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Kotor 3s Graphics

Revan 411

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The graphic engine in mass effect could work as long as they take out all the frame rate problems and improve it a little.


thats just my guess what about yours?


PS: How in the world do you edit your profile im having a hard time trying to fugure that out.

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Use of the unreal 3 engine? It's designed for shooter games, and besides, how do you plan using melee weapons with that engine?


uhm, its not because an engine gets used mostly for one genre doesn't mean its not fit to do other things.


I'm sure you know the Source Engine for HL 2 ? Some of the modders are doing Real Time Startegy games with it. Isn't Magic and something: Dark Messiah

full of swords and uses the Source engine ?


Engines like the U3 and Source are made to sell to differant companys, their main market value would be their eas of use and adaptbility.


Going for the Unreal 3 engine would be IMO a good choice.

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uhm, its not because an engine gets used mostly for one genre doesn't mean its not fit to do other things.


I'm sure you know the Source Engine for HL 2 ? Some of the modders are doing Real Time Startegy games with it. Isn't Magic and something: Dark Messiah

full of swords and uses the Source engine ?

Yes, I'm well aware. However, such adaptations take time and it's not every engine that allow such modifications. U3 has never been stretched much beyond shooting (granted, there's Too Human, but from what I heard the gameplay isn't exactly good), even on Mass Effect. Supposing that LA holds as unthinkable the change of Kotor to a more action based game, I think that may be unlikely.


But, if they could manage to make it Kotor-like and eye-candy at the same time, I'm all in... if the game would be released tomorrow. Because I doubt the next Kotor would take anything less than three years of development, by that time I'm sure we'd have much better options. :)


PS: Dark Messiah is a RPG, not RTS. :p


what about the Bioware Eclipse Engine. Supposedly a really great rpg engine with nice visuals. (first post, yay)

Hello there and welcome to the forums! :D


Well, Rathoris, I don't know how Bioware's Dragon Age will play out so I can't really have my say about that.

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PS: Dark Messiah is a RPG, not RTS. :p


Ah, sorry was a bit unclear in that line.

But it stills show my point.


The engine behind Dark Messiah was for a shooter.

Though ofcourse the game is First person and all.


Anyway, I just hope they pick a decent and easy to mod engine for K3.


Unreal, Source and Engines made by ID are all quite open to modding.

So that would be boon.

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The guys at Epic already made a golf game based on the Unreal 3 Engine just to show off it's capabilities. With a capable team it really isn't that hard to make an rpg with it. You will obviously have to change a lot of existing code but that's about all really.


I'd prefer they don't use it however since i genuinly hate the unreal engine editor :xp:

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But, if they could manage to make it Kotor-like and eye-candy at the same time, I'm all in... if the game would be released tomorrow. Because I doubt the next Kotor would take anything less than three years of development, by that time I'm sure we'd have much better options. :)


And here's the point. All the signs suggest that K3's development hasn't even started yet. Granted that it wil take AT LEAST 3 years to develop it, UE3 would be a bit outdated already by the time the game's released.

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UE3 would be a bit outdated already by the time the game's released.


I'm very sure Epic is already on the U4 or "insert new name here" Engine.


But hey, whatever LucasArts decides, might be updated Force Unleashed engine.

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here's to the quake 3 engine! :xp:


:lol: the facial animations in the JK games where weird, they where like mad cows on Speed. Chew, chew, chew, chew, chew and those weird teeth movements? :confused:


Thoug Quake3 had nice levels, some good texture quality and all.

The characters models where not that nice up close.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm very sure Epic is already on the U4 or "insert new name here" Engine.

But hey, whatever LucasArts decides, might be updated Force Unleashed engine.


Yes, Epic are developing a new engine. It will most probably be called U4E or UE4, but it won't be available for the PC. At least it will not be their top priority. They aim more toward consoles now.


Here is an interview with Tim Sweeney, about the UE4, and what platforms it aims toward and why. Haven't really read the entire interview, but that's what I could see.


I wouldn't mind if they used the UE3 for KotOR 3, if Epic gives them a license for it for this game too. And as long as they release it for the PC.

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  • 3 weeks later...

They could use the Oblivion engine (no idea what it's called) and make it from a first peron point of view. Otherwise, I can't think of anything else they could do it on, simply because KoToR and Oblivion are the only RPGs I have. :xp:

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