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Star Wars: Battle of the Dark Jedi

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Gerris smiled and screamed as loud as he could.


He hadn't had to do this since...well...a long time ago.


Gerris stepped slowly out of site and dropped a small flash grenade.


The explosion would temporarily blind any witnesses, and would probably collapse the front of the building, but the droid would survive.


Yes, the droid would survive to tell the tale.


And Gerris would return to the hunt.

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Reaper deactivated his blade and walked out of the room. Reaper approached Cade as fast as he could.


"The jedi hunter is no more, we should be safe for the time being."


"What do you mean for the time being Reaper?"


"When we are attacked by another hunter or a cult member."


"Lyna saw you let the hunter get up, why?"


"It would have been dishonorable if I had killed him when he didn't have a chance."


"Remind me to reprogram you about that, did you find out anything?"


"No, he said he would die before he talked so I gave him his request."


"Lyna just went to the roof, we should join her."


Both Reaper and Cade jumped up to the roof to join Lyna and Atrila. Cade walked over to Atrila and Lyna and kneeled down. Cade first off put a hand on her wrist and force healed it.


"I've taken care of you physical pain, but there's something else bothering you."


"She has anger in he Mistress Lyna, I saw her unleash it on the hunter." Reaper said.

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"I've taken care of you physical pain, but there's something else bothering you."


Lyna agreed. But she couldn't put what was bothering Atrila. Was it the fact that the Hunter kept hunting them down? Or... was it something worse? "I don't know what it is either. Maybe--"


"She has anger in he Mistress Lyna, I saw her unleash it on the hunter." Reaper said.


Lyna glanced up at Reaper. Then she looked back at Atrila. She knew all Cathar's were easily aroused, but... what kind of anger held on to Atrila? Lyna bit her lower lip. Then she glanced at Cade. "We better get her someplace safe. We've had enough thrills for one night."

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"We better get her someplace safe. We've had enough thrills for one night."


"I agree and I can think of no safer place than the jedi temple, unless you have another spot I suggest we go there." Cade replied.


Reaper walked over to Atrila.


"Are you in good shape to walk, or should I carry you there?"

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Kandar brushed himself off and gathered his thoughts. What the hell was going on?!


He looked to the small gathering of Jedi and that peculiar Droid . . . "Glad no ones noticed me yet . . .". Kandar always felt awkward when talking with Jedi, he found them . . . mystical. Kandar was a man of practice, spirituality never meant much to him. As he slowly rose to his feet he began to wonder what happened to the Hunter. One thing was for sure, he was still alive. Even if the Jedi didn't note it, the Droid spared him.


Kandar slowly walked to the edge of the building, looked over his shoulder one last time and jumped from the edge. As if practiced a thousand times over, a Corellian Corvette emerged under his feet. The hatch swung open just as Kandar was about to strike it.


As soon as he hit the floor he bent his legs and jumped to his feet almost immediately. He silently walked into the bridge, contemplating the events. As he was busy looking over past events he slid onto a chair in the corner. The Mandalorian gazed at him questioningly then thought better. The HK Droid emerged from a darkened corridor and offered Kandar a mug full of blue liquid.


He accepted and nodded his thanks, sipped from the cup and returned to his thoughts.Then in a blur of motion he was at the Main Database attempting to identify the Male Jedi. He felt . . . something. Kandar remembered his fathers fate at the hands of a . . . "Jedi Hunter sir?". Kandar dropped the mug and swung round, drawing his blaster.


The realization that the HK Unit had simply read his notes returned him to the chair. "Yes . . .". The Droid stared at the image. "Cade Skywalker". Kandar turned in surprise and felt stupid. "Of course! Skywalker!". Kandar rose and went to the control panel. "HK, activate the cloaking device!". The ship blurred out of plain sight. The Astromech Droid went to a small circle elevator and rose to a small tunnel attatched to the ceiling.


The engines roared to life and the Corvette sped into top speeds, instantly pushing the ship into the Upper City within seconds. Kandar strapped in as the Corvette sped into space, the direction? Korriban . . .

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Atrila's eyes widended at the words "Jedi Temple"


I can't go back!


"If you are going back to the temple, then I will not be going with you, the jedi frown upon those who attack other padawans."


Atrila got up and frowned at them.


"I have shamed myself, I used the powers of the Darkside instead of sticking true to the light. If I were to go back to the temple, they would recognize me for what I am."


"If you do chose to go back to the temple, look up the Atrila incident that happend nearly a year ago. It will show you why I can't go back."

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Kandar halted the ship. "HK . . ."


"Yes sir?"


"We're going back"


"Ahh . . . The Cathar . . ."


"They were going to the temple . . . don't ask me why, but I just . . . sense something"


"The probe I deployed has recorded their conversation . . ."


"Play the transmission"


"I have shamed myself, I used the powers of the Darkside instead of sticking true to the light. If I were to go back to the temple, they would recognize me for what I am."


Kandar replayed the recording. "Hmm . . . I do need a new shipmate . . ."


"Plotting a course . . . I've had the probe plant a tracking device on the Cathar . . . more importantly the Hunter"


Kandar's eyes grew wild. "I thought you didn't recieve my transmission . . ."


"Statement: We are coming up on Coruscant"




The HK Droid nodded furiously. "I halted the ship just outside the atmosphere."


"So you can predict a course of logic . . ."


"One of my primary functions sir. A effective Assassin requires such options."


"Your not a Assassin anymore, your a Smuggler, a Renegade, a Outcast."


"True . . . HK Models were outlawed four millenia ago"


"Those laws were abolished upon the Vong invasion . . ."


"Affirmative; I simply stated that they were previously outlawed. The laws were abolished due to the Republic code of conduct. During war-periods were the very existence of the Republic is threatened all Combat Models are decreed legal."


"Not that HK Models were ever produced after the Jedi Civil War . . ."


"Very good sir, shall we continue with our mission?"


"Of course . . . Also, I want you to re-activate your Combat Protocol, somethings happening with this world . . . I want you ready for combat. Hmm . . . where is that Mandalorian? Where is Canderous?"


//Sorry about copying Canderous' name from Kotor, I'm not to good with Mandalorian names.

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Atrila got up and narrowed her eyes at reaper.


"I'm going to be honest with you, I don't trust you. I think that you are a jedi hunter and I think you spared the hunter. You did far too many suspicous things while fighting him. You said someone attacked you while you were fighting the hunter. I didn't sense anything. I think you are lying, and I will prove it by finding the hunter."


Atrila stalked away from the group


The only way I can even come close to redeeming myself is to either catch the droid in a lie, bring back the Hunter if he is alive, or capture one of the cult members.


What option to choose?


Search for the hunter...He and I have a score to settle...

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Gerris ran as fast as he could, leaping along rooftops and making amazing progress as he sped away from the scene. He had had lots of experience in decieving the enemy or target, and he knew the best decision was to run at this point.


He'd find his targets again.


And he qould collect their bounty with extreme prejudice.

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After all that Atrila said and watching her leave, Lyna felt awful. She placed her hand on her forehead and sighed. "This is terrible," she said to Cade, "We came so close to getting something out of that Hunter. He might've known about the Sith cult."


Then she turned to Reaper, almost angry. "You said that I'm your Mistress and Cade's your Master, right? Why did you let that Hunter go? I order you to speak." The young woman glared at the droid, waiting for a response.


She didn't know how Cade felt, but he was probably upset as well. Either way, Reaper was going to talk. And that was final...

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Atrila was studying the area where the hunter had supposidly fallen


That's strange...it looks like the blast started up and then traveled on down...the droid didn't have any grenades that I saw...maybe the Hunter did this


The building above her creaked


It must have been a thermal detonater that did this...the Hunter must have ran out of the blast radious, then threw the grenade to try and mask his trail! The only reason I can think of why he let the droid escape is they must be working together...somehow.


A few beams from the top of the building fell down and the building made strange unhealthy sounds.


I should get out of here, it sounds like the building is about to collapse


Atrila quickly ran out the opposite end and looked down


Atrila felt her way through the force and located something odd: A being was dodging through the buildings nearby...it felt nervous, angry, and filled with thoughts of revenge.


That would be the hunter


Atrila quickly set off in pursuit

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Gerris sprinted faster, but looked over his shoulder.


Right in time to see the Cathar.


He cursed again, wondering how much it would take for the Jedi just to lay off.


He ran faster, nearly doubling his speed, a feat considered super-human.


He leaped and began climbing one of the taller spires in Coruscant's lower city. At the same time as climbing, he left small tracking devices and mines on his way up. Only a fool would follow him now.

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"You said that I'm your Mistress and Cade's your Master, right? Why did you let that Hunter go? I order you to speak."


Reaper realized he was caught, however he had one more idea. Reaper shook his entire body as if something was the matter.



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Atrila saw the hunter turn to look at her and she smiled at him


Now the hunter is the hunted


she watched the hunter drop a small assorment of items.


Mines most likely...maybe some sort of tracking device, Well, I can take care of that!


Atrila gathered the force around her and launched the assorment of items out of her way.


"How does it feel hunter?! How does it feel to be the one who is being chased?"


Atrila gathered the force around her and jumped, landing a few yards behind the hunter


"I'm right behind you...you can either keep running, or you can turn and fight. Either way will result in your death. You are far too annoying to be left alive."


Be careful...that kind of talk can lead to dark thoughts...


I don't care anymore! He has to pay!


Thats the way to think! Use your anger! Kill him! And your friends will be safe from him forever...


Atrila smiled, It made so much sense: If the hunter was dead, then there would no longer be a threat to her friends...but what would her friends think of her if she killed someone in cold blood?


"You made me into what I am hunter, you showed me what I could be! Instead of compassion, you showed me that hatred was the way to go! Instead of mercey, You showed me that being unmerciful to your opponets is far more efficent! Aren't you proud of your creation?!"


They'll understand, your doing it to protect them!


No, that kind of thinking leads to the darkside, the light is always stronger then the dark. It simply takes more time for us to understand it's ways!


We don't have time! He needs to be stopped now! Before he hurts anyone else! I won't have any of their deaths on my conscience if he gets them!


Atrila saw the hunter jump


Atrila gathered the force around her and pushed him down

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Gerris felt glorious as he flew down into the deep trenches of Coruscant. Some would see him as a fool for doing this.


In fact, it marked him as a genius. The little push from the Jedi did the right touch, and now, he was free-falling. But not to his doom.


The very opposite.


He had equipped his armor for such an emergency, and now, his escape was complete.


He free fell out of the Jedi's vision, then, with the blink of an eye, activated his emergency system.


Wind tufts opened next to his legs and arms, and he glided safely to a nearby overhang that happened to be next to a nightclub. He landed hard, and he felt something crack on his collarbone, it was probably broken, but he had no time to pay attention to that. He quickly stood, readjusted his armor, and jumped through an opening in the nightclub, disappearing into the nightlife.



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Ohesiu Dromer was standing in the distance watching the battle unfold in front of him. Smiling slightly to himself he couldn't believe that someone who'd shown little bit of the dark side would believe they'd fallen completely. He was almost certain none of them knew the true meaning of falling completely. Ohesiu didn't consider himself affiliated with the dark side or light side, he was simply just existing, letting his actions define him, and if people believed that he had fallen then so be it.


He watched the Cathar followed the man running threw the streets and decided to follow from a distance. Learning more about these people seemed to be more amusing then sitting in a lonesome cantina listening to people complain about they're day to day business.


Ohesiu say the Cathar use the force to push the man down, and he shook his head and he started to walk calmly up behind the Cather. He stood they're in silence not saying a word, wondering if the Cathar would sense his presence or not. He left his hood up, his head tilted down, his cloak covered his body. All you could see is some strands of his white hair coming lose from the hoods grasp upon his scalp.

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Atrila growled in anger


He had gotten away again! He was far too skilled to be killed simply by being thrown off a building...


Know this Hunter...there will be a reckoning between us...and it will happen soon.


And then Atrila turned her attention to the man moving up behind her


Atrila had felt the man much earlier but he hadn't seemed dangerous at the time


but now...now was a different story


He was either simply watching her, or he was planning to stab her in the back


Atrila kept her back turned to the man


"May I assist you with something?"


Please don't be a member of the sith cult...

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Ohesiu didn't make any movement towards the Cathar. He stood there watching her in silence for moments. He could tell that she still held onto the teachings of the Jedi. He also knew Cathars were quick with they're anger and frustrations, which made them more susceptible to the dark side of the force. Ohesiu could tell how ever that this particular Cathar was not completely lost, not yet anyways.


Ohesiu turned his back to the Cathar, and simply turned his head towards her and simply said "return to your companions."


He slowly started to walk away from her, leaving her with three choices, to continue her per suite of the man which would lead her down a path he knew she didn't want to fully follow, to return to her friends and remember what she stood for by staying with the order, or to follow him and learn something knew. Which ever her choice would be, he knew it would be by her own choosing, not by the destiny of the force.

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"How did you know I was with my friends earlier? Are you following me?"


Ohesiu stopped, turned his head slightly towards her "I've been watching"


He turned his head back looking towards straight ahead of him, then lifted his head up looking towards the sky above him.


"Your not lost, don't believe you are. Just keep the courage to stand for what you hold true" saying that Ohesiu turned his gaze back towards in front of him. He sighed slightly knowing what its like to lose the path you held onto so tightly, that was also so fragile, so brittle at the same time. The slightest doubt, the simplest failure and the path is obliterated.


But his path was shattered by something greater, something more devastating. Something that has been etched upon his mind, heart, and skin. Something that will remain with him forever. He started walking forward again "The Cantina, if there are further questions."


Ohesiu continued his path towards the Cantina, it was mostly empty thanks to the comosion of the Jedi, but he took a seat at a table and waved away any servers that would approach him.


"What she does now, is completely up to her" he said to himself, with a slight grin upon his face.

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"The Cantina, if there are further questions."


Atrila did have questions for this man...many questions.


He seemed so Old, but not age related, he seemed like he had seen too much of the world and was sick of it


Atrila shrugged and carefully followed the man to the cantina


I simply hope the hunter won't be in wait when I arrive

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Ohesiu saw the Cathar enter the cantina and pointed to the chair across from him. While he waited for her to take a seat, he gently placed his hand upon the table feeling the cold steel beneath his fingers. He gently glided his fingers over the cold metal, thinking randomly to himself to confuse anyone who might be trying to ease drop. He developed his habit of thinking randomly when he believed he was being followed, now he does it just for pure amusement.


When the Cathar was seated, he leaned back in the chair placing his and on the back of his hood pulling it down. Ohesiu kept his eyes closed and head tilted down, and he pulled the hood down he revealed his pure white hair and scarred face to his guest. Slowly he opened his eyes, and lifted his head to look at her, showing her the extent of his features.


Ohesiu slightly enjoyed the idea that people believed he was blind, and hold. When in reality is was still young, just damaged. His face bore scars of burns he suffered from, and he had lost all the color in his eyes and hair from the same accident. But he considered those losses minor compared to what he truly lost. His entire heart.


"Ask" he said to her showing no real emotion, keeping his face a blank slate.

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Kandar landed the Corvette due north of the battlesite. Leaning back he drew out some files and looked over them again. The HK Droid approached him. "Master, our next course of action should be simple."


Kandar sat up and turned, sighing. "Yes HK?"


"We should . . ." The Droid turned to the helm, his eyes glowing threatiningly. "I . . ."


". . . Felt it too" Finished Kandar. There was a certain . . . wrongness. Kandar was no Jedi, but he was well aware that he was force sensitive. If he wanted he could've joined the Order, but that seemed flawed. Better to let the force silently guide his efforts. As for the Droid . . . "How did you-??"


The Droid let out what could be resembling a sigh, with a certain look of agitation around him. "I'm not sure . . ."


Kandar could only nod, still deep in thought. He slowly approached the helm and dropped onto a chair, only for a moment looking up. "Shes at the--"


"Cantina" The Droid and Kandar seemed to have been able to track the same sort of frequency, if not by the same means. Kandar felt her as a rift in the force, HK detected her as a force-user. But HK seemed to whatever extent able to become a combination of Jedi and Droid. Strange . . . but efficient.


"I'm . . ."


"Indeed HK, it seems that the force drew us here, not simply the idea of a shipmate. That would be--"




"Yes, the force is starting to affect me again. I don't want to heed its call HK . . . I don't want to wield it."


"Sir, I think we should return to Atzerri, things there are much more a thing of matter rather than the mind."


"Yes . . . but both of us were drawn here. We'd simply enter the orbit to return . . ."


"Then perhaps we should fulfill--"


The Mandalorian entered the room.


"Hey Canderous, I need your advice on something."


Canderous simply nodded and took a seat.


"We've had some . . .--"


"Premenitions . . ." HK Interrupted.


"--And we don't know whether to act upon them or not."


"A Droid with premenitions? What the hell is this? A Yuuzhan Vong ship? With bio-Droids? Damn, I don't know why I joined this little trek in the first place. Why do you even need me here? Why shouldn't I simply leave?"


Canderous turned to the viewscreen to see the depths of space. Kandar smirked and replied "The airhatch is always open for ya, enjoy the cold depths of space my friend."


"Damnit! Thats it Kandar, I renounce my comission, this is NOT what I signed up for!"


"So, a Mandalorian is too scared to go through with tha job? I'll be spreadin' that around."


"SCARED?! I'll rip out your spine you damned little smuggler!" Canderous drew out a Repeating Blaster.


Kandar grinned. "Okay, before you go I got'a lille wager."


"Name it, rat."


"Beat me in single combat and I'll give you my ship . . . If I win I get all your credits and your speeder bike."


Canderous fell for it. "Fine!" Kandar chucked him a vibro blade then drew his blaster.


"Mandalorians are so stupid . . ." Kandar unleashed a volley of stun blasts at the Mandalorian and held his head over a small container full of ionized liquid. "I win."


Kandar then chucked the Mandalorian to the floor, force pushed him into a escape pod and then used the force to manipulate the launch mechanism.


"Master . . ."


Kandar just realized what had happened. . . he'd used the force.

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"First of all, what is your name."


He responded with no hesitation, his voice cold as ice "Ohesiu Dromer"


"Second of all...why do you seem so old?"


Ohesiu felt his heart grow heavy, but his expression remained emotionless. He only seemed old, but in reality he most likely wasn't much older then the Cathar sitting across from him. He knew how to answer it, he could answer it as simply as possible and that was...


"Some missions don't go as planed" he said to the Cathar looking her dead in the eyes.


He pushed away any memories that tried to flood his head, at this point they were useless and unnecessary to him. He didn't need to be reminded of things that he could no longer change. What had happened, happened, he is what he is today because of that. He knew that anything that defined Ohesiu Dromer before the accident died that day, and he wasn't coming back.

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