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Descriptions please.


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I need descriptions of all of you for my new game that me and gb122 are making. Make them as detailed as you can please. If you add your description here, then I'll do my best to put you in the game.



<IMG SRC="http://members.hostedscripts.com/randomimage.cgi?user=fender" border=0>

<A HREF="http://www.bszone.f2s.com" TARGET=_blank> <IMG SRC="http://www.bszone.f2s.com/bilder/logo.jpg" border=0> </A>


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<FONT SIZE="-2">Hosted By <A HREF="http://www.hostedscripts.com/">HostedScripts.com</A></FONT>

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Go it in one Griswold. I need accurate descriptions of how you look in real life, so IO can draw you in a cartoony style.



<IMG SRC="http://members.hostedscripts.com/randomimage.cgi?user=fender" border=0>

<A HREF="http://www.bszone.f2s.com" TARGET=_blank> <IMG SRC="http://www.bszone.f2s.com/bilder/logo.jpg" border=0> </A>


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<A HREF="http://members.hostedscripts.com/guestbook.cgi?user=fender">Take my Survey!</A>


<FONT SIZE="3"><A HREF="http://members.hostedscripts.com/poll.cgi?user=fender&poll=1">I think I will make a great Prime Minister, what do you think?</A></FONT>


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<FONT SIZE="-2">Hosted By <A HREF="http://www.hostedscripts.com/">HostedScripts.com</A></FONT>

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Ooooh! Draw a cartoon of me please, I would like to see it! But you don't have to put me in your game or anything, it would just be nice to see a cartoon.


OK, how detailed do you need? I'm 5'4" with long blond hair and blue eyes. I often have my hair in bunchies (I'm a student, what do you expect?) People always say I have a nice smile and I'm known for my big cheesy grin and big laugh. I'm not large but then I'm not skinny either. I'm more of a jeans and trousers person. Oooh, I'm a nurse, so you could do something with that, but I do psychiatric nursing so we don't wear uniforms. (Hey don't go portraying me as Nurse Ratched or anything! One flew over the cuckoos nest for those who don't know) Hope that helps.


Are you going to post the cartoons on the forum. that would be cool to see everybody's if you do.

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5'1 or 154cm, brown hair... wait do you need mine? You've seen my piccie, can I have purple clothes pwease? biggrin.gif



<IMG SRC="http://nattsy.homestead.com/files/smurfsig.gif" border=0>


Natty Is Feeling Very <IMG SRC="http://www.imood.com/query.cgi?email=nattydevil@optushome.com.au&type=1&fg=CC33F&bg=66CCFF" border=0> At This Present Time (Note Subject To Change Without Warning!)

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I'll put my pics up in a minute.



<IMG SRC="http://deparmentofdeath.homestead.com/files/Feralchicken.jpg" border=0> <IMG SRC="http://www.imood.com/query.cgi?email=the_feral_chicken@hotmail.com&type=1&fg=FFFFFF&bg=330066" border=0>


Is it just me, or does 'Virgin Megastore' sound like a Porn Shop?

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6 foot 2 inch

Normal weight (can't remember)

Fair hair, short, gelled straight forward and fringe stuck up

Piercing blue eyes smile.gif

Just pretty average really, except for my eyes. I used to look like Corey Feldman in The Goonies <IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm3.gif" border=0>



<EMBED src="http://www.escapemi.com/murta/sig.swf" quality=high bgcolor=#0D0E34 WIDTH=350 HEIGHT=150 TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash"></EMBED>


My current mood is : <IMG SRC="http://www.imood.com/query.cgi?email=murtaman@hotmail.com&type=1&fg=FFFFF&bg=1E4F72" border=0>

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<u>Ok, here's me:</u>

  • 18 years old
  • 6 foot 0
  • Euro-American (AKA white tongue.gif)
  • Skinny w/ baggy clothes (t-shirt w/ jeans or cords and tennis shoes)
  • Baseball Cap (Seattle Mariners, worn backwards)
  • Longish wavy hair (brown)
  • Quasi-goatee on chin



<A HREF="http://home.dal.net/metallus/index.htm" TARGET=_blank><IMG SRC="http://members.hostedscripts.com/randomimage.cgi?user=Metallus"" border=0></A>

Metallus is feeling <IMG SRC="http://home.dal.net/metallus/images/art/pooty.gif" border=0>

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well, fender, since im in it.....


im about 5'5 im 13 (duh) im relatively pale (not SUPER PALE) ive got short, brown, curly hair. blue green eyes and im pretty thin. Cloths: make me with baggy jeans and a must have necklace with a circle medallion at the end (im known for it) if its too much ya can leave it out.............improvise.....hell, ill help with minute details



<IMG SRC="http://www.imgstudio.com/lthumb/1011012303814.jpg" border=0>



Stay in school, learn the system,

then change the system.

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well, fender, since im in it.....


im about 5'5 im 13 (duh) im relatively pale (not SUPER PALE) ive got short, brown, curly hair. blue green eyes and im pretty thin. Cloths: make me with baggy jeans and a must have necklace with a circle medallion at the end (im known for it) if its too much ya can leave it out.............improvise.....hell, ill help with minute details



<IMG SRC="http://www.imgstudio.com/lthumb/1011012303814.jpg" border=0>



Stay in school, learn the system,

then change the system.

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I want to know a little more about this game before my likeness is superimposed in the code. <IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm16.gif" border=0>. Do you have a site up for it? A plot? Or are you just gathering concept art for the time being?



<A HREF="http://home.dal.net/metallus/index.htm" TARGET=_blank><IMG SRC="http://members.hostedscripts.com/randomimage.cgi?user=Metallus"" border=0></A>

Metallus is feeling <IMG SRC="http://home.dal.net/metallus/images/art/pooty.gif" border=0>

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So that's why you're ICQ'ing me Storky? tongue.gif You want me to upload it for ya?


OKies send to me



<IMG SRC="http://nattsy.homestead.com/files/smurfsig.gif" border=0>


Natty Is Feeling Very <IMG SRC="http://www.imood.com/query.cgi?email=nattydevil@optushome.com.au&type=1&fg=CC33F&bg=66CCFF" border=0> At This Present Time (Note Subject To Change Without Warning!)

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hehe, yeah...<IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm41.gif" border=0>



well, here it is:


<IMG SRC="http://nattsy.homestead.com/files/StorkEldiz.jpg" border=0>





<IMG SRC="http://nattsy.homestead.com/files/storken2.jpg" border=0>

"the storks are listening"

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Nicely done <IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm27.gif" border=0>! I kinda saw that one coming smile.gif



<A HREF="http://home.dal.net/metallus/index.htm" TARGET=_blank><IMG SRC="http://members.hostedscripts.com/randomimage.cgi?user=Metallus"" border=0></A>

Metallus is feeling <IMG SRC="http://home.dal.net/metallus/images/art/pooty.gif" border=0>

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Originally posted by Natty:

Firm body? Sheeeesh me finks ya need to gain weight NiKo! I worry when guys are that skinny! And I liked the troll doll look- definatly suited you tongue.gif




i "he-he'd" after saying that firm body part. tongue.gif (but i'm training you know!!)


and pleaaase, troll doll look is soooooo pass'e....




<IMG SRC="http://deparmentofdeath.homestead.com/files/NiKlogo.JPG" border=0>

Top 10 things men know about women.











10. Women have boobs.

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Brown Hair

Blue Brighteyes

Average Build

Short flat hair spiked at the front

Usually wear one of those long sleeved jumpers that look like you have a t'shirt over them. And Dark Blue jeans.


Make me look nice or i'l kick ya butts!<IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm32.gif" border=0>



<IMG SRC="http://mattxiii.50megs.com/images/djb.jpg" border=0><IMG SRC="http://mattxiii.50megs.com/images/MP.jpg" border=0>

The Magic is nearly here........

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I guess this is the game GB122 told me about..

OK, i'm rather tall (172 sm), slim (really!!), blond hair almost reaching shoulders, blue-green eyes; about clothing: i think it should be my favourite dark purple flared trousers, blue-n-pink top and bark blue denim jacket. Don't forget one impotant detail: a necklace that consists of a heart-shapep sapphire on a black string.

Now, that's about all. Have fun drawing wink.gif



<IMG SRC="http://www.capcorphq.com/eclipse/honey.jpg" border=0>

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I'm pretty sure you've seen my picture before, as well as many other members (many of us posted them in past topics).. Given that, then the only other thing you'd need to know is my height, which is 6 feet.



<IMG SRC="http://www.capcorphq.com/images/brief.gif" border=0>

"He's looking at me like I'm a chicken! I'm not a chicken! Okay, I'm a chicken... but I'm not a chicken."

  --Rachel Leigh Cook, Celebrity Adventures

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I have sent my pic to you, Fender. My height is 5'5", and I weigh in a 129lbs, so a bit of extra cellulite is there. Ah, well.



<IMG SRC="http://deparmentofdeath.homestead.com/files/Feralchicken.jpg" border=0> <IMG SRC="http://www.imood.com/query.cgi?email=the_feral_chicken@hotmail.com&type=1&fg=FFFFFF&bg=330066" border=0>


Is it just me, or does 'Virgin Megastore' sound like a Porn Shop?

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175 cm

59 kg


Don't forget the hair wich is curly and kinda long (like the pic) where's darkblue jeans and band-shirts...and some metal accessories...yeah



<IMG SRC="http://nattsy.homestead.com/files/storken2.jpg" border=0>

"the storks are listening"


[This message has been edited by storken (edited November 01, 2001).]

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short dark hair


miopy, but i wear contacts at night.

the color of my eyes is controversial: some say its brown some say its green (but dont u go makin one eye of each color biggrin.gif )

i work out, but i fit in the shirt

i always (emphasis on ALWAYS) wear black pants and dark gray sweater with zipper and [those things in the back that u put on the head when its raining. i forgot wot its called]



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