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Star Wars: Battle of the Dark Jedi

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((He did. He pretty much devoured Katar and spat out the bones because of the force-sensitive Miraluka people and the old Jedi Masters stationed there that he could absorb. Oh, and I'm still alive btw :) ))


Jaq sighed as he sat on a stool near the bar table. It was more nicer then the ones in the underworld, but it was missing something: something gritty that Jaq liked.


He payed the Bartender and left the Cantina. He looked over the city and the speeders zooming around the sky scrapers. The Jedi Temple was near-by. Jaq decided to pay a visit to an old friend of his, who just so happened to be employed as part of the maintenence crew within the Jedi Temple. Fixing broken consoles and power cables.


He took the nearest Transportation, and landed near the base of the structure. He began walking inside the halls, where the robed Jedi were pacing around: rebuilding their religeon. Jaq wondered how many times the Jedi had to rebuild themselves in the past.

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((I also found this to help explain his motives, sorry for the OOC spam by the way.))


(("Eventually, his training and abilities made him into a shell of his former self, a wound in the Force, corrupting those around him. Nihilus was different from other Sith in that he never sought to rule the galaxy or to create a new order; his purpose was to destroy all life everywhere in order to satisfy his hunger. Eventually Nihilus became so absorbed by the dark side of the Force and his hunger that his physical body began to erode. Knowing that he would succumb to death if he did not act soon, Nihilus ripped his spirit from his body and encased it in the armor he wore, thus allowing the dark side to consume his useless body which dissolved completely. Using the Force, he was able to keep his robes, armor and mask together, giving him some form and allowing him to use his Force powers as well as a lightsaber. Apart from that, however, he no longer had a physical form and he became simple primitive intent. Nihilus was aware of some secret powers of the dark side such as devastating power, used to increase the power of an offensive Force technique either by half of its power or to double its power, and distant power, which gave him the ability to increase the range of a Force power to anywhere in the star system from which it originated."))



((That distant power is the ability enabling him to traverse space. Hes using force jump, combined with the fact that he has no physical form, to actually "teleport" himself by dissipating his robes into mist, because his conciousness is within the robes and mask. ^^ Sorry for the long OOC Post, just clearing things up.))


Meanwhile on Coruscant . . .


Nihilius had split his consciousness in two, leaving only his shadow upon the planet. He was non-existent, he could not be seen nor touched. Yet he permeated in a dark energy that even the normal inhabitants succumbed to. As his spirit "walked" down the middle of the street, with crowds running around in terror, anyone near him dropped to the floor. Even the smallest part of his consciousness held his hunger, his power.


Whilst he could not interact as a shadow, he could still speak, he could still walk, he could still drain life . . .


He paid no heed to those that fell near him, in fact, the range of this aura was so great that nobody within eyesight could survive. Fortunately for his enemies, the civilians had now long evacuated this part of Coruscant, fearing the shadow of Nihilius. The most amusing fact, he thought, was that no one even suspected that he was a ancient Sith Lord. Possibly part of this cult, but not Nihilius. In fact, Nihilius' legacy was all but forgotten by now. The last mortal to remember it was Darth Krayt, when he accessed Nihilius' holocron. But he was dead.


A moments later he was at the base of the temple. In this shadow form he could move great distances in short times. He walked into the halls but the Jedi didn't fall . . . but they sensed a very subtle change. By now everyone on Coruscant likely knew of the massacre, thankfully none saw him. For all who did, died. Save his pawns . . .


Nihilius' only goal now was to devour the Jedi . . . then the Republic . . . then the Galaxy . . . then the Sith. Then the universe . . .


Finally, he would devour himself, achieving infinite power and never again would he suffer this hunger. Nihilius was no longer Human, nor a Sith, nor a spirit. He was a god in his own right.


He was immortal, he was infinite and a center of worship to his followers.


He was infinite . . .


As he came upon a corner, he went over to the window and observed the scenery. He would only use his armies as a distraction, to busy the Republic. He could be stopped . . . he knew that. He could probaly drain the entire galaxy, but he would be stopped by the Jedi. He didn't seek to purge them. No . . . that would simply make them harder to find. He needed to wait until he was strong enough to drain the very force itself. Then the Jedi would die, no matter how far they were. He would kill individuals, manipulate others. But the order MUST endure.


He would drain the civilians, the worlds, but he would do it so it wouldn't be noticed. Felucia would be a good place . . .


The hallways were now empty, save for one individual who did not in the least look like a Jedi. Nihilius flicked his wrist, sending the lifeform straight through the window, out into the city. The sound attracted company, as two Jedi appeared from around a corner and sprinted towards the window. One jumped from the window, onto a nearby platform. He extended his hands to grip the falling Human and drew him back to the window. The other Jedi caught his hand and sat him down by a wall, examining his injuries. The Jedi turned to the window to make sure his companion was okay. Nihilius suddenly took form straight in front of the Mans face.


Then faded back into shadow. The Human turned a starkly white and trembled in utter terror. As the Jedi stood looking down upon the Man in confusion he let off a cry of pain and agony. The shadow clenched his fist tighter . . . the figures cry got louder. Suddenly it cut off, as the Man fell to the floor unconscious. Many Jedi came running down the corridors, some with lightsabers drawn, other with the force at the ready. Then . . . everything fell silent . . . Lightning burst forth from a invisible foe, coupled with a violent array of crimson beams, slaughtering the Jedi, throwing them left and right, smashing down walls and stripping them of the force. Explosions erupted and one of the four pinnacles of the temple came crashing down.


Fire erupted from the debris and the walls caved in. The power was so great that shockwaves came off from the temple, splattering the nearby landscape with piles of debris and flame. The ground beneath them trembled as the floor gave way and ancient statues fell down. Nihilius let off a force scream, devastating the already debris-filled corner of the temple. Violent explosions erupted for no explainable reason and sent debris flying up into the air. Not even the ancient halls of the temple could withstand such power. Fortunately only one corner of the temple was effected by this display of power. But he wasn't finished yet . . .


Huge whirlwinds erupted from his palms, pulling ships from the air and scattering them across the landscape, water burst from the underground pipe system, effectively flooding the nearby markets. Nihilius roared in triumph as he descended into Force Rage. His pure power unleashed a second wave of destruction, once again buffeting the temple. Nihilus was satisfied with the results. The order would have a extensive investigation whilst he devoured the essence of the dead. He leapt from the destroyed corner and sat upon the surface of the temple, still invisible to eyesight.


Then he went into a meditative stance to refine his energy whilst he waited for the next phase of his plan.

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Ohesiu watched as the masked figure left on a ship he'd recently destroyed, some other time, he thought to himself. He turned to face where Atrila and the Hunter were once standing and noticed they are getting into an Air Taxi. Quickly he ran towards the taxi and jumped on top of it, making sure to land with softly, not making any noise or moving it vehicle at all. He sat on on the top of it and waited for it to stop at the Jedi Temple. He stood at a distance from Atrila and the Hunter, looking at the temple, knowing for a moment he never thought he'd enter this place again.


Ohesiu stood there and waited for Atrila to enter the Temple, then he entered on his own. He walked around seeing if much as changed, he heard the Apprentices and Younglings whisper to each other wondering if he was a Sith. He wasn't anything, he knew that for certain. He stopped being anything the day he lost everything.


- - - - - - - - - - - - -


Zeb Watched at the force field was lowered and he was placed in cuffs. He shook his head wondering if this day could possibly get worse. He knew all to well that they're master would want to see the Jedi female first, and he felt sympathetic towards her, but there wasn't much he could do about it with out his blaster, and hands cuffed together.


As the Sith were leading them off the ship, Zeb leaned forward and whispered into Lyna's ear "Your a Jedi right, why not do that Jedi thing that all you Jedi do so well. I mean, if you need help, I'll be right in the fight with you, and I'm sure that Stormtrooper likes you well enough to help, come on what do you say sweetheart."

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((Does anybody read my posts? ? ? T.T


Note 1: The temple should be in flames by now, as my character left a portion of his spirit to wreak havock unto the Jedi and to oversee Nihilus' plans on Coruscant.


Note 2: The main portion of Nihilus' soul just attacked the Sith shuttle, locked it in a tractor beam and materialized in the bridge, killing all the Sith, then the black cloud that he "Teleports" in suddenly leaks into the cells from the vents T.T


Kyvios, are you being ignorant or deliberately ignoring my posts? Cus I'll cry. Seriously. I will. :())

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Atrila dodged through the flames and debries that had once been part of the Jedi Temple


Whatever that thing is must have struck here as well, I need to find a working data terminal and get more information on this thing


She quickly force jumped over a wall and headed toward the Temple Library, or more acurately...what was left of it.


Please let there be a working data terminal here...please....


Atrila's frown quickly turned upside down as her gaze fell upon a flickering data terminal.




Atrila quickly lept down and sat down in the chair next to the terminal


Lets see here...Lets combine the search terms "Sith Lord" and "Worlds Destroyed"


Only one match showed up on her terminal


Darth Nihilus? Thats a foolish name


Atrila continued to read through what appeared to be a very limited amount of information on the sith lord.


Darth Nihilus was a sith lord from the old republic and was believed to be a part of the Sith triumvute which was later destroyed by the Jedi Exile. Nihilus was believed to have been born from the fires of Malachor five and was thought to have somehow escaped from Malachor and began his march across the galaxy. Nihilus commanded great strength in the force but they type of power he possesed had a major drawback: He was constantly starving and had to feed on the life forces of people to stay alive.


It can't be...Nihilus can't still be alive! But all of the strange hapenings that have been going on lately, the deaths, the dead Jedi that I passed on the way in...He must have survived somehow. but why didn't he drain the planet dry already? Unless he's not at full power yet, that would explain many things.


Atrila quickly copied the files on Darth Nihilus, The Sith triumvute, The Jedi Exile and two more files with the names of Darth Sion and Darth Traya, who were apparently the other two members of the Sith Triumvute onto a data pad. They would come in useful later.


Wait...maybe there is a Holocron that was made by the Jedi Exile somewhere in the holocron room.


Atrila qucikly ran up to the room of the holocrons and was relieved to see other Jedi running around as she ran toward the room.


They aren't all dead, thats a relief


Atrila quickly reached the room and went about searching for any sign of the Jedi Exile's holocron


It can't hurt to try this and see how it works


Atrila extended the force around her and hundreds of Holocrons suddenly came to life,


"I wish to speak to the one known as the Jedi Exile, also known as Jatra Sadraw."


Nearly all of the Holocrons went out except for one that was in the back of the room."




Atrila quickly grabbed the holocron and raced back toward the entrance to the temple


Now we may have a way of fighting this thing

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(I'm not doing anything of the sort >.>, just been hectic at work, working from 8am to 11pm. So I've been a little tired. I'll try to fix to my tired writing. I'm really sorry.)


Ohesiu head started to feel like it was splitting open, when he opened his eyes he noticed he was in an ally way laying on the ground. He could feel something warm oozing over his eye, slowly with slight difficulty he pressed his fingers against the liquid and noticed it was blood.


"what happened..." he muttered to himself.


Slowly he stood upon his feet and stumbled out of the ally, looking around at his surroundings. He noticed a lot of city was in flames, and even the Jedi tempel that once stood so proudly mocking him was destroyed. Dead laid around at his feet, some looking fear stricken. He remembered the creature from before, but anything after that was a blur.


"So it was an illusion" he said to himself as he leaned against a half risen building remembering the image of walking threw the temple.


He remembered when he returned to the temple, half alive after his mission many of the younger trainees referred to him as a Sith, some sort of spy because of his change in attitude and out look at life so he left to find a life for himself.


Ohesiu started to move, still slightly confused, his head throbbing and tripping over fallen debris. He wasn't sure where he was headed, but any where would be better then where he was.

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((Okay, guys. As Threadmaster, let me say this: Everyone must read each posts carefully. Admiral_Thrawn, you're doing a great job so far. Just... try not to take over a player's character. Like when you said, "Lyna felt the deaths of the sith". Thank you. You're doing fine, though! The rest of you guys are doing good as well. Just give each other and me a chance to post. That way we all won't get confused at each other's posts. Thank you all.


"Your a Jedi right, why not do that Jedi thing that all you Jedi do so well. I mean, if you need help, I'll be right in the fight with you, and I'm sure that Stormtrooper likes you well enough to help, come on what do you say sweetheart."


Before Lyna could respond, the two Sith cultists, all of a sudden, fell down on the floor of the detention cell. Lyna squinted her eyes. "Something's not right..." Suddenly, she looked back at her cell, and saw tiny bits of black cloud emerging from the vents. The young woman gasped. That's probably where she felt the Dark Side. Then again, Korriban was full of darkness....


Lyna turned to TK and Zeb. "We gotta get outta here! Follow me!" Lyna ran to find their weapons. Suddenly, she came across a room where weapons hung from the wall. One of them was her lightsaber. Lyna smiled, and Force pulled her lightsaber towards her. When she ignited it, she sliced the handcuffs off. Then she sliced off Zeb's handcuffs.


The young woman turned to Zeb. "Get your weapon. TK, see if that black cloud is getting closer. I'll cut a hole through this exit door." After saying this, Lyna got to working on cutting a hole through the door with her trusty lightsaber. From inside the Sith shuttle, she could feel panics outside the bridge of the old Sith academy.

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"We gotta get outta here! Follow me!"


TK looked over at the two sith cultists that just fell to the floor, either they were knocked out... or dead. Either way TK didn't want to stick around to find out. TK sprinted right behind Lyna as fast as he could.


"What about your handcuffs, don't you want... nevermind." TK said as he watched Lyna cut her's and the other prisoners cuffs.


"TK, see if that black cloud is getting closer."


TK poked his head out and looked to see that the black cloud was indeed getting closer.


"I've got bad news and worse news. The bad news is that black cloud is getting closer. The worse news is that it just killed Mr. Eko"


((Giant black cloud... that's just asking for a Lost joke and I figured I could sneak it in with TK. I can just as easily delete it,... and I hope I'm not the only one who watches Lost in this RP))

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((Naw, you're good, Ninja. I do watch Lost. A little bit. But it's all good. :) By the way, Lyna and Cade has a Force Bond together. So they can connect each other through the Force. Even when they're far way from one another.))


"I've got bad news and worse news. The bad news is that black cloud is getting closer. The worse news is that it just killed Mr. Eko"


Lyna turned to TK, and grinned at that last part. "Thanks, TK. Keep an eye out for that cloud. Something tells me that it's fueled with the Dark Side." She turned back, and continued to work on cutting the jammed exit door. Suddenly, Lyna had an idea.


The young woman closed her eyes, concentrating on the Force. Using the old Force bond she and Cade had, she started to telepath with him. "Cade? It's me, Lyna. Listen, something wrong is going on. The Dark Side is totally at work, and it feels... ancient..."

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Gerris heard what Cade Skywalker was saying and walked over.


"I have the tracker for the liquid that your droid found. If you want to use it, go ahead, but do not ask any questions at all about how it works, or contains, just let me handle it. Got it, Jedi?"


Gerris hated it when he had to let other people use his equipment, it was just asking for trouble.

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"I have the tracker for the liquid that your droid found. If you want to use it, go ahead, but do not ask any questions at all about how it works, or contains, just let me handle it. Got it, Jedi?"


"Yeah yeah, sure thing... and thanks," Cade said to the hunter. "Reaper, find out where Lyna is."


Reaper nodded as he used the tracker.


"Well that can't be right."




"Well based off this tracker she's in... Korriban."


Before Cade could respond he felt something he had not felt in a long time.


"Cade? It's me, Lyna. Listen, something wrong is going on. The Dark Side is totally at work, and it feels... ancient..."


"We just found out you're on Korriban. We're coming in the Mynock and we'll get there shortly. Exactly how ancient is this Dark Side presence?"

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"We just found out you're on Korriban. We're coming in the Mynock and we'll get there shortly. Exactly how ancient is this Dark Side presence?"


Lyna bit her lower lip. "Thanks, Cade. Well... ya know how we got in the Sith Temple of Krayt's to bomb it? Well, the Dark Side there was like modern. But... this presence is totally unfamiliar."


Finally, Lyna cut through the door of the Shuttle. When she got out, she was Force pushed against the wall of the hanger by another Force user. When she opened her eyes and looked up, the Force user was none other than Karayan Varalo.

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Jaq had suddenly flew out through a nearby window unexpectedly. He grabbed onto the ledge and hung there, while he saw in horror as the Jedi temple had been emited into flames and chaos. "I wonder how the Jedi will recover from this?"


He pulled himself up and climbed back into a wreaked hall. Last thing he remembered was some guy with a black cloak. He spotted someone across the hall full of debris. He walked towards him. "You wont believe what sort of day I'm having." he rolled his eyes.

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TK kept looking for that cloud until the saber stopped. TK looked over to see that Lyna was gone. Without further hesitation, TK jumped down the hole... unfortunately he fell flat on his stomach.


"Ow, stupid hole... oh hello there, are you another jedi like Lyna... hey how'd she hit the wall like that?" said TK, clearly clueless to who this man was.

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"Ow, stupid hole... oh hello there, are you another jedi like Lyna... hey how'd she hit the wall like that?"


Lyna staggered to her feet against the wall. "TK... that's no Jedi. That's--"


"Yes. A Sith leader. Unfortunately, your trip here is quite pathetic if you plan on escaping... Lyna Honso." Karayan smiled coldly. "Oh. You may not remember me. I'm Karayan Varalo. Former Jedi and student of Master K'Kruhk. I worked with Skywalker before too." The thought about Skywalker angered him. But then he looked back at Lyna.


"I came from my meditation from the desert of Korriban. That's when I felt a disturbance." Karayan looked at all his dead Sith minions. "Well'p... there goes my army. No worries though. I've got plenty more where that came from."


Lyna glared at him. "H-how could you? Betraying the Jedi Order for this? Why?!"


The Sith cult leader came close to her, and huskily replied, "Because of Skywalker. Now come on!" Karayan glanced at TK and Zeb. "You too! The both of you!" He grabbed Lyna's wrist, and dragged her to where his hidden ship was at.

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((Sorry about the controlling bit, I kinda got sidetracked, but anyways . . . But I do have a question. Considering the fact that the Jedi Exile followed Revan into the unknown then how could she of left a holocron? She wouldn't of had time to program one either. Also Nihilus didn't have to feed to stay alive. He had to feed to prevent himself from consuming himself. But that wouldn't kill him, or weaken him. It would simply make his hunger worse, and sorry, but yeh, another issue. :( The files about the Sith Triumvrate or something arutha' were non-existent. No one knew of the allegiance save Kreia(Who was part of it anyways) and the Exile. My point is the only information would be about them is that; They were Sith Lords whom sought to conquer the Galaxy and exterminate the Jedi. For the only person to survive the encounter with Nihilus was the Exile and Canderous. The Exile left for Revan . . . like I said and I doubt Mandalore would be adding anything to the Jedi Archives. So Nihilus would be known only in name, Sion as the Jedi Hunter and Traya as the Betrayer of the Order. Thats all I can think off at any rate ^^ But meh, I'll go along with it and maybe edit it later.))


Nihilus felt someone activate the holocrons, before he saw it. The person in question, the Cathar, was the one he sought to corrupt earlier . . . this would be most easy. She ran past his spirit and towards the entrance of the temple.


Nihilus spoke into her mind . . . "Karthaash . . . enoor . . . moktar."


His plans were so close to fruition. Surely even the lives of a thousand Jedi could not compare the energies being drawn from this Cathar. In fact, if not for her presence his attack on the temple would've be impossible.


Now that his job here was finished, his spirit once again merged with mind and form, returning to the shuttle.


Nihilus emerged from the shuttle, his voice echoing in unintelligible sounds and unheard of screeches. The pattern was one of hunger, of eternal hunger . . .


He looked upon the figures with eyes as black as the darkest pits of hell and flicked his wrist towards them. Suddenly his lightsaber hilt connected with his hand. Though Nihilus preferred to finish his opponents from afar it would cost him little but time to decimate them in melee. The duelists of this age were far less experienced than those of the First Purge.


He flung the Stormtrooper aside, uninterested in such a pathetic figure. The smuggler he gazed at for little than a few seconds, then flung his wrist, smashing him into the wall.


(Ignore this if you still want Zeb alive)


Nihilus stared at the smuggler for a moment then clenched his fist, ending the gnats pathetic life. Then he turned to his opponents. He wanted to test these Jedi as warriors, not as the force-wielders they are. Nihilus cut them off from the force indefinetly . . . or so he thought. Then he--vanished.


His spirit remained however, but this time one could see him. The Jedi he had heard referred to as Lyna Honso. So, there was one powerful enough to perhaps challenge him he thought as he de-ignited his lightsaber and returned it to his belt. Then he raised his hands, ready to unleash the force upon this opponent.

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(Admiral Thrawn, The Jedi Exile could have returned and created a holocron. and it's been thousands of years since the sith triumvute, someone could have discovered some record of them and done research on them. Plus, the Jedi Information could have been incorrect about Nihilus.)


Atrila was about to flag down an Air Taxi to return to master skywalker when she heard the voice in her head that made her hit the ground and scream in pain


Karthaash . . . enoor . . . moktar


It Hurts! Why does the voice hurt?!


I can't...fail! I won't fail! I will get this information to master skywalker!


Atrila rose shakily up from the ground and looked around


There was no sign of the dark robes figure and yet somehow, she knew he was responsible for what had just happend to her


How dare that thing invade her mind! How dare it!


Atrila didn't know if the thing could read her thought or not, but she decided to leave it a message if it could


I know who you are "Darth Nihilus" and I will stop you, even if it costs me my own life. Beware sith: I'm coming for you.

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Suddenly Nihilus' spirit reappeared on Coruscant, leaving his main form to combat the Jedi. He arose behind Atrila, rising like a dark moon. He whispered to her, he whispered thoughts of death, of terror . . . of corruption. He told her how she caused the disaster at the Temple, the deaths of the citizens of Coruscant. She was no Jedi, she was as much a Sith as Nihilus himself.


Her message to him was recieved, her words more true to herself than to he. He was simply the Hungerer, she was the Sith. If she hunted him, she would only in the end corrupt herself. Already had she caused the deaths of millions. Nihilus further fueled her anger by whispering of her corruption, how she caused him to be revived. Her anger, her hatred . . . her power in the darkside. That had brought forth the Hungerer. Even the Nightsisters, who carried out rituals for millenia to bring him back, the lone Sith on Korriban trying to revive him.


All their efforts for naught if not for this arrogant Cathar. She was the true Sith . . . Nihilus was the birth of her rage. Her actions had inadvertedly revived the Hungerer and bonded them . . . unfortunately for the Cathar he was in control of this bond, for he knew full well that if he let her control it then he would falter. It was far to late for her to take control now. She was but a pawn in his grand design.


After whispering countless lies, truths and things that would never be known, he turned and fled to the Jedi Temple once again. He called to her in the force, trying to tell her to look at the Temple . . . he unleashed her anger upon the Temple, her power in the Darkside. This time the Temple was entirely consumed, not just a corner, not just a few Jedi. The entire temple was flooded with the power of the darkside, killing and corrupting all in its path. Red lightning streaked down the corridor, decimating any resistance. Shockwaves made the Temple tremour like a small child, whilst massive whirlwinds tore down the uppermost pinnacles.


But worst of all . . . anyone nearby the temple was sent to the ground. Then began crawling to the Temple. They were wracked with fear and pain, yet Nihilus drove them onwards, forcing themselves into further madness. He looked skyward and pulled collossal vessels from the sky, bringing their mass upon his unworthy foes. Maybe he could not destroy the Order . . . but he could defeat it. Suddenly Republic warships appeared above the terror, blissfully unaware of their targets might. They unleashed a volley of turbolaser fire upon Nihilus' shadowy form, attempting to destroy him. He brought the ships together, slashing at each of them with waves of air and lightning. Thunder played across the sky, with flashes of blue-green illuminating the dark surface of Coruscant. Red mist streamed skyward, bathing everything in a aura of fear.


The ground began to fall in upon itself, bringing down huge skyscrapers and residential complexes. Huge security squads charged the Temple, rifles blazing a bright azure, rippling through the air at Nihilus, but with a wave of his palm they were dismissed by a powerful tremor, which sent them crawling away in fear. This Cathars power fueled all of this! He didn't try to hide the fact from the Jedi. He let them sense the true culprit behind this devastation. This time he wouldn't just destroy the temple . . . he would bury it.


Huge chunks of rock burst forward from the earth, smashing into the debris as it slowly sunk into the already dying soil. Smoke smothered this part of Coruscant and no building was left standing. Few survivors clung onto collapsing buildings, or crawled away from the image of decimation. The people and Jedi had been exterminated. But . . . that was not the end of their torment. In a final act of pure power, he unleashed a wave of luminous liquid, which imprisoned the Jedi in their decaying forms, disallowing them from becoming one with the force.


All this had happened within the space of five seconds . . . The Cathar still stood waving for the Taxi, she hadn't yet acknowledged the destruction or the whispers. So fast the act of betrayal was, that those whom died did not yet know the fact until long after it occurred. At the bottom of the remnants of the Temple there was a small child, lying in a pool of blood, he still breathed faintly. He let off a frantic cough, spurting up blood as he saw Nihilus approach. Nihilus lifted the boy and walked towards the Cathar . . .

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Atrila screamed again


Why does his voice hurt?! Even the whispers tear at my mind like knives!


Atrila got up shakily from the ground yet again


He's trying to persuade me that I am to blame for all this...and he may be correct


No! He is not correct! I am not to blame for this!


But what if he is right? How can I atone for my crimes?


Suddenly, a new voice was with her in her head


Jedi! Rise up and face him!


Who is this?


Atrila was confused. This presence didn't seem evil. It felt...familiar somehow


My name is...Juhani


But you are dead, how can you be speaking to me if you are dead?


I am speaking to you from the living force, Yes, I did die many thousands of years ago but the threat you face right now...it could spell the end of the force itself.


That doesn't explain why you are speaking to me


I have watched you...all of my family over thousands of years. You have always had the hardest time battling the darkside within yourself. I am here to offer my help before it is too late for you. That thing wants to corrupt you. And in a way, it is right. your anger helped it come back to this world.


It is true then...I am to be blamed for all of these deaths


No! You many have brought this creature back, but it made its own choices when it came back! That thing is responsible for these deaths, not you. You need to stop the threat this thing poses, and I will help you.




You need to sever the link between you...and to do that, you need to rid yourself of your rage and hatred that you feel for this thing. This is the Jedi Code from when I was a padawan, I can only hope that you will understand it.


Listen to my words


There is no emotion, there is peace.

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

There is no passion, there is serenity.

There is no chaos, there is harmony.

There is no death, there is the Force.




You must understand. In order to finally end the threat of this thing once and for all you need to kill without anger and hatred. When you kill this thing, your heart and mind need to be at peace.


I understand!


The time that I am spending with you is coming to an end. I will return later if you need help again.


Thank you...Juhani


Atrila rose confidently to her feet and whipped around


There was a boy floating toward the air toward her


Right "Darth Nihilus, You need to pass on, for the greater good of the galaxy, you need to die

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(I'm using the Ignore it Card you gave me Admiral_Thrawn)


Zeb felt something push him against the wall, the crash was so hard it took the breath right out of his lungs. He knelt there for a second on his hands and knees coughing trying to breath. He looked over to see a figure moving towards him, then glanced over at the hole the Jedi made.


"Uhmm well it was nice to meet you" he said to the figure moving towards him as he slide himself into the hole and out of the vessel. When he looked up he saw his second worst nightmare Karayan Varalo.


"Ha, well out of was life threating situation, into another. Today just isn't a good day." he said with a grin on his face, his favorite blast in his hand.

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((Only reason I said that was cus you said earlier I dun' mind if he dies and that lot.))


Nihilus sensed the contact of one long past . . . one redeemed by Revan. He knew her not by name, nor by face. But only by one whom he redeemed. Either way, it was of little consequence. The Cathar was responsible for all this, Nihilus simply brought her anger into focus. He observed the deverstation. This part of Coruscant was now devoid of the force . . . devoid of life and feeling. There was only death . . .


Only the Cathar stood defiant, but Nihilus' thoughts suddenly and rapidly shifted. He saw her as a weakness of the Jedi, the lowest of the low. Her anger was her strength and she would not realize this. By denying herself power, she denied herself life. The poor fool . . . Cathar Jedi rely on their emotions . . . she was weak.


She was but a tiny inkling compared to the Order. She was a stain that had to be removed . . . indefinetly. He approached her directly, fists clenched and body glowing in a aura of darkness. Suddenly all hell broke loose upon the dead-land. Everything was pitchblack, not even the slightest twinkle of light, save Nihilus' red eyes . . . everything was still and silent. Not a single movement, a single sound. He continued his approach towards the Cathar.


These people were fools if they thought Nihilus to be so powerful . . . the truth was simple. None of Nihilus' actions so far had actually occured. He was simply meditating on top of a apartment. Bringing nightmares to those who would pose a threat to him, or a possible interest. The Cathar was discarded from the illusion, freeing her thoughts and mind. The same happened to the Smuggler who was barely important in his grand scheme. His eyes were set upon the Jedi Temple, which peacefully dominated the landscape.


The warships buzzing overhead. The people fearlessly striding down the streets. His power had proved most useful. Force Nightmare . . .


In truth Nihilus had not yet encountered anyone face to face, save those Sith onboard his hosts shuttle. He had simply created a nightmare, branching across several minds, interlinking them in one grand illusion. The only ones still immersed in the dreamscape were Lyna, Ohesiu and Skywalker. The Hunter was discarded long ago, but he was still a person of import. Nihilus sent out a voice recording to the Hunters customer comm, asking him to come to this rooftop. Nihilus had recently aquired a translator, allowing him to speak in common. The voice, if not slightly artificial, would be perfect for such a encounter.


Using his power of illusion Nihilus took the form of a robed Zabrak, possibly resemblnig Darth Maul, including the tattoos. He drew up his hood and sat cross legged at the edge of the building, maintaining his grand illusion and feasting upon his victims emotions.


((I hope this clears up the overpowered problem, I had planned this from the start. Seems like a much more cunning way to make a return, rather than rush off and kill a few billion people eh? Hes drawing power by feeding of your emotions, manipulating your minds. In short all this time you've been chasing illusions and false remenitions whilst he sat meditating upon a apartment roof, slowly feeding off your energies as well. Making you weaker over time. Sorry about the confusement though :)))

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((It's all good, Admiral_Thrawn. :) Let me know if you guys want me to make any changes. I'll edit it if you want me to.))


Back on Korriban, Lyna, the Sith cultist leader Karayan, and possibly TK and Zeb, had stopped, and looked back. There, standing with all black, was a ghostly looking figure. Lyna didn't know who it was, but she sure felt the Dark Side fueling in the monster.


She could see that the black figure was ready to use some kind of Dark Side power on her. She glanced at the others. "TK! Zeb! And... I hate to say it... Karayan! Go someplace and hide! I'll handle this thing!" Lyna stood there, and glared at the dark figure, which was Nihilus.


Suddenly, a luminous bluish-white aura formed around her. She felt an invisible energy of the Force, taking her spirit away from her body. After this was done, the souless body of Lyna fell to the floor, her irises and pupils nothing but gray.


The spirit of Lyna wore a long, tattered dress, while covering her eyes, was a blindfold. Luckily, she used Force Sight to see things. Then she turned to the dark figure standing there.


"Who are you?!" Lyna's spirit asked angrily. Then she wondered what had happened to her. Why and how she became a spirit. Lyna began to Force bond Cade worryingly.


"Cade... please hurry!"

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"Kraaash . . . fuuuurreeeeeeeth kortaaooor. . . ."


Every letter, every syllable, every sound . . . it was agony to hear, impossible to speak. But he spoke it as if he knew every syllable a thousand times unto itself. Each causing a unique experience of pain, a small drop of power . . . it was like pricking yourself with a needle and feeling the blood gush out.


That was a way to describe him. A needle whom spilt blood to drown himself in it, for that was his only goal. The illusion of Nihilus was every bit himself as he was. He could drain her, even though he did not exist. Simply because . . . she believed he did. Her emotions fueled this illusions existance. As the Cathar had Nihilus himself.


The spectral figure approached her, seemingly invulnerable. One did not have to strike him to note such. The reason he seemed so powerful . . . was because in this dreamscape, he was that powerful . . .


A sphere erupted from the air, encircling Nihilus fiercly. It expanded swiftly, all the while spinning violently. A spectrum of wild colors, before never seen, some seen but forgotten. Whilst Lyna was at the very center of this illusion, her companions could see nawt. For Nihilus denied them to look upon his work, his illusion. So completely wrapped up was Nihilus in his work that he neglected them. Even if they attempted to interfere, they would merely hand themselves to Nihilus.


To venture uninvited into such a domain would render one at the mercy of the creator. If they in the slightest attempted to interfere, Nihilus would consume them. All they had to do was make the slightest mistake, one wrong move. Nihilus maintained his defiant stance, poising himself to make sure all his casting were directed with the highest possible potency.


Nihilus discovered a new ability during this confrontation. Due to the fact that Lyna's mind was ensnared in the dreamscape he was able to directly take a spiritual presence on Korriban. Not one that could intervene, but one that could feed. Simply her being there would give him power. He looked to the Sith, whom seemed to be weakening. Nihilus was unintentionally feasting upon the Sith named Karayan. He attempted to withdraw his efforts, cautious not to inform the Sith of his work. The added power would be good, yes. But once the illusions were discovered they would sense his direct presence within the Sith. If his plan to frame Krayt was to work that COULD NOT happen.


He withdrew from the Sith, cautiously avoiding his detection. One thing was quite amazing about Nihilus. He saw everything so slowly. Every second to a normal creature was a minute to him. This trait would make him able to rip apart planets within a blink. Well, if he ever got that far. Nihilus doubted his chances of success in this era. But he would be reborn, millenia later. If he could not succeed here, he would succeed later.


Meanwhile he focused his attention on Lyna. Since the time where his focus shifted to the Sith only a mili-second had passed. His eyes glew white, allowing him to see as his foe would. Speeding his mind and allowing him to take his opponent on in a duel. He would need that trait to remain secret. It could be useful to him later, he thought. Nihilus would finish his duel, reveal the dreamscape to her and Cade, then withdraw. He swiftly drew upon the memories of Krayt, from the time when he accessed his holocron.


Using his memories he quickly adapted the dreamscape illusion to act like Krayt, to embody him in Nihilus' form. Then, after programming the illusion to leak the dreamscape he withdrew to his own form. He was still in his guise as a Zabrak which would serve as a mask to his identity.


With a flick of his wrist he made one last change to the dreamscape. He erased his subjects minds to his identity, replacing his form with Darth Sidious. So in their memories their tormentor was he, not Nihilus. He noticed his hood had fallen back and quickly drew it up once again. Now that his identity was secure, he would have to erase the databanks at the Temple . . . and the holocrons. Remembering the Cathars experience in the dreamscape he knew what a danger this knowledge could be to his plans.


((Basically your memories have suddenly been altered. The figure you see, saw and such is Sidious, you won't recall every seeing Nihilus, nor will you remember him at all.))


He thought this task more fitting for the Hunter he planned to hire. He stood, overlooking the city of Coruscant as the moon emerged from behind the smallest skyscrapers. His position suddenly froze, unmoving entirely. So he would wait. Now everyone thought the tyrant of the dreamscape to be Sidious . . . so he would wait.


One thing he left out of his calculations. He had revealed his speech to Lyna, she had heard his voice. The tiniest traces of memory skimmed the bottom of memory.


His language, though wracking his foes with terror and pain, could very well be the tool that reveals his identity. . . in the future.

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The spirit of Lyna placed her hands on her head, and knelt down on the floor of the dreamscape. The figure's language was like a stinging insect, pricking and not stopping. This illusion... this choas... was consuming her. She didn't know what to do. But whatever... whoever... this thing was, it was going to be ended. Suddenly, she could feel the cries of Coruscant... her own homeworld.


Lyna bit her lower lip. This monster that clouded her mind... what was it?! When she looked up, she could see the image of Krayt. Her blindfolded eyes looked up at the horrible Sith Lord in Vonduun crab armor and the horned helmet that wanted to marry her and create his own dark legacy a year ago. Lyna shook that memory away as best as she could.


When she looked up again, this time, the young woman saw an image of Sidious. She remembered that it was he who started Anakin, Cade's ancestor, to become Darth Vader. She glared at the image, and stood up, her long, tattered dress flowing with the dreamscape's wind.


She ignited her mother's lightsaber, and stood in defense stance. "You may be dead, Sidious... but you won't--" Something wasn't right though. How could Sidious return to life? And she still wondered how she became a spirit! All the illusion in her mind started to frusturate Lyna. But she breathed, remembering that 'There is no Emotion, There is Peace'.

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"Because of Skywalker. Now come on!" Karayan glanced at TK and Zeb. "You too! The both of you!" He grabbed Lyna's wrist, and dragged her to where his hidden ship was at.


TK bravely took a step forward.


"Hey buddy, I don't think.... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" TK was thrown into the air... but for some unknown reason, he landed on a large pile sand.




TK ran back to the group as fast as he could.


"TK! Zeb! And... I hate to say it... Karayan! Go someplace and hide! I'll handle this thing!"


"Are you...okay?" TK watched as her body dropped. Unsure what to do next, TK picked up her body and ran away from the figure.




"Cade... please hurry!"


Cade looked over to the Hunter.


"If there's anyway I can repay you, just tell me. I need to go to Korriban now, you can come if you want to."


Cade ran away back to his hut where he had his prized possession, the Mynock waiting for him. Cade started the Mynock up and flew over to where Reaper and the Hunter were. Reaper got into the ship as soon as the door's opened. Cade would wait for what the Hunter wanted to do. In the mean time he connected back with Lyna through the force.

"Don't worry Lyna, I've got the Mynock up and running. We'll be there soon."

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