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Request for advice: Upgrading my television


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I'm looking to purchase a new television, but unfortunately I don't know that much about them.


The new set would be used strictly for movie watching (via DVD), however there is a strong likelihood that I'll be purchasing a xbox 360 within the next 6 months.


I haven't jumped on the HD-DVD/Blu-Ray bandwagon yet, so I'm not sure how much that will play in to things.


My current set is 32" and I was thinking of staying in the 40"-42" range for the new guy.


Finally, my target price range is $1,000-1,400 (US).


I appreciate any advice that anyone can offer regarding specific brands, LCD vs Plasma, etc. Thanks in advance.

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I'm not that sure if you can find a HDMI-enabled HD TV for that sort of price at that size. If there is a Costco around you (and you're a part of one, lol) I'd recommend looking there. They have either to most popular, the most powerful, or the best bang-for-buck.


Also, on a similar note. Does anyone know if one could buy a, say... 17" HDTV 720p?

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At the moment, I have Toshiba 32" LCD HDTV Flat-screen TV. The HD in this TV is amazing. But, the standard def on it, isn't all that great. Luckily, the Xbox 360s can be used in high def and standard def and they play DVDs as well, so I use it both for movie watching and game playing.


I suggest looking at the Consumer Reports magazines, to see which TVs look best for what you want.

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There are a few things to keep in mind when you make that plunge to buying a new TV. One of the most important ones is not to get a TV that’s to big for the space (blasphemy I know). This is just a rough idea of what the viewing distances should be for a screen size.


TV Screen Size ---- Sugested View Distance

30" 6.5 feet

35" 7.5 feet

40" 8.5 feet

45" 9.5 feet

50" 10.5 feet

55" 11.5 feet

60" 12.5 feet

65" 14 feet


This is definitely worth a read Plasma TV vs LCD TV it will also make you aware of some of the Pros and Cons to both LCD and Plamsa.


Now personally, I own a 37'' LCD Vizio. I love it, picture is amazing, it works great for analog cable, HD channels, and DVD's look great.


However ultimately the decision is yours Achilles. My best advice for you is this go to a few of your local stores that sell plasma and lcd and compare what looks best to you, and leave you money at home so you don't impulse buy. One thing to keep in mind when you do this the TV's that most stores are showing off are being feed HD signal. If you do not plan on getting HD installed into your house you will note a difference in picture quality, if your going to keep to analog signal I would make sure that the TV you buy can handle it. One last thing, use the internet to your advantage read some of these tech sites to gain some more knowledge on this subject, aswell read what people say about a TV before you buy it that can save you from headaches down the road....

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  Young Jedi King said:
There are a few thing to keep in mind when you make that plunge to buying a new TV one of the most important one is not to get a TV that’s to big for the space (yes you can do that lol blasphemy I know)


TV Screen Size ---- Sugested View Distance

30" 6.5 feet

35" 7.5 feet

40" 8.5 feet

45" 9.5 feet

50" 10.5 feet

55" 11.5 feet

60" 12.5 feet

65" 14 feet


Now none of this is set in stone it all depends on A. your personal preferences and B. the maker and the quality of the TV..


This is definitely worth a read Plasma TV vs LCD TV it will also make you aware of some of the Pros and Cons to both LCD and Plamsa.


Now personally I own a 37'' LCD Vizio TV and I love it Picture is amazing it works great for analog cable as well as HD channels and DVD's are great


However ultimately the decision is yours Achilles my best advice for you is this go to a few of your local stores that sell plasma and lcd and compare what looks best to you (and leave you money at home so you don't impulse buy lol) One thing to keep in mind thought when you do this the TV's that most stores are showing off are being Feed HD signal if you do not plan on getting HD installed into your house you will note a difference in picture quality if you don't plan on getting HD and going to Keep to analog signal I would make sure that the TV you buy can handle it because there are some TV's out there that are HDTV only..One last thing use the internet to your advantage read some of these tech sites to gain some more knowledge on this subject and to read what people say about a TV before you buy it that can save you from headaches down the road....




Can there really be a post that long almost completely void of any punctuation?



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  MrWally said:


Can there really be a post that long almost completely void of any punctuation?





O good god the punctuation police lol. I was trying to convey a message that wasn't to long to read and still point out the major issues. I guess punctuation got lost in my thought process, will proof read better in the future for ya Wally.

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