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Listing of Available KOTR I Restoration Work


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  FrustrationMan said:
Carth's cut apartment dialog file that Darth Jebus releases cut out after a few sentances and never faded back in after the first fade out, leaving you stuck in the dark apartment. The animation of the PC getting up was gone, too. I looked in the file itself and it was a mess. The cut dialog has voiceover, so it was really cut by Bioware. Jebus apparently got banned, as it says below his old posts. so someone else will probably have to do this instead. I would but I wouldn't know where to begin.


Yep, and Jeb's dialogue didn't have references to the dialog.tlk file, which confused me the most. Can you point me to the files you found, as I did not find any differences to the original one (except the missing references to dialog.tlk, of course)?


An open word about the ban policy here (which might get me a ban also). People are different in many ways, some make mistakes - some big ones, some smaller ones. Both Darth Jebus and Darth Balor (just to name two from the top of my head) were active users here who contributed to the community. Both showed that they can mod. Jeb was working on the restoration of an injured Sith in the Rakatan Temple on the Unkown World, and Balor was working on the deleted Cserka Office on Kashyyyk. I got an early view on the last one, and it looked very, very promissing. I don't know what those two did to deserve banning. But sometimes it might be good to use the benefit of the doubt (right term?).


I got the promiss of banning for double posting two times, while I clearly explained why I was double posting. I created a thread titled "All things KotOR", where I posted everything published regarding KotOR (comics, minis etc.). When I added new stuff, the thread was closed, because it was too old (!). After it was closed, the moderator made fun of me in the chat room, because I revived the thread with new stuff. I catched that, because I just entered the chat room coincidentally (never to return again, of course). Very strange behavior here...


But I get very off topic, and I apologize.


Take care

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I contacted Jeb via email, but until now he did not replay. Also I looked into the dialogue file and did not find anything that indicates that something was cut. I compared the original file with what Jebus restored, and there are no differences (?).


I took a screenshot of the dialog file. It's a little small though. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v648/Megamagicman88/Untitledg.jpg It's the highlighted plus the one that follows it.



There are indications in the game that some of the players are humans and not all aliens (!). I consider the Pazaak tournament a major mod with many scripts, if done correctly. The only things that *are* left are some lines (two or three) that there *will* be a Pazaak tournament, and a dialogue tree with the *outcome* (lost / won).


If it requires human VOs then it could be a problem finding willing human to voice them. How many humans would it take?


If done, you must manipulate how swoop races work (your swoop has to be faster, accelaterate more etc.). The question is, does that include any benefit (besides making the tracks easier)?


I don't think there could be any benefits besides making it easier.


Actually the starmap isn't in said module, if I remember correctly.


I meant that the starmap would need to be removed from the Krayt Dragon's cave. I know it's not in the dungeon.


As of Sleheyron, Sith Specter, as well as Darth Jebus are lost in limbo, I think.


SS, you posted but didn't respond to this :xp:



I didn't find anything in the game which underlines the rumour. It would be a mod and not a restoration, as I found nothing so far that underlines the rumour. It could also be a false one...


David Gaider has confirmed it: http://lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=185850


I don't know actually. The question is, do we want more swoop tracks, and how plausible is a track on said planets?!


I wouldn't mind having more but I've never really used the ones that are already there. I guess it could make sense to have tracks on the planets...in suitable locations.


Hey Dan?


Doesn't the shape of Calos ship on the map look familiar?


It looks kinda like either the sith shuttle on Manaan, or the ship we see landing in the middle hangar on manaan.


Can you take a screenshot? Here's the minimap for the hanger: http://www.gamebanshee.com/starwarskotor/locations/manaandockingbay.php

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  Seamhainn said:
Yep, and Jeb's dialogue didn't have references to the dialog.tlk file, which confused me the most. Can you point me to the files you found, as I did not find any differences to the original one (except the missing references to dialog.tlk, of course)?


The only file I was talking about was Jebus's restored apartment file he released. It reintroduced Carth's cut dialog at the expense of the problems I previously mentioned. Is that what you meant, because I'm not sure we're on entirely the same page?

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  Dan Loto said:
I took a screenshot of the dialog file. It's a little small though. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v648/Megamagicman88/Untitledg.jpg It's the highlighted plus the one that follows it.


I must check this. Anyway, with the problems FrustrationMan mentioned (as he seems to have tested it) it might be difficult to rectify it. If I remember correctly, we only have the compiled scripts for the conditionals.


  Dan Loto said:
If it requires human VOs then it could be a problem finding willing human to voice them. How many humans would it take?


I did not find anything that indicates how the tournament works, the difficulty, the participants or anything else. We would need a totally new storyline. I like Pazaak as much as the next one, but a tournament would include a game after a game after a game. That is not that exciting, and I assume (beside other things) why it was deleted. As I said, we had to do this from scratch.



  Dan Loto said:
I don't think there could be any benefits besides making it easier.


Okay, so we drop that to the bottom of the priority list :-) .


  Dan Loto said:
I meant that the starmap would need to be removed from the Krayt Dragon's cave. I know it's not in the dungeon.


I wouldn't change the game that drastically. If an artist would make the dungeon workable, we could make a little sidequest with that module, a little more elaborate than my Shadowlands module, of course. But that was my first major mod... I wouldn't want to replace the starmap.


  Dan Loto said:
SS, you posted but didn't respond to this :xp:


Ah, SS, is still active. Nevertheless I wouldn't hold my breath for completion of Sleheyron. If all the needed/desired modules are ready, we'll see what we can do.


  Dan Loto said:
David Gaider has confirmed it: http://lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=185850


I lost the reference here :-) .


  Dan Loto said:
I wouldn't mind having more but I've never really used the ones that are already there. I guess it could make sense to have tracks on the planets...in suitable locations.


I don't know how to make new tracks, and I always was comfortable with the ones in the game. And I doubt the benefit of it, besides that you can call yourself Swoop-Champion of Kashyyyk etc. And as the NPCs don't make references to it in their conversations (as with Taris, Manaan... ) *shrug*


All in all you are right, Dan: some things could be worked on still. The biggest one I missed, which is the Czerka office on Korriban (where Darth Balor worked upon). To make it all more doable I'd like to work with one or two motivated other modders to work on the restorations and pool our resources.


  FrustrationMan said:
The only file I was talking about was Jebus's restored apartment file he released. It reintroduced Carth's cut dialog at the expense of the problems I previously mentioned. Is that what you meant, because I'm not sure we're on entirely the same page?


Yes, thats what I ment. As I said above, I think we only have the compiled scripts, and I don't know how to read compiled scripts (which doesn't mean, I know how to read no-compliled scripts :-) ). If time permits, I'll look into it again...


EDIT: Both the original dialogue as well as Jeb's use k_ptar_carth00 for availability and k_ptar_fadein for script that fires when spoken at the beginning (first line of Carth's dialogue), and k_ptar_fadeout for script that fires when spoken at the end (second line of Carth's dialogue) - see Dan's screenshot of the dialogue file above. So I cannot see what Jeb actually changed (all scripts only exist in compiled form unfortunately). (No other files are in Jeb's donwload!) Nevertheless, like FrustratioMan points out, while using Jeb's file one obviously gets Carth's dialogue (?), but with the gamebreaking results. I am at a loss here what Jebus did, unless I overlook something.


If we find out how the deleted dialogue is triggered (I don't see how at the moment though), the next dialogue could maybe be triggered with a fadein, and then the game progresses as we all know it. Maybe I have an appropiate savegame and can look into it...

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Most of the links you posted were blank sadly. Some of the files you can find easily by just taking the end number at the end of the knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com urls and thusly fixing them. However I can't find the following files:


  Seamhainn said:

#12. Juhani Dialogue after Korriban




#21. Bastila Romance Fix!




Obviously that last one didn't have a link, but I'd like to find it regardless.

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"Bastila Romance Fix" can be found on kotorfiles if my memory doesn't fail me...

EDIT: I guess this is it?



For the "Echani Mercenary on Manaan" restoration, you should pm Seamhain about it... I'd send it to you via e-mail, but I don't know if Seamhain would appreciate distribution of it without authorization...


I don't think I can help you with Juhani's Dialogue, I'm sorry...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Quote: #2. There was an alternate way into the Sith base on Taris. The junior sith officers you meet in the cantina could later be talked to at the party for a chance to buy a pass card into the base.


This is really odd, and I doubt any of you will believe this, but one day, I decided to play KOtoR, and I did the Endar Spire, and then decided to do the cantina way to get sith uniforms. Does that make sense? Keep Reading. Anyway, I exausted every talk option possible, and went to the apartment for the party & uniforms. This sounds pretty simple, but anyway, I dont remember EXACTLY what I did, but i got the uniforms, and (I don't know why I did this), but I chose to try breaking into the sith base. I don't remember if it worked the first time, but if it didn't, I went to the cantina, and talked with the sith people and tried again (I dont remember which one I did), and anyway, I ended up opening the sith base to Taris shortly after gaining the armor. I know I didn't go into the sith base, because I was afraid that I would die, the simple little level 3 scout I was. This makes me think that one of my mods (like BHoS or Yavin IV) did somehting with it, and did something that did something with something that wasn't deleted by Bioware (forgive my lack of computer terminology, I'm pretty new to this) created that. Thus, I think that somehow, the character was supposed to be able to enter the Sith Base another way, but I don't think it was by buying a passcard from a sith.


Edit: OMG, I found out what triggered that event. When you go to the party (I dont know about if female works, but I know male does), Sarna talks to you, and offers you Tarisian Ale. Yun Genda walks up and says that its strong, but Sarna says to live a little. I think what happened next (to me) is a bug, but after that, everyone usually falls over. This time, they handed me an item, and then just stood there. Later, when I came back, they were gone. I looked to see what they gave me, and IT WAS A SITH PASSCARD!!!!!!!!!!!!! The only problem is that it doesn't work. I think that in the cut content, I was to buy it from them, but, who knows? Also, the bag with the Sith armor was in the left side of the room, not the right. BTW, HOW CAN I GET STARTED DOING SIMPLE MODS?

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