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Lower city massacre!!


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i just thought of a sweet darkside based mod.


with persuasion you can convince the 3 villagers that are transforming to storm out into main village and transform in the middle of village slaughteriong all the villaghers with you still safely i9n their cage result will be a massive darkside shift and random credit drops or other items on villagers themselves!!

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Very, very humorous. Though I don't think you'll be able to convince them to attack their own people... what you can do, however, is kill the villagers guarding them, so when they do turn they will be able to walk freely into the village and begin their rampage.


Now, in order to do this, I would suggest editing the guards dialogue files, add the option to kill them, and attach an "ondeath" script to them, that runs a new dialogue file, which would turn the infected into Rakghouls, and send them to attack the nearest villagers.


Of course you would need to make sure they wouldn't kill plot-important characters, or make it so you can only do this after the lower city plot was finished.


Did that all make sense?

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