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TSL:Help Im stuck in Telos:Restoration Zone


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If strategy is your problem, this area is a real pain for micromanaging. For some reason, all the party members like to run around and take on multiple enemies all on their own in that particular area. Pause and issue attack orders to all the perimeter enemies first before going up the landing pad area where the kill-bots are, and make sure all your team targets the same enemy at once. Manually move your guys around to keep them from rushing the turrets until they're the last targets left if you have to.

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Thats not the main problem till you get too that really big room with all the bots.Its that my party members like to walk on the pannels that spray poison out.When you are trying to kill the enemies and your poisoned its really hard too survive.
Ah. Pick one party member and give them a breath mask. Then just go into solo mode and run around the room, trip all the poison traps, then leave and rejoin the rest of the party.
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Could always use KSE to add in 2 more breath masks, and equip them on everyone, and just walk through. But if you don't want to use the KSE, solo mode, equip the single breath mask, and get the one character across, then the next, then the last one. Better yet, equip Bao-dur with the mask and a stealth generator, and have him go to the hanger, ignoring all the attacks, and shutting down the gas vents, then make your way back, and basically fight off all the droids.

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Firstly what difficulty have you got it on? If its normal or hard try bringing the level down.


Right several things that will help... this may contain spoilers tho for this bit only anything you havent done in the underground base; http://www.gamebanshee.com/starwarskotorii/locations/undergroundbase.php


To get more breath masks; http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/file/920601/35591


Heres what to do if the cheat console is already working; in the game the cheat console is invisible, hit the tilde key (~) (on my laptop its `) then type;

giveitem a_helmet_02


THat will give you a breath mask, repeat for more. Hope that helps :).

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There's an implant that gives you immunity to poison. It can be made at a lab station if you have a high enough Treat Injury level (if not, make Kreia do it for you). I believe that there is a lab station in the Czerka base, though I'd have to check to be certain.

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There are countless ways to do that.

Actually, I am pretty sure that if you are in that big room with all the bots, you have seen the shuttle, right? There should be a console that shuts all the vents off.


If you are referring to the 4-turret room, or 4 turret+2 droid room, they are easy

just let them be on a line and zap them w/ force lightning.

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If you don't want to cheat breath masks in, you can always give you party members blasters, go into solo mode, so your party members will stay there and movee them around the gas panels in the floor. The gas panels are the ones that look like mesh in the floor.

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