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Star Wars NJO: Rise of Darth Caedus

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The Anakin Solo was holding in position as its commander has ordered. Suddenly an unknown ship appeared in the near space. Sensing the presence of a bounty hunter, Darth Caedus stormed into the Solo’s bridge and spoke to the Admiral,


“Do not shoot at them, they can be allies…let them in Admiral, we may benefit from this one”


The Admiral nodded his head in acceptance, and then he activated the com-link,


“The Anakin Solo will have you in bounty hunter, Lord Caedus has a job for you”

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"Looks like we struck gold Aito" said Vergo after hearing the message send from the Anakin's bridge "Should we all go or will you just go alone?"


"Stay here and secure the ship" said the bounty hunter, as he went to the landing ramp, "Iuka, if my vital signs becomes null, give them the gift store in the cargo hold, and try to escape while the timer goes down"


"Understood" said the AI's female voice, "Do be careful, I detect multiple ships entering the Anakin Solo's docking bay, you will have company"


"No problem, I'm sure the colonel will make the right choice" and with that said, he holstered his two blaster pistols, sheathed his sword, and awaited until the Hades docked, then he would go meet Jacen, and his competition.

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Eventually the Highway Star pulled towards the moon of Nal Hutta Nar Shadda. D.J rested his head easily and pulled up his galaxy map. He quickly charted his course and closed it looking around. The Milennium Falcon was pulling towards Nar Shadda.


"This is D.J Prime, Jedi Knight. I was just caught in your little battle up ahead. Do you need assistance"


D.J sent another hailing frequency. D.J felt another shiver in the force. It felt more like Deja Vu then anything. He quickly ignored it and continued keeping his ship level. D.J's mind instantly went to his old master Zarnia. He shook his head slightly and continued

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(@Rakata: their comm dish is out, so no message can be sent or received, but the Force is a great tool [hint]) (Furthermore, are there any other Jedi on board?)


"Come on kids, lets do a little exploration, not that there is much to see" Han guided the two Jedi Knights to a main avenue, and looked around. Leia and Allana stayed back in the Falcon, which was docked on a secluded landing spot. Han didn't want to risk anybody seeing the youngster: Jacen had spies everywhere.


"Okay, we need to find a place where we can get the Falcon repaired, where the owner is discreet enough to not inform the Alliance of our presence in exchange of credits" this was easier said than done, because the smuggler's moon was the last place to find an honest person. "Can any of you guys can use the Force to sense anything? Good will or something like that?" Han was placing his thrust on these Jedi

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((Jak and Akira are. I don't know about the rest...))


Akira scratched her head nervously. "Well... yeah, sure. By the way, I sensed that another Jedi was near when we flew the Falcon away from Jacen's ship. Hmmm..."


She looked around. The young woman wanted to make sure that none of these people would try and pull off something on them. As a Jedi Knight of the Jedi Order, Akira held on strong with the Force... no matter the circumstances...




Allana sat by her grandmother, Leia. The little girl had everything on her mind. Thinking about her daddy made her feel almost sad.


"I hope that Daddy's okay..." Allana said, holding on to her stuffed tauntaun named Jacen. She named that after her father, because if he wasn't around, Allana could talk to her stuffed tauntaun instead.


She looked down at her stuffed tauntaun. "Don't worry, Jacen," she whispered, sniffing. "Everything's gonna be okay..."

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D.J quickly ran a system's check on the falcon. He realized their comm dish was out. D.J suddenly shivered. Like someone walked over his grave. He shook his head again and thought of another strategy. He reached out with the force. He reached out towards the falcon. He reached out with the strength of the light side. He felt fatigue but kept doing it. He sensed more then one force sensitive on the ship. He quickly lead the force to them. There was someone behind them.


D.J instantly felt fatigued and stopped. He shook his head again. Then his thoughts went to where to land. He had a few mercenary friends on Nar Shadda. But it was a prime spot and a retched hive of scum and villaney. D.J quickly did another systems check of the highway star once more. Noticing that Nar Shadda's giant city was finally coming into view

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"Looks like the Vongforming worked out to be a success..." Jak muttered, as he looked around at his surroundings.


From this view, the Smugglers Moon really didn't look any different from the Nar Shadda he knew before the evil Yuuzhan Vong conqured the moon. Though it was likely still in development of becoming the Little Coruscant it once was. Right now, The Millenium Falcon and her crew landed on a haven city for smugglers.


"Anyway, we'de most likely find someone of your description down at the local Cantina. Or we could try the areas around the ship docks..."

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"Yeah, the Vong made this place a little prettier" said Han, "Compared to the old moon, I'll take this one instead"


As Jak mentioned where to look, Solo remembered something from his smuggler days, "the Falcon always got beat up in the old days, but me and Chewie found a good and cheap repair dock, just past the nearest cantina, it was run by a Hutt. I'll go check it out, why don't you two guys hit the cantina and search for clues?"


Feeling that there was not time to be wasted, Han ran of to see if the old Hutt was still in business

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The Highway Star landed in Nar Shadda easily. D.J went through the planet many times and his ship was quite farmiliar. He had a few connections through the planet that could let anyone do anything.


D.J remembered the Milennium Falcon landed somewhere near when he landed. He recognised a Cantina near the ship. D.J walked into it.


The Cantina looked quite empty. There were the usual music playing by either Bith or Twi'lek. D.J walked over to the counter. Noticing the bartender was mechanical.


"Kolto water." The Bartender whirred away. D.J looked around. He began to reach out with the force once more. Hoping fatigue wouldn't stop him again. The bartender handed D.J his drink. He quickly drained it and looked around. Noticing out of all the other people he looked the most suspicious. D.J called for another drink and drained that as well. D.J felt another wave of the force flow through him again. But he ignored it again. Noticing his guns moved slightly.

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"That sounds good. Be careful, Mr. Solo." Akira turned to Jak. "Well? Shall we?" The young woman glanced around. Then she noticed a Cantina nearby. Thank goodness, it was by the Falcon.


Akira walked inside, and looked around. A few people in it, but it was all good. She walked up towards the counter, and stood by a Selkath. When she ordered a blue milk, the bartender droid turned around, made her drink, and handed it to Akira.


As she drunk her blue milk silently, Akira felt something. Someone in this Cantina was Force-sensitive... besides Jak. She turned slowly, and looked at the male Selkath.


"Excuse me, sir? I don't mean to be rude or anything... but are you a Jedi?"

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D.J snapped out of his Psyche and noticed someone was talking to him.


"Might be. Depending on who's asking." D.J said in his most fluent basic. Normally it would take another species a few months to fluently learn Basic. But with specific species like Selkath it was exceptionally hard yet not impossible. That was why D.J had a Vocabulator installed when he was on Bespin. All he had was a slight gurgling accent.


D.J sensed the force off the girl who asked him. It wasn't the darkside however to D.J's relief. "However all kidding aside I do own a lightsaber that I built. So I guess that makes me a Jedi." D.J said standing up. D.J was much shorter then a usual Selkath. He was only slightly taller then the girl.


"I also got caught in your little space battle in the Millennium Falcon. Who was chasing you?"

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Although the Selkath spoke in a slight gurgling accent, mixed with Basic, Akira understood him well enough. "The Anakin Solo. It's a ship owned by Darth Caedus. He used to be a Jedi with my Master, Luke Skywalker. But then this female Sith named Lumiya turned him to the Dark Side."


She sighed, and looked down. "I wished that the son of Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo wouldn't fall to the Dark Side... but now all seems lost." She smiled sadly. "But no matter. Because the Force is strong in all of us."


She extended her hand towards the Selkath. "By the way... my name's Akira Claris. Jedi Knight." Akira smiled brigtly.

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"D.J" He said shaking her hand. "Jedi knight and Mercenary. Mostly just drifting through space."


"Anyway I checked out the Falcon's state. If you get it up and running I know of a good place to stash it and lie low" He said getting up. His trench coat moving around more. "So what are you planning on doing when your heat dies down? Go to the nearest Jedi Academy?" D.J asked. D.J felt a wave of the dark side shroud over him. He stumbled slightly and got up.


"Sorry about that."

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Akira helped him. Something in the Force was not right. She felt the Dark Side somehow. Akira stared at D.J as he got up. She rubbed her neck nervously.


"Are you gonna be okay? You sure you don't need any help?"


The young woman seemed concerned for D.J. If he turned to the Dark Side... what if other Jedi did? She looked around. Then she turned back to D.J.

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Jak noted the Selkath slightly stumbling. At first, he thought it was caused by the drinks he had skulled down. Then he too suddenly felt a wave of the dark side flow past him.


"Woah, that was strange..." he muttered. "Did any of you feel that? It was like a breeze, or something..."


The Mandalorian hoped it was just part of his imagination. "Nevermind... we're here looking for a mechanic to repair our ship... sorry, Captain Solo's ship. I don't think we're officially crew members..." he chuckled.

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"Oh yeah! Mr. Solo said that we should at least find clues or anything to help repair his ship. But Jak's right. We're really not crew members. More like defenders."


Akira looked down. The Dark Side flowed somehow... but was it trying to lure D.J in it's grip? She glanced back up. "I know this might sound crazy... but would you like to join us? I mean... it's your choice..."


She smiled, waiting for D.J's answer patiently.

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“The bounty hunters are on board my Lord” said the Admiral.


“Good, I shall meet them in a moment” replied Darth Caedus. But then he felt a strange disturbance in the force. One that he himself is familiar with…he thought of his daughter, Allana, and he sighed in sadness.


He stormed into the bridge of the Solo, and when he saw that there were seven bounty hunters standing in there he stood and said,


“The assignment is not as simple as it may seem hunters. You have to face the Falcon to get me my child, alive and without a scratch. And know that if you succeeded a huge prize shall be awaiting you”


He said yet then he dismissed them, all except Aito the bounty hunter, “for I sense you surpass them all, in technique as well as in determination.” He said spoken to the bounty hunter…

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Allana thought about her father, with a sad look on her face. Through the Force, she sensed that someone was sad and hurt. The connection with her father grew, as the little girl thought about him more.


She held on to Jacen. "I hope Daddy won't do anything bad..." She started to cry on Leia. "I want my Mommy and Daddy!" She cried with all her sorrow.




Akira felt a disturbance in the Force. She felt that Allana was feeling sorrowful about something. She sighed.


"Oh, Allana. Don't cry, little one. I know how it feels to lose the ones you love," she thought. Akira folded her arms, continuing to look down.


She'd do anything to make the little girl happy again. Even if it meant trying to persuade her father to be a good man again...

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"Well I'm not doing something right now. But sure I can help you." D.J didn't do something like this for a few weeks. It felt good to do something like it


D.J walked up to Jak. "I'm D.J" He said outstretching his hand. D.J felt another wave of the force flow over him. But he ignored it. It happened quite a lot lately. More like an energy boost to keep him going. His lightsaber rested in its latch quite hidden. It was good to stay undercover.


"So where are you keeping the Milennium Falcon? Somewhere conspicuous I hope. Nar Shadda is a big place and its easy to find someone who will betray you."

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Akira grinned, and nodded. Being betrayed by Jacen Solo made her feel worse. Ever since he been with the Jedi, Akira felt that he was going to be a great leader. But it looked like that would never happen.


She glanced at D.J. "The Falcon is outside the cantina, in the docking bay. It's a good thing we're close to it, you know?"


Akira payed the bartender, and headed out the door. She turned back at D.J and Jak. "I'm gonna check on it right quick. Feel free to follow, if you like." And with that, she went out the Cantina.

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D.J thought to himself and decided to follow Akira. He began walking out the Cantina and followed her to the Milennium Falcon


The Milennium Falcon seemed to have contracted a lot of damage over the years. D.J noticed it


"You say a Sith tried to stop you? I don't think hes going to let you go easily. Its best to keep moving after you fix the Falcon. Nar Shadda is a prime spot and it has a big reputation here." D.J walked underneath the large ship. Noticing all the nooks and crannies.


"I'd like to check out the inside of the Falcon. See if I can help."

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"Hey, be our guest!" said Jak. "If you have any repair skill, your help is most appreciated. Just don't touch any of my stuff when you get in!"


And with that, Jak left the credits for his drink on the cantina's desk. The group then exited the populated cantina and out into the fresh air.


"Alright, lets check on the Falcon. See if any thug has been stupid enough to penetrate its defence system..." the Mandalorian muttered.

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When they got in the Falcon, Akira glanced around. Suddenly, someone, with little feet, came running towards them. She looked down, and saw the little girl, Allana.


"What took you so long?" Allana asked. Akira smiled, and knelt down. "Sorry that we took long, little one. We were just trying to find clues."


Allana nodded, and smiled. "Oh! Okay!" Akira got up and looked around. A grin came upon her face.


"Well, everything seems good..." She looked down at the little girl again. "Where are the others?"


Allana scratched her head. "Umm... they're over there at that room... the pass... uhh.."


Akira smiled. "Passenger room."


Allana nodded rapidly and happily. "Yeah, that!"

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"Younglings... they grow up so fast..." Jak silently chuckled to himself. "Looks like the Falcons still in her same condition as we left it; half-space worthy and half-junk heap!"


Jak walked up the ramp, accompanied by Allana, Akira and the new guest. He went straight to the main hold. He then sat near the Engineering Station computer to run a diagnostic of the ship.


"Uh-oh... looks like we've got some glitches with the Navigational Charts as well..." he examined. "I wonder when was the last time Solo did a scan-check. Nothing I can't handle, though..." and with that, he got straight to work with clearing up the bugs in the Charts.


They were just lucky they made it here to Nar Shadda without any hassle, apart from being chased by a Sith Lord who wants his daughter back.

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D.J looked around at the state of the Milennium Falcon. Much of it from the inside was already still damage. D.J walked towards the hyperdrive and examined it.


"The Hyperdrive is probably leaking. If it is then you can't jump to hyperspace. Your probably going to need to get a new one." D.J looked around and walked towards the circuitry bay. He spotted a few wires that had been blown out due to the space battle. D.J took out a small welding unit from his pocket and welded the wires together. D.J looked around the ship again. He could spot ten more problems that he couldn't fix.


"This ship needs a lot of work." He said finally. "But we don't have time to fix all of them. Most of the life support systems need some work on them. We can fix all the errors that make the ship unflyable and then get out of Nar Shadda." D.J had a very bad feeling on Nar Shadda. He always did but something gave him the feeling that someone knew where they were and was coming for them.

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