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That's Gay


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Our parents didn't want kids being gay... too many headaches... so if we scare the kids into thinking that being gay is stupid, lame, sh**ty... then they won't be gay!!!! (Yeah... they weren't thinking all that well, I know...)

As a parent I find this blanket assumption about parenting to be incorrect and a bit misleading. I certainly don't try to scare my kids into not doing something, since that's counter-productive. I certainly don't teach them pejorative phrases in an attempt to make them avoid whatever the thing is that I want them to avoid. If I did, I'd be teaching them to say "Oh, he's such a nose-picker!" or "She is so non-handwasher-after-using-the-bathroom". I certainly don't think the vast majority of parents are actively teaching their kids to say 'That's gay!!11one11!!eleventy-one!!" as a teaching tool to avoid homosexuality. We try at our home not to use such phrases simply because they're offensive in some circles, and there's really no reason at all to use such language in any case.

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As a parent I find this blanket assumption about parenting to be incorrect and a bit misleading. I certainly don't try to scare my kids into not doing something, since that's counter-productive. I certainly don't teach them pejorative phrases in an attempt to make them avoid whatever the thing is that I want them to avoid. If I did, I'd be teaching them to say "Oh, he's such a nose-picker!" or "She is so non-handwasher-after-using-the-bathroom". I certainly don't think the vast majority of parents are actively teaching their kids to say 'That's gay!!11one11!!eleventy-one!!" as a teaching tool to avoid homosexuality. We try at our home not to use such phrases simply because they're offensive in some circles, and there's really no reason at all to use such language in any case.


Understood Jae... and I wasn't necessarily pointing at this generation of parents... I was pointing more towards parents of my generation, and especially their parents. (I'm 35 for generational reference)


I think that modern parents have toned down (or tuned out) a lot of that stuff... yet there are still the fundamentalist types, who I will argue again and again mess up the pie for all of us.

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Using 'gay' as KotOREvan is advocating is a little boys behavior. (Period, paragraph)

While I agree with you and would say anyone can use whatever language they want (provided it is permitted within their current environment), I just believe it is a very bad habit to get into and could bite the user in the butt in the future. One off hand comment could cost the speaker a job, friends or hurt someone the commenter cared about. It does not mean the user of such language is a bad person. I don’t believe I’m a bad person or a racist, but I did hurt another and no amount of apologizes can change that fact.


I just do not believe it is worth the risk.

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