ignoring you.

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That would be fine if you actually had the opportunity to use a line that did work.


K1+K2 still are very basic when it comes to your speech options and how you affect the NPCs, which for the record, is pretty nil. So I don't argue that there's much to improve.

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  • 1 month later...

Hmmm. The only way I havent played the Sith Lords is darkside female, is that why I don't get the special content I read about in the game guide? In any case, I'm pretty sure the only way Brianna ever shows she likes you is her arguments with Visas. :fight1: Also, I may point out that if you get a bunch of influence with Visas before you talk to Brianna than Brianna will give you the silent treatment for the reat of the game, (thats pretty funny):smirk2: but I don't think that's any indication of fealings from her. Actually, the Sith Lords has no real romance but Visas to a small extent. :fist:Well, I gues I can't speak for certain about the female player character romance options, since I only played the Sith Lords as a girl twice.


-Bearer of the Krijinia.

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