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Mandalorian Mayhem Mod


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I'll make the module and some weapons. Anyone else who wants to participate is encouraged to do so. Quick, someone come up with a plot!


ps. This is a spinoff from the Deadeye mod. Just separating two ideas.......




Don't you think plot should be something that you think up?



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Mandalorian bake sale gone wrong.


I strongly encourage you to come up with your own plot since it's (a) your mod, and (b) the most important part of the mod which you should not leave up to someone else.


That was directed at the members of the Deadeye mod who wanted to do something with Mandalorians.


Don't you think plot should be something that you think up?




Edit: <snip> @EW: My response was rude. My Bad.



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I can't really think of plots right now, really busy with school stuff. But I can find time to make a new item for this. Just need to know the deadline. I will make a new heavy armor.


Depending on what DH had in mind, and what DA wants to make, I would hazard a guess of 2-3 weeks.



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Awesome, I will start working on it this weekend, its the only time I have free.





General clarification: I started this thread to avoid getting a "keep the thread on-topic" spanking in the Legion Of the Deadeye thread. I liked the idea of doing something with Mandalorians, but wanted to leave the specifics in the hands of the individuals who came up with the idea.



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the mandalorians could be tying to collect relics from their past or something

you know just a thought use it if you want give credits and ill be fine.


:D Relic collection is always good! I'll make an ancient Taung Axe, which was used by Mandalore The First to kill Mythosaurs.



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I could do something as well... Im just so busy doing nothing that it might take a while:p But im a kind of person who finds it very difficult to come up with ideas of my own, like sometimes i extract an armor texture, stare at it for 30 mins and then remove it as nothing comes to my mind...

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I could do something as well... Im just so busy doing nothing that it might take a while:p But im a kind of person who finds it very difficult to come up with ideas of my own, like sometimes i extract an armor texture, stare at it for 30 mins and then remove it as nothing comes to my mind...


[force inspire]

You will wake up at 3:00am with an idea

[/force inspire]


Yes, I stole that from someone, but I cannot remember who.


Got any artifact ideas?



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That was directed at the members of the Deadeye mod who wanted to do something with Mandalorians.




Edit: <snip> @EW: My response was rude. My Bad.




If this thread wasn't directed at the public, perhaps a more private method would have been preferable?

How were we (members, trying to be helpful) supposed to know that you were only talking to two or three other members in this ENTIRE forum?


Unfortunately, I didn't get to see your snappish comment. Too bad.



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If this thread wasn't directed at the public, perhaps a more private method would have been preferable?

How were we (members, trying to be helpful) supposed to know that you were only talking to two or three other members in this ENTIRE forum?


Unfortunately, I didn't get to see your snappish comment. Too bad.




Well, it's all sorted out now.


@ Everyone else. This is an open mod, any one who wants to join should feel free. I'm not trying to be cliquish.:)



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we can use my nikto skins


That is an excellent idea! I was hoping you would suggest that. I love the Nitko Skins, they are much better than the ones that Bioware made.


Any ideas for a plotline? So far, we have relic collecting, but we don't have a where or why.



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the mandalorians are ammasing an army to conquor the galexy like it says in my Location: section


Sounds good to me. I'll start working on a module for them. A big one.


By the way, I think you should be the one to designate the team name.:D




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cool ill think about it mabey team mandalore? i dont know click on the link in my sig and look at all the mando mods i have and we can use them for this


Very well then.


Team Mandalore (so far) in alphabetical order:


Darth Atris - Skins

Darth Hanhar - Plot elements, Team Name, A whole buncha other good stuff

Drunkside: Lightsaber and/or armor, I think

e-varmint - Module and some relics

greggomonkey - The idea for the relics

SuperSaiyanZolo - Heavy armor.



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Great ive always wanted to do somthing like this mandalorians are my favorite race in the whole star wars universe. do you think someone could model a mask like mandalores for the mod that you can wear ive always wanted one and i cant wait unill BoS 2 is released


I'm not sure that we would get a very positive reaction if we did that. You could always ask the author of the mask if he minds.



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