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Renegade Squadron is NO GOOD


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Star Wars Battlefront Renegade Squadron is the worst of the three so far. Most of the futures seen in this game should not be in Star Wars Battlefront III.


What is so bad about Star Wars Battlefront Renegade Squadron?

You can make troopers PINK. PINK wow. That’s not BAD @$$ at all, like star wars is suppose to be. That’s just dumb. The characters/vehicles need to be authentic, their suits and how they looks just like in SWBF1 and SWBF2 is an awesome example. Also you can give what ever weapon you want to any class. THAT RUINS SPEACIALS SO BAD and ALL other classes.


How to fix it? Keep it so classes are aloud to use certain guns and/or have certain colors/camo and/or certain faces, this would be according to if they are snipers engineers heavy troopers or just riflemen. Different kinds of sniper rifles or shotguns, etc... I think specials should stay the same as in BF2. Don’t have the group of specials have all the same choices of special weapons. NO JET PACKS for CIS and REB.




Basically keep it almost how SWBF2 is but more maps. Downloadable maps. BETTER SERVERS FOR THE PS2. LESS LAG!


In SWRS the only thing good that came out of that is space extra command post, and hero ships.



I also hope the ability to turn tanks on and off is placed into effect.


Throwing det packs - I know it’s a glitch in BF2 but how it is in the game is awesome.

Mines- It needs work. Droideka have a problem with them, and that’s people run up to them right away and place mines on them… NO GOOD.

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well i wish i would have seen your posts then... Good job on that :laughing: . So were agreeing that almost all the changes made to this game are bad.



:toilet1: haha this game belongs with that face.


Yo but i love BF2 I still play it all the time since it came out.

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You wana know what I love about this FORUM. ITS A LA SITE AND THE CATOGORY IS BATTLEFRONT 3. SO THATS JUST SAYING YES WE ARE MAKING A SWBF3. Just come out and announce it LA. Its pretty much like you did anyway, just by having this catagory.


On another thought dont. Because I want to see how many people will keep asking if there will be a BF3 when these forums are where they are.

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i hope so. If theres any custimization like in that psp game. I will not buy it. I will just play killzone 2 for ever. If it ever comes out it was suppose to come out in July 2007. Then Feb 2008 now its going to come out Mar 4, 2008. How bad must they be screwing up.


So yeah lets not screw up the 3rd BF

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, from what I am reading, customization isn't that bad, mostly a waste of time. The reason I am saying that is that it is VERY LIKELY that customization is going to be in BF3, just like it is very likely that Jedi will still be in BF3, even though I will loath both features.


The game does feature a fairly large amount of customization options when it comes to characters including the ability to define body types, head types, colours and symbols for each of the four factions (Rebels, Empire, Republic and CIS), but this feature of the game is mainly just for show. The only practical character customization comes in the form of having the ability to define the "load-out", or in other words the starting equipment your character has when deployed. You can customize this either from the game's main menu, just before a battle, or during a battle by accessing a control point, where you are given 100 points to spend on items ranging from 1st and 2nd weapons to special items and powerups, although honestly except when you're up against a vehicle and need a rocket launcher, you only rarely ever truly need to venture beyond the default configuration of a rifle and handgun, further adding to the ground based shooting gameplay's excessive simplicity.



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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
MercJ is a console squatter. anyway, i want battlefront 3 for PC! and... renegade squadron DOES NOT SUCK. I effing LOVE that game!!!! IT ROCKS!!!!

Ok so.... and i do have it for PC as well....


well i feel that renegade squadron was so bad that i have to keep on posting about how bad it is. is that a problem or something?

Your so right...


ok how about this... for those BF lovers on XBOX360 PS3 and PC lets sign our name here and our system saying that we wount buy any more lucas arts games if its not out for our system...



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  • 2 years later...

i think the personalization is good, but i like the factions too like in SWBFII, have it in some games, but not in others, and i would like to see the weapons bonuses, that would be a good feature to have back. i like some aspects of the game, but not others, but hey, cant you say that about all games? if you don't like it, sell it and buy a different one.

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