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[RP] The Adventures of Shindalar

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"We'll go tell Audrey. Artemisia, my horse, doesn't let people ride her. She bears them, at her pleasure." Ferc said. He untied his horse; In the daylight, one could tell that there was no saddle on the horse. He helped Natalia up. Ferc then got in front of her on the horse. "Hold onto me." Ferc said, cautionary.


"Artemisia, show us the true meaning of haste." He requested of his horse. His horse rode fast enough that they got to some village within a few hours. He climbed off and helped Natalia off. He tied his horse outside some bar. "Let's grab something to drink." He said, opening the door to the bar. And, who should he see except Audrey, Torsh and Nero.

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"I have no idea what you're talking about my dear Natalia" he shot her a glance, like telling her to forget what had happened, "But nevertheless, congratulations, seems that everybody around me is getting together, don't you think Audrey?" he said with an smile, "My two beautiful ladies have deserted me."


"Come sit with us" he invited Natalia "let us celebrate your union to Ferc" Nero said plainly to her

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Natalia hugged Audrey " I'm so happy for you. Were sisters now."


She knew Audrey was forgiving but would Torsh be.


" Ferc and I still have inner demons to fight...I'll explain mine later to you Audrey, but we are gonna fight them together.By the way you have a new enemy named Jason.Has he made his presence known to you ."

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Natalia chuckled nervously" Well it seems Nero, Ferc, and I have a evil inside of us...ask Nero about his, I just know his eyes turned black and then he ran away..anyway, evil me kinda seduced him and found out he's not exactly a good guy.He wanted me to kill Nero. Didn't do it obviously, he's standing right there."

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"I have no idea what you're talking about Natalia" confessed Nero, "I was at the town pub having a drink and thinking, next thing I know is that I fell sleep and went back to camp, only to find that the two love birds here had left me behind" he said, and turned to Audrey, "You led me on a merry chase, I almost lost track of the both of you for sure! but I'm not that easy to ditch" Nero said with a small laugh


He got serious at the mention of Jason, "for what I can tell, he seems to be well trained and ready for anything"

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" Good thing I didn't marry you then. Would you have remembered the wedding night?" Natalia wondered whether he was lying or really didn't remember.


" Though I am not royalty any longer, I still got money.Audrey I will make sure you have the wedding of your dreams. Whens the big day? Don't worry about Jason...just yet.Let's focus on happy things." she told Audrey.

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"I'm no good as a marry man anyway" Nero simply said "I like to have and enjoy freedom, not to have a ball and chain!" he said with a smile "No offense to the married couple and the married couple to be, but I will enjoy life to the fullest"


He then decided that the conversation will turn sour, and decided to leave, "It seems that you have some wedding business to attend to, so I'll be going to the local inn to rest" he looked at the others, "I know that I sleep in the open, but tonight I think I'll have a good sleep on a mattress, later!" and as he left, he showed a look at Natalia, but did not say anything

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"Okay. See ya, Nero." When Nero was gone, Audrey turned back to Natalia. "Our wedding starts when we reach Forcefields. And I thank you for your help on the wedding too."


She gave her sister-in-law a smile, and hugged her. But Audrey was still suspicious about Jason. It didn't matter though. Focusing on happy events was important.

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"Let's let the men talk and we girls go shopping and all the crazy stuff girls do." Natalia said so exictedly to Audrey.She never had a sister or a friend.


' This will keep the darkness away.Happiness,love,friendship, they can heal a wounded soul if allowed. I will allow it. It feels light. A lightness that I never felt before.' Natalia thought to herself.

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Nero walked around town, looking at the stores, restaurants, and everywhere he looked, he saw a couple. Maybe it's time to find somebody who truly understands me, to look to the future. I want to have kids in the future, as well as a loving wife, but.., no! thinking like this is not like me at all! I'm supposed to be carefree, live the moment and enjoy it as much as I can!....... but it gets old fast, really old, and makes you think afterwards. he was thinking deeply now, telling himself that everything will be alright, as long as he completed his mission, the rest will come later

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Torsh had gone silent through the whole conversation. He sipped his beer slowly and left the inn, sat down by a tree and thought.


If I get married to Audrey I'll be Ferc's Brother In Law. How can this Natalia come striding back. Ooo we are married look at our ring lets go shopping! That's when it struck Torsh. Shopping? Natalia would never go shopping. She's using this against Audrey! She'll kill her! They were out of sight. Which way did they go?


He shot up from the tree and started to search the town.

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Riza Re-L stumbled across town. She was a woman with no past.She barely got by.She was starving.She had to find the chosen one no matter what.She must protect him.


She wasn't watching what she was doing and bumped into Nero.


She looked at him." You know the Chosen One."

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Nero felt sleepy eyed. No wonder, after all, I deserve a good night's rest, as he was gething near the inn, he bumped into a girl. "Sorry, I didn't see you there, are you alr--" but he was unable to finish, as the woman asked him a strange question


"I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean, you should ask somebody else" and continued walking

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Riza followed him.This was her first feeling like she was getting somewhere and like heck she was gonna let it walk away.


" You know the Chosen One....Torsh." she yelled at him until she caught up with him." I feel that you do and I will keep following you until you tell the truth."

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Geez, seems that I have picked up a secret admirer or stalker thought Nero. "I don't know what you want or who you're talking about, but if you want to follow me, thats fine by me" he said to Riza as they got to the inn, "But I'm told that I snore when I sleep, so you may want to get your own room" he said with a small smile on his face

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" I will not get my own room.I hardly sleep anyway. I shall watch you like a hawk. I need to protect this Torsh.He is the Chosen One.I will lay down my life for him. I don't really know why I have no memory of my life I just know I must protect the Chosen One ." Riza told Nero." So I shall stay in your room and watch you sleep, eat , whatever.You know this Torsh, you reek of him."

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"Meh, whatever you say" Nero plainly said "seems that I indeed have a way with the ladies" he said as he entered his own room. What does this have to do with Torsh, even if he got all the protection in the world, something bad is going to happen to him, I can feel it clearly


He went to the room's only window and opened, "sorry darling, seems I decided to change plans, I need to get something first, make yourself at home, I may be back" and as he finished his sentence, he vanished into the dark night

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She went to the window and screamed." You better come back and don't flatter yourself , I would rather kiss a dirty mutt than you!"


Riza went downstairs. She saw Natalia, who after a long day of shopping needed a drink.


" You smell of Torsh." she said to Natalia.


" Excuse me?" Natalia said insulted and wondering how she knew Torsh.


" I am Riza Re-L ,I must protect Torsh." was all Riza said.


Natalia looked her over.She sensed no evil from her ,far from in fact.There was an oddness about her but it's source wasn't evil.


" I am Torsh's soon-to- be in-law.I will take you to him. His fiancee Audrey is looking for him.Now I guess we are too." Natalia said and led Riza outside.

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(OOC: I'm so evil now I guess.)


Jason leaned against a tree in the forest. Overhead, another raven flew overhead and landed on his arm. Jason took the letter from his foot, and sent it off.


You were right. The time will come when we will strike.


"Thought so."

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Torsh sped round in a corner in hurry and saw Audrey walking beside Natalia with another weird woman. He sighed in relief.


I'm out of my mind. I'm being just a little over protective, pah Natalia I'll give her a chance now who is she?


He joined the group and hear some weird comments.


You smell of Torsh. I will take you to him. Soon to be in-law. Fiance, Audrey. How does she know about me?

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Gage Terrix was leaning against a wall inside the Inn. When he over heard a young woman say...

You smell of Torsh.


"Torsh...Torsh... that name sounds familare."


Gage stood up straight and watched as the two women left the Inn and quietly fallowed behind them. This might be helpful, hopefuly. Grandfather what should I do I wonder. Gage thought to himself.


He continued to follow the to women untill they met up with another one. When he saw a man approaching the three women Gage quickly hid in the shadows.


"Soon, but not yet my friends. I sense you all are fighting something with in yourselves. Maybe, just maybe I can help when the time is right."


Gage stayed in the shadows listening to the four people talk. Knowing one of them had to be Torsh.

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