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Leader of the Werewolf Clan

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The year is 2010. Three friends are in College. They have been friends since high school, and now they have gone to Wisconsin to be in College. Everything was a blast. One night, they went out to the woods, to go camping. All was going well, until they encountered the most feared creatures...




Now they are captives, and they're about to face the Leader of the Werewolf Clan. He is the most feared Alpha Werewolf, and if you messed with him... it would be over.


The three friends must stick together, no matter the circumstances. If they survive, they can make it out of the Werewolf Domain alive. If they don't... there's no hope.




-You can play up to 3 characters if you like.

-Be kind to one another in OOC.

-No godmodding.

-Ask any questions. Don't be scared.

-Most of all... HAVE FUN!!! :D


Character Sheet:












One more thing, one of you guys can play as the Leader of the Werewolf Clan.

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Can we have Vampires?


Name: Rickard Illumine

Age: Unknown (looks 25)

Gender: Male

Species: Vampire

Appearance: - Shoulder-length Black Hair

- Blood-Red eyes

- Wears a long-black coat, with a red tie and shirt.

Personality: Melancholic and shady. Somewhat cocky as he is seen at times gaining amusement by tormenting his enemies.

Occupation: SPD Hunter (Supernatural and Paranormal Defence)

Weapons: 2x Customised Combat Revolvers

Bio: Rickard Illumine is a Vampire working for the SPD; an organisation dedicated to hunting down monster who pose a threat to mankind. When the organisation heard about Werewolf sightings in Wisconsin Forrest, they send Rickard to deal with the horde.

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Sure thing! Let me make a quick note on that:


Species are:


Human, Vampire, and Werewolf


And welcome to the fun, PK! Now, we wait on more players to join in.



Here's my character:


Name: Melissa Jenkins

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Appearance: http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll193/VacantPsalm/SchoolGirlwithBlondeHair1.jpg

Personality: Timid, Warm-hearted, tries to be brave in tight situations, and Easygoing

Occupation: College student

Weapons: A silver knife she carries in her bag, just in case something happened.

Bio: Melissa Jenkins was born in Detroit, Michigan. By the time she turned 13, she and her family moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. There, she met two new friends. Together, they made good friends in high school. When they graduated, Melissa and her friends attended the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design, since they loved Art so much.


During their vacation, Melissa wanted to explore the forests of Wisconsin. Her friends thought about it at first. Then they agreed. Once they were out camping, they heard strange howls. The friends decided to check it out, but found themselves encountering... Werewolves!


The werewolves wanted to eat them at first, but the commander told them to send Melissa and her friends to the Leader instead, to see what he would do with them. Now captives, Melissa is about to face the feared Leader of the Werewolf Clan.

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  • 4 months later...

Name: Nick Rangel

Age: 24 really 74

Gender: Male

Species: Werewolf

Appearance:human apperance black hair, black eyes and tan 6 feet werewolf apperance http://api.ning.com/files/PYCDwVq6lFb8d6mIgNBqO4gI7BrVdQ6wGqJE31GI6o0_/1165441340_werewolf.jpg

Personality:agressive,loves being cocky,and a smart alec

Occupation: none

Weapons:shot gun,a silver sword

Bio:Nick was was young when he and his family was murdered but he did not die. so now his is seeking vengence for the werewolves that killed his family and placed this curse on him

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Bio:Nick has had a unnatural hunger ever since he was bitten, but since he's gotten older he's been able to control the hunger, and control when he's a werewolf.in 1999 Nick tracked down a group of blood thirsty werewolves that were feasting in a subway station. he killed all of them very violently, but before they died he found out where he could find the murders who killed his parents. so in 2010 he headed in a Wisconsin forest he then heard his kind. So then his blood pumped faster than any human could make it and he dashed into the forest with his sword above his head ready to kill any person in his path.


the grammer is probably bad so sorry



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Sure thing! Let me make a quick note on that:


Species are:


Human, Vampire, and Werewolf


And welcome to the fun, PK! Now, we wait on more players to join in.



Here's my character:


Name: Melissa Jenkins

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Appearance: http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll193/VacantPsalm/SchoolGirlwithBlondeHair1.jpg

Personality: Timid, Warm-hearted, tries to be brave in tight situations, and Easygoing

Occupation: College student

Weapons: A silver knife she carries in her bag, just in case something happened.

Bio: Melissa Jenkins was born in Detroit, Michigan. By the time she turned 13, she and her family moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. There, she met two new friends. Together, they made good friends in high school. When they graduated, Melissa and her friends attended the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design, since they loved Art so much.


During their vacation, Melissa wanted to explore the forests of Wisconsin. Her friends thought about it at first. Then they agreed. Once they were out camping, they heard strange howls. The friends decided to check it out, but found themselves encountering... Werewolves!


The werewolves wanted to eat them at first, but the commander told them to send Melissa and her friends to the Leader instead, to see what he would do with them. Now captives, Melissa is about to face the feared Leader of the Werewolf Clan.


blonde very nice:3heart:

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I'll be the leader of the clan if you want. If the answer is yes then heres the app.


Name: Bloodhound

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Species: Werewolf

Appearance: You look upon him at first, you see a wolf. You look again to see a man. To look upon him under the moonlight glow . . . you see terror. Black coat of fur, red eyes, white-yellow claws.

Personality: A combination of wisdom and ferocity.

Occupation: Leader of the Clan

Weapons: Claws, teeth, appearance and terror.

Bio: Little is known about the Bloodhound, save that he is the Lord of the Lycans. None may oppose his rule, as he stands high above his lesser brothers and sisters. All his victims know of him are his teeth, his jaws, their blood . . .


He is intelligent for a Werewolf and though his age is far beyond any other, he does not gray with age. His size is enormous, yet he is surprisingly agile. Not much more can be said about Bloodhound, as his identity is known only to himself. In time others may learn, or he may pass on as simply Bloodhound. Time will tell.

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Love the bio, Admiral_Thrawn! It's accepted.


And yes, Lord of Destruction... I am a girl. :) To answer your question, God-modding is like when a player is more powerful than other players. Plus, they do random things and don't stick with the Rules. Say like: A player wants to make a person or creature that is powerful than other players and destroy everything, doing their own stuff. That's God-modding.


Here's more info to help you:




By the way, Lord of Destruction... try not to double or triple post. It gets confusing for the others here. Thank you.

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Well Skywalker since i have so much fun with you, I'll join this one as well. After all i need to dust my RP skills off more, lol.


Name: Kalvin Stark










Personality: Kalvin has an out going personality, he acts foolish and dumb so no one figures out how smart he really is. He does have a protective part of him, he can't leave some one behind who's in danger.


Occupation: College Student


Weapons: He's a Master at Martial Arts.


Bio: Kalvin Stark was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He'd always thought it was a dull and boring place until some one moved across the street from him. Him and Melissa Jenkins became good friends threw high school, and went off the college together with one other friend. Everything seemed to have become more interesting hanging with his two friends.


When Melissa mentioned about wanting to go into the forest, Kalvin was up for it. After all he considered himself quite the woodsman. What he didn't expect was to be captured and held prisoner by a pack of werewolves. Now him and his friends on on they're way to see the pact leader, and this wasn't on his list of things to do.


Now some how him and his friends have to find a way to escape or risk being food.

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@ Lord of Destruction: It's okay. Happens sometimes with us too. ;)


@ Admiral_Thrawn: Thanks, Admiral_Thrawn! It's really fun to roleplay with old and new friends! But yeah, you can play some good guys if ya like too. But if villlians are your thing too... not a problem. :)


@ Kyvios: Cool! Welcome to the fun, Kyvios! :D


All right, I'll start the RP now. But be sure to give each other a chance to post and don't rush into things. Remember, guys: Be kind. Be fair. Stick with the Rules. And most of all: Have Fun!


BTW, someone can play the 3rd friend of Melissa and Kalvin if they want.

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This character was created by both Skywalker and I. he's up for grabs for who ever would like to control him. I don't really care, i can always delete trace or make him a warewolf something or other. -shrugs-


Name: Trace Hyde

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Human


Personality: Quiet sometimes, Helpful, and the type that don't want to mess with. He does have a problem with being out spoken at improper times.

Occupation: College student

Weapons: Four small silver daggers he keeps strapped along his legs under his pant legs and childhood slingshot.

Bio: He lived in a small town of Iowa when he was 13 with his mother. By the time he became 15, he moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. There, he met Melissa and Kalvin, and became a close friend to them. Although he was goth and wanted nothing to do with everyone, only Melissa and Kalvin were like siblings to him.

When they graduated high school, they all went to an Art College together. They had so much experience there. When Summer vacation came, they decided to go out camping. But as they camped, they were captured by Werewolves. Now they are being taken to the Leader, with he and his friends close together, letting nothing happen to his "brother and sister".

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Ooooh, this looks promising:D



Name: T. J. Harding


Age: 24


Gender: Male


Species: Human


Appearance: His appearance varies as to what he is doing. For his job, Harding usually wears a standard black police officer's uniform with all its equipment, and sometimes with an overcoat. Sometimes, he may even jokingly wear a 1930s lounge cap, where the he's known at the station as "Bogart" for his 30s appearance, everyone meant on good terms. He is often prepared for the worst and carries numerous objects in two bags that he keeps in his car or on his back.


Personality: He's a nice guy once you get to know him. He can be rough around the edges, but he's really a softie at heart. He has always strived to bring as much as he can to justice, and help as many people as he can in the process. He also always thinks of others more often then himself, often resulting in many different injuries.


Occupation: He's a Police Sergeant with the Milwaukee Police Department, or MPD.


Weapons: He always carries a standard law-enforcement issue Glock pistol. He also carries a 12-gauge shotgun or an older M16 in his car. He also carries a knife that was specially made in silver, his friends always wondered why.


Bio: Harding was born and raised in Milwaukee, following in his Father's footsteps and becoming an officer in a long and honorable duty. He had been in the department for 2 years after earning a degree in Criminal Psychology, from there, he became a police sergeant. He had been working hard when he received a case concerning some College kids that had disappeared on an outing in one of Wisconsin's huge forests. Harding immediatley didn't like the situation and joined the investigation team that had been prepared for the case. Harding had then began to lead a personal search through the forest...not knowing what he would find.....

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It's not too late to make a human character, is it?

Name: Jim Davison

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Appearance: Striped T-shirt, Jean jacket, jeans, Black Fedora, 5'11", semi-skinny, black hair, Caucasian skin tone, Adidas Glasses

Personality: Skeptical, Atheist, nerdy, prefer cold hard facts to superstition, quick thinker, bisexual, overly curious.

Occupation: Student

Weapons: Anything he can get his hands on

Bio: He had always been a smart student, but curiosity often got the better of him. Studying Software Engineering, he didn't get out much, but when he heard of three students going missing, he felt compelled to find them, out of both a need to find them, and curiosity about what they might have found.

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