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Sam headed into the cave, followed by his team.

He yelled a little, just to try the acoustics out. " Amazing, huh?" Sam asked his team.

Akagi grunted, in a sort of approval. Boy, I have never seen a cave like this! Its maybe a thousand years old! Or something dug in.

As if to answer Takais thought, a noise came from one of the offshoot caves.

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Takeda watched as Karela made ten clones of herself to help protect Gotoa. Takeda walked over to Karela.


"It feels slightly discomforting doesn't it, being separated from the others like that."


Takeda wasn't sure why he felt like this but he felt like something was going to go wrong. He didn't trust this Gotoa at all and still felt the Ogawa were not a threat at all.




The ninja followed the exploring team from down below. He heard the one yell something and then heard a noise. The ninja waited for the group to move out before he followed after them.

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"It feels slightly discomforting doesn't it, being separated from the others like that."




It is here.




It is here.


I thought you needed to sleep for a few days! What are you doing up?!


It is here.


What's here?


It is here.


Okay...I'd be lying if I said that wasn't slighty freaky.


Karela suddenly turned toward the forest as she felt three of her Shadow clones vanish.


"Something just got three of my clones, They didn't even see what hit them."

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Akagi walked slowly away from the group.


He found it rather strange on how Karela could clone herself like that. It was very unnatural in Akagi's opinion, but then again, he saw alot of things that were 'unnatural' in this new land.


Something rustled nearby.




Akagi thought he heard something amongst the trees. He observed very carefully and shut everything out except what he was listening for.


But he could not. He shook his head and kept moving.

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((Commander, your character is supposed to be with Team 1, remember? ;) ))


" Amazing, huh?"


"Meh... nothing that spectacular..." Even with Kaneda kept to a minimum tone, it made an echo through the cave.


"There is no time to waste. We'll lead the way." One of he accompanying Arashi insisted. Leading them through the wide open pathway of the cave, the two members made a halt infront of a wall; marked with strange symbols in a language Kaneda couldnt understand.


"Beyond this wall is the secret entrance to the tomb of Warlord Magato. Prepare yourself..."


"For you may never know what suprises awaits us from within..." the other member said.




Tategami glanced at Karela. "Something just got three of my clones, They didn't even see what hit them."


"I know..." Tategami stated. His sensory updated him based upon Karela's status. He looked at Gatoa. "Gatoa-san, if I could highly recomend, I suggest we accompany you to a different area."


"I'm afraid I cannot allow that." Gatoa announced. "We are authorised to stay in this one area so as to wait for your team to return. And my men."


"At this point, we may not have a choice. The surrounding environment of this area is simply too dangerous for you to engage in a--"


"Our orders are our orders, Sensei Tategami!" Gatoa snapped. "We never abandon a member of our fine organisation. Each member has a purpose which we find useful. If you are assigned to protect me, then do your job right here. You and I both know it wont make a difference."


There was no point in arguing. As Gatoa turned his head, Tategami caught a glimpse of something inside of the Arashi member's ear. A transmitter? Some type of earpiece.


I better keep that in mind... As of now, I have no idea what it is used for.

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"What did I miss?"


Asuka glanced at Akagi and smiled. "Hm? Oh, nothing. Just remembering what my uncle told be about being cautious and whatnot." She then focused on the task at hand. Then she heard Sam.


" Amazing, huh?"


"Yep. Uh-mazing..." the young girl replied. She glanced around the cave as they continued to walk. Then she looked at The two Medical Nin that had formed a six man squad. These people seemed hospitable. Being Protectors of the Shinobi.


Asuka breathed quietly, continuing to follow Sam, along with Akagi.

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Karela winced as she felt the last eight Shadow clones vanish without seeing who hit them.


"There goes the last of my clones, whoever's hitting them is good. They were all taken out without even seeing who got them."


It is here.


Will you stop that?!


Karela watched as the trees began to rustle.


Alright...time to go on the offensive...


Karela put her hands together and placed them on the ground.


"Earth style! Stone fist Jutsu!"


Karela watched as the stoney ground began to shift and cover her hands in a layer of rock.


Alright...lets see how the Ogawa like my newest jutsu.


Karela grinned and launched herself into the trees.

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Akagi gave up the hunt and continued walking along the temple with the rest of the team.


The Arashi were indeed interesting individuals, but Akagi would not trust them. At least, not until they proved themselves.


They were at least kind in their reasoning, such as allowing some of their warriors skilled in the art of healing to accompany the main task group.


But there was something strange about them.


Like they were hiding something.


Of course, Akagi knew he may be wrong, and may just be a paranoid Samurai that some may see him as, but there was always the possibility.


He decided to strike up some conversation.


He looked to Asuka, "So, this may seem very out of place, but how far did your uncle teach you in the way of the Katana?"


He wasn't much for small talk, but he did need to get to know his fellow team-members, and he already knew Sam comparatively well, just not on the best of terms. He forgave that, though, but it was still rather rough.

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Sam looked at the robed men following them. " HEY, Guys! Better give me directions, or we'll go down the wrong tube and end up in a lava pit!" Sam yelled at them.

As if to respond, a rumble came from one of the offshoots.

One of the men grunted, heading down the tunnel.

Another turned to Sam and said "Take the next left."

Boy, theres something here. Something old, Very old. It seems to be radiating power.

Sam closed his eyes and felt about. Yep, definitely something there.

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Asuka continued to walk, thinking about the Arashi people. She thought they may have been hospitable... but she needed to be careful. Great, her crazy uncle was talking to her again. Gotta be careful with this, gotta be careful with that. But as a ninja, she knew it to be true...


"So, this may seem very out of place, but how far did your uncle teach you in the way of the Katana?"


The young girl snapped out of her mind, and glanced up at the side to look at Akagi. "Well... as a little girl, my uncle always wanted to teach me the ways of weapons. My mother disapproved sometimes, but Uncle Chokichi always wanted me to bring myself up in the ways of the ninja."


She smiled. "Yep. That was my crazy uncle for ya. Wanting to teach an 11-year-old girl in the way of the Katana. But... he was a good man as well..."


" HEY, Guys! Better give me directions, or we'll go down the wrong tube and end up in a lava pit!"


"Don't worry, Sam. We'll be at our destination soon. Like my uncle always said: Surroundings are like the path to where you're going." Asuka growled with frustration. "Great! My uncle talking again!"

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Akagi chuckled, "Hmmm...it would seem that your Uncle has made a lasting effect on you..."


A question came to mind, "Why is your Uncle not teaching you now? You are skilled yes, but we all have much to learn."


Akagi hoped he wasn't pressing too far into the matter.


They walked into the tunnel, and Akagi found little to be scared of inside, it was very plain, with nothing to hide. Then why did he feel that somehow it was?


He shook the thought off, quite literally, and sighed.

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"Hmmm...it would seem that your Uncle has made a lasting effect on you..."


Asuka chuckled as well. "You have no idea..."


"Why is your Uncle not teaching you now? You are skilled yes, but we all have much to learn."


The question brought sadness to Asuka's heart. "He... he was murdered... by a Rogue ninja. That's when I stopped being a ninja, because of the fact that I lost my Uncle..."


As they entered the tunnel, she knew that vengeance was never the answer. Plus, it would dishonor her Uncle.

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Akagi instantly regretted answering. Nobody liked to be reminded of a close-one's death.


There wasn't much else to be said on that.


"I'm sorry, I didn't know. If you ever need to talk...."


Akagi didn't really finish his sentence, he didn't know how much good it do if it offended her.

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Karela crept through the branches after the shadowy shapes.


Alright...lets do this!


"Take this!" Karela shouted as she launched a Kunai knife with an exploding tag attached to it directly at the shadowy figure.


And then her mouth dropped in amazement as the the figure vanished in a puff of smoke.


Son of a...A shadow Clone!


Karela could only watch in horror as a large spread of Kunai knives with paper bombs attached were launched at Gatoa from a large group of trees to the left of her.


"Tategami sensai! Gatoa! Look out! Incoming!"


Karela bolted toward the trees to the left as quickly as she could.

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"Takeda sensai! Gatoa! Look out! Incoming!"


Takeda turned his head to see Kunai knives heading towards Gotoa. Though it killed him to do this, Takeda still had to defend him. Takeda flipped over Gotoa and looked at the Kunai. He quickly concentrated and pointed his hands at the ground.


"Icy Blast!" Takeda shouted as ice shot out of his hands.


Takeda quickly moved the ice upwards and to the sides making an ice wall to take the kunai.



The time to attack was now. The ninja had a good feeling. he teleported out of the ground and into the next room. He watched as a girl and a samurai walked by. He looked over at the two hooded figures, they could heal. They had to be taken out first. The ninja jumped to a ledge and took aim with a roped kunai. He let the kunai fly out of his hands and at one of the hooded figures.

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Sam watched in horror as the supposed leader was caught by the throat with a roped kunai. Sam lunged forward, drawing his Katana to cut the rope, Too late, He was already being dragged away.

Boy, use me! NOW!

Sam pulled out Takai, and then he noticed something, the eye etched into the hilt, it was moving.

Time for my surprise!

Takai was shaking, then it downrighted was like an Earthquake. The sword turned upside down and slammed into the ground. Smoke plumed up, and from the emptiness of the smoke, there stood a man.

He was tall, and pale, and a pointed beard was on his chin.

"Hehehe, Boy, here's were I come in handy!" said Takai.

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(Cyborg Ninja's second character roped one of the members. But yeh, Gatoa is outside)


The Two members placed both their hands on the marked wall. Inked symbols began to form from their hands and spread all over the stone. As they muttered something, the stone wall began to move. It formed a passageway that revealed a flight of spiral stone steps.


"Let us proceed... GAH!" one of the members was caught by a kunai attached to a piece of wire. He got dragged away. "Leave me! Get to the temple and deal with the Ogawa! I'll deal with him!"


"But I thought you said you were a medical-ni-"


"Dont argue!" the member barked in a wheezed voice. "Get to the temple right away!"


"C'mon!" the other member begged, as he lead the way down into the dark stairwell...


Kaneda could hardly see in the dark and shadow of the staircase. Eventualy the team came to a halt at the last step. Kaneda could feel something squish beneath his foot. Wet soil. It was so dark and pitch black, Kaneda could hardly make out the outline of any of his team mates.


"Uh, guys where are w---"


"Shhh!" One of the members hushed. Then Kaneda realise that it wasnt quite as dark now that his eyes adjusted. He could see a bluish glow coming from ahead of him. He could see the outline of what appeared to be a form of giagantic vegetation, glowing within the darkness. He wouldnt even call them a vegetation, but more like a gigantic, over-man sized mushrooms and fungai. They illuminated the darkness; an entire jungle of glowing mushrooms.


So they werent lying about the plants afterall... Kaneda thought. As they stepped closer, the vegetation glew brighter. "That must be how the Ogawa detect inruders: if the someone approaches the plants, they glow brighter." Kaneda whispered.

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Karela landed on the branch and took a swing at the figure that was about to launch another Kunai knife with a paper bomb at Gatoa.


Karela watched as the figure and the knife it was holding dissapeared in a puff of smoke.


Where are those kunai coming from?! I can't tell which ones are real and which ones are illusions.


"Tategami-sensai! They're using shadow clones up here! I can't tell what's real and whats not!"


Karela could only watch as an even larger spread of Kunai with paperbombs came flying out of the trees to her right and to her left.


How do they keep avoiding me?!


"Second wave! Incoming!"

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Takai jumped into the shadows, looking for hsi target. Sam had never seen this before, Takai only ever told him how to attack. Screams, shouts, then Takai jumped back out, he had blood on his side, and was holding his arm.

"Gah! Haven't done this in a while!" Takai exclaimed. Then his arm was healed.

"Aah! Thats much better!" He said. "Go, head after Kaneda!"

Sam ran after Kaneda, " Alright, but were going to finish this conversation!"

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Takeda looked around for this mysterious attacker. This figure was moving way too fast for him to see. Takeda set up another ice wall in front of Gatoa. Whoever this attacker was really wanted Gatoa out of the way.




The ninja roped the cloaked man in and stared at him. He wasn't worth the kill. The ninja jumped down after the group. This time he took aim at the samurai. He threw another roped kunai.

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(The demonic illusion Karela was hit with takes some time to kick in, so be patient, It'll kick in next post.)


Alright...this is getting old.


"Shadow Clone jutsu!"


Four clones of Karela appeared in puffs of smoke around her.


"Find em and hit em!"


The clones took off to the right and left just as Karela felt someone land behind her.


"Demonic Illusion: Death Mirage Jutsu."




Karela found her view obstructed as thousands of tiny leaves rose up from seemingly nowhere and surrounded her.


Wait...did I move?! What's going on?!

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Akagi felt something coming his way.


He turned his head quickly, right in time to take a rope hit his armor.


He moved quickly jumping back and drawing his sword, cutting the rope.


Akagi looked around for the attacker, blade at the ready. He thought he saw something in one of the nearby high places, but he could be wrong.


"Asuka, Sam, move farther back, we're under attack by someone...or something...be on the lookout."


He kept moving slowly backwards.

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The ninja got angry when the samurai cut the rope. He was so close to getting him too. His roped kunai wouldn't take him out, he would have to try an attack. The ninja teleported closer to the group. He saw there were 4 others with the samurai. He looked over to the girl and threw a roped kunai at her.


"Come here!" he yelled.

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