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Where should the Lethan Twi'lek be put?  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Where should the Lethan Twi'lek be put?

    • Peragus: Kolto Tank, docking module (if made), or on top of Peragus (If made)
    • Telos: Old Military Base Shuttle Bay or Polar Region
    • Nar Shaddaa: Goto's Cruiser
    • Dantooine: Re-built Enclave or Crystal cave
    • Koribaan: Anywhere
    • Ravager: Anywhere
    • Dxun: Crash site at the Zhugs' ship.
    • Onderon: Anywhere
    • K-8 Asteroid: Anywhere (if made)
    • Other: (Please tell me what it should be)

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Can some one please try this for me:


1. A mod of Peragus or make a new planet called K-8 Asteroid. It would be nice if you could make it have green cracks on the inside and outside and be blackish/brown. It has NPCs of droids and people that are HEAVILY armoured space droids (Hostile, not super strong) like this, and if you can, just not so rectangular on the legs,:



2. A recruitable Female Twi'lek with a Remote puppet. Find it somewhere on Peragus, the asteroid if it's made, or Telos. Color: Blue or Red. Pick whatever you'd like. She's a techy like Bao-Dur. And cute...?


Please talk to me through PMs if you'd like to discuss more about this. Please answer back, Vode An!

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Outside: black-ish brown with green cracks on it.


Inside: Basically Peragus, but a new module that is the docking walkway instead of using an elevator/door and not walking through the walkway to Harbinger. In walkway you would find Twi'lek, still alive, next to some canisters. (Replaces G0T0?) Her remote is trying to hack it's way into the Harbinger. You help and bust it open. Walk into Harbinger but still have to load it.


Additions: Danyael just gave me a great idea! You should have to be on top of Peragus for a few minutes to fix some conduits to get to the docking walkway! Add something like the Telos Polar Area where you get shot down and put it on top! (Thanks for the idea Danyael!)


The rest: If you don't think anyone will do it, then tell me how, please. Can't understand the sticky's instructions.

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Uh, anyone? I don't think you've seen this after it's been trampled on by many other threads in less than a full week. Please, can you do this? Could someone give me step by step instructions for this if they won't help me? (Sorry for sounding pushy. Not meaning to.) I don't understand the instructions for it in the stickys. Please help?


Well this could incurr the wrath of the mods; This is called a 'bump' and goes against the sticky's ;) What specifically do you not understand in the stickys?


What your requesting in terms of new planet creation requires an awfull lot of work, most of what your requesting is possible, but to be honest those who are capable of doing it are in all likely hood busy with their own projects; so I'm affraid short of you deciding to do this yourself I can't see it happening, sorry. Just my 2 cents


With regaurds the addition of things on Peragus there is more likely hood of a chance of that happening. You maybe interested by this; there are 2 modding projects of Peragus I know of, myself and a few friends are developing a moderatly sized mod (new npcs, sidequest, a villan from another Sci-fi opera), I also know of another project, but no specifics.


This one has my vote.


Unfortunatly no ammount of voting can gurantee that a request will get done ;)


The rest: If you don't think anyone will do it, then tell me how, please. Can't understand the sticky's instructions.


Hmm, with regards not understanding the tutorials etc, I would give the same advice that I gave in another thread;


You'll need KotOR tool if your going to do any modding, finding the files is a matter of exploring things. Standard advice tends to be you don't learn to ride a bike by sitting reading, its better to learn by doing. Trust me, I used to be very intimitaded by the whole modding thing and thought it was way beyond me, but in truth its just time and experimenting, Half the battle is taking that first step. My advice would be start with small things like item creation, skinning a saber, then move onto bigger things if your serious about modding. The thing I do, is I download a mod that is similar to what I won't to do and pick it apart to see how they did it.
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I might have a go at the recruit part, I even made a custom female Twilek head skin recently. The question is, how interactive would you want this character to be? Do you want full dialog with her history, influence, opinions and such? Or are you happy just to have her along for the ride? Do you want actual voice acting for her? Or just a very simple silent-companion style recruit?


The first would require a great deal of work, which is not a major problem, but it does mean it will take a while to put together.


The voice acting would make the download rather large, and would require some assistance. (Unless you want her to sound like an Aussie Male!) Again, this is still possible but will take much, much longer, unless you simply replace Bao Dur with the Twilek recruit, which would make things a great deal simpler.


And if she is completely new (doesn't replace Bao Dur), but there are no new modules added, where and when would you want her to appear?


Final Note: Simply replacing Bao Dur with your Twilek, and his voice with a new one would make a complete character that would function quite well in the game. However, you she would sometimes be referred to as "Bao Dur", "the Iridonian" and things like that by other party members.


Edit: The droid in that picture, where is it from?

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@Memarik: I didn't want to double-post. I just wanted someone to see this before this plunges into the other page's oblivion. I'll delete that post. All I wanted is for it to get seen before it is basically gone into the abyss. I know I have to wait. (Not a dipstick)


@Jonathan7: Yeah, I've seen you use that quote a lot. Um, I find one part of making a planet and another part, but then they just don't come together for me. I need a few screenshots of that stuff.



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Ummm, why not use the female Twi'lek voice allready in the game?


You know, I never even thought of that. It wouldn't be in English (or any other Earth language), but whatever the Twilek language is called. You wouldn't hear her say each word, just blabber a few alien phrases of over and over, but that makes for a nice compromise.

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@Rictus: Um, not sure what I want to do with her. PM me about it? I'd like her to replace G0T0! And, uh, I used Wookieepedia or Wikipedia to get to TSL and find droid appearances, it's from Peragus. One of the mining droids, so it wouldn't be plagerism or (something that had to do with taking a model from another game and putting it into another like from KotOR to TSL). Do you think you could do some screenshots for me and help? If so, thank you!


@Danyael: Great idea! You're churning these out really fast! All I would need is dialog for her. Thanks!

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PM me about it?QUOTE]


I would rather discuss it "in the open" if you know what I mean, as I will release it to the community in general, and will take input from others as well (your opinions would count for the most as it is your request, but I would still listen to others).


Um, not sure what I want to do with her.

I will likely create her background and personality myself, but will certainly listen to suggestions and integrate them into the character.

If you wish for something very specific to you, that wouldnt fit well in a public release, PM me with what you want, and I will see about making a personalised version for you.


I'd like her to replace G0T0!


This would be easy enough to do, but in the game as it is normally played, two slots are left free. Only one from each of the following pairs is recruited. Handmaiden/Disciple for Male/Female and Mira/Hanharr for Lightside/Darkside. If I were to put her into an unused spot it would work a little better, as GOTO has some special scenes to himself.

Or do you not have to recruit GOTO? I can't remember now, I have been waiting for the TSL Restoration to finsh befor playing through it again.

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@Jonathan7: Yeah, I've seen you use that quote a lot. Um, I find one part of making a planet and another part, but then they just don't come together for me. I need a few screenshots of that stuff.




Ahh, sounds like your only checking out the threads here in LF; there are downloadable tutorials in word, that have pictures as well depending on what you want....


So here is a downloadable tutorial you may find useful if you want to attempt changing Peragus; http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=185199


There are quite a few like that, where you can download them and be walked through what you have to do :)


Another useful link for the download of modding tools (also eb sure to check the tools readme).




Hope that helps :)

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Jonathan, thanks for the links. Used them before though, sorry. The tutorial is for Kotor 1 and I need TSL. TSL files don't have bluprints and the placables with the dynamic areas and stuff in kotor tool in the same Rims. Not really compatible...


If you can only do the Twi'lek that'd be fine with me. You can replace her with Mira/Hanharr but wouldn't that mean at the end that she and Mira/Hanharr would fight on Malachor? :lol:


That'd be funny. But that would be okay. Thanks guys! Rictus, I would like you to do that please. And what shall we do about the dialog?


EDIT: If I have seen Mira on Nar Shaddaa already, does that mean I'm screwed? I'm gonna make a poll for where the Twi'Lek should be.

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I have already figured out where to place her. But I can always change if you are not happy.



I was planning on making her the Harbingers Chief Engineering Officer. I have prepared a little explanation of how she survived, and think that it is a good role for a techy.



Oh and I was wrong about the party member slots. I will replace GOTO as he is the most unlikeable party member IMO as well.


Edit: This is a reskin of a Twilek I did for sometthing else that never got used. Pick your favorite, or tell me what you would like to see instead.





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Or if you wanted to it be the Lethan, then could you change her to bright, solid red? The red one looks a bit pale right now.


Good job Rictus! Thanks!


EDIT: I just remembered, I'm playing as a guy that's past Telos in the game and my other profile is at Telos and is already a Twi'lek, so could you make sort of a cut scene of of the Recruit taking off right before the explosion? Or would that be too hard? Or could she be running into a ship and then it fades to black and explosion. Or she runs to the Ebon Hawk and is there.

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Making is way over my head I'm afraid. I think I will leave it as I have it already, but if you don't want to start a new game to get her, Iwill make you a different copy where you find her on say, Dantooine?


I like the Purple one best as well, that was in fact the original color, but I changed it as it said in your request you wanted a red or blue Twilek. If you still do, I can fix them up to look a little better as I just did a quick color swap. Or, she could start off blue, and then turn purple then red as darkside transitions if you wish. It doesn't really make sense that her skin would change color, but it is all just for fun.

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Awwww. Okay, what about this: Krylle Hy'Korse?


EDIT: Thank you mod RedHawke for doing that. I think things with me sometimes end up bad if somone isn't using common sense or I'm not using it.


Alright, Rictus has been offline for almost a month now, I was just wondering if he was actually going to make it, or if anyone else would like to try it.


Deleted 'bump' attempt, we do not allow 'bump' posts here JawkJrask, as you have already been informed by Jae above. Anymore and this thread will be closed and you will recieve a warning. Forum Rules. Sorry. -RH

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