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[RP] The Adventures of Shindalar

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Torsh spun round and kissed her passionatly. He then got down on one knee and opened a small blue case with a silver ring gleaming under the sun.


"I've been given a letter. I'm being forced to be king. I don't care If I'm still with you I'm happy. Audrey Wood, will you marry me?"

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Ferc was staring towards the horizon. He thought he heard a voice in his head saying: "Ferc... where ever you are... please be safe. I love you, brother." Ferc knew it must be Audrey's voice. No. I'm going mad. He was undergoing a change of appearance; Oh, no. The spell that was put on me months ago, which I thought I defeated, is now coming back. What must I do to rid myself of this curse? Yet, I chose it to avenge those who betrayed me. His hands revealed the blood on them. His face became menacing.


He drew out his sword. He looked at the reflection of himself from the sword. "No!!!!!!!!!" he shouted, so it was almost impossible not to hear him. Beasts started to surround him. "Die." he said to the beasts, as he started slaughtering them with intense hatred.

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After Audrey and Torsh hugged and kissed, she wiped his tears away. "Don't cry, my dear. Everything will surely be all right." She wiped her own tears.


Suddenly, she felt Ferc. His anger and hate got the best of him. Audrey gasped, and closed her eyes tightly. "Ferc! No! Fight your anger and hate! Please! Do it for Natalia, the others... and me. I beg you." Her heart sank deeper.

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Natalia ran over to Ferc. He was battling beasts and losing. She threw herself in harm's way and the beasts attacked her .She used all her energy and fought the beasts. They eventually left.


Nat looked at Ferc " Hi." she said to Ferc, weakly. She was bleeding everywhere.

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"Audrey, it's morning, I know there is danger back at the woods near Metri Lake but we have to go. In a few hours we should be at the Border. Ferc is probably in trouble but going back to him would mean death. Come on lets get further away from them" he told Audrey and he mounted her horse.

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After the beasts were dealt with, Ferc ran to hide in a bush. Oh. I can't let her see me like this. Maybe something my uncle said can me to hide this form from Natalia... Memories came flooding back to him. One of them seemed of worth. "Keep a picture of her beside you to keep from going back down that all too familar path." He remembered his uncle said to him, when he left.


He rummaged to find his picture of her to whom his uncle was refering. He found it. He saw her innocent face. I promise you I will ne'er kill another without a reason. A few minutes later, he starts to turn back into his normal self. I'll be sure to keep that picture with me where'er I go. Ferc thought to himself, as he put the picture back in his pocket. He went back & healed Natalia. Ferc then kissed her. "Why?" He asked, simply.

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" You believe in the power of love." Natalia simply stated." I do love Nero but he doesn't embrace love like you do. You don't run from it. Plus good or evil you seem to accept me." she smiled at him.


" I got a letter. Torsh will be King.Can we go and get married now?" she kissed Ferc tenderly.

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"MERKY! where are you when I need you the most!" screamed Nero into the darkness, "Appear now you fool!"


"No need to get angry boss!" responded Merky, emerging from the shdows with a bundle, "I see that it has happened again" he remarked as he saw Nero in pain, "it must have passed itself to the girl when you gave her the necklace"


"It appears soo..ARRGGGGG!"


"Calm down, I got the medicine, it took me hours to make it, but you were right, it's getting worse each time it happens"


"I know that" said Nero, his face sweating from the metal pain the other part of him was inflicting on his mind, "just hurry up and give it to me!"


Merky revealed what he was carrying, a small pack of 4 medical pills, they had an orange color, and Nero quickly took one and swallowed it. After a few seonds, both his sweating and trembling stopped, the pill worked. "Thank you, Rasma" said Nero


"I don't like you using my real name boss, please continue to use my alias" said Merky, giving Nero the sack of small pills, "I should warn you that hte next couple of pills that I make will have a stronger dose of gejyn*, it could leave some brain damage as a side effect"


"Then that's a risk I'll have to take"



*gejyn= herb that has an unusual effect of making one's brain more effective, Nero uses it to focus and battle the other's presence, but it only lasts for a few days.

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"I found love a long time ago; then, it was stolen from me. After that incident, I was more vulnerable to accept love. Torsh? Yes; we can get married now." Ferc said.


He then remembered that he was going to meet his uncle somewhere in the forest. "Oh. We need to get going soon." Ferc said.

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The horse galloped into the morning sun and with several hours they arrived at the Metri Border. There were several towns spread out on the norder and Torsh stopped the horse in one of them.


"Mind if we chill here for the day? Afterall Natalia, Ferc Nero and Jason are miles behind us so lets take a break." He did think in his mind though that they could soon come running after. They must realise we are well gone!

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Natalia and Ferc were married at a nearby village.Then headed back into the forest cause Ferc had to meet someone.


"Ferc do you think Audrey will like me as sister - in - law. I mean we didn't part with them on good terms.Are we gonna spend the night in the forest cause it is our wedding night and all" Natalia blushed.She didn't mind not having a royal title anymore.Wife and maybe one day mother suited her just fine.

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"Oh ho ho!" said Nero, emerging from a nearby bush, "You though you could leave me behind, right? well, guess ag---" he started to say when he realized that the couple he had folloed since morning were not Torsh and Audrey, and the pair were alarmed by his appearance from thin air


"Who's are you?!" said the woman in distress, "Are you a thief?"


"NO! It seems that his has been a very big misunderstanding--" begun to explain Nero


"Please don't hurt us" said the man "just tells us what you want from us and lets us live, please!"


"I'M NOT A COMMON BANDIT!" said an embarrased Nero, "I said I was sorry to disturb you" he finished saying, and departed, looking for a hint of where his other two companions had gone

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((OOC: The next mileston is the Dwarve Lands which is about Fifty miles past the Metri Border.))


Torsh took Audrey into a pub hand by hand and bought her a drink and one for himself.


"I guess we better talk about the wedding" he laughed. "Registry Office? A Church In Forcefields. I dont want to rush into things. As long as your happy."

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(OOC: Goddamn, what's with the those avatars?)


Jason had been watching Nero run through out the forest. After the couple who thought Nero was a bandit ran off, Jason appeared behind him, with the necklace in hand.


"I believe this is yours"

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((OOC:I've already gone to another place Reclaimer))


After hours of walking, getting the wrong couple's being chased down and trying to pick up a track from his other companions, Nero FINALLY got a lead from a peasant that had seen Audrey and Torsh pass in front of his field, and said that they were headed to the Metri Border, which was where Nero was headed off next.


After arriving there, the first thing he did was look for a bar, he was VERY thirsty. As luck would have it, he found Audrey and Torsh talking and drinking, And I have been worried about them, I finally find them drinkin he told himself.


"I finally caught up with you" he said to the pair, who turned to look at him

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Ferc whistled sharply. His horse came galloping over to them. "Audrey will most likely like you as a sister-in-law. My uncle should be at the edge of the forest. And according to my map, the forest should go straight towards a place called Forcefields. It should be a day's journey past here, giv'n extreme want of sleep on my part." He said. "As spending the night, it would be appropriate for this ocassion." He put up the tent, which had room for two.


Ferc tied up his horse to a nearby tree. Ferc looked towards the sunset. It seemed so perfect tonight. He went into the tent. He rested easily assured the nothing could steal his horse or love away.

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Audrey kissed Torsh. "Oh, Torsh. I'll always be happy. Even when we go through hard times." Suddenly, she heard Nero's voice. She turned around and smiled. "Nero! It's good to see you! Guess what? Torsh and are gonna get married! Isn't that great?!"


The young woman smiled brightly, and held her hands with Torsh's.

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Natalia woke up in her new husband's arms.' I'm home. He is my home' she thought.She got up and put on her clothes. The headaches were gone and even if they came back ,she knew she had found someone who would never run from her.Unconditional love.


She woke Ferc up." Let's go tell Audrey or you go meet your uncle while I go see Audrey."

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After hearing the news from Audrey's mouth, he asked for a drink "Bartender! pour one of your strongest ales" then he turned for to the couple, stupefied. "How could you take her away from he Torsh! you got some nerve" he said with a big smile, it was his way of congratulating him, "and you Audrey, will make a beautiful bride for sure" , he was happy for the both of them. Of course, this makes my mission much easier he told himself, as he sat down to drink with them and celebrate the happy news

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