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A few reskin requests


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Howdies all,


This is either a request for a few random Skin's I would like done, or for help in reskinning them myself (I have tryed, but not got past importing them into gmax as of yet. Anyways here is what I was wanting to do;


Slight reskin of Brianna; give her green eyes and long blond hair. Is that possible? As in I know we can change eyes and hair colour, but can the hair style on her model be changed?


Slight reskin of what I think is player head 3 (the dude with buzz cut, scar and goatee) is it possible to remove the goatee and give him green eyes as well?


Thats it for the moment.. I did a search and tryed following the intructions from Lit Ridl exactly (http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=166256&) But gmax won't import the files so got stuck there! Any ideas, suggestions or offers to do them would be greatly appritiated! :-)

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well first with brianna Im not an expert when it comes to making hair longer but when I get a chance Ill get right to that reskin


the dude with the goatee well thats another problem beacause If I erase the goatee in photoshop or another picture editing program it would look like a giant pimple on his chin but Ill work on it for you Ill make this mod for you

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This is either a request for a few random Skin's I would like done, or for help in reskinning them myself (I have tryed, but not got past importing them into gmax as of yet.


Skins aren't imported into gmax. You extract them with Kotor Tool and then use Photoshop or GIMP to edit them. :)

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He wasn't in a hyperactive stupor, so no need for him to chill really. :p


It's quite feasible that he was confused, although many reskinners make good use of gmax to import models so they can see their texture changes in real time while they are working on their skin. It's incredibly handy and I'm sure not everyone knows they can do that.


In any case, trying to reskin the face with the soul patch to get rid of it isn't going to look that great since they modeled it on. Why they felt the need to we may never know... I've found a suitable alternative to be just adding a full beard, as I think it looks less silly and does pretty well hide the silly little goatee. You could remove it, but it'd technically still be there, mesh-wise.

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He wasn't in a hyperactive stupor, so no need for him to chill really. :p


It's quite feasible that he was confused, although many reskinners make good use of gmax to import models so they can see their texture changes in real time while they are working on their skin. It's incredibly handy and I'm sure not everyone knows they can do that.


In any case, trying to reskin the face with the soul patch to get rid of it isn't going to look that great since they modeled it on. Why they felt the need to we may never know... I've found a suitable alternative to be just adding a full beard, as I think it looks less silly and does pretty well hide the silly little goatee. You could remove it, but it'd technically still be there, mesh-wise.




thanks dude sorry I was just in a really really bad mood oh and tanks for the info

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I wonder what Inyri looks like. Maybe she's a mutant with several eyes, giant fangs, and a cooling unit attached to her back that keeps her body from overheating due to her extremely high metabolism. Then, when she grows old, she'll become extreme tall and thin, similar to a decrepit tree person. [/resistance:fallofman]


Anyway, for the bald soul patch guy, you could just select that poly and move it into his chin. For the Handmaiden, I'd recommend using a completely different hair and fit it onto her head mesh. I'm not sure how to do this, but it has been done. (by Darth333 I think)

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