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Assassin's Creed

ET Warrior

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So, this game came out a couple days ago, picked up my copy of it yesterday, and played for about half an hour this morning before work.


So far? Awesome. Super awesome even.


I love the controls, the story is already starting to really engage me, graphics and sound are both stellar.



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This game probably has the most confusing ratings schism ever in gaming. Either they give it a 9+ and call the story amazing, ideas wonderful, fighting fun, missions entertaining, and voice acting just fine. Then they have the other crowd full of 7-7.5s calling it extremely repetative, the graphics glitchy, the voice acting horrible, the story disjointed, the fighting easy, and the twist incredibly lame.


I have no ****ing idea why these people don't like this game as much as others. And saying it's repetitive is like saying shooting guns gets repetitive in Halo 3. I don't experience any of this repetitiveness, whenever I'm in a fight I have fun, sure it's easy- but not in "gosh, I wish these guys would stop throwing themselves on my sword," but in a "hah-hah mother f*ckers, I can take all of you!"


I think the graphics are great. Even with a HDTV I don't mind any of the "glitches", yeah, sometimes the textures won't gracefully switch from un-detailed to detailed, but it's easy to ignore- and the game still looks great.


I think so far this game is great. I'm about a third of the way through the game so far and I don't feel like it's getting old at all. I personally play the main quests indirectly, so I may be enjoying it more than the normal joe. I go around helping people, randomly assassinating guards and getting into chases, beat up random people on the streets, and all sorts of weird things.


At this time I'd give it a solid 9.3, and I'm enjoying this game more than any other I have in a while. The other site... a 7.0 is Manhunt 2, 7.0 is a Tomb Raider remake, 7.0 is a bleh game. This is not a bleh game, and I'm completely baffled why critics aren't giving this game more love.

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how big is Kristen Bell's role in this game?

That's right I forgot, she's the female scientist, right? I'd say it's quite big based on how the story is progressing so far where I'm at. The game is really awesome! I love the graphics, soundtrack and the combo system and acrobatics are really cinematic and done quite well. The only problem is that every now and then the camera is behind piece of wood construction during a fight after I do a counter, so I have to move the camera out of the way, but it's not really that serious...

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I rate the game awesome out of 10.


I'm a third of the way through the game, and it's super awesome.


The controls are perfect. The low socring reviews I've read complained about the controls begint to complicated. It's not that hard.


Combat is better than I expected, but I think it could be better. There really needs to be a seperate button for throwing knives. I want to swing my short sword at the guy in front of me, not throw a knife.


I think AC will be the first game I'm actually going to complete everything. I'm doing all the side missions, hunting Templars, and searching for the flags. I'm also going to give 1000/1000 Achievement Points a try.



I like how everyone on my Friend's List is playing this game. :p



It's going to be a shame to put this aside for Mass Effect if I haven't beat it by then.

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A friend of mine got Assassin's Creed (he also got Crysis earlier). He said he gameplay is great and all, but the guys who made the game have managed to hide the game's real story from every gameplay video there was. The real story is so unbelievably cool, it puts every other released in the last five years to shame.


That has built up the hype for me.

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I seriously love this game so ****ing much.


Cool stories of things that happened in just half an hour of time in Acre:


I just got into a huge fist-fight between me and around 6 thugs. I had a lot of trouble taking them on until I started thinning out their numbers by grabbing them one by one. Well, after a while there was a crowd gathering, even the guards! And finally I took out the second to last and the last one ran off. I looked around at the 5 unconscious thugs (you can kill them when they're on the ground if you want) and then ran off to the last one. After a short run down an ally I did a tackle move and realistically sent him sprawling into a pole (realistic rebound and everything) - in that moment I swung around and landed a huge right hook right on his chin, spewing out blood into the camera.


Then later still I ran around and came into an area with a Templar Knight- the baddest guys in the game, but he hadn't seen me yet. This place I'm in is sorta downtrodden, bunch of drunks walking around, one of them was bothering me but I tried to ignore him. So my brother tells me that I could throw a knife at the knight for an easy kill. So I throw one... right into the drunk, so I take a "health" penalty for killing him as I try my hardest to stay alive as this knight starts tearing my ass apart. So I try to climb up a wall and get knocked down with rocks. Get hit a couple of times and try going up a ladder nearby- suddenly a guard on the ladder kicks my face and I fall down into the pile of guards and templar. I then run for my freaking life like no other time. I get close to getting away just to get spotted again, it keeps going until I run into a dead-end alley... with a Templar knight at the end of it. So I decide it's going to end here and start fighting off two templars and about a half-dozen guards in a small area. A crap load of fun!


I decide to start a rescue fight differently (where guards are harassing a person and you save them, like a medieval Spiderman) Instead of doing a leaping jump assassination on the first guy, I walk up to the highest ranking guard and quietly assassinate him, before the guy next to him fully realizes and before he takes out his sword, I start to TOTALLY destroy him with 4 sword hits in less than 2 seconds. I mean, my brother and I were both taken aback at how bad I killed this dude, and so I pause it... very cool idea because Altair was in the middle of a cool sweeping pose as a guard was falling to the ground, his feet in the air, would have made a great screenshot...


And before that I did another cool thing, a beggar lady was annoying me so I grabbed her and threw her off a 10-12ft drop onto her back in a somewhat secluded area. As she was trying to get up out of boredom I stabbed her as she was down. The area I was in was a sort of low-end market place in Acre, there was a could drunks and one guard. For some reason everyone was cowering in fear of me, but the one guard who was there was doing nothing for some reason, so I assassinate him and have fun beating the **** out of all the civies, kinda evil, but this ain't ****ing Fable.


My opinion review:

I've only gotten 4 out of the 9 assassinations and I'm taking my time on purpose and I'm having a lot of fun. I think the problem with the low ratings was like this: AC isn't all about tracking the big targets and killing them. I'm pretty sure that due to time constraints the reviewers had to rush through the game and finish it. Rushing through this game's main quest would be like rushing through Morrowind/Oblivion or through Grand Theft Auto. Those games would easily get really annoying if all you did was missions. Hell, I'd go insane if I had to do any GTA missions as fast as I could.


This game is already in My Top 10 Games of All Time List, and I've played a lot of good games in my day. I have Orange Box, CoD4, and Skate.- and I still like this game better.


New idea: This game is a lot like Skate. You know, you basically skate around the town, having fun pulling tricks and ****, but you only get into story stuff every once in a while. It's the same for Assassin's Creed. But instead of tricks, you kill and beat the **** out of random people. And instead of contests, you assassinate the main targets.

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Has anyone had technical problems?


I seem to get a disc read error in Kingdom while riding my horse and attacking a group of soldiers. It's always in Kingdom, on the horse, attacking soldiers.


I've also had the frame rate take a huge dive once, but I'd been playing for a long time. My 360 was probably struggling to keep up. Gave it a couple minutes to cool off and resumed.




I was bored last night, so I decided to walk my way to Acre and massacre any guards that got in my way. It was pretty badass. After I kill a bunch of guards in a small area, the rest will scatter and run away. I even fought my way through the city gates.


You pretty much have to fight defensively until you unlock more offensive moves. I usually switch to the short sword and go to town. It seems like its counter moves are more deadly.

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I just finished off my 3rd target, and am currently starting my investigation into the 4th.


I LOVE this game. I agree with Tie, I think it got repetitive for people who were trying too hard to just finish the game, but where it really shines is the sandbox feel. You've got yourself a pretty big city to wander and do what you will in. I'm not sure I'll ever tire of diving across a gap in rooftops and jamming my assassin's blade into the throat of an unsuspecting archer on the other roof.


I also take great joy in the simplicity of sidling up behind an unaware guard in the middle of a busy street, murdering him, and then just slipping away into the crowd unnoticed.


I read a few reviewers who complained that while you could accomplish your assassinations and escapes in varieties of ways, it was easiest to just pull our your sword and go nuts. While it may be easier, I think it's an awful lot of fun to lead a chase through the city, clambering up buildings and ducking through alleyways to throw off your pursuit, or occasionally luring the guards up onto a rooftop just to fling them into a crowd of people below and watch everyone freak out and create a pretty awesome scene of chaos.

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I took a long 22 minute recording of Assassin's Creed using my Gamebridge. I'll try and edit it and upload it before I go to bed if I can. I just mess around in Acre, doing all kinds of crazy stuff.


Also, I just got done with my 6th kill. I'm taking my sweet time. I actually am looking forward to playing the game a second time for the targets.

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I just had a pretty cool unexpcted moment. I was hunting target 8, and unfortuntely the roof archer I killed decided to fall forward off the roof. I guess a body flying through the air attracted attention, and people freaked out. The target starting running away, but a vigilante grabbed him. So I jumped off the roof, and stabbed him.

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Since I don't have a 360 and have no reason to play this game, anyone mind telling me the main plot twist that happens 5 minutes in, and the reason for the weird tech schemed stuff that goes around characters?


Use spoiler tags. :D


P.S. I've heard the quests are the most menial part of the game, such as eavesdropping and pickpocketing, etc. All in all I expected this game to be like any other action title and going off reviews it looks like it...

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The best way to get a taste is to read the positive reviews, for some reason the other reviewers just didn't have a good time with this game. While everyone I talk to just adores this game.


And the spoiler:


We find out that you are Desmond Miles, 25 yearold bartender who looks exactly like Altair but is in the year 2012. You're basically a prisoner in a Matrix-like simulation experiment as you use a complex system called the "Animus" in the form of a table. Essentially you're playing your ancestor's life, and that Ancestor being Altair. So Desmond is of the same blood as Altair while this company called Abstergo forces you to look deeper into Altair's life. There is a woman named Lucy (Kirsten Bell) who is pretty nice and there is a Scientist named Vidic who's a dick, sorta like the Scientist from HL2 EP2 but with a white-version-of-Eli-Vance kind of look.


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Just beat it. There is totally going to be sequel. That was one heck of a cliffhanger. I've read people comparing it to Halo 2's ending.


I wonder if Assassin's Creed to will take place

in the real world?




I was hoping to get the conversationalist achievement, but I must have missed something.



P.S. Sit through the credits for 50 gamer points.

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