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The single-player campaign definitely outshines any of its predecessors. I was never interested in playing through the campaign in any of the past games, but it's really easy to get into GTA4's story.


If you're just looking to drive around and stuff it's probably better to play GTA3 since GTA4's driving system is much more realistic (and thus a little harder to control). My boyfriend incessantly teases me about my inability to smoothly steer the vehicles whenever we play, at which point I usually just start running people off the road to show him what bad driving really looks like.


All in all, it's a good time. I had more fun the 2 or 3 times I played GTA4 than I ever had playing GTA3 or GTA2. Just make sure you don't play it around your parents, young children, impressionable pets, etc.

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Better than most, though some of the options from san andreas will be missed (no plane:(). Still, sniping tyres right before sharp turns never gets old.


Iggy: Don't you have siblings? If yes it shouldn't to hard to "convince" them to get a x-360/ps3.

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While it is one of the best games I've ever played, it was a big let-down GTA style. It was completely revamped. I prefer the original driving as fast as you can, hit hundreds of pedestrians without getting a single star.


While GTA IV was a truly awesome game, San Andreas was my favorite installment from the franchise.

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