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the Quarren wip [tsl]


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well im a big fan of the darkside and i thought it would be nice to have a reason to get rid of goto so i propose my new wip its been a while since i did any modding so i thought i would get back into the game. what im going to do is make a sith Quarren that is found somewhere on Korriban maybe in the room where you find the jedi master which names excapes me at the moment, when you talk to him he says he was searching for the secrets of the sith and stumbled into the "interrogation" room. now he asks if he can join your party then upon entering the ship fires a small dialog between him and goto, goto then is forced to "leave". the rest of the story i cannot tell you.


now my question is would it be possible to get a quarrens head on jedi maleks body? because i noticed the quarren have a head texture and a body texture.

ill post some screenshots asap of what he looks like he most likely with transitions, and maybe a new lightsaber if i can find one that will suit him.

look hes going to have more tattoos just a start



july 23,2007 Update:his story: Darth Plight will now be found in the mines on peragus he will be stuck in one of the force fields that you shut down then he thanks you profusely and then vanishs, after finding the telos academy and leaving to search for the other masters he will appear on the ebon hawk and he will plegde himself to you as Darth Plight. he is a jedi guardian with full lightsaber proficiency and some other useful force powers. now when you land on korriban make sure to take him with you b/c you will get a chance to increase him into the rank of sith lord or the lightside path of jedi master. for the lightsiders will learn his true name. upon sith lord title he receives force crush and for lightsiders he will gain a few useful lightside powers. when it does come time for g0t0 to join he will come in and see Plight which plight will tell him there is no room if you do this before korriban him still being darkside he will use force lightning on g0t0 until he dies or if he is lightside he will just ask g0t0 to leave peacefully. from there i may add some more dialog but this will be the first release.


he will have transitions if i can get them to work right at the moment the screen goes black when i have the transitions set so im not to sure as lightside he will have a slightly more orange skin then the normal quarren in the game a browner robes, then the darkside is in the screenshots.

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  L0rdReV@n88 said:
update in first post.


yeah i was bored searching wookiepedia for something and stumbled onto the Darth Maleval page he a sith quarren from the legacy comics so hes going to look fairly similar to him


Héhéhé , I thought I saw this guy before :p .


Looks cool , allthough , I would try to keep his teeth in the normal color .


I don't think they tatoe teeth ;) ans where is his slime-shiny'ness :D ?


Anyway looks HOT !

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the slime shinyness is gone because his skin dried out (thats my story and im sticking to it) that and for some reason it didnt come through after the reskin. the teeth if i can ever find them in his texture ill turn them normal color but im just not seeing them


edit: his slime shinyness is back i didnt have the opacity down enough to even be visable so i turned it to about 85% and he is slimy looking now. alright found the teeth now i just need to finish the tattoos then ill move on to scripting him in and dialog




the slimyness factor is there but the screenshot is doesnt show very well i might still add some tattoos onto his ears or his triangular protrusions on his head but this is going to be the skin now time for scripting, oh joy

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its good to hear it Quanon. im reading Darth333's fantastic tutorial on how to recruit an npc in less then 10 steps. im on step 3 the scripting section but what i want is to replace g0t0 but she hasnt posted the number for characters in tsl. and later i may need help with the dialog. oh and im changing around his story a wee bit actually alot but ill post later to tell more.

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