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Star Wars: Battle of the Dark Jedi

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Battle of the Dark Jedi


138 years after the Battle of Yavin.


As Krayt's New Sith Order is brought down with the help of the Galactic Alliance, Fel's Empire, and the Jedi, the Galaxy celebrates the joy and freedom they now have from the Sith's clutches. Peace is now restored to the Galaxy. Until...


A Dark Jedi named Karayan Varalo wants the Galaxy under his rule, since the Sith Order is now down and gone. What he did find was Krayt's Holocron, inside the old Sith Temple on Coruscant. He use it to ask Krayt questions, and for Krayt's Holocron to teach him the ways of the Dark Side.


With Karayan on the loose, he also has fellow Dark Jedi known as Dark Followers of Krayt. These followers are willing to rule the Galaxy, and bring Krayt's vision of "Galactic order" to come true.


But somewhere in the Galaxy, a man named Cade Skywalker, descendant of Luke and Anakin Skywalker, is once again needed for help to stop this cult from ruling the Galaxy...



You may play up to 3 characters; no higher. You can also make up your own character.




-Ask the threadmaster (me) anything, if you are having trouble. Either here or in OOC (( )).

-Never control another player's character.

-You may insult the characters, but please be kind to the actual players.

-No Godmodding.

-Don't kill a character without the other player's or my permission.

-Most of all... Have Fun!!! :D


Character Sheet:













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Sorry for the double post, but here's my character:


Name: Lyna Honso

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Appearance: http://www.quizilla.com/user_images/S/SE/SEI/SeiTenshi/1134784172_londeapic8.jpg

Homeworld: Coruscant

Occupation: Former slave girl, Jedi Knight

Personality: Shy, kind, and helpful

Weapons: Blaster, Force powers, and her old master's lightsaber (orange)

Ship: N/A

Bio: Lyna was born on Coruscant to Jasten and Sasha Honso. When they died of a raid in ther home, Lyna was safely hidden in a secret closet. Her adoptive Jedi mother and Jedi Master, Coral Mai, found her then, during a mission. When Coral died, Lyna was taken as a 15 year old as a slave girl. But abused by her circus master, she fled. She continued to dance on streets for credits, but when she laid eyes on Cade Skywalker, she fell in love. Ever since she joined up with Cade, she wanted to tell her feelings to him, but was afraid. Lyna also has a great connection with the Force.


After the Sith Order's defeat, Lyna was given the title as Jedi Knight, along with her Jedi friends. Lyna will do what she can to save the galaxy, and stick by Cade's side, no matter what situation they get into. Even when they broke up, she still had feelings for him, and wanted Cade to be safe. Hearing about this new cult, Lyna was up for the challenge.

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This looks like fun...:D



Name: Gerris Veltar


Age: Unknown, though theories suggest mid-twenties


Gender: Male


Species: Human


Appearance: He has dark hair with light brown eyes and he is around 6'6 in heighth. He usually wears black tactical armor or a jumpsuit, usually it depends on the mission he's on, but whatever he wears, it's usually black. He also sometimes wears a black beret that outlines a long red scar that goes from his right eye and curves down to his jaw. He always wears standard issue combat boots that are effective in nearly all situations. He displays his weapons openly, but hides a small hold-out blaster in a hidden holster on his shoulder.


Homeworld: Coruscant


Occupation: An assassin sometimes, mercenary at others, typically, a freelance hitman.


Weapons: His weapons vary on what mission he is on. However, he carries a small holdout blaster, a short blade, a couple of star-like knives{usually meant for covert kills and ranged kills as well}. He also carries at all times, one smoke grenade and a frag grenade, the smoke for escaping, the frag, to prevent himself from capture.


Personality: Gerris is rarely very open on his feelings, often keeping to himself. He can be found kind at times, but can also be unreasonably brutal at other times. He's a quite quiet due to his career and is very professional about what he does. He manages to maintain a sense of humor in dark situations, though most the time he's alone. Most people he runs into are intimidated and would rather not hold a conversation with him, but when someone does, he can seem friendly and witty due to his sharp mind.


Ship: His beloved "Silent Claw" is actually a rather spacious assualt fighter. It is considered one of the faster ships in the galaxy due to its advanced and sleek design. It is heavily armed with enough firepower to pulverize a small capital ship, though its power supply isn't very large and would require constant refueling if it were pressed into combat. It is also equipped with a cloaking device.


Bio: Not much is known about Gerris' early life, except for the fact that he was born to a wealthy aristocratic family in the Captial District of Coruscant. He did train in a number of martial and sword arts, mastering his fighting capability. His family was then ruined by a crime syndicate that had managed to corrupt a number of his family's employee's. Gerris became very well known by hunting down these corrupt people, who led him directly to the center of the criminal syndicates center of command, which he crushed in one swift stroke. After seeing the efficiency of the thugs under the syndicate's command {and how much they made}, he discovered that he could make quite a bit of money by selling his Elite fighting skills as a mercenary or assassin. You could say he was quite impressed and inspired by the Legendary Boba Fett's example. Gerris proved himself to be an excellent assassin, gaining job after job until the current situation came up, bringing him some rather dangerous jobs.


Well, that's one character, hope you accept him:D

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Ohhhh! I wanna play! Just let me build up my Jedi, and I'll get back to you with her stats.


I can put up some of her, just to get started.


Name: Zosia (Zo) Aldonza


Age: about 25


Gender: Female, is human, and raised Matukai.


Appearance: *in the works* She's a warrior, so she's tall, has darker hair, hazel eyes, generally presents herself as stern and stoic. Has faint tattooing across her forehead, just above her eyebrows. (((I'm still not concrete on this, but its a good reference point for now. I think I'll see where it goes within the rp. Usually the more I play, the more the character forms themself)))


Homeworld: Never had a homeworld; nomadic. But is now usually the Jedi temple, unless she's needed elsewhere.


Occupation: Jedi


Personality: She comes off as being aloof, quiet and reserved. In reality, its probably because she's deep in thought, in a walking meditation, enjoying the view or considering the best way to hack you to pieces, should the need arise. While not typically violent, she does not shirk from duty and will use whatever means necessary to do what is right. A very ethical person, she puts what is right above what is easy, and would rather struggle with life, than struggle with her conscience. Prone to moments of flightiness, or outbursts of outraged anger, she is otherwise in fairly good control of herself; even though its hard sometimes. She enjoys extreme sports, loves bolo-ball, and enjoys a good dueling session at any given time.


Weapons: Wan-shen, beskar katana and viridian sabre. Usually doesn't carry the wan-shen around unless she's specifically planning on using it. Comfortable with blasters.


Ship: N/a


Bio: Brought up on a ship, Zo was raised Matukai before going to the Jedi at about 18 to learn with them. Her only weapon before then was the wan-shen, though she was also taught how to fight with a sword. With the Jedi she built a sabre. Sword training in her earlier life made the transition to mostly-sabre useage easier.

Growing up, she had an affinity with electronics; she was alright with actual mechanics, but when it came to computers and electrical systems (or if anything was hacked or went down or the lightswitches lit up the wrong parts of the ship...) then she was your girl. This also went with her Force powers -- she feels droids stronger than the average Jedi can, and can follow electrical impulses and the like, but it comes at the cost of sensing other sentients. She can feel groups of people, but it takes a lot of effort to feel individuals beyond the fact that they're there (and good or bad). She also loves weapons, which was why she got herself a beskar sword. A compliment to the different styles of martial art she was trained in.

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This looks quite interesting


Name: Atrila Shayla

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Species: Cathar

Appearance: Brown fur, blue eyes, about 5'6


Homeworld: Coruscant


Occupation:Former Jedi Knight


Personality: Atrila is Shy but will not hesitate to defend someone. She loves to train with her lightsabers and frequently meditates to increase her connection to the force


Weapons: Two blue Single bladed lightsabers


Ship: N/A


Bio: Atrila is able to trace her origians back to Juhani, one of the famed knights who helped Revan. Atrila was born in the slums of coruscant and a few years after her birth, both her mother and father were killed in a skirmish between swoop gangs.


Atrila was badly treated by most of the sentients in the slums since she had to resort to begging for food. She was found around age six by a Jedi who was chasing a smuggler into the slums. She was found to be strong with the force and was taken to the Jedi Temple


Atrila was trained in the ways of the Jedi, but she always had trouble controlling her temper


At around age 19, A fight broke out between Atrila and a padawan named Brux who believed that Cathar only existed to serve others. Atrila attempted to defend herself and Brux drew his lightsaber and attacked her. Atrila and Brux fought until Atrila accidently cut off his hand. Atrila was so afraid of what would happen that she ran from the temple and began to eek out a living in the slums of Coruscant.


I hope you like my character!

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Name: Jaq Soran

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Weapons: 2x Modified Heavy Blaster Pistols, Modified Blaster Rifle carried in the holster behind his back.


Appearance: - Average build

- Shoulder-length black hair

- Wears a ribbed jacket over an armored vest

Homeworld: Corellia

Bio: Jaq Soran is a mercenary-for-hire whom originated from Corellia. For the past seven years, he had been sent on numourous assignments travelling him around the Outer Rim. Always laid-back due to his Corellian heritage, Jaq finds it difficult to take anybody seriously, but tries his best to. Though laid-back, he is an excellent shooter and tactician.


BTW, I hope you don't mind SR, but I thought I'd give anybody the chance of playing Cade Skywalker rather than me (seeing as I already have done so). Otherwise, I'd be happy to take it again.

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Aw, that's all right, PK. I understand. I'm sure someone may be willing to take his character. But if no one does, you can have him again if ya like. :)


All righty, since we have 5 players, including me, I'll start the RP whenever I can. More players are welcomed to join in! Remember... it's never too late.

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Name: Krath-102, Reaper

Age: 6

Gender: Male

Species: Droid


Homeworld: Unknown regions

Occupation: Jedi Hunter

Personality: Dark, emotionless, speaks many languages mostly basic, doesn't stop until the target is eliminated.

Weapons: dual red lightsabers

Ship: N/A

Bio: Krath-102 aka Reaper was originally a deactivated Krath War Droid model. The model was eventually found by Cade Skywalker himself; he was repaired and upgraded within the week. Reaper began learning and training from Skywalker before short circuiting. The droid almost killed Skywalker and was deactivated again. Reaper was later found by a follower of Krayt and was brought back for activation. Reaper was given new orders to kill Skywalker and was taught some sith style combat. With both jedi and sith combat forms, Reaper is one deadly force.

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Name: Kandar Ektun

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Species: Human


-Athletic Build

-Brown, Spiked Hair

-Average Smuggler Garments, with a utility belt

Homeworld: Atzerri

Occupation: Smuggler

Personality: Cunning and Deceptive

Weapons: 2x Vibro-Blade; Originating from the Jedi Civil Wars, these two Blades have seen millenia of combat. The ancient cortosis-weave can stand up to even a Lightsaber| 3x Black Market Tx-300 Blasters (Modded) | x1 Disruptor Rifle (Modded)

Ship: CR90 Corvette-Believe it or not Kandar boasts that his vessel is the Sundered Heart, once piloted by Raymus Antilles in the Civil War! Fact or fiction, shes certainly a fast ship, able to outrun any other ship between Corellia and Muunlist!

Bio: Kandar leads a solitary life, with only a two Droids and a Mandalorian for company. He is quite the pilot, managing to run a seven man bridge with only a Droid and Mandalorian for aid. His other droid, a descendant of the famous HK Assassin Line, seems to prefer lazing about in the Cargo Hold, having "malfunctions" (Otherwise known as "Being Lazy"). Kandar has always been that kinda Han Solo model you think of, hold the Corellian history and walking carpet. Tatooine, Atzerri, Eriadu, this guys been around a while. Kandar is talented, but takes it for granted. He always avoids "good causes" as he knows where they end him up. Kandar isn't one to help people and certainly wouldn't mind "accidentally" pushing someone out of a window for a few credits and a drink.


Currently hes pursuing a lawsuit to change his last name to Michaels . . . this latest venture is just a taste of his sarcastic personality.

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Name:Ohesiu Dromer


Age: 23


Gender: Male


Species: Human


Appearance: Medium length white hair, and pure white eyes. He has scars along his face from previous burns. Athletic build standing at 5 food 11 inches. Wears a dark hooded cloak, black pants, boots, and a mock sleeveless vest underneath the cloak. He has Tattoos down his neck, that travel down his back and his chest.


Homeworld: He doesn't consider any planet a home.


Occupation: Former Jedi Knight, now Low class bounty hunter.


Personality: He is serious almost to a fault. His seriousness at times allows him to make accurate choices. He is silent and calm, always listening from the shadows. He can be a great friend, or your worse enemy if provoked.


Weapons: Blood Red Light Saber, he'll use a blaster if he has too, but his light saber his is weapon of choice.




Bio: Ohesiu was trained at a young age to be a Jedi. He went threw many masters, finally becoming a Jedi Knight. On one of his missions there was an explosion that stripped his black hair of its color turning it white and removing the color from his eyes. Many believe that he is blind, but he uses the force to help him see. With the realization that following a passive way he was taught by his masters, he could no longer stay in the Jedi Order so he left.


He traveled the lower regions of each planet, learning out dark things can be. Ohesiu doesn't consider himself a Jedi or a Sith, he is just being what he needs to be to survive. With seeing how the galaxy was really run, he became a low class bounty hunter. He doesn't get hired to do many jobs, and he is extremely picky on what jobs he takes on.

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Personally, I gotta say, CommanderQ's character is by far the most in-depth. I mean, look at his first post in the RP thread! That Rodian assissnation was amazingly well typed, very impressive. If only I could RP as Thrawn's lost son or something. That'd be a laugh. e


Great RP Skywalker, very nice idea. Although, Cade Skywalker seems like a bit too major of a character to be included. Especially considering his strength . . . I mean he succeeded where Anakin failed.

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Name: TK-777


Gender: Male

Species: Human

Appearance: A stormtrooper

Homeworld: Tatooine

Occupation: Stormtrooper

Personality: He's a bit of an oddball. He also likes to talk... a lot. When it comes to combat he wouldn't know to shoot his gun or to just talk into it like some kind of microphone

Weapons: Standard blaster rifle

Ship: Wherever he's assigned.

Bio: Not much is known about TK-777 except he's very lucky. So lucky that he's survived battles without ever firing a shot. He may be incompetent but he manages to keep living. He's been given the job of guarding the cell of a Lyna Honso on board a shuttle. Hopefully he can at least do this.


((I decided to do the same thing for Lyna, I hope she likes to listen))

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