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Akagi kept moving in the darkness, but a small sound behind him, caught his attention.


He looked back, and thought he saw someone, but he couldn't really tell. He knew that there was someone there, his instincts were hardly ever wrong.


He continued forward into the room, and found a strange occult-like shrine, something hastily made. Perhaps the Ogawa?

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"Alright I've opened the portal. Aim your technique at mine and I'll be able to redirect it through another portal."


Kaneda clapped his hands together and summoned his chakra. "Kageyose no Justu!" His shadow creeped forward, spawning tentacle-like shapes as it moved into the portal.


As the shadow was transported, Kaneda could feel his chakra shift to a different place. Even though he himself wasnt there, he could feel the musty air. His shadow grabbed hold of someone/something.


"I caught something! Except I dont think its out here in this fungai forrest. I think its... inside of something."


The temple! Kaneda thought.

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Karela kept to the shadows as she tailed Akagi.


Is it possible hes planning to turn against us? Just have to wait and see...but if he is...I'll be ready.


Karela tailed him until he came to a large room with some sort of shrine in the middle of it.


What is that thing? It looks like it was made in a hurry? Did the ogawa make this thing? More importantly...what is it to Akagi?




So you finally woke up?


Don't get smart with me. I only woke up to warn you. There's something around here that feels...strange. Dangerous even.


What sort of 'something'?


If I knew that...I would tell you. And another thing, don't use my chakra like you did earlier. That kind of chakra usage set me back a few days. So I won't be able to grace you with my presence for a few more days.


Joy of joys.


The bijuu within didn't ever bother to answer her before falling off to sleep again.


Karela stealithly walked out of the shadows and walked right past Akagi and stared at the shrine.


"What is it?"

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Akagi smiled. He knew that she was there, he just needed a little confirmation.


He looked back at her and sighed, "I really don't know. But it looks like some sort of shrine. Ogawa? I don't know that. We may need one of the...more-informed others to come take a look at this."


Akagi took a step closer and observed the strange shrine carefully.

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"Yeah," he whispered back, "Think its the way out or a trap?"


Asuka squinted her eyes with focus. "Hmm... I'm not sure. Maybe it could be a way out. Maybe we could also find Gatoa on the outside. Let's go!" And with that, the young girl kept moving toawrds the light, but with caution.


If the Ogawa even showed up, Asuka would be ready. She couldn't just let those ninjas kill her friends without a fight. But the only to defeat the Ogawa was to clear her mind and focus on protecting Takeda and her other friends.

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Karela couldn't help but think that she was forgetting something...something related to Takeda and Asuka...


Lets see here...I took out all the Ogawa shinobi when I was in five tails mode...I'm pretty sure Gatoa and his men are still alive...what am I forgetting?!


And then It hit Karela like a lightning strike.


Awwww...hell. I forgot about the bodies that I left behind when I was in five-tails mode. I should have gotten rid of them when I had the chance!


Karela dismissed the thoughts from her mind and looked back at the shrine.


"I think I should go and get Tategami sensai to take a look at this. He does have more experience then all of us put together."


Karela ran off toward the exit and into the tunnels where the sound of fighting was starting to die down.


I hope we're winning.

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Tategami approached Kaneda and Specter, who had created a portal and used the Shadow Endgame Technique to latch onto the source of the clones.


"Keep the portal open!" Tategami demanded, as he jumped throgh it. There was a few grunts and whacks. After a while, Tategami yelled back through the portal. "Alrite, Kaneda you may let go. Both of you come inside!"


Kaneda dismissed his justu, and walked into the portal. He stepped inside of a chamber made of stone. Fire torches were surrounding the room. In the center of the chamber was a shinobi, wearing a white tunic and a white mask, whom was being held down by Tategami-sensai. "Dont move a muscle!" Tategami barked. "We have you completely surrounded."


"You Konoha-clan shinobi are corruptable!" the Ogawa clan member announced. "You have no idea who/what you are dealing with!"


"I think we do!" Tategami pressed him down against the stone floor. The Ogawa member glared up at Specter and Kaneda.


"You dont understand! You are on the wrong side!"


This caught Kaneda's attention. "What do you mean?"


"We are not an invading army. We are sworn protectors of this temple. Guardians of the very thing that we have kept secret for centuries!"

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"We are not an invading army. We are sworn protectors of this temple. Guardians of the very thing that we have kept secret for centuries!"


Specter looked over at the man with curiosity.


"So if you speak the truth than why did you not reason with us before, why did you attack us."


"Hmm... I'm not sure. Maybe it could be a way out. Maybe we could also find Gatoa on the outside. Let's go!"


Takeda followed after Asuka.


"Hey you're not scared of the dark now are you?"

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After running for a few minutes, Karela caught sight of a...portal of all things.


Now where did that come from? I don't think any of us has the ability to create one of those. Is it some sort of genjutsu?


Karela uneasily stuck her hand in the portal and waved it around for a few seconds, she was relieved to find it still there..


No way am I going through. I have to find Tategami sensai...


"Sensai! Where are you sensai? We found something you might want to take a look at!"

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"So if you speak the truth than why did you not reason with us before, why did you attack us."


"Because we were afraid you would attack, no matter what we told. Thats why we sent the clones to scare you away. But that method has already failed, it seems..."


Kaneda and Tategami saw a hand wave around in the Hell's Portal Specter had created. "Sensai! Where are you sensai? We found something you might want to take a look at!""


"We're inside the portal. Climb through!" Tategami replied. He looked back down at his held captive. "What is it you are hiding here?"


"As you are undoubtly aware of; this is the tomb of the ancient Warlord Magato. Some know only know bits and pieces of information, but you dont know is that he was a jinchuriki"


Kaneda's eyes widened.


"Even though he died, his Bijuu had survived. This tomb was designed to protect the urn of Magato's remains for several centuries, which still contains the legendary Tenth Tailed Beast."


"Do you take us for a fool?" Kaneda growled. "There is no such thing. There can only be nine of tailed beasts within this entire country."


"Or that is what you have been lead to believe..." The Ogawa clan member replied. "But believe what you will. The Arashi have been using you since the very begining. Soon they will harness control over that Urn if you dont let me go!"

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Akagi began to investigate the shrine closer.


It was definately Ogawa, but what were they worshipping?


He noticed an urn, a pot of some sort.


What they worshipped might be in there, but looking would obviously be risky. The Ogawa may have been worshipping something dark, but Akagi still needed to know what was in the Urn.


He crept closer and looked inside.

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Karela, after hearing the last part of the conversation concering a supposed "tenth tailed beast" suddenly felt she had an explantion for her bijuu's odd behavior since they had arrived.


That would explaine the It is here thing that she kept going on about earlier. She must have been trying to warn us or something.


Karela slowly walked through the portal and saw that Tategami and the others had one of the ogawa shinobi tied up.


"Tategami-sensai. We found some sort of shrine in one of the tunnels. Akagi and I think that you should take a look at it."


Karela gave the Ogawa shinobi a thoughtful look.


"You know...I think it's possible he's actually telling the truth about the whole ten-tailed beast thing. Ever since we've arrived here, my Bijuu has been acting strange, she's been muttering in her sleep, saying things like "It is here", and she ever woke up for a few minutes to warn me about something dangerous that she claimed was around here. I think we should believe him."

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Specter listened to Karela's explanation of why the Ogawa were right and nodded his head. He too thought the Ogawa were telling the truth here.


"I have to agree with her. I can detect a large amount energy in this room. If these shinobi are speaking the truth than what about the two ninja you sent to go back to that Gatoa fellow? I could try opening up another portal but I'm not sure if it'll work."

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Gatoa entered the Shrine, eyeing the curious Samurai who was about to look into the urn.


"I wouldnt do that if I were you!" Gatoa spoke. Three Arashi Ninja were following behind. "You of all Samurai know the true meaning of honor. Surely you wont break you moral code by looking into the Urn that hold Lord Magato's remains." He smiled, as he approached further.




Tategami was hesitant, but he let the Ogawa member leave his grasp. The Ogawa member stood up and dusted himself off.


"We have to get to the shrine. Knowing the Arashi, they would have penetrated our defenses and made it to the resting place of the Urn.


Kaneda glanced at Specter. "I could try opening up another portal but I'm not sure if it'll work."


"Do what you can! No sense in leaving them to wonder around aimlessly if the villains are already here!"

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Akagi leaned in closer to the urn. At first, all he could see was the black of the empty bottom. But then suddenly he saw something.


A strange light....a strange figure of sort, of what type Akagi didn't know.


He stuck a hand down and moved to see what this thing was.

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"Alright...just so I'm clear on everything...You guys are actually the good guys, the Ogawa are after some sort of super-powerful tailed beast that could put the nine-tailed demon fox to shame that you were guarding...and I left Akagi alone at the shrine...Wait...I left...Akagi alone at the shrine...with possible hostiles in the tunnels..."


Karela turned around without another word and ran toward the tunnel that would lead to the shrine room.


Aw crap...and now we have to worry about Takeda and Asuka as well...Nothing ever goes according to plan! It never does! Just once, why can't everything just go right?!

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"Hey you're not scared of the dark now are you?"


"Me? Afraid of the dark? Heh heh. That's gotta be the most funniest-- Aaaah!" Suddenly, she stopped, when a sharp object slit her arm. Luckily, it didn't kill her.


Asuka quickly placed her hand on her other arm that started to bleed. "Geez, what the heck was that?!" She leaned on the tunnel's wall, trying to stop the bleeding on her arm.

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Karela ran toward the shrine as quickly as she could. Why did I leave him alone?! If he finds the urn and the Arashi get him...I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.


She reached the room and ran in to find Akagi staring down into an urn...Is that the same urn the Ogawa member warned us about?!


"Akagi! Get away from that thing! Get away from that thing now! It's very dangerous!"

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"Akagi! Get away from that thing! Get away from that thing now! It's very dangerous!"


Gatoa suddenly appeared infront of Akagi, and shot a creepy smile at him. "I'm afaid she's correct, Samurai!"


Kaneda followed Karela into the Shrine, and watched as Gatoa was eying the Urn Akagi was holding in his arms.


"You have no idea what sort of power that Urn contains! And it is ours for the claim!"


The Ogawa was right! We are on the wrong side! Kaneda thought. "You had us fooled since the very begining!" Kaneda clenched his fist in anger. "You were using us for your own benefit!"


"We deeply apoligise." He glanced over at Kaneda. "But we had no other choice. We predicted your reaction if we told you our real purpose was to claim the Urn containing the spirit of the Tenth-Tail Beast. That power is ours to claim, for the benefit of our vision: our vision to reshape the world as we see fit; to create peace!"


Gatoa glared at Akagi. "Now, fine sir. I must request... no! Demand you to hand me that Urn, or there shall be severe consequences!"


The Arashi Ninja surrounded the place.

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"We deeply apologize, but we had no other choice. We predicted your reaction if we told you our real purpose was to claim the Urn containing the spirit of the Tenth-Tail Beast. That power is ours to claim, for the benefit of our vision: our vision to reshape the world as we see fit; to create peace!"


"You know...this guy reminds me of someone Naruto once told me about. His name was Pain or something like that...He tried the same thing your trying to do: He gathered the tailed beasts and tried to use their powers to bring peace to the world by force."


Karela smiled grimly and cracked her neck and then her knuckles.


"I don't remember exactly what happend with that, but I do know one thing: Pain ended up dying, and his dream died with him and his organization. People like you are just like Pain. You use threats of force and death to try and bring some sort of warped version of peace to the world."


Karela grabbed two Kunai knives from her pack and twirled them on her fingers in a circular motion and then she turned to Tategami.


"Should we take them now sensai? Or should we give them an opportunity to leave quietly?"

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( Sorry I havent been here in a while)

Peace, eh? It would be reasonable if It didn't involve the death of millions.

Too bad I used my energy up boy, I have half a mind to split this man to splinters. BUt there is something I can to for you. Take me out.

Sam did as commanded. Takai suddenly was very bright, and hot. Then he was lighter. Sam looked at the sword in his hand. It had changed. It was like a Katana, but with a serated back edge.

There you go, boy. Use my finer form well.

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"You know...this guy reminds me of someone Naruto once told me about. His name was Pain or something like that...He tried the same thing your trying to do: He gathered the tailed beasts and tried to use their powers to bring peace to the world by force."


Gatoa smirked and chuckled. He glanced at Karela. "But this is where Pain and I differ from each other: what is your definition of peace? How would you describe peace?"


Kaneda caught Gatoa performing a hand seal, and heard him mutter "Kageyose no Justu"... Kaneda's eyes widened. "He knows the Shadow Endgame Technique?!"


Gatoa paralised Akagi. As the Samurai was constricted, Gatoa carefully grabbed the Urn from Akagi's hand. Gatoa smiled as he looked at the Urn.


"Our definition of peace: is a world without Humanity!" His grin stared at Kaneda. "Kill them! Dispose of the evidence!" he barked at his henchmen. He unleased Akagi.


"Should we take them now sensai? Or should we give them an opportunity to leave quietly?"


Tategami formed the Tiger Hand seal. "Show them no mercy! Do not let them leave this temple alive!" He jumped into the air outstretched his arms. "Fūton: Kamikaze!" (Wind Release: Hair Wind)


A blast of spining wind emited from his fingers and hit a group of near-by Arashi ninja. Though they were all blasted away, they landed on their feet like cats. "These Arashi shouldnt be underestimated!" Tategami told himself.

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"But this is where Pain and I differ from each other: what is your definition of peace? How would you describe peace? Our definition of peace: is a world without Humanity!"


Tiger Left, Tiger Right, Tiger Cross.


"Shadow Clone Jutsu!"


Nearly ten shadow clones appeared behind Karela, each of them with a grim smile on their faces and Kunai knives in hand.


"Peace is where...We don't have to fight each other anymore. My definition of peace is a world where the only time Shinobi are called to fight is when we have to fight against bandits and rogues and people like you...That is my definition of peace."


One of the shadow clones took off toward the tunnels in an effort to escape the caves and somehow return to the village to warn the hokage and any other people it might encounter along the way.


"Cover her! Don't let The Arashi touch that clone!"

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With one hand Specter opened a portal based one the energy readings he picked up from Asuka and Takeda. He turned to watch as the Arashi surrounded the group. Karela performed the shadow clone technique and one headed out of the tunnels.



"Cover her! Don't let The Arashi touch that clone!"


Specter took advantage of the situation and followed after the clone. Perhaps the clone would lead him to Naruto and then he could get his revenge.


"I'm on it," he added as he threw fire at any Arashi who went for the clone.


Takeda jumped when Asuka screamed. He looked at her arm and took notice of the blood.


"Here let me help." He placed his hand on her arm and gave it a slight chill to numb the pain. "That should help with the pain."


Suddenly a portal opened and Takeda could see Kaneda. He looked through and saw the Arashi... but they were attacking. He had never actually jumped through one before and had no idea what would happen.


"Its Kaneda and the others, they need our help. I'm not sure if we'll go through or not but we can't leave ignore them. I'll go first... just in case it doesn't work."

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...Good. The shadow clone is clear of the tunnels and is heading towards the cave entrance. If we end up dying here...at least Naruto will know who killed us, and What needs to be done with the Arashi.


Something felt...odd to Karela. It was almost as if her Chakra flow was off. It felt like something was...disrupting it somehow.


I can't fight at my full power...with this stupid seal blocking most of my power. It's not just blocking my bijuu power...it's somehow disrupting my normal chakra flow. I guess Tategami-sensai made a mistake.


"Out of the way...Gatoa is mine!"


Karela snarled angerly and pushed herself off the cave wall and launched herself at Gatoa with two handfuls of Kunai knives.


I'm taking you down...even if it means I'm going out with you!"

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