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Star Wars: Battle of the Dark Jedi

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"I don't know why we had to seperate. I mean... your mom did everything she could for you. I just didn't understand why you would be upset at her still... like you're upset with me..."


Cade had lost it at that last part.


"Don't you ever go there Lyna!" Cade said, raising his voice after every word.




Reaper stood down below still feeling a little unsure of leaving his two masters up there. He looked out into the distance to see a Cathar running towards his location. He zoomed in with his eyes and ran a quick scan of her. She was Atrila, one of the jedi he was to protect.


"Welcome back Miss Atrila, I trust you had a pleasant experience. You were running from something, is everything alright?" Reaper asked in a pleasant tone.

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I Hear you my friend...try and follow me, Tell me if you are being followed.

Atrila saw reaper up ahead and reached into her trench coat for her lightsaber, then stopped when she heard the words he spoke.


"Welcome back Miss Atrila, I trust you had a pleasant experience. You were running from something, is everything alright?"


Atrila stared at Reaper.


He seems almost nice...It's kinda scaring me...


"Hello...Reaper, I need to talk to Cadre...it is a matter of utmost emergency."


Atrila force jumped up to where Lyna and Cadre it seemed were shouting at one another.


"Master Skywalker...we have a problem. The cult knows where you are, they're planning to abduct either you or one of us. I overheard them saying that they were waiting for you to drop your guard."


Atrila turned to Lyna


"The Hunter is still alive. Reaper either let him go, Or he somehow managed to escape."


Atrila turned toward the distant speck of her new friend.

"I met a man in one of the cantinas. He seems to be a former Jedi. He bought me time to get away from one of the cult members but I believe the Hunter is after him now. I need to help him.



Atrila force jumped to another building and raced toward Ohesiu, who was still quite far away.

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Gerris stood on a high balcony above the streets of Coruscant. He knew he could spot the targets from this high point, and he had a feeling as to where the Cathar would go.


He had kept a sharp eye on the man who threatened him at the Cantina. Perhaps by pretending to kill the man, then the Cathar would try to save him, and in the end, Gerris would be able to kill both.


Oh, how he would love to do that. The pleasure-filled feeling coursed through Gerris' body, he just loved it right before a big hunt. This one was of no difference.


Suddenly, he spotted the Cathar. She was harder to recognize, yes, but it was pretty obvious when she began leaping tall buildings.


He prepared his wrist launcher and began about finding the man.

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Ohesiu kept leaving building to building, trying to shorten the gap between him and Atrila. He could still sense the hunters presence, he was still watching them. He sensed the attach from the hunter and grinned slightly.


Atrila, listen to me. Don't attempt to save me, let the missals come. When I fall to the streets, leap down to where I am. He'll have no choice but to follow. he said into her mind, hoping she understood what he was planning.


If the hunter wanted to use a sneak approach, Ohesiu had no problem using one of his own. He preferred face to face combat, instead of using treachery, but he made an exception in this case. He twitched his fingers slightly altering the course of the oncoming missals so they would heat around his feet.


As each missal exploded around him, he allowed himself to stagger and roll off the building onto the lower streets. There he laid pretending to have died from the blasts that occurred. In him he hopped Atrila understood his plan.

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Atrila lept down to the body of her new friend.


The Hunter will pay for this...dearly...


Atrila was about to jump up and attack the hunter when she saw Ohesiu wink at her.


Ahhhh...A ploy.


Atrila knelt down next to his hear and whispered to him.


"I believe he knows this trick, he may simply try to finish us off with a long range attack."

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Gerris looked down at the falling man. The missiles had exploded near him, but he knew that the Jedi was not dead.


No targets were dead until Gerris had proof. His proof would either be the Jedi's strange hair or his lightsaber. Gerris thought on which one to take as proof of the kill.


He'd take both.


He then saw the Cathar leap towards the man's supposed 'resting place.'


Gerris was in for a good fight.


The hunter jumped from his high place and activated his gliding wings, spiraling down to finish his contract.


He landed about 6 meters from the pitiful scene. He quickly straightened and took out his cortosis blade and loaded the nueral shock darts into his wrist launcher.


He looked to the Cathar.


"Your story ends here, Cathar, your mane will be the proof of my victory."


Gerris moved forward, blade at the ready.

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Ohesiu figured the hunter knew what had happened all to well. He figured the hunter himself possibly used this trick several times threw his career. But this wasn't his complete plan. Ohesiu wanted to draw out the hunter, bring him in closer, you don't live the life the way he has with out learning ways of surviving.


Be calm, let him come closer. he said in Atrila's mind, I'm sure he'll use some type of neural dampener to confuse us from our force powers. So don't rely on them, just have trust in me.


Ohesiu listened as the hunter drew closer with every step. The vibrations in the ground gave away his position perfectly. Ohesiu listened carefully to the air around him, listening for any slightest noise, or movement that was threatening.

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The comment had no effect on Gerris. He had rendered himself practically invulnerable to such sayings by simple indoctronation, and constant steady flow of experience.


He kept his eyes focused on the Cathar, still marching towards her.


Suddenly, something caught his eye.


The man, who was supposedly dead, his chest had rose for a quick second.


Gerris knew.


He stopped and took out his Rodian poison blade, the one that after stabbing, filled the victim with a poison that literally burned the person from inside.


Ideal for this situation.


He looked down at the man and slashed at him.

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Ohesiu grinned, he pushed himself away with one hand, landed on the other and then upon his feet to dodge the hunters slashes. Quickly he grabbed his lightsaber from his thigh and ignited it. It's brilliant crimson blade illuminated Ohesiu's face, showing the excitement in his eyes. At that moment he saw nothing but the hunter. His eyes stayed fixed, his face remained as always emotionless except for the slight excitement of the moment showing in his eyes.


"Atrila, go to the others now. I'll handle this." He said to her, with out taking his gaze off of the hunter.


"Guess finally we might have some fun after all." he said to the hunter, putting himself in a defensive stance. "Just don't be disappointing."

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"Atrila, go to the others now. I'll handle this."


I can't leave him...the Hunter will kill him! But If I stay, the Hunter will find some way to kill both of us. I should get help


Atrila force jumped up to the top of the two story building and looked at Master Skywalker and Lyna with pleading eyes.


"Ohesiu is fighting the Hunter alone! He needs all of our help!"

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Things weren't going to plan.


At all.


Gerris roared in anger, wielding both b his Rodian poison blade and cortosis blade. He would definately love to kill this ever annoying man, but he was not the target.


Targets first, secondary later.


Gerris did a front flip above the man and landed 3 feet from the Cathar. He moved with lightning fast speed and grabbed her shoulder, pulling her close, and prepared his blade for...not a stab, but a small prick. With the Rodian blade, that's all it would take. And then he could kill the man.


He prepared to use the poison blade.

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Ohesiu saw the hunter chase aver Atrila, and quickly followed. He was slightly amused that the hunter thought he was moving quickly, but compared to the speeds Ohesiu could run at he was moving quite slowly. He saw the hunter grab Atrila and hold a blade to her. It looked like a Rodian Blade, the same blade he started to slash at Ohesiu with.


He stretched out his hand as he lept into the air,and used the force, forcing the blade out of the hunters hand and onto to the streets below. Ohesiu landed behind the hunter.


"I was hoping you wouldn't be a coward. But now that I see you can't even face some one face to face, you must be very afraid." he said in a cold tone "We were in the middle of a fight and you run away."


Ohesiu didn't move closer to the hunter, seeing that he still held Atrila in his grasp. But if he could get him to let her go and chase after him, then perhaps the hunter could be reasoned with.

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"There they are . . ." The corvette glided above the building upon which the confrontation took place. Kandar leapt from the jet black frigate, clad in Sith robes and a mask. Akin perhaps to that once worn by Darth Revan.


He glided down and struck the building with his fist, glowing in a crimson radiance. The building tremored. Holding both fists to his side he spoke in a cold, ancient tongue. Too bad his victims would never understand its meaning . . .


"Arthaaash . . . enthor . . . harmaaash"


His fists were bathed in a blood-red glow, lightning leaping around and around. He intended to slay all the Jedi and the Hunter, if only for sport. Their life energies . . . there force energies.


He had to feed . . . and soon.

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Gerri ignored the Jedi's words.


They were empty, they had nothing in them. To Gerris, words are nothing.


He growled angrily as the Rodian poison blade flew out of his fingers.


He flipped around the Cathar, putting her into a head lock, and using his own weight to pull her back down. He then noticed a strange figure coming towards them.


The figure had seemingly red-glowing arms, and was clad in dark robes.


Gerris didn't like the looks of this.


He yanked harder and brought his knee up into the Cathar's back to further force her back down. He wanted nothing to do with the newcomer.

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Atrila gasped in pain


And then she screamed in fear


That figure...he radiats a sense of...hunger?


Uh-Oh...I think I know what he's up too.


Atrila released a wave of force energy that forced the Hunter to let go of her, she couldn't help but stare at the figure


We need to get out of here now!


Atrila turned to the Hunter


"Listen to me! I know that we have been trying to kill each other but now, You need to listen! You can't feel it, but that thing is radiating a sense of urgency and Hunger. I think It intends to feed on us! You can either kill me and be fed upon, or you can run. Which do you choose?!"


This seems so familiar...I must have read about it somewhere...


Atrila turned to Ohesiu


"We need to run. Now! The hunter is not the biggest threat now. That thing is!"


Atrila grabbed Ohesiu's hand and began to run

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Ohesiu noticed the man with the glowing arms, and dark robes. He's felt a strong presence of the force inside this being, a strong presence but it was chaotic, and uncontrolled. He's heard about this from the ancient holocrons, a force user that feeds upon the energy of living things.


With out thinking Ohesiu stood between the charging man, and Atrila along with the hunter. He prepared himself to fight this creature what ever it was, or at least die trying, which at the moment seemed like the likely case.


In the back of his mind he heard Atrila say "We need to run. Now! The hunter is not the biggest threat now. That thing is!"


Then he felt her hand grab his, pulling him with her. He followed along, not ready for the confrontation that particular being would be. Then it came to him, he looked at Atrila as she dragged him along "What about Skywalker, and his friend?"

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Gerris let go of his target, falling a ways down until he hit the floor. He'd have to wait on this one.


Besides, if this new threat killed his targets, he would have eased the hunt a little.


But Gerris hated easy hunts.


He would fight both.


He stood and began running up a stairway that led to the surface. He quickly wielded his sword and prepped a small flash grenade. He amde it up to the surface and tossed the grenade at the Cathar, and charged this new found terror.

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"Hello...Reaper, I need to talk to Cadre...it is a matter of utmost emergency."


"Sounds like a wonderful idea, the conversation up above could use some drama," Reaper joked in a sarcastic manner.




"Master Skywalker...we have a problem. The cult knows where you are, they're planning to abduct either you or one of us. I overheard them saying that they were waiting for you to drop your guard."


Cade stopped and turned to Atrila. This was possibly the worst timing for these cult members to locate them. They would have to leave the area as soon as possible.



"The Hunter is still alive. Reaper either let him go, Or he somehow managed to escape."


If Reaper had an organic mouth he would have frowned.


I failed to protect my masters...I must not let it happen again.


"Ohesiu is fighting the Hunter alone! He needs all of our help!"


Reaper looked up to Cade an yelled, "Master Skywalker, can I have permission to assist Atrila?"


"Yes, but hurry back!" Cade shouted down to the droid.


Reaper ran after Atrila in order to take down this man known as "The Hunter". He didn't run full force for he was a little lost on where exactly he was going. When he did finally find Atrila she was already running past him.

Its over already?!?!


Instead of turning around, Reaper put darted backwards after Atrila and her friend. He caught up to the Cathar and looked over at her.


"Nice day for a jog isn't it, jokes aside though isn't..." Reaper looked over at a figure with glowing red arms. He then saw an armored man throw a grenade at Atrila. Reaper hoped on a foot and kicked the grenade away. "An armored man is fighting red armed man, should I be concerned?"

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"No...I'm going to let those two fight it out, In the mean time, we need to get out of her immediatly. I think the one with the red arms has the ability to feed off people's life energy. I'm going to warn Lyna and Master Skywalker, watch those two, If either of them makes a hostile move toward us, let us know immediatly."


Atrila ran over to where Lyna and Master Skywalker were standing


"We need to run. Now! That thing with the red arms...I think it can feed off of the life energy of people. We should run now."


Atrila turned back to watch the battle between the Hunter and the new threat

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Ohesiu knelt upon the ground, watching the two fight. The hunter was making a futile attempts to defend himself against the foe. He knew if the hunter didn't retreat soon, he would certainly face his own death, and he knew it wouldn't be pleasant. Even if Ohesiu didn't like the hunter very much, no man should die like he would, no man should have to go threw the torment of having his life's energy ripped from his body and fed upon.


He hoped that Atrila was having luck with her two other companions so they could make a quick get away. Watching the fight made Ohesiu nervous, and edgy, staying to long could bring they're own death.


He sent a message to the hunter threw the force, If you honestly want to survive hunter I believe doing your cowardly trick would work best here. That is if you want to collect your prizes.

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Gerris was finding the fight most difficult. But not beyond victory.


Suddenly, he heard a voice in his head.


If you honestly want to survive, hunter, I believe doing your cowardly trick would work best here. That is if you want to collect your prizes.


Gerris roared and looked towards the Jedi.


"STAY OUT OF MY HEAD! CURSE YOU!" Gerris roared as he swung his blade, effectively removing one of the creature's weapons. Gerris would not leave until the enemy retreated. Then, he'd kill the Jedi, and place the pesky one's head on a spike.


Gerris swore that he would complete this mission.

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((I've got a plan, everyone. Lyna's the one to get captured. Then after this, the Sith cult will head back to Korriban. But Cade, Atrila, or anybody can throw a tracking device on the Sith ship. Just to let you guys know. I've got a cool surprise ahead of us. ;) ))



During the argument, Lyna looked up at Cade with a surprised look. Then she too became angry. "You see? You see?! You never let anyone finish what they have to say! I've been trying to be good to you, but nooooo! All you do is think about yourself! You--!"


Suddenly, Atrila came back. "We need to run. Now! That thing with the red arms...I think it can feed off of the life energy of people. We should run now."


The young woman nodded. Before she Force jumped off the roof, she turned back to Cade. "One last thing I wanna say... is that I'm sorry. Sorry for everything. Guess the saying is true. You never know what you got till it's gone..." And with that, Lyna jumped off the roof. There was much fighting going on. She ignited her lightsaber, and fought incoming Sith cult members she could. So they decided to show up...


Luckily, some of them were not that skilled. But when she was close to a shadow nearby, a hand grabbed her wrist and covered her mouth from behind. It was a male Thisspiasian. "Quiet, girl. Our massster wantss you alive... At leasst one of you..."


Lyna kicked and screamed, but the cult member held on to her tightly. "I've got one of them! Let'ss go!" Thisspiasian shouted to his fellow cult members. The cult members jumped on the cloaked now revealing Sith shuttle, along with Lyna.


The shuttle's door closed, and they were ready to leave.

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"One last thing I wanna say... is that I'm sorry. Sorry for everything. Guess the saying is true. You never know what you got till it's gone..."


Cade had nothing to say after that. He stood there completely dumbfounded. There was one perk to still being on the roof... he could see Lyna from up there. As if pulled through some hole, Lyna vanished from the fight. He looked out to his droid and messaged the droid with the force.


"Reaper, activate code beta"





"Reaper, activate code beta"


Like a small child who had taken way too much sugar, Reaper bounced into action. He turned and followed this mysterious figure. Code beta had been activated, he had to save Lyna no matter the cost. A sith cultist stood in the droid's way. Reaper kept running and snapped the cultist's neck. A large sith shuttle appeared out of nowhere and the figure took Lyna inside. Reaper had to act fast, cutting a hole in and trying to fight would only result in death for all. He could hide under the ship, but he probably wouldn't be able to hold on for that long. He paused and looked down, only to be blinded by a light. Reaper lifted up his left foot and found a liquid under his foot. Reaper looked closer and analyzed it.

Tracking liquid... perfect Reaper though to himself.


With one quick motion Reaper wiped the liquid on the doors and rolled away. He had the liquid now he had to find the tracking device.

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"Rektash . . . eenooor . . ." A surge of crimson energy raced from Kandar, engulfing the building in flames. He walked to the edge and held his hand to the stunned onlookers, unleashing thousands of yellow-red tendrils. He drained them of mind and soul.


But . . . he only grew more hungry. Kandar clutched his head and swore colorfully. Then he felt . . . a presence.


A old spirit . . . from the past. Darth Nihilius had been reborn.

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