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"Asuka relax, I too have had a horrible experience with a rogue ninja. He seems different to me though. He doesn't want money or power, he wants to fight. Besides he is bleeding, even if he did try to attack us, he wouldn't last long and he knows it too."


Asuka nodded calmly. "You're... you're right, Takeda. I'm sorry." She looked up at Specter. "But I'll keep my eyes on him."


Suddenly, a figure pounced on Akagi and attempted to kill him. It was Karela! She was in her chakra, and had five tails extended from her back. "Oh no..." The young girl stepped up and shouted, "Stop, Karela!!! Don't do this!"

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"Stop, Karela! Don't do this!"


Karela gave a quick glance at Asuka and again noticed the small cut on her leg.


Trick...not real?


Karela dropped Akagi in a heap on the floor and then picked up Asuka off the ground, lifted her about a foot in the air with both hands and gave the cut a sniff.


Blood...is real? Illusions can't bleed...real? Karela isn't the only one left?


Karela set her down gently and then heard a distant shout from deep in the tunnel that made her ears perk up.


Footsteps...familiar...Enemy! We recognize them! They made us hurt! KILL THEM!


Karela howled in anger and ran down the tunnel toward the approching Ogawa Shinobi.



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Akagi was completely surprised as Karela grabbed at his neck.


He struggled for breath as her hands tightened, but suddenly she let go as Asuka stopped her.


He fell in a heap gasping for breath, but quickly got back on his feet and turned as Karela ran off to another destination.


He bowed his head to Asuka, a silent thank you, and then ran after Karela. She was obviously not in her right mind at the moment, she needed their help.

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(Phantom...Now would be a good time to hit her with the seal, I can't think of another way to calm her down at the moment.)


Karela growled deep in her throat as she ran toward the approching Ogawa Shinobi.


Kill Them! Make Them Pay! Pay...


Karela got down on all fours and ran toward the shinobi with her clawed hands extended and ready to tear into the Ogawa shinobi.


Make them Suffer!


She however, did not detect the familiar presence of Tategami behind her.

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Tategami appeared right behind the beast-driven Karela, where she was attacking nothing but air. He wrapped his big arm around her, and smacked the seal onto back. The rune appeared to be doing its job, as some of the red-Chakra began to diminish.


"Easy now, Karela-chan. I have applied the seal to your body!" Tategami said calmly. He let her go.


Kaneda glared at the rogue ninja. "Alrite, fine! I'll let you go!" He deactivated the justu and set him free. "Why were you attacking us?"

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Pain! Our power is...leaving us...


Karela howled in rage and twirled around in a half-circle and grabbed Tategami by the neck and lifted him off the ground.


"Hurt us...Stop hurting us!"




Karela began to squeeze his neck as hard as she could, even as she felt the beast's power and influence begin to fade.


Kill him? No...Tategami...friend.


Karela moaned softly in pain as her teeth began to take their rightful shape, the claws in her hands began to retract into her body, and the chakra covering her began to seep back into her skin.


Karela looked up in confusion.


Why am I strangeling Tategami-sensai? How am I able to hold him up is an even better question.


As if to answer that question, Karela dropped the Jonin to the ground as the last of her bijuu chakra reserves vanished back inside her.


"What the hell happend to me? And why was I trying to strangel Tategami-sensai just now?"


Wait...It's starting to come back! There were leaves and moving and...everyone died...It must have been some sort of Genjutsu. Wait...oh no...What have I done?!


Karela took a long look at Asuka as another memory appeared in her head.


She...saved me. She managed to keep me from killing Akagi...From doing something I would have regreted for the rest of my life...


Karela walked over to Asuka and hugged her as hard as she could. Karela then whispered so that only Asuka could hear her next words.


"Thank you...you kept me from doing something I would have most likely regreted for the rest of my life...Thank you..."

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After all that had happened, after her second encounter with a persn with chakra, Asuka bit her lower lip. When Karela's beast began to fade away, the young woman came to her, and hugged Asuka.


"Thank you...you kept me from doing something I would have most likely regreted for the rest of my life...Thank you..."


Asuka glanced up at Karela sadly. "You're... you're welcome, Karela. It's just that..." She gulped, thinking it was the right time to tell someone. "It's just that when I was a little younger, I encountered a rogue ninja who had a beast sealed in him. He wanted me to give away my Katana, the very thing my Uncle gave me.


I refused. Then he turned into a Bijuu. I couldn't defeat him. So I ran for my life..."


Tears formed in her eyes as she closed them. "I was afraid you were gonna kill me when you picked me up like that. And I was afraid of being beside you all through this journey. Every move you made, I... I would walk away." Asuka looked up at Karela again. "I'm so sorry... I'm a coward..."

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"I'm a coward..."


She thinks shes a coward?! What's wrong with this girl?!


"Asuka...I think you couldn't be more wrong."


I can't believe that girl is afraid of me! Of course...she did fight a bijuu, and she did have to run away.


"A coward...wouldn't have shouted at me to stop while I was in my five tailed form. A coward...wouldn't have stopped me from kiling Akagi."


Karela looked up at Tategami and smiled at him.


"I think you and Tategami...are the bravest people I've ever met."


Karela suddenly felt her knees buckel beneath her as a sharp pain ran through her body.


Wha-Aw crap...The damage from the exploding Kunai wasn't completley healed...That's really not good.


"I can't help but think we're forgetting something...something related to the missio-wait. If we're all here, then who's watching Gatoa and his men?"

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"Why were you attacking us?"


"We'll talk later, we have these other ninjas to worry about now."


Specter was weak but he could still fight. He took another roped kunai, it was his last one. He hurled it at an Ogawa and it hit the Ogawa ninja in the chest. Specter pulled on the rope and sent the Ogawa towards him. His hands turned green as he grabbed the head of the Ogawa. He began to drain the life and soul out of him until the ninja's eyes were in the back of his head. Specter felt the power flowing through his body once more.


Takeda was glad to see that Karela was back to her old self again. He wasn't sure how it happened in the first place but that didn't matter now.

"I can't help but think we're forgetting something...something related to the missio-wait. If we're all here, then who's watching Gatoa and his men?"


Takeda had forgotten about Gatoa and his men. He was so worried about helping the others that he had forgotten about his duties. He turned to Tategami


"That was suppose to be my responsibility. I abandoned my post to assist my friends in here when I heard screaming. I allowed personal feelings to get in the way of my mission and for that I failed. You were busy assisting Karela Master Tategami and gave me and order which I disobeyed. If he is dead I will take full responsibility for it and let the Hokage deal with me however that does not excuse myself from disobeying you. I will take whatever punishment you deliver."


Takeda got down on his knees and put one fist on the ground as well. He looked down at the ground and awaited a punishment.

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"I think you and Tategami...are the bravest people I've ever met."


Asuka was glad to hear that she was a brave person, her and Tategami, for saving Karela. The young girl never thought she'd help someone who had a chakra about them. But she did. And she felt like a brave heroine.


"Thank you."


Suddenly, she saw that Karela's knees buckled, and the young girl helped her stay balanced on her feet.


"I can't help but think we're forgetting something...something related to the missio-wait. If we're all here, then who's watching Gatoa and his men?"


Asuka glanced up, and squinted her eyes. "Good point."


Then she looked at Takeda. He said that he was responsible to assist Gatoa and his men. Now he wanted the punishment for not doing his duty. Asuka smiled reassuringly to her friend. "C'mon, Takeda. Maybe if we find them, then you won't have to worry about any punishment. Which I highly doubt that you'll face."

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"Don't worry, We can handle things here. Besides...I'm looking for a bit of payback for that Exploding Kunai barrage I got hit with."


Karela grinned and straightend up despite the immense pain she was in.


Karela threw a a handful of Shuriken and quickly made a series of handsigns.


"Shadow Shuriken Jutsu!"


The shuriken each multiplied by ten and flew toward the Ogawa targets.


Lets see them dodge that!

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"Don't worry, We can handle things here. Besides...I'm looking for a bit of payback for that Exploding Kunai barrage I got hit with."


Takeda nodded as he got back up to his feet. He looked over to Asuka.

"C'mon, Takeda. Maybe if we find them, then you won't have to worry about any punishment. Which I highly doubt that you'll face."


"You're right Asuka, would you like to come with me to check?"


Specter watched as kunia flew past him. He had a feeling it was one of the ninja on "his side". He teleported taking some kunai with him. When the flaming portal opened the kunai shot out in a different direction. Now they were coming in two directions at the Ogawa.

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"You're right Asuka, would you like to come with me to check?"


Asuka nodded once and smiled. "Sure. I'd be happy to. Lead the way." She then glanced at Karela. Her friend made handsigns to make a multiple of ten shurikens to fly at the Ogawa.


The young girl narrowed her eyes, keeping her hand on her Katana. When the time was right, she too would use her jutsu on the Ogawa enemies.

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Karela's mouth dropped in disbelief as one Ogawa shinobi who was running toward them jumped up and landed in front of the shuriken and in simpliest terms, pulled out a Katana and deflected them with the tip of his sword.


How the hell did he do that?!


"Tategami-Sensai...we may have a problem on our hands..."

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"I will take whatever punishment you deliver."


"Now is not a good time to be worrying about that. Now get up!" he said calmly. He was more focused on the Ogawa. He looked towards Takeda and Asuka. "You two be careful and extremely cautious." he urged.


"Tategami-Sensai...we may have a problem on our hands..."


"I couldnt agree more. I strongly suggest we hide into the jungle of glowing fungai, for better evasion."


Kaneda was near the group when Tategami announced his suggestion. It made sense: the jungle of fungai was the only option.


From the corner of his eye, a ninja with white clothing outlining his membership of the Ogawa, leaped towards Kaneda armed with fists. Kaneda grabbed his sword and swung it downwards. He sliced the Ogawa.


"You attacked me head on with a weapon. Peh... Unwi--- What?!?"


He noticed that the dead figure he saw before him wasnt even a real person. It looked human, but simply wasnt. The skin bone white. Had no face. Spawned with fungai.


"... A fungai clone?" Kaneda thought. "Tategami-sensai, our problem has just gone bigger. We've been wasting our energy on clones!"

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"You two be careful and extremely cautious."


"Yes Tategami Sensai and thank you, this way Asuka." Takeda bowed and exited the room.


Take didn't like leaving his friends like that but he didn't want to risk punishment again. He would have to make sure Gatoa was still alive.


"Tategami-Sensai...we may have a problem on our hands..."


Specter watched as an Ogawa deflected the girl known as Karela's attack. He then watched as a fungi clone attacked the boy known as Kaneda.


"Tategami-sensai, our problem has just gone bigger. We've been wasting our energy on clones!"


Specter jumped back to Kaneda.


"Hey kid, if you're willing go for it I just might have a plan."

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"Hey kid, if you're willing go for it I just might have a plan."


Karela gave a quick glance at the weird shinobi. That guy really freaks me out...There's something...wrong with him.


"I have a plan as well. We need exploding tags and someone who knows how to do Fire-Style Jutsus."


Karela jumped back as a fungai clone appeared right in front of her, she hastily pulled out her Kunai and sliced it across the face with no effect.


"Right! That's it!"


Karela made a series of Handsigns and slammed her hands down on the ground.


"Earth Style: Earth Scythe Jutsu!"


A large earth spike shot up from under the ground and nearly sliced the fungai clone in half.


One down...a lot more to go.

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((I'm off Holiday :) I'll try and post more often ))


"I have a plan as well. We need exploding tags and someone who knows how to do Fire-Style Jutsus."


"You rang?" Tategami smirked, as he performed the hand signs. He took a deep breath. "Fire Style: Great Fireball Justu!"


He exhaled a massive ball of fire at the attacking party of fungai clones; most of which have been burned to a crisp. "Conserve your chakra. Try evading these clones." Tategami suggested. "For all we know, these clones are designed to be a distraction to make us weak."


Kaneda glowered at Specter. "I'm Kaneda!" he pointed to himself. "What exactly did you have in mind? Because from what we have been through; we have no reason to trust you."

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"What exactly did you have in mind? Because from what we have been through; we have no reason to trust you."


"That is indeed true but we both share a common goal, and that's not dying to these other ninja. My plan will be able to take out these others. The people creating these clones have to be somewhere near them otherwise they wouldn't be able to throw more at us. If you can use that move you did on me which paralyzed me, I might be able to open a portal and shoot the tentacles out of it." Specter replied as he cut a clone in half with his roped kunai.


Takeda continued his march through the tunnels.


"Its quite dark in these tunnels, darker than I remember."

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Akagi watched the events unfold, and he was greatly surprised the ninja 'Specter' survive and become an ally.


The Samurai knew that he would have to explore on his own, so as not to jeopardize his friends. He moved silently into the shadows in the tunnels, unnoticed, and quickly found a large room,very much like a temple.


He moved quickly and quietly in the shadows, trying his best to investigate what the Ogawa had done.

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If you can use that move you did on me which paralyzed me, I might be able to open a portal and shoot the tentacles out of it.


"I'm impressed with your ability to make portals." Kaneda complimented. "But how will you know where the source of these clones are coming from?"


Kaneda looked behind him to see an Ogawa Fungai clone attack him using Taijustu. Kaneda blocked the punches and sliced the clone in half. The two halfs flew off; their gaping wound growing fungai spawn.


"I perform the Shadow Endgame Technique, but this better damn work!"

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Sam hacked and slashed at the enemies, but they dodged tehm, as easily as Spectre had.

Wonder if theres any correlation.

Sam was using his Katana, and occasionally a kunai.

Boy, using your Rasengan would be nice.

Sam smiled. Ofcourse, it did make sense. Sam put away his katana and pulled teh chakra into his hand. The blue orb then smashed into an Ogawa ninja's face.

Score one for the leaf village

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"Its quite dark in these tunnels, darker than I remember."


Asuka nodded her direction at Takeda's voice. She made sure she stayed close by, in case anything happened. She also wished they bought candles or something to light in the cave.


Suddenly, she believed to see a small light coming ahead. "Takeda," she whispered, "You see that? It might be light."

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Karela took a quick glance around the battlefield.


Lets see here...Sam seems to be doing find. Tategami has everything under control...Kaneda is...wait. Wheres Akagi?!


Karela took another glance around and saw the tip of his sword vanishing around the corner.


Whats he doing?


Karela quietly took off after Akagi, making sure to remain unseen.

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"I perform the Shadow Endgame Technique, but this better damn work!"


Specter gave a slight chuckle and nodded. He stared out into the battle and searched for energy sources. He and his current allies had energy while the clones had none. This made things very easy for Specter and he was soon able to locate the source of the clone making.


"Hell's Portal" Specter yelled as he summoned a portal with his fists on fire.


"Alright I've opened the portal. Aim your technique at mine and I'll be able to redirect it through another portal."




"Takeda," she whispered, "You see that? It might be light."


Takeda looked out at the light which had suddenly come into view.


"Yeah," he whispered back, "Think its the way out or a trap?"

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