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(The deaths are in Karela's head just so there's no confusion about it. The jutsu she was hit with tricks her into thinking her friends have died when they really haven't.)


Karelw watched as the leaves suddenly began to die down.


Alright...what was the point of that particular jutsu?


Karela took a quick glance around and her eyes widened in horror.


Tategami was laying dead on the ground with a roped kunai sticking out through his neck and Takeda was right next to him with burn scars all over his body.




Karela forced herself to look over to her left and saw Gatoa and his men laying pinned against a wall by kunai knives.


This...this couldn't have happend. My view was only obstructed for a few minutes. There's no way they could have been killed.


Karela then looked straight down and saw two shattered headbands laying on the ground.


Karela felt a wave of murderous rage rip through her body and a familiar chakra began to rise up.


Kill them! Kill them! Kill them!


Karela's eyes began to flash with a Blood red light and her body began to shake violently as her skin was covered with a mixture of red and black chakra.


Enemies...enemies all around. Kill them all! Take no prisoners! Make them suffer!


Five tails, each as black as the night sky emerged from her back and she screamed in rage.


Kill them all!


(After Cyborg's post, I'll have her break free of the Genjutsu and go on a bit of a rampage.)

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( Awwww man, Chev didn't mention me:( )

Sam stepped back, Takai pulled out a long Katana, at least 7 or 8 feet long.

" If this doesn't get him, then you'll need more firepower." Takai said eagerly.

Takai ran at the attacking ninja, swinging his sword and yelling real loud. Sam grabbed five kunai from his pack and threw them ahead of Takai, the slashed part way through the rope, enough for it to snap when it reached full length at Auka.

" Take him out Takai!" Sam yelled.

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This only made the ninja angrier. This time he took two roped kunai and threw one at the girl again and one at the boy next to her. He stared at the samurai and the man who talked to his sword. They were quick, but he wanted to see how quick the others were.


"I said, Get Over Here!"




Takeda looked over at Karela. She seemed to be in some kind pain but no one was attacking her. Takeda ran over to Karela.


"Karela are you..." Takeda stopped. He looked as the tails grew out of her back. She began to scream. Takeda jumped back.


"Tategami Sensai, we've got a huge problem."

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(When Karela goes five tails or above, she loses control as you can see. JM, the reason you weren't mentioned was because you were in the caves, she only saw the deaths of the people who were outside the cave with her.)


Karela looked down at the bodies and jumped down next to the bodies of Tategami and Takeda and held them close to her.


Good friends, gone forever...no more.


Karela then jumped over to the shattered headbands that were laying in the ground, the five tailed Karela gently picked up Naruto's headband and felt tears well up in her eyes as she hugged it to her chest.


Naruto...good friend, gone now. gone forever. Taught us many things...made us laugh when we were small, Kept us safe...


Karela arched her head back and let loose with another scream that seemed to make the air itself around her ripple and waver with power.


The bodies around her began to vanish as the genjutsu around her vanished, leaving only a very angry, very confused five tailed Karela in it's wake.


Where are they?! WHERE ARE THEY?!


Karela watched as as some of the shadows in the trees began to move on their own accord.


Enemies in the trees! Make them pay!


Karela growled and launched herself into the trees with an unnatural burst of speed.


Make them pay!


(I'm thinking we should wait for Phantom to post.)

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((You're right, Chevron. After this post, Phantom Knight can post. Sorry I haven't been on though.))


"Asuka, Sam, move farther back, we're under attack by someone...or something...be on the lookout."


Asuka screamed in terror, jumping out of the way from the roped kunai. Then she too cut the rope with her Katana. She glared around herself. Whoever the guy was that was trying to kill them was gonna be dealt with. Big time.


She had to figure out a way to get her fellow team to safety. But whoever the person was that was trying to kill them... they'd have to go through her first.


"I'm not afraid of a good fight," Asuka mumbled angrily.

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((Yeah, sorry for the wait. I've been kept busy from the computer :( ))


Tategami creeped up from behind the intruder and held him by neck and waste. "Release her from the genjustu!" He demanded, whispering in his ear. He watched with horror as Karela's body was engulfed with Chakra. Tails formed and grew behind her. the tailed beast!


He watched as she took off. "Karela!" Tategami bellowed. He looked back at his captive, and whacked him at the back of the head. "Takeda! Keep an eye on him! I'm going after Karela!"


The jonin took off after Karela. I'll have to find a way to stop her from further transforming!




Kaneda felt the rush of the roped kunai brush passed him towards Asuka. "Right! that does it!"


He performed the necasary handseals. "Wind Release! Flying Kunai Attack justu!"

His hands encircled with wind chakra. As he swiped the wind, forming a trail of chakra in the air. Chakra-made kunai blades fired from trail and aimed directly at the attacker.

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Kill Them! Rip them apart!


Karela grabbed at one of the shadowy figures, only to have it disappear in a puff of smoke.


Clone! We hate Clones!


Karela stopped and gave a quick look around, there to the left...there was a pair of wide eyes staring at her, eyes that only got wider when he locked eyes with Karela.


Kill Them!


Karela ran at him with unnatural speed and grabbed him and then she began to repeatedly slam him as hard as she could against a large rock.


Kill you! Kill You!


Karela watched with bloodthirsty satisfaction as the man she was beating spasmed a few times and then eventually stopped moving.


No more...No more...Kill them all!


Karela then took another quick glance around and noticed another Ogawa Shinobi watching with horrified eyes. He locked eyes with her and ran away


Hunt them down! They killed everyone! Make them Pay!


Karela screamed in anger and took off after him, but stopped when she saw a dark shape appear behind her.


More enemies! More! Never leaving us alone!


Karela turned around and ran at the shape.


Tear it's throat out!

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"Takeda! Keep an eye on him! I'm going after Karela!"


Takeda threw the body against the base of the cave and smiled. Takeda walked up and froze the attacker leaving only the head unfrozen. He wouldn't be going anywhere for some time. Unfortunately for Takeda, that brief moment of triumph was crushed by screaming...it was Asuka. His friends were in trouble, he couldn't just sit on the side lines like this. He couldn't leave his post though, Gatoa would be left wide open for attack. A sensation of rage engulfed Takeda. His friends were in danger all because of Gatoa. If only he could do a multi form like Naruto then he could help his friends. Takeda concentrated for a few seconds and watched how Naruto did it. He studied all the movements and handseals. Takeda opened his eyes and tried to do the same thing, nothing.


Come on Takeda, you can do this



the ninja turned to see the kunai headed towards him. The ninja stretched his arms out with the palms facing up.


"Hell Fire"


A large fire rose from the ground and incinerated the incoming kunai. The ninja jumped over the other attacker and landed safely.


"I'm not afraid of a good fight,"


The ninja turned his head and smiled from under his mask.


"You are not Naruto, but you will do nicely for a warmup."


The ninja charged at the girl and jumped up into the air. He brought his leg down in an attempt to hit her on top of the head.



Takeda punched the wall in anger.


Wait, I don't need the mulit form, I have my ice clone technique. If I follow Naruto's movements again but use my ice clone, i should be able to make it move around. Takeda did the movement one more time.


"Ice Clone" Takeda said as a frozen man appeared. Takeda smiled and looked at it. "I want you to watch to keep an eye on this man encased in ice, and that man over there."


With that Takeda ran into the cave after the group. It was dark, but Takeda was able to track the group. He finally entered some type of architecture where the group was. He looked to see Asuka, Sam, Kaneda, and Akagi all fighting some other ninja. The ninja ran at Asuka with brutal rage.


"Ice Ball" Take fired a ball of ice at the ninja freezing him in place. Takeda ran over to Asuka.


"Asuka, are you alright? Did he hurt you at all...I heard you scream" Takeda asked afraid for his friend.


Within seconds of asking,the ice shattered. Tha ninja roared and kicked Takeda into a wall. The ninja turned to Asuka.


"No more games, now Fight!" The ninja said as he threw a punch at her.

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Sam pulled Takai's sword out of the ground. It felt, somehow, lighter. Sam ran at the ninja, Takai following suit. They arrive at the same time and slash downward, meeting not bone and flesh, but air.

Sam looked, he was practically floating in the air.

Ice release: Ice mirrors

Now they were all surrounded by mirrors of ice, with Sam sliping into one.

" Take this!" Sam yelled as he flew out, his speed being unparralelled, and he cut the achilles of the attacker. He went down.

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Karela was just about to reach the offending shadow when she felt a half-dozen sharp points pierce her skin and then an equal number of explosions rip across her back.


Pain! Hurt! Pain!


She attempted to turn around to confront the newest attacker even as the red chakra that she was engulfed by attempted to heal the damage caused by the exploding Kunai.


Make them Pay!


Karela turned and ran at her attacker just as he launched another barrage of Kunai knives with paper bombs attached. She managed to dodge and ran up to the man and rammed her clawed hand through his throat and smiled with bloodthirsty satisfaction as he went limp.


No more...No more left...


Karela arched her head back and screamed in anger and pain.




(Skywalker's character is going to try and talk some sense into her, I'll just wait till then.)

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"Asuka, are you alright? Did he hurt you at all...I heard you scream"


Before the young girl could say her thanks and response to Takeda, the ninja who attacked them kicked her friend to the wall. "Takeda!!" Asuka glanced at the attacker with worried eyes.


"No more games, now Fight!"


Luckily, Asuka backflipped away from the man. When she landed on the ground safely, she glared up at the ninja. "So... you wanna fight, huh?" She put away her Katana, and raised her fists in defense stance. "C'mon. You and me..."


Suddenly, Asuka saw mirrors of ice surround them all. "Wow..."

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The ninja was thrown into the air by one of the mirrors. The ninja landed on his hands and flipped backwards. the ninja snapped the bone back into place on his foot. A strange white blood oozed out his foot as he snapped it back in. The ninja squeezed his fist as it oozed out.


"You fool, Fire Ball!" The ninja shot a fire ball out of his hands.


The ball hit and melted the mirror the ninja was behind. The ninja turned his attention back to the girl. He charged the girl and at the last second dove at the ground. He landed on his hands and shot his feet out at her.

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Sam was shocked, he had not only just cut the attackers Achilles tendon, but then the attacker melted away his Kekkei Genkai.

" Thats it, now this ends!" Sam said. Takai's sword morphed, going from a long Katana to a more saw like blade, but made of solidified chakra. Sam cut his thumb on his sword and then scribed down his summoning jutsu.

Takai leaped forward, his hand forming a Chidori, while a plume of smoke erupted from the spot of the inscription of Sam's summoning jutsu. A black wolf, with blue swirls mingled in its fur, came forward. It followed Takai, bringing its chomps down on the attackers thigh. Takai slashed downward, somehow the sword missed, but the chidori didn't. It connected with the rogue ninjas left side of his chest.

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The ninja felt something bite his thigh after he performed the kick. He turned to see some kind of wolf creature. He managed a smile in the pain. The ninja grabbed the thing by the throat and shoved a roped kunai into it. He swung the thing around and threw it at a wall. More white blood shot out of his thigh. The ninja went down on one knee before standing back up.


"Was that suppose to impress me?"

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Now Sam was seriuosly pissed off, he not only shrugged off getting his achilles cut, but then he killed his wolf and actually was missed by Takai's chidori.

" Akagi, Help, what do I do? This... THING, it just won't die!" Sam inquired to Akagi.

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Kaneda landed on the platform of the nearest, glowing gigantic mushroom. He needed a moment to determine the oponents weakneses.


This guy is tough! Even his level of fire based techniques are able to disintigrate my chakra-formed kunai!


He glared at the rogue ninja. He may be tough, but he's not indestructable!


He formed his hand into the rat-seal. "Kageyose no Jutsu"(Shadow Endgame Technique)


Kaneda's own shadow extended, and transformed into a tentacle-like spawn crawling on the ground. It grabbed the rogue ninja and paralised him. "This ends here! Who the hell are you and what do you want?!" Kaneda demanded, gripping his shadow on the rogue. Kaneda heard a rustling behind him. He gulped.






Tategami followed Karela as far as she went. He watched as she killed her attacker by holding him by the throat. His jaw dropped. More red chakra had engulfed her.


He approached her, and quickly grabbed a caligraphy pen and a parchment. He drew the runic symbol as fast as he could. The Re-Sealing Technique. It wouldnt fully restore the seal on Karela's body, but oughta supress the Tailed-Beast's chakra.


"Karela! I demand you to calm down this instant!" Tategami barked. "If you dont control yourself, then I'll have no choice but to press this seal against your body! Otherwise, i'm doomed to be attacked by you!"

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(Remember, she did see you die in the genjutsu. She's bound to be confused, and a bit frightened.)


"Karela! I demand you to calm down this instant! If you dont control yourself, then I'll have no choice but to press this seal against your body! Otherwise, I'm doomed to be attacked by you!"


Karela looked behind her at the owner of the offending voice and her eyes widended in fear.


No...not real! An Illusion! A trick!


"No...Not real...Illusion, can't be here, dead...trying to fool us!"


Karela shot around Tategami and ran for the relative safety of the cave.


Make it go away! Make it go away! Don't want to remember! Don't want to remember!


Once inside Karela sensed something familiar...something that she had once fought against and it had nearly killed her.


We feel it...It hurt us once...KILL IT!


Karela roared in anger and ran down the tunnel.


Kill it Kill It KILL IT!

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"Akagi, Help, what do I do? This... THING, it just won't die!"


Akagi stepped forward, "We cannot disable our opponent at this point. Use everything you have, chakra, fist, anything. Strike to kill."


He lunged forward at an amazing speed, using a tsuki attack {lunging attack}, the blade plunged deep into the Ninja's shoulder.


He then pulled it out quickly and slashed his blade at the Ninja's arm.

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The ninja looked back over to the girl only to receive a blow to his shoulder. He turned to see the samurai had stabbed him with his sword. his white blood drifted onto the sword. He fell down on one knee again and punched the ground. Before the ninja had time to recover he got another slash to the arm. The ninja was now on both knees. He attempted to stand only to be grabbed again. Strange black tentacles held him in place, his arms and legs went limp. he wouldn't be able to teleport out of this one.


"This ends here! Who the hell are you and what do you want?!"


"I was once called Honzo Hasashi, I am now Specter. I have returned to this world to do battle with a ninja Naruto. He wiped out my entire clan and I must fight him. Only in that can my soul find respite."


Takeda stood up after being hit into a wall. He looked down at the ground to see the ninja had been caught. He was stuck in Kaneda's Shadow Endgame Technique. Takeda heard a noise in the distance and readied for anything that would come out.


Specter heard the same noise that the boy ninja did. Specter laughed as small droplets of blood hit his mask.


"We both know there is another out there ninja. Release me and I will assist you in defeating this other figure or keep hold of me and die doing so, the choice is yours. You must hurry though boy, I sense more are coming."

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Asuka was relieved that Kaneda and the others got this rogue ninja. But one question buzzed around in her head: Why did he want to keep fighting her? Was it something she did to him, probably in the past? Only the future held the answer.


Suddenly, she too heard a noise coming from the distance. She clenched her fists, and glared at where the source of noise came from. Then Asuka heard the rogue ninja speak.


"We both know there is another out there ninja. Release me and I will assist you in defeating this other figure or keep hold of me and die doing so, the choice is yours. You must hurry though boy, I sense more are coming."


The young girl glared at the man. Then she turned to her companions. "Why should we believe him? After all, he did try to kill us!" Asuka looked hard at the man named Honzo Hasashi aka Specter.

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Sam sighed, Finally Spectar went down.

" Dang, that was a hard fight." Sam said. Takai limped back over. He faded, then funneled into the sword.

" No, not now! Not when I needed you!" Sam yelled out angrily.

Boy, My chakra is used up. Use my sword.

Sam put Takai in his sheath, " Fine, hide there. but rest, you'll need it if the next fight we come up on is as hard as this guy!"

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Karela ran down the tunnel on all fours as she followed the scent.


Kill it Kill It Kill It Kill It Kill It


She finally arrived to where the scent ended and took a quick glance around the corner, there it was...it was trapped by black tentacles.


Karela began to vigerously shake her head. Something about those tentacles rang a bell in her head, she just couldn't place it.


Karela walked out in front of the man with the spark of White Chakra within his body and growled angerly at him.


Enemy...Kill It! Make it Pay!

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Akagi saw something move in the darkness ahead in the tunnel.


He moved past the Ninja Specter who called himself 'Honzo Hasashi.'


He then saw it, some sort of thing...engulfed by some red chakra.


Akagi lifted his blade, not knowing if this thing was friend or foe.


"Tell us who you are. Come out!"


He hardened his stance.

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"Why should we believe him? After all, he did try to kill us!"


Takeda put a hand on Asuka's shoulder which was surprisingly warm.


"Asuka relax, I too have had a horrible experience with a rogue ninja. He seems different to me though. He doesn't want money or power, he wants to fight. Besides he is bleeding, even if he did try to attack us, he wouldn't last long and he knows it too."


Specter looked down at the blue ninja. He then turned his head in the other direction.


"I'll prove to you this is not a trick. That red entity thats on its way here is not foe to say. I detected it that same way its detecting me now. She has powerful chakara in her, I do not know her name but she is one of yours."

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(Just so people don't get confused, the Genjutsu did screw up her head pretty bad. And she doesn't have much control over herself when in five tails or above.)


Karela roared down the mouth of the tunnel and charged into the dimly lit room.


Lights...Pretty blue lights.


Her gaze turned to a man encased in armor, Holding a large sword.


Familar...We know this one...this one is dead. Kill him. Illusion. Not real.


Karela roared in anger and grabbed the samuri by the throat with one of her clawed hands and began to squeeze.


And then Karela's gaze fell on Asuka, and she did a slight double take as she noticed a small cut on Asuka's leg.


Wait...not illusion. This one...familiar...Why Bleed? Illusions can't bleed. But only Karela is left. Somethings...wrong.

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