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Encouraging modders to use OJP


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I have a suggestion here. I was playing Doom, and I just came across some media that people uploaded on to JK2files to promote their singleplayer mods/maps. It then occured to me: why not send them emails, encouraging them to build their mods on the OJP engine?


I mentioned Doom above because people sometimes create open source mods as well for Doom and its ports, and others build their own mods/maps on these mods. I think it may be a good idea for this as it further spreads the word on our saber combat system. At the same time, modders/mappers may be interested in using the OJP engine as its more fun and realistic, instead of the usual CNS system (charge and swing)


What do you guys think?


Hint: up and coming is the Nina mod, its latest trailer on jk2files ;)

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Did that with the Dark Forces mod, it didn't work out.


Though it was cool, I don't think theres any comparison to the dark forces mod here. I mean with darkforces your promoting a few maps that people have played before that most mods might only consider using Just to have a few of the original darkforces maps, but only as a cool feature since most will have their own seperate theme.


Comparing that to the OJP sabersystem which even the creator of the choas mod wanted to use back in 0.0.9 (though I may have convinced him to wait for a newer build through an email I sent {since we all thought at that time that 0.1.0 was teh next release}, doh!) and has come extremely far since then and has gotten more positive comments then in any other time before. Back in 0.0.9 and some of the builds that followed, the server comments were like "well this is pretty cool, but.... it could be better," or "I like it but its still seems a little rough." Now, the comments or more along the lines of "this is brilliant!!" or "this ROCKS! Why arent there more servers!!??" LOL! Of course thats usually once they learn it completely, but Even when they dont know it, there;r like, wow, the fighting in this mod looks amazing!" I should know since its often only my server thats available alot of the time thats not hamachi.


Anyways, UDM, I like it. But lets wait for an official media blitz which I would like to happen after we've gotten the optimal amount of balance and positive feedback on both the saber combat (basically already there) and the gunner system both gunner vs gunner and gunner vs saberist. Darth and I and darth and maxstate have been working together to try and make this happen somewhat since Razors still busy with other things. Don't worry UDM, the time will come. Just make sure the things you've been working on are at a finished or passable level.

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Though it was cool, I don't think theres any comparison to the dark forces mod here. I mean with darkforces your promoting a few maps that people have played before that most mods might only consider using Just to have a few of the original darkforces maps, but only as a cool feature since most will have their own seperate theme.


Comparing that to the OJP sabersystem which even the creator of the choas mod wanted to use back in 0.0.9 (though I may have convinced him to wait for a newer build through an email I sent {since we all thought at that time that 0.1.0 was teh next release}, doh!) and has come extremely far since then and has gotten more positive comments then in any other time before. Back in 0.0.9 and some of the builds that followed, the server comments were like "well this is pretty cool, but.... it could be better," or "I like it but its still seems a little rough." Now, the comments or more along the lines of "this is brilliant!!" or "this ROCKS! Why arent there more servers!!??" LOL! Of course thats usually once they learn it completely, but Even when they dont know it, there;r like, wow, the fighting in this mod looks amazing!" I should know since its often only my server thats available alot of the time thats not hamachi.


Anyways, UDM, I like it. But lets wait for an official media blitz which I would like to happen after we've gotten the optimal amount of balance and positive feedback on both the saber combat (basically already there) and the gunner system both gunner vs gunner and gunner vs saberist. Darth and I and darth and maxstate have been working together to try and make this happen somewhat since Razors still busy with other things. Don't worry UDM, the time will come. Just make sure the things you've been working on are at a finished or passable level.


Zhivla komunisticka partija, zhivjo drug Hockney!

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There's loads more to be added. We haven't actually strayed away from anything "base" yet, we haven't actually added any weapons, skills, items or gadgets that haven't been in base and we don't have the ultimate ZOMG CUSTOMISATION zing yet.


Aside from that, it's mostly graphical and balance issues, minor ones, but I oppose releasing or showing off something that I don't deem finished.

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well one thing that would definitly scream customization would deffinitly be including this skin back along with his sith one that hes going to eventually release


Edit: well aperently there was some sort of skin bug but hes already released a fix


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Max, we've added loads of things to the game. Granted that OJP isn't a graphically heavy modification, we've done a lot. There's nothing "base" about the new saber combat system, TABBots, Force Fall, experience system, or ledge grabbing.


Holding off on "releasing or showing off" is silly. OJP is an open source project and will never be "done" or "finished" per-say.

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I disagree with Hocky on this. Might as well go for it now, we're basically finished except for some balance tweaking and such.


I just don't want people using our code too soon when we're so close to a finished releasable product. Honestly, after we fix a few things in the balance, hopefully a few crash bugs and maybe add UDMs menu stuff and some of RJW's models (since he's been working hard on several for OJP even during this massive slowdown we've been having), I want this thing released bigtime with a full on media blitz. And a part of that blitz will be looking for new coders to help continue this mod on since your time is practically nothing and my time is becoming less.

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