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90SK's Jedi Master Robes


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I really like the Jedi Master robe model in KotOR II. They're more original than the Jedi robe model which clings more to the movie's robe style. I've been looking for something new to do lately, so I figured I'd try my hand at whipping up some new skins to fit the Jedi Master model, perhaps based off some textures that I've picked out as looking neat potentially as robes.


This mod is the result. I used some of the textures from my tunics mod, as well as some various neat looking patterned textures that were in the game files. I based all the new variants off of Svosh's collar fix, so be sure to download that first if you're going to use this mod.


For best use, I'd download my tunics mod in addition to this mod so the two can compliment each other, since like I said they both use similar textures.


This mod has an issue with USM: one of my robes can be found in the Onderon museum, and that means that the USM items found in the museum won't show up if you're using both mods. Not a huge issue, but something to note. I've also added new items to the Dantooine enclave sublevel. A robe that uses one of my new textures, as well as a rare crystal.




Have fun!

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You are the best robe modeler ever.
...and you realize Obsidian made these models, right?


Not bad skins, Skye. I've never liked that model (the robes fall so unnaturally) but you do them a justice they seemed to lack originally.

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Im not only speaking about this mod but most of 90SK's other robe mods. (Specifically the K1 mod) But let me rephrase it. Best robe modder then

All robe mods that SkyeCaptain made the models were already in the Game. He just skinned them.

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