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Juhani vs. Visas Marr


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I agree. Every time I go onto the Star Forge as Light Side and we run into some Dark Jedi or droids...she hisses, spits, and falls down dead. If Visas was there, on the other hand, those Dark Jedi would be running for cover. :D


1. Visas is excellent with her lightsabers, the way I level her up.

2. Visas would kick Juhani's feline tail, even if the Exile was female! She's just a whole lot more loyal than Juhani in all situations. I mean, come on, Quatra was nice to Juhani for years before provoking her to the Dark Side, and she almost killed him! That's loyalty for ya... with Visas, she had obvious reasons to kill Nihilus.

3. Visas was trained in the Dark Side for years. Juhani was trained in the Light Side for years. We all have to admit, Force Storm and Force Wave are a lot more powerful than Force Aura and even Force Healing. Besides that, Juhani would run out of Force power about the second time she used Force Heal.

4. As much as I hate to say it, Juhani would win. She has claws, and Cathar are far tougher than Miraluka.

5. Visas would murder Juhani. First, she'd knock her back with Force Wave, then she'd slice her while she was stunned, then she'd repeat the process until Juhani was dead.

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Scenario 1: Juhani


Scenario 2: Visas and Juhani, they would work together to save them both, then go to 5. LS or DS, it doesn't matter. They'd see the situation and say "We'll settle this later" and work together.


Scenario 3: Visas


Scenario 4: Juhani


Scenario 5: It'd be a tie. Juhani would kick arse with her light saber, but Visas would pwn with force powers.

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  • 4 months later...
Okay, I've seen a bunch of these vs. threads, and that got me (and my brother) wondering who would win in a fight of Juhani vs. Visas. Because we can't decide, I chose to post this and watch the fists fly. :D

This should be fun.

Scenario 1: Basic Sparring. No force powers.

Juhani...she's the Jedi Guardian here, not to mention an agile Cathar.

Scenario 2: "You're in my way". (My brother thought of this) What if the (M)Exile and (F)Revan were in trouble, and to rescue them, Visas and Juhani had to fight to save one or the other. Heh, high stakes.

Visas. When she says "my life for yours", she means it.

Scenario 3: Force Battle. Just force techniques. Light and dark.

Visas. She learned from Nihilus, the most powerful Force entity in the history of Star Wars. Plus, Juhani was rather pathetic in the Dark Side while Visas belonged the Triumvirate, a very deadly group.

Scenario 4: Hand-to-Hand combat. No weapons or force-powers. (Not Echani style, sorry guys :xp:)

Juhani. She's a Cathar, thus more combat oriented.

Scenario 5: All-out-battle. Just use whatever you can to defeat the enemy.

Visas, because of Senario 2. She has unmatched determination, and Force Powers to go with it.

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Screwed up Mira´s? Did you lose a ton influence with her or something? All I´ve ever had to do to jedify her was talk to her. :confused: Despite what many guides say, you don´t have to take Mira to Onderon to get enough influence ;) (Just in case your´s says you have to.)


I find that Handmaiden and Disciple make the best jedi. Atton and Mira make okay jedi. Bao Dur is the hardest to jedify but he can´t wear robes so he is severly limited. :(




She was hard. Then again, I hear it is possible to influence all potential force sensitives in your party to jedi status without hacking influence. You have to be clever and know all points of possible influence. At least for the female exile. The male...probably not without losing influence to Visas.


BTW I couldn't disagree with you more about Bao-Dur being hard to jedify. Especially if early on you recognize points of influence and keep him by your side as much as you possibly can until you succeed. 2-fers...look for them--it is vital.


Well at least you played your first game free of outside influence. I found out Kreia was the baddie before I even bought the game. Not that it wasn´t obvious from the first second you saw her. :roleyess: Good luck with all the jedifying!




Well, if I hadn't learned it so long before buying and playing the game, I would have suspected it. At the end of peragus if not sooner. I have been backstabbed before so many times that I have a knack for when things just don't seem right.


It is to hard to judge a contest like this because it could go either way. But off the record I am more of a Juhani fan then a Visas fan. Mostly because Visas is to much of a downer then Juhani is


Visas is just a tortured, shy soul. At least she has a bigger rack than the other chicks. :naughty:


As far as Juhani, I'd like her more if she were hotter... and cuter looking.

Some early releases of the game allowed a male revan to romance her.

As is, I would need to be a lesbian woman in order to like her more--the above condition would still stand.


Otherwise she is merely a tortured soul and a damn good brute.


Yeah, I just found nothing good in Visas, at all. If it wasn't for her romance with the male Exile, she'd be a pretty pointless party member.


But I never liked the Jedi Guardians - it's just so typical, and a pain without Security skills.

In K1, security was pretty pointless. There was little point to it and no real negative consequences for bashing it. Not a big deal if you could just stick it with a lightsaber.


Visas...I'd say is roughly on par with handmaiden. In earlier releases, depending on alignment. either handmaiden or visas would join you regardless of gender.


I like guardians for the second game, but in order to make up for their skills, I increase intelligence to 16. The feats they provide are more numerous than the sentinel or councilor, even when using them to adjust for cross/class skills.


I do like the Sentinel's skills greatly for an early game advantage, but they are limited by the 3 constitution bonus that doesn't translate to implant levels! If it did, then I'd be more happy with them.


Skills for jedi in K1 SUCKED! I don't care, but the skill levels were pathetic and I'm glad they corrected them in TSL. If Juhani was a guardian in TSL, then she'd be much greater than in K1.

I did scout>guardian in K1 so I could modify repair to 17 pts with items and ramp up HK-47, while still kicking ass as a guardian.


Yeah, that is true of many if not all of the TSL characters, though not in K1. Does anybody know why this is?



Probably because they botched the soldier classes and raised all the rest of them. Atton was admittedly a special scoundrel, and those + consulars needed a buffing up badly. Still, soldiers were supposed to be the badasses on a physical/combat level that was not jedi. :confused:


True. But that's not part of the specified conditions. ;) No ysalamiri's allowed.
Says you.:xp:


Hard to say, really. If you worked Juhani correctly, she would not have the quick drain on her force powers. Visas...well, a sentinel is basically almost as physically tough as a guardian, and yet has almost as much force capacity as a consular (if a bit unrefined).

so overall, a sentinel was more powerful than either of the other two--though I am a blademaster through and through.:xp:


I would have to say Visas simply because for all her anguish, she is more in control of her mind and emotions. She might pale physically to juhani, and might not be that much stronger with force powers than the cathar either.

However, with a clouded mind--no matter how superior you may be with your powers or physique--you will more often lose to those of coherent mind who can keep it together. Visas may have been a wreck under the surface, but she had more control over herself than Juhani.


Juhani was tough, no doubt. Impressive lightsaber skill. To her credit. Even had a good work ethic and strive to her. However, you derail yourself and you cannot hope to win, often.


I am a guardian type mind you. FYI: The Juyo form is only weak if you are stupid with it and/or you don't use force resistance< power to guard against force powers. In fact, I killed Kreia like that with it, faster, than any other way.

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