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Star Wars NJO: Rise of Darth Caedus

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"drop your sword slowly Jedi and I may take you alive"


As Jak heard the barked order, he turned his head to take a good look at who threatened him. Even with the flash light shining into his face, he could make out what appeared to be a Mandalorian wearing yellow painted armour. He could see an armed gauntlet aiming directly at him.


Jak did as he was told and pulled the his Lightsaber from the door, deactivated it and placed it onto the floor.


"I could have resisted and attack you. But it has been some time since I have seen a member of my own clan... or someone imposing as one!"

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Akira glanced at D.J. Then she glanced at Allana. The thought of leaving her was just unbearable. But she had to do what she had to do.


"Allana! Go back in the ship! Your dad's angry, and I don't want you to get hurt!" Akira shouted.


The little girl got scared. "But--"


"Now, Allana! Please!" Akira said, taking out her own lightsaber. She wasn't trying to threaten Allana, but the young woman wanted her safe. She really got worried about Jak... so she did as D.J told her.


Akira turned to D.J. "May the Force be with you." After that, she ran off to find Jak.

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((lol its getting a bit quiet down here. Time to make some noise...))


Jak continously eyed the Mandalorian, watching the wrist launcher pointed at him. Even through dark tinted T-Visor of the helmet, and the rest of the Mandalorian shell, he could sense this was not one of his kind... or what he used to be.


Jak smiled. "So what exactly do you intend to do with me, Mandalorian? I'm quite busy rescuing an old geezer from behind this door. Can't you see?"

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D.J waited until Akira finally left.


"So Caedus. Who's going to make the first move?" D.J knew he had no hope of winning by himself. Though he heard barely anything about Caedus the force around him just scared him. Something about his dark expression and sunken eyes made him seem more powerful.


And here D.J was. Barely a Jedi consular and his master died before she could teach him anything remotely important. Though D.J's dueling skills were good in the eyes of other masters he had never faced a sith lord before. He just got lectured day in and out by Zarnia about how they can't be trusted


D.J hoped that Akira could run fast. He waited for Caedus to make the first move. It was always the style that D.J held. Even in parlor games he always made the opponent move first.

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"You Jedi just love to talk and talk, don't you ever get tired of it?" said Aito to his newly acquired prisoner, "stop yapping and yet down on the floor, hands behind you head"


As he barked the orders, he took out a pair of highly stun-cuffs, but then thought that the Jedi wouldn't hesitate from using the Force to free himself and neutralize him, so he played it safe; he switched his plaster settings from kill to stun.


"Forget what I just said, this may sting a little" stated Aito as he aimed the blaster towards Jak


_____________________________________________ - _ -


Something was going on on the other side of the door, because the hot sparks had stopped, and the door had returned to his cool gray look.


"Did something happened to those kids?" wondered Han Solo, feeling worried all of the sudden. "I know that they are jedi and can take care of themselves, but still..."


Just when he getting a little more closer to the door to try to see what was going on, Tobias caught him and stopped him dead in his tracks with a punch to the stomach. "Whoa, hold on there buddy" said the thug, "are you in that much of a hurry to leave?"


"Well, this party is dead stiff as a corpse and there are neither drinks or dancing girls, so I going to try my luck somewhere else" rebuked Han with a small smile on his face


"You're right on one account Solo, you're luck is running out. If it weren't for the bounty money, you would have been dead long ago" responded the leader, "and speaking of running out of luck, your has run out boss, sorry"


Tobias aimed his blaster rifle at Nobo and fired, some of Nobo's bodyguards tried to protect him, but failed, paying their failure with their lives. "I won't be pleased to get payed 5 % of the total bounty, I want more than half"


Yes, betrayals were around the corner on Nar Shaddaa, so Han wasn't very surprised, but he knew now that he was in deeper trouble because his new captor's patience was getting thin.



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Allana couldn't move. She wanted to be with her father so badly. Tears fell from her eyes. Then... she couldn't take it no more.


She ran towards Caedus, and hugged him. "Daddy, daddy! Please stop! You're scaring me!" She sniffed, and cried. Then she said something she'd been wanting to say to her father for a long time.


"I wanna stay with you, Daddy. So that we can be close together."




As Akira continued to follow Jak's presence, she suddenly came to a stop. She felt that Allana was close to her father than ever. This brought sadness into Akira's heart.


She looked in both directions... wondering which path she should follow. Going back... or finding Jak...

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Jak saw the bounty hunter hesitate his methods on how to capture Jedi; varying from stun-cuffs or his blaster. Jak chuckled as the Mandalorian aimed the blaster.


"Hard decision, was it? You are definatly not a Mandalorian..." he mocked. He used toe force to call his Lightsaber back into his hands, and ignited both blades. He readied himself in a defensive deflective stance. "So how skilled are you with a blaster?"

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After being told to return to the ship, Allana chose not to follow orders and returned to her father’s hands instead…


"Daddy, daddy! Please stop! You're scaring me!"


She said gently, thereafter Caedus’s anger was softened, yet he became even lovable again as his daughter revealed her true thoughts…


"I wanna stay with you, Daddy. So that we can be close together."


There he embraced his daughter tightly, and even shed a tear. But when he remembered that nothing was done yet, he stood before his daughter preventing her from escaping, and then he gazed resolutely at the Selkath Jedi….


“you will die now Jedi!” he side as anger enflamed his soul, and then he unleashed a wave of force lightening at his opponent.

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D.J quickly ignited his lightsaber and rolled to the side. Barely dodging the lightning that followed.


Damn. That would have hurt. D.J ran behind one of the Falcon's land supports.


"Akira if you can speed things up do so. Because I have a large amount of lightning hitting me."


Suddenly D.J felt another wave in the force. It was dark side once more. D.J fell to his knees as he remembered




It was on Correlia when it happened. In a local Cantina D.J sat drinking yet another Kolto water. His master Zarnia was next to him. She was a female Iridonian and was slightly older then him.


Zarnia was waiting to establish contact with a local gang of thugs. They went to Correlia to stop the large amount of gang violence that had plagued the planet.


Right then a group of thugs walked towards D.J. The majority of them were Ugnauts. They recognized D.J since he was wearing Jedi robes.


"Tartian sends his regards." He said in heavy Ugnaut. The group of thugs took out an assortment of blasters and vibroblades.


At the time D.J only carried one blaster. He took it out and rolled to the side. He shot several thugs while Zarnia took her lightsaber out and cut down the Ugnaut. D.J stood up in front of the Ugnaut who was still breathing. D.J pointed his gun and to the surprise of Zarnia he fired. He killed the Ugnaut in cold blood.


"D.J why did you do that?" D.J shrugged slightly


"He would have gone back and alerted his boss. He would have sent more people here."


"But that doesn't mean you should kill him..."


The dream ended there. After the scene at the Cantina Zarnia left on another mission and didn't take him with her. Apparently sensing that if he killed again he would turn to the darkside. On that mission his master was killed. After that D.J became a Jedi Knight and stopped wearing Jedi robes...


D.J snapped out of his psyche. Feeling incredibly cold and kneeling behind the Falcon's supports.

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Akira could sense that in the Force, a Jedi was struggling with the Dark Side. She ran back to where D.J was at. Jak could take care of himself. He was a skilled Jedi... probably skilled than her.


The young woman ran behind the Falcon's support, where D.J was kneeling at. She gasped. Then she knelt by his side, holding on to him.


"D.J! Please! Don't let the Dark Side take over you! Please!" Akira continued to hold on to him, tears falling from her eyes.




Allana grew more afraid, after what Caedus had done. She came close to her father's side, looking up at him with tears.


"Daddy? Is that man hurt?" Deep inside, she hoped that the other man who was a Jedi wasn't hurt from her father's lightning.

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