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90SK's SUPER Content Mod


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The thing about that is, this mod is years worth of fiddling and editing and adding stuff. I'm not sure I could make a mod like this for K1 only because it would take too long, and I don't know if I'd be skilled enough (I can't remember how to do a lot of the stuff I did with this mod), and on top of that all I really don't have much time.


I won't stop making mods for K1, but I don't think I'll do something of this scope.

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Great work on the mod! I really enjoy it thus far.


However, I have a problem (I think)...many of the robe models are coming out as Darth Bandon armor. I also have the Jedi Robes TSL 1.1 mod installed (which is where the Darth Bandon armor comes from).


I assume it is a problem with merging the appearance.2da files. I just used the installer rather than merging the files with KOTOR...any ideas on how to fix this?


I love the new armor textures (though I think your medium armors are a bit stingy on the Max Dex bonuses), and am disappointed that I can't see some of your new robes (unless u intended them to all look like Darth Bandon, hehe).


Specifically, I have encountered this problem with the Dark Jedi Knight robe and the Echani Duelling Cowl (plus a few others that I can't think of). The Dark Jedi Master Robe seems fine though.

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Hey All,


Ok, I am super tired and frustrated because I have spent about 5 hours trying to remedy this. I think I am the first to have this, because it doesn't seem to be in any forums or faqs, or...Google!


Whenever I save Jorran from the enclave and try to talk to him in the Salvager's camp, he starts to talk as if I haven't saved him yet and asks for help, after I talk to him and he "opens the door" the screen goes black then it goes back to my character. When I try to talk to him again, nothing happens, no Dialogue or anything. I have loaded a lot, and even tried Dantooine all over again.


Please help, I want my lightsaber parts and Sulruu's Vaporator thing.

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Yeah, I do actually, are they the cause of the problems?



EDIT: Well, I seemed to have fixed the problem, it was from the 90SK's Ultimate Robe Pack. I deleted jorran.dlg and it's all fine now. I feel stupid for wasting all those hours and the problem was a mod. ahhh.



Thanks though

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Hi, could someone help me, due to a lot of mods in my override I want to be more select with the models I put into my override does anybody know what files are associated with the jedi robes shown here:


http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/screenshots/File/89554/2 as I think that these would look really good as a replacement for the defualt clothing.

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  HaveFallen said:
Yeah, I do actually, are they the cause of the problems?



EDIT: Well, I seemed to have fixed the problem, it was from the 90SK's Ultimate Robe Pack. I deleted jorran.dlg and it's all fine now. I feel stupid for wasting all those hours and the problem was a mod. ahhh.



Thanks though


Sorry you had to experience that issue. I mentioned it in the comments section of that mod, but a lot of people don't read the comments and so they don't delete the file and thus get the problem.

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Does this include the stuff in your Ultimate Robe Pack, or is that still seperate? Says there's robes in it, but doesn't mention if they're the same ones from URP or if you made even more.


Great looking stuff, anyway. Only seen screens so far, gathering up mods for a new TSL playthrough, but even in screens it all looks nice.

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What does this mod do with Dantooine? I'm asking because I' having problems on this planet first time around and it's the only mod I have installed that changes anything here. Essentially, when I get to the Jedi Enclave and run around, Gerevika dn his thugs show up at the entrance, however Gerevik himself is bugged. During combat, he registers as attackable (can queue attack and so on on him), but his targetting rectangle is the standard green/blue as opposed to red. His thugs work just fine, but the second Gerevik himself takes any form of damage, the game crashes. Only mods I have are the Slender Bodies for females and this one. Never experienced this bug before on unmodded games, had no serious bugs beyond this so far.

I tried posting in the support section, but the only help I got from there was "go ask in the mod topic" and something about KSE (which I don't see it might help me).


I've tried to reload both savegames prior to Dant and to Jedi Enclave with no effect, reinstalling the game and everything in between.

Only thing that has allowed me to continue is to dump my companions far away from the action, go solo and simply run through the group and leave the enclave. Unfortunately it crashes near-instantly if I re-enter so it doesn't seem like the best way to go about it.


I'm hoping it's fixable since the idea of starting all over again really isn't all that nice.

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That's strange; it sounds like something that this mod might do since I DID edit his UTI file (I didn't do anything to stuff other than his inventory), but I've tested that point in the game without problems.


What other mods do you have installed?

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Slender bodies and a few test runs with handmaiden-style underwear for females (looks utterly hilarious when combined with the slender bodies mod), pretty sure I got rid of all the changes handmaiden-underwear mod do, but I suppose some files might still be there.

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Hmm. I think it has something to do with the screwed up 2da file in the slender bodies mod. See about removing it and reinstalling my mod, and then going back to an earlier save game and replaying the sublevel.


If the problem persists, remove my mod and try the sublevel again.

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Already tried it, removed all mods and reinstalled them from scratch, found a non-messed up 2da for slender bodies. Will try again though.




EDIT: Fixed, dunno why it didn't work before, probably had something to do with the order in which I did things. Will have to either cook up a solution for the slender bodies mod or, more likely, just go without it. Not like it has much gameplay difference anyway. Gerevik was using the same model as the thugs, as opposed to being human so I guess there's some weird conflict going on there, dunno.

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I've run into the same problem as the guy above, but with a different enemy. My Gerevick was perfectly fine, but I'm now in the Trayus Academy on Malachor V and running into the problem with an NPC. Specifically, the ones named "Dark Jedi". They appear as green instead of red like a normal enemy but are still attackable, and the second they take any bit of damage the game crashes. That includes area force powers and the like, though if the power does no damage (Insanity) its fine.


The worst part is that it seems to be making them invisible as well. I thought it was the Sith Commando's causing the crash at first, but then I noticed as I was sneaking through the room (figured if I couldn't attack them I'd just go by and move on) that my targetting reticule was locking on an invisible Dark Jedi in the middle of the room. Not stealth field invisible, just plain not there.


There were none of the NPC's in the first part of the academy, but there seem to be a bunch in the "Prison" map (the one you enter going left when the path brances). One in the first square room where you first find Sith Commando's, another in the long windowed area, and then one in the first room of the Trayus Academy as you exit the prison.


I'm using a number of mods. USM, High Level Force Powers, and Improved AI are the big ones, the rest are minor item property changes.


There some sort of error report in my KOTOR2 folder that I didn't notice before. It's titled AR_ERROR and says "Names Differ: N_DarkJLowF pfbjm". Sounds like it might be related.


Awesome mod, by the way. Lots more variety and some really cool looking stuff. And this is the only problem I've had through the entire playthrough (besides Vrook for some reason not using his lightsaber when I fought him, but that seems like it'd be USM at fault).


One question, though. The High Council robe, I think it is, lists 2 +2 Dexterity stats. Is it supposed to be that way?

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I dunno, I guess so. If it lists it twice, it shouldn't affect the game adversely.


And as for the invisible dark jedi, I can't think of anything that would cause that error aside from maybe some kind of mod conflict. Unlike the Dantooine part, I didn't really go to the Trayus Academy at all to test, but then again there's really nothing that should be wrong there. Like, I just can't think of anything I did that would cause this issue... I've never encountered something like this before.


Perhaps someone with more experience can shed some light on what's going on. In the meantime, could you list out which mods you have installed?

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Conflict of some sort probably, yah. Can't even say for sure if its this mod at fault, but since someone else had a similar problem, I figured it was the best possibility. Maybe you edited the NPC to use a new robe?


Anyway, here's the list. I think this is all of them.



High Level Force Powers (2.1)

Improved AI

Oldflash's Saber Hilts

Oldflash's Double Saber Hilts

Oldflash's Short Saber Hilts

Realistic Visual Effects

Movie Style Dark Side Transitions

Prologue, Peragus, and Harbinger Corrections

A simple mod of my own that gives all Droid side weapons unlimited charges

Compilation of Team Gizka fixes

Your Super Mod, of course


The obvious possible conflict is the USM and saber hilts, but they actually work perfectly together. The saber hilt mods change the default hilts (a new hilt for each color) while USM adds all new stuff. So any default sabers I get are changed to Oldflash's, and I can still get the USM stuff normally.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I may have found a possible cause to my above issue.


When I'm in the equip screen and I so much as click on a Jedi Tunic while changing the equipment of a male character, the game crashes immedietly. Females seem to work fine, I can actually equip them and everything. But even clicking on the Tunic for a male, instant crash.


If the Dark Jedi in the Academy are wearing a Jedi Tunic (or a variation using the same model), then that might explain why they're screwed up. I've seen female Dark Jedi appear fine, but never a male, so...


Can a conflict actually screw up something like that, or is there possibly a bug?

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It's frustrating because I'm no longer familiar with components of this mod, I'm having trouble placing which thing is which that you're talking about.


Some of the tunics in the game require appearance.2da edits and stuff to work. If you installed my super mod last out of all of those, I don't know what's going on. But if you installed it before, say, USM, try installing it again and then see if the issue still persists. Also, try clearing your override folder, testing to see if the issue is still there in game (it might still stick even if the mods are uninstalled), and then JUST install the super mod and see if the issue is still there. That'll rule out mod conflict.


It might be just a glitch with the mod, though I can't imagine that I'd've missed something that big.

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Running the installer again didn't help. Still crashes.


As for trying for a "clean" install with just your mod... my savegames won't even load like that. Crashes halfway through loading.


I did, however, start up a new game and added a Jedi Tunic to my inventory using KSE, and my male character can equip it just fine.


I then went on to install USM. New character can still wear the tunic no problems. My old (bugged) save game will actually load now as well, but the problem with the tunic still persists, so I guess whatever bug/conflict is there is stuck on my old saves.


In any case, I'm going to use my new savegame and add mods one by one to see if I can figure out which one is causing the problem. I'll let you know what I find.


Edit: Ok. Well, I ran quite a few tests on both the issue of the tunic, and the issue of the buggy Dark Jedi.


For the Tunic issue... disregard it entirely. I jumped the gun on that one.


I thought I remembered having a crash when Atton equiped a tunic a few days ago, but I guess I wasn't remembering right. Tried it on Atton, equiped just fine, only crashes for my male Exile.


So it got me curious. The brand new savegame I was testing with had just some random head, but in my current playthrough I'm using Shem's Playable Dopak. Created another new game with Shem's Dopak as the exile, KSE'd myself a Tunic, instant crash when trying to equip.


shem changes the "underwear" and the default clothing appearence when you have a "Clothing" item equiped for his characters, and maybe some other stuff, so I guess there's probably a conflict there. Either that or the entry is considered "new" and thus doesn't get the correct edit to allow the tunic to work. But in any case, I doubt its related to my other problem any more. Good to know that the Tunic's don't play well with those kinds of changes, though.


The Dark Jedi issue is still present and as bothersome as ever, though. I've narrowed it down a lot, though. I got to Malachor on another save today, so I took care to make a save just before entering a problem module so I could test. I did the following...


~ Every single mod except your Super Mod installed. No problems, Dark Jedi appear as normal. They're wearing some kind of robes, I assume Dark Jedi Robes but I can't be sure just by looking. I believe they're the only enemies wearing Robes throughout the academy, at least off the top of my head.

~ Added your mod last on the top of the previous test. Invisible Dark Jedi, crash on attack.

~ Clean Override, minimal mods. Just USM (the save won't even load without it), and your Super Mod. Invisible Dark Jedi, crash on attack.


So the issue is either a conflict with USM, or its a bug in the mod itself. I'm leaning towards the later. A bit odd that no one's reported anything similar, but still.


I checked overlapping files, and the only files that are shared by both USM and the Super Content mod are tr_enter.ncs, k_mus_treasure.ncs, and k_503_enter.ncs. I'm certainly no modder, but none of those sound like they'd cause a conflict with enemies.


I'd try to figure out the problem myself, but I wouldn't even know where to start. The KOTOR files are confusing as all hell to me >.>

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Hmm. It must be a problem with my mod, though I can't for the life of me figure out what'd be causing it.


You wanna move this to PM's? That might be easier, we can work it out that way. I really want to get to the bottom of what's causing the issue for you because if it's a universal problem with the mod I'll need to release a patch.

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